Friday, October 09, 2009

Calling senior leaders of the ruling party to court could weaken social safety and political stability: Tith Sothea from the PQRU

Tribunal Summons Six Government Officials

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
08 October 2009

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday questioned the tribunal summonses for six government officials as witnesses, claiming they should instead be treated as plaintiffs.

“Why do they call the plaintiffs to be witnesses?” Hun Sen said at a ceremony in Phnom Penh celebrating the 30th anniversary of the National Bank. “Because those people are known to have toppled Pol Pot, and they are also the ones who approved the laws to try the Khmer Rouge.”

The court’s French investigating judge, Marcel Lemonde, sent summonses to Senate President Chea Sim, National Assembly President Heng Samrin, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Finance Minister Keat Chhon and senators Sim Ka and Ouk Bunchhoeun.

They are being asked to testify in the upcoming case against four jailed leaders of the regime, the second trial of the UN-backed court.

Both investigating judges declined further comment Thursday.

Government adviser Tit Sothea called the summonses “wrong,” saying to call senior leaders of the ruling party to court could weaken social safety and political stability.

“This summon is against people’s will, because we don’t want to do that,” he said.

Long Panhavuth, project officer for the Open Society Justice Initiative, which monitors the tribunal, said Lemonde’s summonses were a positive step for the court.

“This is a good means, by which [Lemonde] informed the public about who knows about the Khmer Rouge,” he said. In his role as investigating judge, “he should summon all people who know about the killing fields of Democratic Kampuchea.”


Anonymous said...

It's Hun Sen idea. Working for Hun Sen have to bark for Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

tith sothea can keep his mouth shut on the KR tribunal matter. These six are not being charged, but they are summoned to be witnesses. No body cares about the so-called "political stability." There is nothing political about the KR tribunal.

Anonymous said...

why not Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Tith Sothea? from hell?

Anonymous said...

Why Hun Xen concerned about all these Leader if they were not the Killer.

I think, the investigating judge Marcel Lemonde called for are the right people.

They killed khmer and ran to Viet to get helped.

Now they are khmer LEADER by killing khmer.

Anonymous said...

What had happened in killingfield are criminal acts against cambodians humanity.Individual arrests, collective arrests and torture and horrible types of killing, even the intentional starvation were inhumane.
Cambodian victims need to know for what happpened to their relatives and to themselve.It is for their peace of mind and in order to put this bad dream behind.
Generosity of international communities have assisted cambodia in many aspects,to heal people and the country.ECCC is, the only hope for cambodians,seeking for justice against that horrible abuses.
Thus ,there should not be any instability arise unless it is provoked by those manipulative suspects.
RGC also agreed to initiation of ECCC, which is believed to assist the court for justice prevailed for long suffering cambodians.
Praise for RGC for those assistances in serving this justice that cambodians need.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Why not hun sen? If get him , will he still open his mouth?

Anonymous said...

Good Mr. Hun Sen, if those are the plaintiffs and the people who approved the law to try the KR then you and your colleagues have nothing to fear. You should be thrilled given this opportunity to speak about the atrocity of the KR and tell the rest of Cambodia how you and your colleagues managed to saved us. So what is the harm here Mr. Hun Sen?

Why are you apprehensive of a guilt that has not been proven? These are international judges not Cambodian law justice, so by way of law none of your colleagues have been judged guilty of implicated in anyway. I understand why you afraid because in Cambodia law if a judge calls you, you already guilty.

maybe it's time for you to reform our legal system in Cambodia now from this lesson.

Anonymous said...

I really don't like those who know nothing but pretend that they know everything. If you have everything to support your thought, come on go to Khmer Rough Tribunal now and present it to them.

Freedom of expression is valuable if you use it rightly and in high moral manner. KI is such a useful and very important forum for variety of expression among Khmer people, inside, outside, pro.Gov., Opposition...etc.

Allegation, provision of misleading or twisted information, unreasonable accusation...etc will only discredit your dignity. You, your group, your party... will lose credibility among KI readers.

