Thursday, October 08, 2009

French Court Postpones Minister’s Suit

By Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
07 October 2009

A French appeals court has postponed a hearing for a defamation suit brought by Foreign Minister Hor Namhong against opposition leader Sam Rainsy.

A hearing was set for Oct. 8, but was delayed due to technicalities and health issues of Sam Rainsy.

Hor Namhong brought the suit against Sam Rainsy for remarks in the latter’s autobiography alleging Hor Namhong’s collusion with the Khmer Rouge in a correction camp where several inmates died.

“My lawyer has told me that there is an issue that needs to be looked into,” Sam Rainsy said. “There might be a delay so there won’t be a hearing on the 8 [of October]. I am still waiting for more information from my lawyer. Nothing is 100 percent sure yet.”

A spokesperson for Hor Namhong also confirmed the delay.

The court ruled in favor of Hor Namhong Jan. 27, ordering Sam Rainsy to pay 1 euro in damages and delete a page from his book including the allegation.

Yim Sovann, spokesman for the Sam Rainsy Party, said politicians should get used to criticism and that Sam Rainsy should not be punished.

“What he said was merely to let the national and international community know about freedom of expression,” he said.

Both Yim Sovann and Sam Rainsy said they had collected more evidence to show the appeals court.

No date has been set for another hearing.


Anonymous said...

good job SRP, way to go and to all khmer keep stand up with cpp leader, sue them bite them kick them as much as you can. if you khmer want peace in srok khmer you have to stand up to cpp party to get use with critism or out of power the more voice SRP party make the freedom khmer have. i support you SRP

Anonymous said...

What are Sam Rainsy's health issues?


Anonymous said...

So what a fuck you said? CPP made peaceful for Khmer people and you said all Khmer stand up to make peace.Peace for what? You motherfucker don't know khmer country got peaceful just your motherfuck don't know nothing about khmer country.

Anonymous said...

5:55 AM,

Ah Yuon offspring or Hun Sen's sympathier,

Your Cambodia as you said so is being vietnamised, and almost completed except the last step that Ah Viet Hanoi is to wipe out Khmer Identities.

You're in the process of being Viet slave on you mother-lands, all of Khmers.

Anonymous said...

5:55 AM

You are yuon born in Cambodia that why you know only the word FUCK only.

Like 7:05 AM said that you are yuon offspring. I agree with him/her.

You have to get out off khmer land.

Anonymous said...

It was never peaceful in Cambodia just a lot of unrest.

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprise if Cambodia become like nazi germany, but the jews would be the Vietnameses.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about lands we already lost in the past, but I want to keep the remaining lands we have. Vietnam is slowly taking over Cambodia. More border gates are being built so that illegal Vietnamese can freely come and settle in Cambodia. Thailand isn't a major threat. Their soldiers are cowards.

Anonymous said...

You are a cow-shit frog. You get used to the sting pond so you can't tell what PEACE really is. I bet when you go to bed you're worry who will come to rob you, who will rape your wife, your daughter, and your sister. When will you become a land grabbing victim? Is this a PEACEFULL country you're talking about?

So keep swimming in your stingy pond ah pleu.

Anonymous said...

Our gov't needs to create a common law to protect everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from, in doing so is to have a peace full nation who can live side by side without being judged or discriminated, the more people we have the better because they are fundamental for the development of our nation and the keepers of our heritages etc. We need to bring about love, compassions, share and respect, in doing so for the peace of our nation and as well as acknowledging that hatred can only leads into destruction (look at Aust, USA, Singa, Japan; they have a multicultural society and are very successful nations) . Our gov't needs to be more focus on unity, team work, collaboration and as well as learn to ignore all personal conflicts otherwise it will slow down us in term of community building processes. At the sometime, we don't want other races to take advantage of us because we are too busy fighting with one another. Therefore please, promote unity, love, compassion, share and respect among each other. This is the only way to run the country. Everyone is existed for a purpose, so, accept them all as one. I would like to make a request to all of our Khmer editors to call upon all leaders to come together as one and to discuss about what else need to be done, especially about “national security”.....Aust

Anonymous said...

Khmers must united, not fighting each other and tearing each other a part, remembered Viet/Thai wanted khmers to kills each other, this is their plans....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which one of these Khmer Rouge(s) list below is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32?

a) Pol Pot
b) Nuon Chea
c) Ta Mok 
d) Khieu Samphan 
e) Son Sen 
f) Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
g) Ieng Sary 
h) Ieng Thearith
i) Chea Sim
j) Heng Samrin
k) Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
l) Keat Chhon
m) Ouk Bunchhoeun
n) Sim Ka
o) Hun Sen

Document Center of Cambodia

During the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime;
There are 196 prisons.
There are 196 prison chiefs.
There are 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples killed by the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Guek Eav aka Samak Mith Duch
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka
Hun Sen...

Kaing Guek Eav is a prison chief of Toul Sleng prison S21.
Document Center of Cambodia

The UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) must indict 195 other prison chiefs.

"I will not allow the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders, I rather let the court (KRT ECCC) fail.  Indict more Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders will lead the country into a civil war."
Samak Mith Hun Sen
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leader

Samak Mith Hun Sen will not allow the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC) to indict more Khmer Rouge Regime leaders who is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples.

Samak Mith Hun Sen threaten to turn Cambodia back into the Killing Fields all over again.

War with whom?
War with innocent Khmer peoples without weapon?

Once a Khmer Rouge, always a Khmer Rouge.

A good Khmer Rouge(s) is a dead Khmer Rouge(s)

Khmer Rouge(s) continue to kill innocent Khmer peoples.

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's leaders and members:
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong aka Samak Mith Yaem
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

"(Samak Mith) Duch (Kaing Guek Eav) 19 years sentence is too short and doesn't fit his crimes."
Samak Mith Yaem (Hor Namhong)
Prison Chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32

What's Hor Namhong trying to do is, he want the whole world to know that he is not a Khmer Rouge and a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison.

Hor Namhong is a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison B32.
Phnom Penh Post

Hor Namhong said to the French judge that he is not a prison chief of Boeung Trabek prison, in fact members of his family was killed by Khmer Rouge(s).

Hor Namhong can lies all he want, at the end, he got summoned and will get indict, prosecute, convict and sentence.

Criminals likes to lies.

The place where criminals lies the most is inside the court room in front of the judge(s).

On October 7, 2009 Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor Namhong, Keat Chhon, Ouk Bunchhoeun and Sim Ka has been summoned by the UN back Khmer Rouge Tribunal court (ECCC).