Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"Tvoeu Sangkream Cheamuoy Neak Na" a Poem in Khmer by Sam Vichea


Anonymous said...

Just wonder, Can Hun Xen sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

Sadech Daychu Hun Sen can sleep at night like you too, if you can't so does he. And this is because ALL of you try to create more problem against Hun Sen and make Cambodia down to hell. Don't you ever say you love 'Khmer'.

(if any of you post long sentence in this post like a book, I won't read it.)


Anonymous said...

All of you against the Cambodian government which is Samdech Daychu Hun Sen, let make it short. If you are trying to destroy Cambodia now, I can assure you that the country will plunge into a civil war. You know what?... and it is going to be a chaos war and it’s ruin your country. And there may not be Cambodia appears on the face of the earth. You all Cambodian people death and the foreigner would take over Cambodia. Hey…lady and gentlemen, you should go to the temple (Wat) start to contribute your mind focus to God is better then sitting around trying to create problem to destroy Cambodia.

(note: if you post long sentence like a book, I won’t read it.)

AngkorianMan Krama Man

Anonymous said...

There will be no war, ah pleu. Ah Hun Sen won't go into the junglr again. And if the happen, the one who loses big ah Hun Sen and you ah pleu.

Anonymous said...

Who destroy Cambodia?

(Is this short enough?)

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack again UN? motherfucker and their children willnot even accepte to live in Hanoi!

Do ne want his family to end up like Sadam Housan?????

Do ma ah kwack!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I sleep well at night because I have no bodyguards. I don't know if 100% of Hun Xen's bodyguards loyal to him. It will need only one bullet to his head.

Anonymous said...

This blind dog grows more mad. Soon his brain will explode. Ah Hun Sen is an atheist-ah tmil-. This atheist never believes in Bon-Bab. Bon-Bab exixts always. The Pol Pot committed more severe evil acts, he serves the consequence of Bab faster. Ah Hun Sen will soon serve the same thing. The consequences of one's evil acts will reflect to him, only it does not reflect as swift as a mirror's reflection.

Anonymous said...

More Indictments
Ah Polpot said:
Not only Sâr Phem,Hun Sen,Chea sim,heng samrin,Sihanouk but Ah Le Yun,Le duchtho,Nguyen Giap and also Comunist Mao.

“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” Our Lord Buddha.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to 2:31 AM

"Our Lord is Buddha" you go to the temple (Wat, kneeling and praying your wish for happiness (SOK) and believe 'Bon' and 'Bab'. How about if you commite this by cursing at people, didn't respect to the people. What would you receive at the end? Anwser me smart ass!

Angkor Krama man

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you get out and do something good for Cambodians. Don’t just sit there like a coward! Nothing good comes out from cursing. Khmer never stop fighting with each other! It is the chronic disease of the Khmer race. Most Khmer are tireless of puttin down each other. Moreover, if you all very skillful in killing & braving like you have been saying, why don’t you all blast out your rages, and hatred to our neighbor (SIEM) that trying to wolf down our lands instead of fighting with your countryman’s.

Anonymous said...

Very good!...I agree with you sir!

Angko Kman

Anonymous said...

The Prime suspects,

The ECCC must put these khmer Rouge killers on trial such as NORODOM SIHANOUK, HENG SAMRIN, CHEA SIM, HUN SEN, HO NAM HONG and KEAT CHHON. We khmer thank you for UN servise.

Anonymous said...

Krama (grawharm) Man is an idiot!

Is this short enough for you?

Anonymous said...

Ne ah kwang mkak Hun Sen euy
Sangkream thom heuy kap samlap
Neak slap mun ke kue ah mab
Sok An trov kap bei boun kang

krob chun khmer euy ngueb krok leung
Dombamg kampleung puthao pkeak
Kap puok kbort cheat khmer chhneas cheak
Khmer trov krok phneak tieng os knea.

Anonymous said...

Alert! Ah Saddam Hunsen taking very seriously. "You messed with the best or you will die the rest".

Oh, it's monsoon season or he might just exaggerating about it, his wife had warned him not go out because lightning has waited for him for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Trov hoeuy trov hoeuy krok chhor loeug!
Rumdoss Srok yoeung-Kanpujea.
Pi kandab dai yuon Pealea.
Kom thleak chea "Indo-chen"!!!!

Anonymous said...

That'a good, ah pleu teang pi:3:16AM ans 3:33AM,
to the former, I mean 3:16 AM: If are not ah chhuot, why do you come to exchange words with the chhuots. Doing so make you look more chhuot than the others.

to the later, I mean ah pleu 3:33AM,
Angkor is the symbol of Cambodia, the whole country; you should stop using Angkor as you title; you do not deserve it. I consider ah Hun Sen as "a blind mad dog". This is short phrase that I always use. And as for you who bark to defend ah Tmil Hun Sen, whom the world know as a second Pol Pot, you are no better a dandruffed dog of the dog.
A lot of folks, who are decent enough to see what ah Hun Sen has done are the evil acts, cuss and curse ah Hun Sen, not only me. Have you ever heard a quote, "Actions speak louder than words."? Ah Hun Sen's acts speak so loud, telling the world that he is also one among those big killers. My words do not hurt or harm Khmer poeple in general nor does it hurt ah Hun Sen, because he knows that all my words fit him well, but if you chose to hurt for him, let be it, ah pleukrubjeat. And if I have sins for cussing ah Hun Sen, my sins, I strongly believe, will be a million times less punishable by King of the Devil than that of ah Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...


