Friday, October 02, 2009

Cambodia is not a Province of Thailand

(Suvaṇṇabhūmi is just the Name of an Airport)

By Eisel Mazard
July, 2009


"Suvaṇṇabhūmi" is not just the name of an airport: it has been an important part of Thai propaganda for over 100 years. Today, the myth of "Suvaṇṇabhūmi" is used to claim that all of Cambodia, Laos and even Vietnam were formerly part of Thailand, but were later "lost" in a series of wars. This article presents a series of facts about the real history of Southeast Asia. The original text was written in simplified English, intended for translation.

Many Thai people alive today heard about "Suvaṇṇabhūmi" from their grandparents, so they assume this is a very old idea. Many Thai people grew up hearing propaganda that their ancient homeland was in Yunnan (a province in China, north of Laos) --but then the message changed. Sometimes the government tells them the ancient homeland is "here" in this ancient kingdom called "Suvaṇṇabhūmi", sometimes they say it is in Shan State (now part of Burma), sometimes in Southern China or even further north than China, in Mongolia. Sometimes the government tells them to hate the Burmese, sometimes the Chinese, sometimes Cambodians. They told their people to hate and fear Communists, but (at the same time) they supported the Khmer Rouge. The result is that Thai people are genuinely confused about their own history.

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thai PM is weak of country roling right now and situation in Thailand is coming worse.
In order to hide his weakness, he uses his group to turn his Thai people's interest to Preah Vihear instead.

If PM doesnt turn his people's interest to Preah Vihear, so the Thai people will concentrate only his country roling and economic growth.

sanavya sanabun

Anonymous said...

It was ancient Thai political propaganda that has kept Thai bonded together for centuries. However, Khmer is the just the opposite of this propaganda...the way in which the Thai has altered their histories. Cambodia has been inferrior by reason of thier incompetent leaders from all generations. Today Khmer leaders are the worst that will be jotted in Khmer history. Ah Youn has sprouted all over Cambodia....and again Khmer has been receeding to farming and other profession away from the cities. This events over time will give the Vietnamese born in Cambodia to entually be the leaders of Khmer. Not to mention that they already are....Get your act together Khmer otherwise, it will be too late to rectify your nation.

Anonymous said...

they are a confused bunch of race....

Anonymous said...

It is my since hope that Cambodia does not become a province of China.

CPP Traitor

Anonymous said...

Eisel is quite a scholar when it comes to Buddhism and Southeast Asia. He has a website that have all the collection of the Buddhist Trepitaka transliterated into many languages from the original Pali, including to Khmer.

Anonymous said...

I hope that USA and China will liberate Khmer Empire from Siam and Yuon soon.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Monk said:
"Khârng Keut Ror-leay Dauch Bat Thârs,KanDal Dauch thming Rôr-Noass,Khârng Lech Bang-Oss Dauch Snett Chék"
"Khmer Rott Khaung Dei,Siam Rott Khaung Thmâr,Siam Chett MinLhor Oss Tek Oss Dei"

Anonymous said...

Listen up Khmer people, I have 2 multiple choice questions for you.

1)Cambodia is not a province of Thailand (True or False)

2)Thailand is a province of Cambodia (True or False)

The correct answers are: 1) T, 2) T

Anonymous said...

Get a fuck here ah siemes.

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer Patriots or Compatriots!

Please read this quote below that was writing by the Thai and Thai everyday ambition.

With this quote, it will awake us Khmer spirits up to let us love our land our country more and more.

Thai has had twisted the history time after time from generation to generation. They must stop and accept the reality cause we are the one suffer and lost so much and we learn to accept that reality.

"Instead of trying to prove that Thailand existed as an ancient empire (alongside Cambodia), the NDMI propaganda simply states that there were no empires, and no nation-states, prior to the modern era. They re-draw the map as a series of city-states, and then claim that all of it had always been “Suvaṇṇabhūmi”. This may seem like a friendly (or non-confrontational) way to re-invent the myth, but it still means that the Thai government’s political position is that Cambodia never existed, and has no right to exist now."

