11 year-old Sreyneang bears horrific scars from beatings and tortures by 41 year-old Meas Nary (inset).
By Khmerization
A woman and her husband were arrested and detained on 16th October for questioning in relations to the brutal beatings and torturing of an 11 year-old domestic helper, reports Deum Ampil.
According to the newspaper, the 11 year-old girl named Sreyneang was an orphan and her grandmother sold her for $500 to 41 year-old Meas Nary and her husband, Var Saroeun, to work as a domestic helper about 7 months ago. Ms. Meas Nary is a teacher at Santhor Mok High School and her husband is a teacher at Western Private School.
The girl, whose body scars were so horrific, claimed that she had been beaten and tortured everyday with sticks and electric chords since she came to live with the family. She also claimed that several times the lady used pliers to twist her flesh, leaving horrible scars.
By Khmerization
A woman and her husband were arrested and detained on 16th October for questioning in relations to the brutal beatings and torturing of an 11 year-old domestic helper, reports Deum Ampil.
According to the newspaper, the 11 year-old girl named Sreyneang was an orphan and her grandmother sold her for $500 to 41 year-old Meas Nary and her husband, Var Saroeun, to work as a domestic helper about 7 months ago. Ms. Meas Nary is a teacher at Santhor Mok High School and her husband is a teacher at Western Private School.
The girl, whose body scars were so horrific, claimed that she had been beaten and tortured everyday with sticks and electric chords since she came to live with the family. She also claimed that several times the lady used pliers to twist her flesh, leaving horrible scars.

The girls also claimed that she was never let out of the house. But one day, Meas Nary asked her to go and buy porridge/congee at the market and because she looks emaciated, pale and very shaky, the neighbours became suspicious that she migh be abused and they asked questions. She said she was abused and beaten by the house owner. After they checked her body they were so horrified to see horrific scars all over her body. The shoppers then reported the matter to the police. The lady was probably tipped off by some someone and attempted to drive the girl and hide her somewhere but she was intercepted by the police and arrested.
Sreyneang told the police that she was beaten and tortured days and nights by Meas Nary but that her husband never beat her, but he never attempted to stop his wife from beating her either.
Meas Nary told the police that the reasons she beat Sreyneang was because she was very stubborn and never listened to her.
Sreyneang told the police that she was beaten and tortured days and nights by Meas Nary but that her husband never beat her, but he never attempted to stop his wife from beating her either.
Meas Nary told the police that the reasons she beat Sreyneang was because she was very stubborn and never listened to her.
This is ah Hun Sen regime teachers?
Oh my God put her live time in jail for the best sample.
Lock up the witch in jail for manslaughter
This is worse than murder. Life in prison should be applied for this cruel bitch, Meas Nary. Cambodia should actually have capital punishment.
what kind of teacher she is??? sad...
It is outrageous! This is very cruel that a human being should have never done to another human being.
She is a teacher. She should act as a role model, not act like a savage. She is a heartless teacher who should be jailed for life for her heinous crimes.
It is so ashame to the cambodian. She is a teacher but look what she did to the young 11 girl ? she is a teacher, but i am sure that she has no education, no heart, no ethical, no morality within her and her family. I would strong urge the polic to put her in jail as pay the compensation to the girl as well. It is totally worng to beat and torture her no matter what.... pls put her in jail so that the example can be set to the rest of unhaving hearted people.
I told you guys so many times. that we have problems in Cambodia because people are not willing to change despite are informed and educated. They still live with the mentality from the dark age.
Unseat Hun Sen or change his regime is not difficult, but changing people mentality is the most difficult.
What is a shame to this dumb teacher?
First: beat her in the public to see how it hurts without clothing on.
Second: parade her in the public street and let her wear the message "I'm a cruel person who beat up 11 years old girl".
Third: Throw her in jail for a long time to come and let the inmates raped her.
Fourth: Make her pay for compensation to the girl.
Fifth: Take away her teacher credential license, but in Cambodia there's none.
Sixth: Find someone to adopt her.
I have children at her age and I felt terrible for this young girl. She should be living in comfortable life and go to school.
Shame on Hun Zen government. They take care Hanoi people, but not Khmer people.
It's for regime change.
Remember Koor 85 that works for Hanoi nowaday. Koor 85 consists of 10 members: Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, and others.
a psycopath tortures a little girl, blame Hun Sen. a dumb fuck drove his bike into a truck because he was too drunk, blame Hun Sen. You losers living off welfare in Australia, France or USA, blame Hun Sen. What the fuck are you people anyway? You are all worse than the people mentioned in the news. Don't let me see you and your pathetic faces in PP or I'll let my foot in your ass in the meanest way possible
it's okay! because she paid 500 dollars for the girl, that's a lot of money. if the girl don't obey, that's what she has to do is beat the girl up! nothing wrong with that!
fetish master.
