Monday, September 14, 2009

Who really benefit from the Cambodian-Chinese friendship: Sihanouk? Pol Pot? Hun Xen? The Cambodian people?

Cambodian-Chinese friendship benefits two peoples: Hun Sen 

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- The friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and China have brought continued benefits to the two peoples, said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The two countries forged diplomatic ties in 1958 under their then leaderships -- His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, he said in a recent written interview with Xinhua.

"Until now, the Cambodian people always consider the relations a valuable legacy of the two leaders," he said, adding that "such good relations have been constantly strengthened by their succeeding leaders and their peoples."

He said the Kingdom of Cambodia have always staunchly adhered to the one-China policy and regard Taiwan and Tibet as inalienable parts of China.

Hun Sen said that over the recent years, there have been frequent exchanges of high-level visits between both countries. "And as for myself, since 2004, I, as a Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, have paid eight visits to China," he said.

"Obviously, such visits have further strengthened the friendship" between the two countries and promoted their economic, trade, culture and tourism cooperation.

He noted that China has provided huge financial assistance in the forms of grants and loans for major infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges and hydro power stations.

From 1992 to June 2009, China's financial aid to Cambodia has totaled some 923 million U.S. dollars, Hun Sen said.

He also extended his congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the birth of New China which falls on Oct. 1.


Anonymous said...

Ways to go Chairman Hun Xen! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Mr. polpot got played by ah china and created fuckin revolutionary khmer rouge group.

Anonymous said...

This hand shake of samdach Hun remembering the handshake in the past of year 60 of Sinuk
with Mao Tse Tong, Premier Chou En Lay, China and the handshake of Sinuk with Phan Van Dong, Viet.
Will not be this friendship going to be another disaster for Khmer nation.
Using Youn & Chinese boy Hun ????

Anonymous said...

អា ហុន​ សែន អា សីហនុ
អាពីរនាក់ហ្នឹងវាដូចតែគ្នាទេ វាបានផលពីចិននឹង
យួន ។នៅមានខ្មែរមួយក្ដាប់តូចនៅតាមលិទ្ធ ក្ដ


Anonymous said...

Friendship between Cambodia and China benefit Vietnam the most.The Chinese used Sihanouk to help the vietnamese,and as a result Vietnam became one.The losers are the CHINESE and the khmer people.After the Vietnam war,the Vietnamese kicked the Chineses out and became an ally with the USSR with whom the Chinese regarded as a deadly enemy on those day.Vietnam invaded Cambodia and installed a puppet regime or CPP.In a way,the friendship between CHINA and Cambodia really benefit HUN SEN .He's still in power for almost 30 years now .The person most disgusting of all time is Sihanouk who was used by the Chinese to help the vietnamese and the khmer rouge and still think that CHINA is the greatest country on earth knowing full well that the Chinese has supported the khmer khmer rouge and khmer rouge had killed his people and his own children and grand children.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that Mao raised two fingers to Ieng Sary. He could have said, "you guys f--- things up."

Kuoy Pichet

William said...

6:42 AM
Well said everything in there.
Thanks for your comments and love to read it

Anonymous said...

I do love to read too, but KI has never posted anything good from other sides. KI is one of the radical extremists.

Anonymous said...

A lot of braggarts. After they watched the show, the stupid guy like 6;42am claimed he knew all the answers.
If you were to lead Cambodia at that time what would you do, dumbass?

Anonymous said...

Khmer Intelligent????

Anonymous said...

Bastard 10:37AM,
At least ,I will not do like what Sihanouk had done that is proclaiming NEUTRALITY and in the meantime allowed communist yuon to stay on your soil and launched the attack against another sovereign state .Why don't you motherfucker just drop dead.Ah pleu.

Anonymous said...

Dumbass samdach Hun Sun think that he
will get Chinese to support his dictatorship, but all Chinese does is
to used his dumbass and dump him like
hot potatoes. Just like his predecessor sihanouk. That's why they both brother stupid no 1 and stupid no 2. Good luck dumbass Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with 6:42 AM 100%.

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief) 

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

There are two kin of people: one is good in complaining and scratchimg his and her azz in front of computer, and two who is trying to work hard to survive and trying to raise children to have a good future inspite of the poverty and the powerful neighbors tried to destroy them. Bad children are not to blame but parents are no matter how hard the parents have tried to do good for their children.

Anonymous said...

Agrre with poster 6;42am or agreed with yourself it makes no difference, It is only the braggarts would have claimed he or she knew the answers after watching the show.

If ask "what would they have done differences if they were to lead while the country was so poor with no army? Furtheremore, the enemy were inside; and they're geopoliticians for about 500 years in Cambodia. These braggarts are not going to be able to give good answers or reasons but they simply are no less than thugs.

Anonymous said...

two kind of.. correct' for 8;13am

Anonymous said...

8:13 and 8:22,
I am not disagreeing with you.
There's is 3 kind of people:
Some people learn fast, some learn slow and the other like Hun Xen, never learn at all.

He never recognize his wrongful action toward his people and nation.