Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thai former PM, FM found to have violated law during listing of Preah Vihear with UNESCO

BANGKOK, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) voted 6:3 to find former prime minister Samak Sundaravej and former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama to have violated Article 157 of the Criminal Code for abuse of authority during the UNESCO-listing process of Preah Vihear temple.

The NACC found the two had violated the law since the then cabinet passed a resolution for Noppadon to sign the Thai-Cambodian communique to support the listing of Preah Vihear as a world heritage site with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), without the Thai parliament approval, Thai News Agency reported.

As Noppadon was the Thai foreign minister in the Samak-led Administration, on July 18 last year, he signed the joint communique with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An for the UNESCO listing of Preah Vihear temple.

The UNESCO, in July 2008, approved Cambodia's bid to list Preah Vihear Temple as the World Heritage Site, since then the temple and its adjacent area have become the sites of border conflict between Cambodia and Thailand.


Anonymous said...

I'm Thai if Abhisit Vejjajiva failed what he promised to Thai people that he will do whatever to reclaim the Khao Prah Vihan temple people will demand his resignation. And now he had realized that Cambodia is legitimate owner he is looking like a fool that he was convincing Thai people elected him. He had thought he can restore what the previous government duty to reclaim. Like we knew it too that even the pass PM said the temple and the 4.6km2 is belong to Cambodia.

Now he is putting his political career at odd.

Thai Tharmasat University student,

Anonymous said...

hey, siem thieves, stop violated the international law. you people can violate your stupid, stone age siem law, but not the international law, ok!

Anonymous said...

Every neighbour needs to respect each other’s boundary in order to keep its own citizen in place or otherwise if war occurs again, it will go into another chaos. We Asian nations need to find solutions for peace in order to protect our future generation from harm and finding ways to protect all individuals as well like; all for one and one for all and that everyone is equally important regardless who they are or where they come from. Asian nation needs to create an international security net to protect everyone who may travel to and from each other’s country. We Asian nation must reach a common ground, goal and common interest for the best of our society e.g. if one nation needs help the rest must come together as one. We also need to use the system like European nations, creating a one currency of "Euro" or maybe we can call our currency as "Asiano or "Asian-mono". Just remember, the power of love, compassion, share, and respect can be conquered. So, I have one request for Thai, back off and respect Khmer’s land, if not, Viet and Chinese will be behind us and I don't want any more bloodshed for any Asian nation, as we already have enough problems as it is. Finally, if anyone is looking for war, may it comes upon themselves.