KI fan in Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

“This summon is against people’s will, because we don’t want to do that,” said Tit Sithea.

Look up the definition of "summon" Ah Tit.
It's not a given choice! They are being called to appear in court by the issuance of a summons.
We called this Law in America.

I smell a rat......and let the snitching begins. These fuck face will point fingers just to saved the own ass.

Anonymous said...


It is good points you raised, and that would be an honour for Samdach Hun Sen being invited as a credible witness to cambodia's justice.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

"Sous le ciel, il n'y a rien qui soit stable, rien qui ne dure à jamais."our Buddha

"“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.”Our Buddha

Anonymous said...

In reality Mr. Hun Sen is happy with the court summoning these comrades, he cannot display his satisfaction in public but in private he's happy. The ECCC is doing what Hun Sen needs, since Chea Sim, Heng Samrin along with the Sar Kheng faction they are internal opponent and a rival to Hun Sen's faction, so by summoning these people to the ECCC tribunal serves Hun Sen's political interests. He'll be able to sharpen and promote himself to the Khmer people and the public that he's clean from blood and the only strong and credible leader to lead Cambodia. So in a sense the ECCC is helping Hun Sen morale standing and strengthening his grip to power.

Unless the ECCC has something in its sleeve and can pull a rabbit out of a hat.


Anonymous said...

Monk khmer said:

"Sva kress kror gness kham lut kun,luss khoeugn sess lunn teub rut puon,kok sâr kor veng arng uot khluon tha deung chamNuon trey knong Tek"

Ha ha ha Ah killer!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and Sihanouk must be included in a new prosecution list.

Anonymous said...

In Khmer Rouge regime,
1-Kiet Chhon was a personal advisor to Pol Pot. Therefore all Pol Pot activities were adviced by Kiet Chhon. It means that Kiet Chhon had hold all important roles in all Pol Pot decisions the same as Hun Sen decisions were being made by Om Yin Tieng.
2-During Pol Pot regime, Pol Pot has purged all his opponents. Only his closed friends can be promoted at all level. Bung Trabek was one important camp to re-educated all Cambodian intellectuals. In 1977, all Pol Pot opponents were arrested and were sent to Tuol Sleng for torture and for execution. Only Pol Pot closed friend and Pol Pot loyalted friends were being promoted such as Hor Nam Hong. Therefore Hor nam Hong was very closed to Pol Pot to be promoted. This loyalty can only be proved to Pol Pot by expressing his determination to kill their own family members and friends for showing real communists. Hor Nam Hong must have proved very well to Pol Pot to be promoted as Chef of the camp otherwise he won't be promoted. During that time, a promotion to be the chef, would have allowed Hor Nam Hong to guarantee his saferty to be alive, his family to be alive and be fully access to enough foods to eat while others have to starve.
3-Chea Sim and Heng SamRin were local khmer rouge elements. Each of them have killed thousands of people in their areas. None of the khmer rouge leaders were good people at all. They were all killers.
That is why I have to flee from my country of birth after 1979. They are all cold blood killers.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

This ECCC court will not be fair to the plaintifs or defendants if all relevant witnesses not to testify.

Anonymous said...

Ô! God! Why they are complaining to be called as witness. It will be a great great great opportunity for them to tell the truth and the whole truth, good and bad and so bad things Khmer Rouge had done to Khmer people.
So please go ahead and tell the truth and withness against the bad Khmer Rouge and to uplift your good deeds as good khmer rouge.
Anyway no one can escape God judgment. You should fear God instead of ECCC.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey and many people here should have already registered as witnesses at the ECCC. Unfortunately, I doubt their willingness in contribution to these Justice and Finding the Truth processes. If I'm not wrong, most of them dare only spread hearsay or something they only assumed or dreamed of. They don't want to wast their time, money, effort at all and usually they excuse that the ECCC is not dependent, transperant, fair ... enough. In my opinion, their hesitation makes their contribtion equal to almost nothing but to cause misunderstanding, confusion, confrontation among Khmer especially the younger generation like me. Because by going through everyone comment about Khmer rough regime, it only causes me headach with confusion about who is good and who is bad. At certain stage one was good but later on he was painted or proved as bad, and again later on or may be even after I die one would be proved as good again. You older generation should be blammed for all these confusions and misunderstanding.

