Friday, October 16, 2009

Cambodia Prepares for Climate Change Forum

By Pich Samnang, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
15 October 2009

Watering a patch of vegetables at her home in Kandal province one recent day, Phann Chivoin mused on the rapid change in weather lately.

“It’s strange when it turns so cool one time and then turns very hot quickly,” the 28-year-old farmer said. “When it changes so quickly, vegetable growers like me get low yields because weather that is neither too cold nor too hot is good for our plants.”

Cambodia’s farmers have noticed a change in the climate. When it rains, it rains hard and suddenly, and the air seems hotter, they say. Some farmers think this might be a natural change in the weather, but in a climate change forum held in Phnom Penh later this month, more than 40 international experts will bring their views to bear on the problem.

So while Phann Chivoin may blame the weather on typhoons, climate specialists point to the problem of global warming.

Ouk Navann, team leader for greenhouse gas mitigation at the Ministry of Environment’s climate change office, said the effect of global warming is already apparent.

“Cambodia can no longer resist the negative effects of climate change,” he said, adding that in the past 40 years, Cambodia’s average temperature has increased 0.6 degrees Celsius.

An Environment Ministry assessment predicts a continued increase, from 1.35 degrees to 2.5 degrees, by 2100. Annual rainfall could increase anywhere from 3 percent to 35 percent, it says.

“We have already experienced the direct effect of climate change,” Ouk Navann said, pointing to recent damage done by Typhoon Ketsana, whose storms killed at least 17 Cambodians. “So we can’t just ignore global warming.”

Cambodia’s first-ever climate change forum begins Oct. 19 in Phnom Penh. The three-day forum is aimed at raising awareness among the general public and integrating global warming issues into the national development plan.

At least 700 participants are expected, including national and international climate experts, and officials expect to call on industrialized nations to cut greenhouse gas emissions.


Anonymous said...

Cambodian officials should start with emission inspections on all motor vehicles throghout cambodia...

Anonymous said...

Cambodian officials(EPA DEPT) needed to educating people or may be fine$$ people, they should not throwing trashs all over the places, i've seen trashs all over along river bank? remembered people ate fishs from the river..? when rains came and washing these trashs into the river, with all kind of disease going into the river..? man!

Anonymous said...

Those people who working as EPA must move their lazy ass out of the fucken chair and start to do their fucken jobs! don't just sitting their lazy ass and collecting salary, i don't think these people do anything at all?, beside sitting their ass inside coffee shop holding micro phone and singing karaoke, i agree! BATTAMBANG STEUNG SANGKER RIVER IS THE WORST ONE...trashs are all over the river bank!

Anonymous said...

That is very easy to give the answer to this farmer, look to our forestry.

Anonymous said...

Does cambodia has EPA department too..?