Such teacher must put in jail for her life- span. Police must do more.
Khmer son
fucking bitch..your face look like vietnamese you have a vietnam blood.. unbelieveable..
Make sure judge do the right job..
dont take money and let her out please...
im gonna kill her when she out of jail .
khmer P.P
HE...He...Ah fetish master..you are YUON..Ah Yuon..
i also strongly urge the police put her in jail and fuck her fate pussy and use the pliers to twist her fate pussy skin out from her to make her fell like that girl feel.also toture as much as she did that to that girl, want to know how this fatty pussy pig going to feel like.
Please don't jail her and her husband, but make them paid the little girl $25,000US or more so that the little girl does not have to be a slave.
ah pleu, kaour haeng iy kor yab mless. People blame hun sen because hun sen regime careless about people life and rights even the basic ones. Often always let this kind of crime freely perpetuated in all impunity because hun sen and co did the same to ordinary people living under their regime. If hun sen and its regime care about people life, this kind of horrific crime should not happen. Unfortunately the case of srey neang is no exception in hun sen regime. There are a lot of child and poor people who are being abused and cruelly maltreated by rich and powerful people to began by hun sen regime high officers who are rich and powerful people.
Khmer rouge is khmer rouge whether duch, hor, polpot or hun sen, this kind of yuon stooge and its regime have has no regard to Khmer people life.
Thanks to the heroic shop keeper. A life have been saved.
When someone sees a human being as animal as this brutal lady does, it is a problem with her mental perception.
this female looks like a kantop, no matter she acts alike to the poor girl. Perhape to feed her odd hated of khmer and it is the best way for this kantop to feed her hated and cruelty against khmer
Meas Nary lean from Hun Xen. She may be released because she is rich.
That Hun Xen regime.
Is she really a teacher? And this is her behavior toward one another? Now what is she going to say to her students? Sometimes, I find kids are better than adults. She has no rights to punish someone like that... How much does this little girl getting paid anyway? Nothing...but her life is being taken away by this bitch.
She should be stripped out of her teaching job 1. because she is not deserve as a guidance or model. 2. she is having poor morality. 3. She is abusive this kid and not respecting the fact of her as being a child of her own. 4. She has no human rights respect in her. 5. She is evil 6. She should not let go or stay out of crime. She should be jail and pay money to take care of this young girl with all sort of condition.
7. She should be banned for life from teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not an isolated case. There are many more men/women out there like Ms Meas Nary in our sick society. Simply throw her in jail won't solve the problem, we need to reform our backward mentality. It would take an awful lot of time, a generation or two.
តើអ្នកណារើសវាទាំងពីរនាក់នេះឲ្យធ្វើគ្រូ ហើយ
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khmer Voraman
This is so disheartening.
Nevertheless, Some of you here are no different when when talking about punishing this culprit.
It is now 2009, yet, the Cambodian people still practice slavery. The gov't should create a task force solely for this purposes to rescued the poor and neglected. But then again, 9 out of 10 if you searched the mansion of the rich and powerful high ranking officials, you bound to find these human slave. The NEW Cambodian Gov't must pass a law that regulate and seize this practice.
Ah Huynh Manet @ 8:39 is good at threatening others with bodily harm. Last, the dog that barks doesn't bite.
Cambodia has a long way to go!
As teachers, the couple should have had much more compassion and understanding for the poor young girl.
Their cruelty to her must be punished to the fullest extent of the laws.
Hopefully, they won't be able to get away very much from the punishment of their crime through bribery because of the publicity surrounding the case.
A true teacher would have sent her to school and treated her with much more dignity than that!
Very sad story, indeed!
Anet Khmer
people could be so cruel to another human being. this is why we must call for domestic abuse law to penalize people like this evil bitch; she's not a human for sure! i don't care who she is, she has no rights to beat and abuse anybody, really! put her in the prison cell so she can think about her evil action there! this is unacceptable in the new era!
try pick on someone her own size for a change, really! i bet they'll beat the crap out of this bitchy woman!
now this is human abuse. hope the human rights people take this matter into their own hands for a change. this is outrage to see anybody being abused like this, i don't care who they are; it's not right! in america, even animals have rights, so we expect more for human being, really!
what the brutal lady.
i was shocked and shaky over my body when i see the girl's pictures.