Kid, KI fan

Anonymous said...

Don't say anything to my government motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

1. If they are those who toppled KR, then they are the right people to be summoned. They had reasons to topple KR, if not so, they would be the traitors who invited foreign troops to invade their own countries.
2. Law is not law. Law does not mean that those who passed the law should be above the law.

Anonymous said...

I want Xihanouk and Hun Xen. You can run but you cannot hide, stupid.


Anonymous said...

Hoping dear below SAMDACHS and EXCELLENCIES being honest and sacrificial for their khmer history and people

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They should also summon Sehanouk!
Sehanouk wants to die anyway, before he die he should tell the truth of what happen. Convict as many people as possible. I bet it will include Hun Sen.

Ah Se-ah-nouk! What are you afraid of; if you considered Khmer people to be your children and grand children.


Anonymous said...

There is no way Pol Pot alone can Kill 2 Million people. He must have lost of help from the additional listed candidate. They should be trail, even if they kill 1 person it still a murdurer and should be prosecuted accordingly. So please i urging the Tribunal to start prosecuting allot quicker.

Removing criminal and potential criminal allow for A STABLE SOCIETY. We have many new telent at younger age who can do ALLOTS better job then the current head CPP official

Anonymous said...

Look at these mother fuckers. They laugh because they had a chance to kill Khmers for ah youn, and they laugh because they know that Khmer Rouge Tribunal supported by the UN cannot do anything to them....

Anonymous said...

correction: headache, blamed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some people are accusing Hor Nam Hong as is a Khmer of Vietnamese decent; but they left out Keat Chhon. Keat Chhon's face is the face of Vietnamese though he is Khmer. He is Khmer of Vietnamese decent who has been faithful to his own ethnic group. His wife met in Paris was a Vietnamese woman; then he claimed "Oh well.. Kupreng..". That's all bullshit.

Anonymous said...

ah Hor 5 Hell was the chief of Boeng Tra Baek prison in Phnom Penh during Khmer Rouge regime.
ah Hor 5 Hong must go the hell in KR trial!

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

Noway nothing to make the country weak,in reality it reverse the physiological in stead,the khmer rouge getting scare the real.

Anonymous said...

correction: No way, instead

Anonymous said...

After 30 years of being in power, AH Hun Sen and his Khmer Rouge gangs forget that they are Khmer Rouge who' s responsible for murders almost two million innocent Khmer peoples.

I cannot believe this.  I have to remind theses murders?
Jesus Christ!

Anonymous said...

i hate the way that mother fucker "chea sim" laugh. All of these mother fuckers had kill many inocense khmers during the khmer rouge era.

Anonymous said...

1:35 PM,
You are so tough online. Why don't you post your comment in foreign Newspaper to see how many Khmers around you at oversea will come by to slap your stupid son of bitch.
A low class like you don't deserve a bullet but a guillotine from Ta areakprey.

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters New Phally and Thes Meas

How come you guys don't have any comment?

I am very dissappointed in you guys for not comment on this issue.

I know that you guys always have something to say.

Oh by the way, can you guys tell your boss (AH Hun Sen) to calm down, because this is just a summone for six top government and legislative officials who's responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples as witnesses against leaders of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.  Tell him to save his panic for an indictment that will be coming soon.

Anonymous said...

You make it sounds so real. This KRT is just a show, and if you think Hun Sen who is in power with all Khmer military junta under his fingers will be indicted, you are fantasing too much.
Who'd dare to arrest Hun Sen? UN?

Anonymous said...

To 6:03

Maybe you don't know history.

Look at:
Adolf Hitler
Saddam Hussein
Slobodan Milošević

These murderers have so much power, many times than Hun Sen.

Do you know what happen to them?
These murderers are dead.

Do you know where they are at now?
These murderers are in hell.

Am I right?