Khmer Love Khmer,

Anonymous said...

To me I believe that Thai people are made to live in the well just like a frog in the well. Why I said that because the frog can only look straight up and see only the diameter of the well. This mean they can only be heard and watched the TV and news radio being broadcast by its own leaders in the country.

If you get out the well, you will see much more and know more.

The history is be twisted by the Thai is very shameful.

I can't believe that the Thai leaders are that stupid with the history.

Anonymous said...

Suvanaphum or "Suvannbhumi" this is Khmer's word.

Now they are REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY again.

Anonymous said...

Why not Surin, Si saket, Buriram people stand up and make war with Thai extreme nationalist like the southern provinces of Thailand border yo Malaysia and Push Siamese (Yunan0 back to their origin? All Thai Kings, Leaders and Ancestor make their people to heritage the thief skills and confuse of their own history. Go to hell Thai extremists!

Anonymous said...

You know, the history is being written by the winner. My friend is an American he said the history is being written in favor of the winner. He gave me one example just like how American always did. They took over the land of North America (USA) from the native (American Indian), and hardly writing anything good about them.

Just like Australia took over land from the Aborigine (Native of Australian).

I hope one day we have a great scholars that can write good history book to teach our young generation about Khmer history too.

Anonymous said...

Well thanks to the internet source, we younger Cambodian can learn and benefit a lot from this learning machine. It is just like having a library at our homes of offices.

I think Khmer kids learn a lot nowaday.

They knew who we are and what we are.

And plus they proud of themselves that they are Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm Khmer-Chinese and saying the whole Thailand is Cambodia's province.

We will annex Thailand soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not only Sovanphum is stolen by the Thai Nazi army, the churning milk statue too in the new Thai airport is stolen from the Khmer Angkor Wat bas-reliefs by the Thai Nazy army. A lot of Hindu travelers are very disjointed by Thailand and keep asking question; Thailand is a Buddhist country why Thailand built the churning milk of Hindu for???

Anonymous said...

Thailand is not a winner, Thailand is a loser.
Thailand lost its Tai identity to the Mongol and Thailand lost its Siam identity to the British and its allies.
The British allies like Canadian, Australian, New Zeeland, Indian, Dutch, and British destroyed Thai Nazi when Thai Nazi sided with the Japan imperialist to commit war crime against humanity during WWII. Thailand claimed wrongly never been to colony, but Thailand was the only country in SEA beat up by the British and its allies that Thailand had to pay the war cost to the British and its allies that makes Thailand became a poorest country in the world while Cambodia became Pearl of Asia.

Anonymous said...

Khmers living in Thailand will never rise up to act against Thai government for some reason that Thais and Khmer worship the same religion and share similar traditional value. Thai government does not suppress Khmer as Vietnam does to Khmer Kampuchea Krom. And I have observed from karaoke dvds that most Khmer Surin singers would rather speak Thai in their introductory part before they sing sond which consist of Khmer and Thai words.

Anonymous said...

correction=sing songs

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must instigate those Khmer that currently living in Thailand to rebel or rise up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, he must encourage them to stand up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

TO: Ah fucking Thailand listen up the word 'Suvannaphum'is a Khmer word, Khmer language, we say Suvannaphum. You twisted the history and you must believe it to yourself. Cambodian people believe our histories, we had documented, you fake and twisted the document, you drawn Thailand map to fake the world and history of Thailand that's why your young generation confuse and don't understand about the true history of Thailand. We, Khmer still say 'Suvannaphum', you Thai says 'suvannabhumi'. 100, 1000 or 5000 years BC whatever...believe it to yoursef and your Fucking Thai people in Thailand. Hey pal...South East Asia at that time were under the sea, it all covered by waters. There's no body really know hundred of thousand years ago, the people, human just made an assumtion. Do you understand Hah Ah fucking Thai, Thaild?