I don't understand why this teacher would do such a thing, to a poor child like this? She is the teacher and she's teaching everyday in school..? what a fucken cruel monster she is, this bitch must send to life in prison for sure, to teach other pepole out there a lesson! there's alot of poor kids out there still getting this kind of punishment, beause they are poor...
I don't understand why this teacher would do such a thing, to a poor child like this? She is the teacher and she's teaching everyday in school..? what a fucken cruel monster she is, this bitch must send to life in prison for sure, to teach other pepole out there a lesson! there's alot of poor kids out there still getting this kind of punishment, beause they are poor or abandon...
This is worst than murder, the tortured to this child is very cruel done by a teacher? what's going on with cambodia these day? another Toul Sleng S-21 tortured at home..? i agree! this teacher must be life in prison and tortured the same way she done to this child...
This woman is not an exception, there are lot of rich or modest people in Cambodia who, with their few infested $$ can buy poor people to be their domestic whom they can vomit their worse hated and cruelty over day and nights. It is the ordinary practice and culture of this yuon slave society
As long as people who capable to change thing did nothing to help these poor people from this yuon slave regime but be accomplice these yuon killing tools, you will see this kind of thing going on in Cambodia. This case is only a sample of the practices in hun sen society
rape, torture, and kill the bitch!
i see alot of this in cambodia......people like this stupid bitch uses kids for like there maids and shit.......and these people have there own kids, why dont they tell there owns kids to go cook and shit and clean dont be bossing around kids thats not even your to go do shit for you ....THATS FUCKED UP...., I KNOW OF KIDS GOING TO STAY IN DIFFERANT PROVINCES WITH ANOTHER FAMILY JUST TO GO TO SCHOOL BUT IN TRADE THEY HAVE TO BE THAT FAMILYS BITCH.......THATS FUCKED UP..... SEEING THIS ME REALLY MAD
she look like yeak keney !!!
I think have thousand more kids as a maid still in hand of rich people
and do the samething that we dont know....
I hope..and hope ....please report right away to police..or ADHOC...they will help..
Khmer Chheu Chapp
very sad and tragic to see something like this done on a little girl. This is someone daughter. I'm sad, very sad.
This is the legislators should start to draft the laws of employee and ban all kind of the slavery in Cambodia .
God Bless poor lil girl and get big pension from the bitch to start her new and fresh live .
There'still a lot of poor kids out there that abandon or been sold to the rich tycoon people, they used them as slave, working, cleaning toilet, washing dishes, clothes, they even let them fanned while napping during daytime, i knew someone in Phnom Penh city that have couple kids working as a slavery, these kids never goes to school at all...i urged our cambodian authority to continue to tracking down and investigating on the Child slavery throughout kingdom of cambodia....
Those rich people if they employed the people to work for them, they"employee" should have time for break and also going to school just like their children, but most of BOSS are meant and nasty, i agree with you all, that teacher call Meas Nasty must send to life in jail for tortured the child with plier....she's a teacher, she should be a role model to our young people generation, i hope PM Hun Sen got these message!!!!!
Those rich people if they employed the people to work for them, they"employee" should have time for break and also going to school just like their children, but most of BOSS are meant and nasty, i agree with you all, that teacher call Meas Nasty must send to life in jail for tortured the child with plier, she's a teacher, she should be a role model to our young people generation, i hope PM Hun Sen got these message and warns more people out there not to act like this cruelty Meas Nasty....
Hun Sen must send a strong message, warns those rich tycoon powerful people not to act cruelty like this bitch! Life in prision for tortured the 11 years child...
Poor little baby. How could a human being treat another human being this way? It is horrific! I hope they put the psycho in jail forever. She deserves it. BITCH.
Its very sad. Let not just hope that this stuff will stop.
But let do something about it. Hope and talk is cheap.
Hun Sen regime produce this kind of people.... because his government condone and reward all kind of bad behaviors.
It should be a law to punish any criminal the same way they commit the crime. For example, this teacher, Meas Nary, should be tortured, bitten, insulted and forced to work 24 hours a day the same way she treated the little girl. My heart goes out for the girl, jail the bitch asap.
These Viet husbund and wife teach Khmer Kids in school!
Her husband's name Hoa, Her name is Vang Gai.These Evils people were borns from the Viet's Whore.
They will burn in Hell
I urged cambodian's law officials stripping off her property"villa" and given to the child to pay back, because the girl had been tortured for a years long, and that both teacher sleep inside the jail the rest of their fucken life....