All I heard from is " Ah Phleu, Ah Chhkout, Ah Lop, etc..... And you are the only one "Ah Pou Ke".

Anonymous said...


3:16 AM

Yes, we open our eyes and what we can see in cambodia today....grap land, kill, rape, youn do whatever they want...fair enough,3:16AM

Anonymous said...

People please, Don't mind krom ah kanhchass jkourt ah kantoeu Hin Sithan a former Khmer Rouge propon Siam.
It is all they knows how. their stupidest old fart can do nothing but barking with the shit book and poems.
Cambodia had only stupid generation like krom ah kanhchass kantoeu Hin Sithan. Now we won't allow these old shit farts like ah kantoeu Hin Sithan=Sam Vichea, Guechsè, KC, Ly Ngoc Yiep and their stupid clowns destroy khmer country again.
Ah kantoeu Hin Sithan=ah Sam Vichea nov Tacoma, ah Yim Guechsè nov Germany,Ah KC nov Minessota, Ah youn Ly Ngoc Yiep nov Long Beach, ah Ku roub nov Australia, anh skorl kbal ah h'eing tieng oss nung!.

Pi anh:
Ah Hok nov sangkè

Anonymous said...

I don't claim as ah Pouke, but if you are kind enough to give me the title, well, I will gladly accept it. "Never be humble to the haughty; never haughty to the humble." I am old enough to know very well whom I sould respect. You don't need to tell me, ah pleu

Anonymous said...

hey ah pleu 3:16AM, now it's time for ah kwack 2be in jail at prey sor, and then his asshole must be busy w/immates.

Anonymous said...

Hye-Xen vs. Obama: A good Hyena
US AIDS helping Srok KHMER.....

Hye-Xen: Poof, Poof, Poof.
Obama: Come here boy.
Hye-Xen: What is it?
Obama: I want you to help Khmer people with the US AIDS.
Hye-Xen: That's not my job.
Obama: You have too, it's your country.
Hye-Xen: I don't need any of your stupid crap award.
Obama: Oh, come on! My skin is dark as yours.
Hye-Xen: Can we be brother though.
Obama: No, I can't all those dead presidents in the sky are spying me.
Hye-Xen: Oh, really! Am I be able to come to America for behaving good.
Obama: You have to join US AIDS first then I'll allow you any time.
Hye-Xen: I don't want too but I have alot of money.
Obama: Damn! I don't care, this one eye-hyena not listening. (murmur)
Hye-Xen: What do you say?
Obama: Nothing, I'm talking to myself.
Hye-Xen: Stupid American. (murmur)
Obama: Oh, I heard that you said something about me.
Hye-Xen: Nothing! I never have a good relation with American. (murmur)
Obama: That's your choice. You choose it or lose it.

Anonymous said...

that's a good question. think about it, cambodia! wake up and be smarter for a change!

Anonymous said...

It's usual to have different opinions, different ideas, and different political believs... You like king(FUNCINPEC?), you like CPP or you like SR...It's your rights, that's DEMOCRACY. Honestly, I like SR better,and I'm not a member of SR, I swear and I don't need to explain...Now back to the KR trials that's very important for Cambodians and cambodian history.It's really good to hear that the trial will bring more suspests who are responsible for this genocide.I don't care the OLD KING, HUN SEN, HENG SAMRIN, CHEA SIM, CHHEAT CHHUN, HOR long as the court call them. You may don't know what all these guys did during that killing field times. If their hands have bloods they must be brought to justice.We should learn from this country,USA whoever have committed crimes or have criminal records... should not be taking any governmemt jobs.If you are Cambodian and you love your people and your country, you won't disagree with my opinions and there are only democracy, real democracy that can make our Cambodians and our country don't worry about the civil war going to start, no more jungles now,Cambodians are smarter and smarter now, they don't like to kill each other no more, and they won't believe their stupid leader on more...why they have to go to war and kill each other again ? who support them ? China ? Vietnam or Thailand ? so I believe Cambodians living abroad and inside Cambodia who love justice will support this Khmer Rouge trials to bring the real justice for the victims and to stop this kind of genocide happening again, also to give the lesson to our next country leader not to do this such stupid thing again...

Anonymous said...

Dear Krama krohom=thmil
Bon koh tveu chheu koh kub
You sound so stupid ,thick skin face and shamelessly. You told one of commenter do not insult he or she will get sin? Thuy thuy thuy am spitting of your comment again ai kvai,buffalo and ah krobei, look at ah Hun Sen kill Cambodian people since Pol Pot era more later K5,more and more and you do not know how many skeleton that ah Hun Sen hide in it closet? Did you see ah Hun Sen get bab jkout that you are mentioned about? We are helping our brothers sisters and defend them instead that ah Hun Sen deprive their privileged freedom land and lives.Why you do not see our good intend to our homiest,oh you might have your eyes sight very bad ,your hearing trouble and perhaps your syndrome verydown, oh I forget to tell you other think but confidentiality just between you and me you are mental disability(jkout)
Just wanted to help that is all!