Anonymous said...

Khmer Surin may be the first to admit that living under Khmer's Leaders is hopeless. Starting as early as the French had arrived. At the worse time is during Khmer Rouge's Era. Is it any better today? or with the Vietnamese are all over Cambodia? Please blaim it on Mr. Siam or Thailand for being untruthfully twisted the historistal fact and extremely aggressive in taking over Cambodia and Loas as part of their ultimate ambition.

Like the last sentence of this article, if they want war they can have one.

This is the reason why most Cambodian would rather just hang on to the vietnamese. The French is gone. Vietnamese may want the same thing, but the fact that Thai forever using Khmer word " Sovannaphum " or golden land in Khmer as their own, the Vietnamese is more likely to stay in Cambodia. The next biggest war isn't really going to be Cambodia. It will be with the Vietnamese. May be yet much much bigger is with the Chinese and Mayannma and Loas. So please think carefully about Cambodia Thailand and don't forget that your boder to the South isn't pretty either.

Anonymous said...

To All Khmer, we should know that the word ‘Suvannaphum’ is our language, Thai says ‘Suvannabhumi’ we say ‘suvannaphum’ a little different sound then Thai, thus the word Suvannaphum is actually our language. Once again to our Khmer people, if you ever want to learn Thai language, it’s very easy…word by word is Khmer. I speak Thai fluently; regarding the history of Thailand, let them believe it to themselves and their Thai people. We, Khmer and the world know the fact in regard to the Khmer history. Do you understand Ah Thailand? If you joint and read in this Khmer Ki-Media site.

Anonymous said...

8:59 PM & 9:57 PM
My friends. I would say in German, you are "meine Feinde.
You both did not understand all the Khmer songs of our brothers-sisters from Surin and Boreirum. Some of them are the real politic protest songs. They were very noble, but now wake up and are looking for their real identity, as Khmer descents. Remembered older generation of Khmer never accepted the Thai King as their King.

Anonymous said...

we all know siem thugs are just wishful thinking people, hoping that cambodia is a province of siem. yeah, right! this time when siem try to steal from cambodia, khmer people make sure all of their teeth are broken. hey, this is not the dark ages anymore, really. cambodia now have laws and jail terms to send siem criminal to prison, you know! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...



kun Thai chgort = Khmer
kun Thai baah = Thai
kun Thai bah = Laotian

Anonymous said...

of course not, cambodia is a constitutional monarchy type of government, and we are a sovereigned nation rich in culture, tradition, arts, traditional cuisine, ancient customs and etiquette, etc, etc... please get to know cambodia well. we are an independence nation of khmer people. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

To those who insist Sovanaphum or however you spell is a Khmer word, you missed not only an entire point of the article, but it seemed you never even read the article.

Sovanphum is just a mythical place in a Buddhist lore. It has no physical origin.

Its origin is from Sanskrit not Khmer language. So why do you go around claiming author of a word that is not in Khmer?

Stop being so stupid and hateful.
The point you should get from this article is Thailand twist history and make up propaganda to belittle Khmer rights to exist as an independent nation, why? Because they can do it and because people are ignorant.

For the record, Eisel is not Thai, he is a westerner. Just because you may find that article from some Thai newspaper or what not that does not mean the author is Thai - this is to the person who quote a passage from Eisel's article and said it was written by Thai.

People stop being so hateful. Grow up! You can't defend your nation by being a bunch of hateful bigots.

You need to be smart, educate yourself so that you can educate the public in away that people will listen to you, the same way Eisel, a western, just used his knowledge to make you go into this frenzy, you must learn to use the pen to bring about change this way.

Otherwise, you're no better than barking dogs.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Thai people.
Kyom min jooljet kun Thai dtay.
Pum mai chaarm kun Thai verl.
Koy bor sarm kun Thai va.