Thursday, October 15, 2009

Appeal court rejected Mu Sochua’s lawsuit against Hun Xen

14 October 2009
By Mom Sophon
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Click here to read the article in Khmer

Recently, the Appeal Court judge upheld the decision handed down by the Phnom Penh municipal court to reject the defamation and curse lawsuit brought up by Mrs. Mu Sochua against PM Hun Xen. The Appeal Court indicated that the Phnom Penh municipal court’s decision was correct and followed the spirit of the law.

The lawsuit stems from a declaration made by Hun Xen in a speech he gave in Kampot in April 2009 in which he said that there is some “Cheung Khlang” (thug) women who ran to hug others, then they accused them of unbuttoning her blouse.

Mrs. Mu Sochua then sued Hun Xen, but the Phnom Penh municipal court rejected her lawsuit claiming that there was no sufficient evidence, but on the contrary, the court allowed Hun Xen’s lawsuit against Mrs. Mu Sochua to proceed, and it ordered Mrs. Mu Sochua to pay a fine and compensation amounting to 16 million riels ($4,000).

Mrs. Mu Sochua reacted to the court decision to reject her lawsuit by saying that there is no justice and no equality in front of the Cambodian law.

Mrs. Mu Sochua reacted by saying: “My lawsuit case is stipulated by the law, but this law does not render justice for me, instead, it only rendered justice for the prime minister, where is justice in front of the law? I regret very much that our tribunal lost its neutrality and independence. This seriously affects not only our nation’s image, but it also dashes the hope of our entire population.”


Anonymous said...

To be an effective gov't, all political leaders must come together as a team, it is very important to have 1) good communication skills-by listening, understanding and reflective response 2) be open minded, willing to accept and learn new skills, e.g it is very significant to increase in population growth, by doing so is to have a pool full of armies so that they can help the gov't to protect the border, nation and country 3)the need to create a common law to protect all for one and one for all and that everyone is "equally important" doesn't matter who they are or where they come from (look at Aust, NZ, USA, Singa, Japan; they all are in the same boat "multicultural" works). At the moment there are 86M+Youn, almost 66M Thai, Chinese roughly about 2Billions, now the one that has the most population is the strongest one of all. Now, our aim is to do the same, if you want to keep the Khmer empire alive, this is what the government should do as well as be focusing on putting new infrastructures to meet the people’s need. In addition, every nation is depending on their good leaders and good leaders would give zero tolerant to corruption. And say if other countries can create a safe heaven for their people, so can we! By doing so is to keep our own nation in place and enjoy like the rest of the world. Aust

Anonymous said...

Hi 2:46,

Totally agree with your comments.

If there is will, there is way. The main issue in Cambodia is that the leaders don't have will and commitment to improve the country. Now, everyone does not care about public interest, but personal interest.

Anonymous said...

Zero tolerant to bullying, power and abuse from anyone who may involves in such acts. Hun Sen can easily eliminate these kind of behaviours, all he needs to do is to sack the old one out and replace the new one whom believes to be the loyal one. The one who overseas the wicked acts and do the right thing for the benifit of the nation as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Do not take advantage and cheat on the small people,if you are the real leader and wanted to stay on the power for ever.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as the "small people" anymore! It mental problem passed down from the royal kings. Those time are finished with.

The law now must respect a two-way street. Us khmer will put those who oppress us to shame. We must rise up, and demand justice and two-way street system. No more of the BS "small people", " elite, high official" nonsense!

These mentality is the reason it holding cambodia back the old centuries. We must learn from history and press on forward.

NO more hun sen khmer rouge government. For they are a sale-out to hanoi. NO MORE. RISE UP KHMER, RISE UP.

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo court of Hun Sen is dictated by Hun Sen. Who said Cambodia is a democratic country?

Anonymous said...

All Asian Nations should become one just like European Nations, having a one currency "Euro" as well as having a common goal and common interest. Let say if one country is getting into trouble then the rest will come together as one and help that nation. All nations need to come together to create a common law to protect everyone equally and that everyone is “equally important” does matter who they are or where they come from. such law may includes; love, compassion, share, respect and collaboration!.If Asian people don't look for ways to unite, we will be wiped out by other nation just like that and it is happening now to some countries right in front of your eyes already. Asian Nations, you all should be smarter by now, too. I give you one question why do European Nations create a common goal and common interest? It is because they don’t want the super power nations like Russia, China or USA one day decided to attack them. You see , their aim is to secure each other from being such attack. If our Asian Nations don't prepare into this position ASAP then who knows we be going back to World War 1 and world war 2 and this means we are (in the 21st century) getting dumber and dumber. We Asian nations must learn from the past mistakes and turn it into a positive learning outcome! Don't try to get outsiders for help on how to build the relationships between Asian Nations because base on human instinct no one nation want other nation to be better off than them in any way, simple as! Otherwise they wouldn’t have this Englo Saxon in the first place. Englo Saxon includes; England, Canada, USA, Aust, NZ, and more, all have common goal and common interest. Asian Nations need to do the same and be smarter by now and to achieve this, first we all need to respect each others' boundary, country and culture I’m far far away from home, I love you all, cheers

Anonymous said...

In a country where laws are made to serve the sole purpose of a group of powerful people, there will be no such a thing called justice for the others.

Anonymous said...

Please raise you hand if you are shock by this court decision.

Anonymous said...

7:28PM go for the world as one not to be with the pimp Vietnamese! Can you see what happening to those Vietnamese hookers??????

Do you want ah Kwack off spring to become hookers!!!?????

Anonymous said...

It doesn't surprise me since she didn't have a valid case of defamation under Art 63 of UNTAC- a law written by European lawyers and given to Cambodia which then passed into law by the National Assembly.
Simply, she didn't have a case and it was thrown out as it should have been pursuant to the law.