The child(victim) deserved something, the teacher must pay her for what they had done to her for a long time punishment, i agree! they must strip off the property and sell it and pay to the child for educations or whatever the needed for future....
I wonder how many Viet whore just like her are teaching Khmer Kids in school?
I can't stand to see her ugly fat face! Teacher suppose to be a good role model to the young people, not tortured her with a Plier..? even she disobey, you just can't tortured a young child with iron, plier, electric cord...man! they must put these couple in jail for life!!!!!!!!!!
This ugly viet woman is not the only who infected Cambodian society. There're thousands and thousands of this kind of viets who were imported and implanted in Cambodia after the killing filed. These viets are the main humain resource of Cambodia and occupy high position in Cambodian society whether in social, educational or political field. Actual Cambodia reflect the image and culture of these viets cong
Zero tolerant to child abuse. I like to see this woman in jail and have a criminal record presses against her criminal acts. After her sentence is served I would like the gov't to put an eye on her in case she continues this act toward her own children and others again. Her education certificate must be comfiscated and disqualified her from doing her job. Whoever gave her the certificate should be able to compansate for the child/children who have been abused by this wicked woman. Usually minister of education boards are responsible for the pay out, e.g. Members of education board should be covered for their public liability of up to e.g. $10 millions dallors or its depend on the Khmer currency. Compansation depend on how old the child is, number of injuries e.g. physical, mental, and social development and other impacts etc. I would like to see all Khmer medias working together to crack down all sort of abuse as well as name and shame them in every corners of the news system. By doing so is to avoid any other kinds of abuse happening to another person. We khmer must learn to work together as a team and try to promote and protect everyone equally and that everyone is "equally important". Zero tolerant to any kind of abuse!!!! enough is enough, when one person is hurt, it means we all are responsible for it because the theory of "all for one and one for all means we are in it together!. Aust
Meas Nary did not do anything wrong! girl must have been khmer rouge cadre in her previous life(Perhaps she was Pol Pot in the previous life, Pol pot died in 1997 and this girl was born afterwards...so now Pol Pot is paying back what he has done to 2 millions khmer death!Nary should not be guilty! release her!
Crikey,lots of comments.
Pity that most are revengeful,people wanting to inflict pain on this woman as a punishment.
Some say that are evil viets torturing poor khmers.
I say,get off the grass you khmers!
Khmer people behave the same way as this woman-dont they?
It is a problem with the whole of society,and why are you people so violent?
You cant blame hun sen or the viets for this, surely?
This time I careless or rule or politesse
fuking 7:44 pm, to your theory, if vietcong fuke your mama, tell your mama to cool her ass down in pagoda because your mama used to fuking vieting in her previous life. Where do you want to go with this kind of thing in the brain.
or you are a fuke idiot who like to provoke people or you are fuke born with criminal sense in the blood. Your kind of people doesn’t merit to live because your kind of people can harm to so many life
Fry the bitch, Meas Nary!
10:35 I'm not on anybody side! but 7:44 just expressed his opinion, right or wrong! you don't have to bite like a Dog! your language is even worst than Mr. hun sen.
cambodia may need some education on how to get along with each other, really! if you let people do like this, people are cruel. we need the law to protect society, really!
7:44 PM,
Do you think that the Cambodians who died during the Khmer Rouge era had done horrible evil in their previous lives and that was why they suffered tremendously then died under the Khmer Rouge?
Come on, you don't believe that, do you? I think you are smarter than that!
If that is your argument, then let's not fight the Vietnamese or the Thais, but just let them do anything they desire to us and our country since this is our Karma anyway!
7:44pm you are youn and most of you race have no conscience nor dignity because you people are so greedy.
7:44pm jkout chrook! ah niss lop lop...
Fucken Hun Sen must open his stinky mouth and warns those rich poeple out there not to acts cruelty like this FAT bitch Meas Nasty...
These 3 crazy Cambodian teachers must reveal to the public on the city streets by let them carry a plaque of what they did to the boy and the girl.
Don't put them in jail,wast money for such a cheap teacher.
Fuken 7 :44 and fuken mi kantop and royalty bottom licker Beatrice 3:28. Fuken yr ass and all ya kind, u’re the same race, kiss and pray the same horrors, it's yr morality ass. What yr fuken ass 7:44 wrote is not an opinion but a worse criminal purpose. This kind of dangerous profanity is not an opinion. It has no regard for the victims and can let to all kind of crime profanity. I have zero tolerance to this kind of profanity and those who do or support it in anyway it is
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