Friday, September 04, 2009

While the PM begs at home, the Poor beg overseas

Asking for sympathy: A mother and child seen begging at the SS13 night market in Subang Jaya.
In plain sight: A badly scarred individual seen begging at the Section 17 night market in Petaling Jaya.
High traffic: The beggars choose places where there are a lot of passers-by to maximise their gains.

Beggars choose to take the easy way out

Friday September 4, 2009
The Star Online (Malaysia)

"Lam, who has been trading at the SS13 night market for three years, suspects that the beggars are mostly foreigners from countries like Cambodia and China and are attached to a syndicate that brings them around Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia to beg."

TAKE a walk around the city or any of its suburbs and you are almost guaranteed to run into a beggar. These beggars are usually disabled, old or very young and they sit along the pathways waiting for a handout.

Those who beg tend to frequent places with high traffic like night markets or outside banks or gambling outlets in commercial areas.

A trader at the SS13 night market in Subang Jaya said he had seen various individuals, including handicapped children and adults, old folks and mother-and-child pairs begging at the night market almost every week.

The trader, who identified himself as Lam, believed that the beggars are part of a syndicate as his friend, who is a trader at the Kepong night market, has also seen the same faces.

“Someone will drop them off at the designated night market and they will find their way in before sitting down in the middle of the path to beg.

“I have actually seen the beggars wear old and torn clothing while begging, only to change into something cleaner before boarding a special taxi that comes to take them home,” he said.

Lam, who has been trading at the SS13 night market for three years, suspects that the beggars are mostly foreigners from countries like Cambodia and China and are attached to a syndicate that brings them around Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia to beg.

Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) Licensing Department director Ismail Salim said the council could conduct joint operations with the Social Welfare Department (JKM) in an effort to tackle the beggars.

Noting that there were also beggars in other public places like mosques and food courts, Ismail said that it was public sympathy that encouraged the beggars to continue looking for a handout.

“They will continue coming back as long as people give them money. If they genuinely need aid, they can always contact the JKM,” he said.

Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun echoed similar sentiments by saying the public should stop sympathising with beggars and donating money as it offered them an easy way to earn money.

“What the public needs to do if they spot any beggar is to call the Talian Nur or report to the nearest JKM office. There are more than 100 JKM offices located in each district office in Malaysia,” she said.

Chew said the Talian Nur operators would note the callers’ information and refer them to the relevant authorities and let them know what they should do.

To address the begging syndicate issues, Chew said the JKM conducts scheduled operations once or twice a week at areas with lots of street beggars, as well as joint operations with various agencies like the local councils, Immigration Department, National Registration Department, National Anti-Drugs Agency and hospitals.

“If a child (aged under 18) is found during the operation, then the Child Act 2001 will be used,” she said.

(Section 32 of the act states: Any person who causes or procures any child… allows that child to be on any… place for the purposes of begging, receiving alms, whether or not there is any pretence of… performing or offering anything for sale; or carrying out… illegal activities detrimental to the health and welfare of the child, commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.)

“The JKM protection officer will rescue the child and place him or her in a welfare home within 24 hours,” Chew said.

“A court order will be obtained from the magistrate’s court to place the child in a welfare home for the next 30 days while the officer prepares a report.

“If the child is found to have a family member or relative who can care for them, we will send them back.

“Putting them in a welfare home is the last option as we believe it is best for the children to grow up in a loving family environment.”

If they are to be put in a home, Chew said, the children would be placed in an orphanage or Rumah Tunas Harapan, a home that is run by couples with their own children.

The Ministry provides allowances for the relatives or Rumah Tunas Harapan families to care for the children.

Meanwhile, if adults are found during the operation, they would be rescued under the Destitute Person’s Act 1977.

“They will be placed in a welfare institution within 24 hours and a 30-day court order will obtained while the officers investigate their case,” said Chew.

“If a family member or caregiver cannot be found, they will be placed in a welfare home for three years. Those aged above 60 will go to the Rumah Seri Kenangan old folks’ home, while those under 60 will be placed in Desa Bina Diri workshops to learn soft skills.”

She stressed that welfare organisations and charities cannot use children to solicit donations.

“If an association wants to solicit donations in commercial or residential areas, they will need to get permission from the JKM and a police permit,” she said.

Talian Nur’s number is 15999. For a list of JKM locations and contacts, visit (search under directory).


Anonymous said...

Hi SRP blue guards,

You should stop using roads, bridges, water and electricity that we provide, if you continue to use such strong words.

Anonymous said...

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, Khmer peoples have to beg to survive.

Anonymous said...

To 9:26 AM

If I understand you correctly, it's sounds like the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's members shit and the money come out of their ass.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leader of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

9:26 AM,
Your Cambodian government did nothing for the benefits of the Cambodian people except taking bribes to enrich themselves.
All roads, bridges etc... were not built by your government but by donor countries. Please don't take credits for something you don't deserve.

Visitor said...

Hello Cambodians,

The devils are in the details and they are masters at it. You cannot bitch about the government of Cambodia helping these poor people if you don't try to help them yourself. This is the Cambodian issue, so stop letting the politics in Cambodia turn you Cambodians against each other.

Visitor (Non-Cambodian)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous 9:26 AM

Your Sam Rainsy went for electoral campaign in Ksach Kandal District, Kandal province in June 2008, using the road we built, financed by the Cambodian government. He lied to the local people and never came back to meet his promise.

For your information, all the roads in Phnom Penh were built by the government. Donors built only some national roads only.

Please open your eyes wide open and learn about the outside world, before talking to me in that nasty words.

Anonymous said...

Beggars syndicate?? flip it sounds more like the famous Hong Chhee Kong's Kanak Pak Smaum Tean ney tiss khang Cheurng ?? lol.
seriously how can i criticise if i'm not the one to lift a finger to help??

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

are they Cambodia? how do you know?

Are they look like your family, KI?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia authority should place these beggers in the "CENTER" and provide them proper care...strip off some money from those corrupted Tycoon who kept stolen from the country....

Anonymous said...

disadvantaged, helpless, poor people beg all over the world. so, stop picking just on cambodia, ok! travel the world and see for yourself. it's not unique to cambodia. so, stop politicizing this in cambodia. people are smarter to see for themselves nowadays. this is not the dark ages anymore, you know!

Anonymous said...

we suppose to help people, not make fun of them!

Anonymous said...

They're not losing their livelihood, They're losing their corrupt livelihood.

We made $1.00 a day just eat and die. We don't have any tv, karaoke, liquor, computer, internet, toy, bike, car, moto, laptop, running water and etc.
Our toilet would be digging dirt spot by spot for our poop around our shack. We worked sunrise till sunset and 7 a days a week to feed our whole family.


Anonymous said...

bullshit, beggars are in every country. don't try to make believe that thailand, singapore, vietnam or whatever do not have any beggars! it's like saying they are perfect which is stupid! my point is, stop saying that these beggars are from cambodia! don't be so ignorant, ok! you cry, too! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

stereotyping cambodia is a sign of ignorant, to say the least! everybody needs help, sometimes! help people out, maybe someday you, too, might need help! karma will catch up with you, sooner or later!

Anonymous said...

there are good and bad karma, choose one and choose wisely, but can't have both! god bless cambodia.