Friday, October 02, 2009

KI-Media readership question

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Following the publication by the Phnom Penh Post of an article related to KI-Media, one of our readers posted the following question:
Socheata – how do you know that there are roughly 32,000 unique users?

Were these users identified by their ip addresses, and who can put his hand on these users ip addresses? Can some “authority” or “agency” get their hand on the list of these ip addresses?

Reader "Agent32" can rest assure that the numbers we provided were merely statistics from the "free" counter site we use. As such, we do not keep track of anybody's IP address or anything else, but it is quite possible that the web counter site we use may tally some information to come up with the statistics they provide us.

In case our readers would like to know, the following are the statistics we received for the week of 21-27 September:
  • Pageloads: 73,697
  • Unique Visitors: 33,601
  • First Time Visitors: 13,832
  • Returning Visitors: 19,769
We hope that this clarification would help answer the questions raised by "Agent32".

Thank you,

KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

Is this an attempt to discourage KI news readers from coming here? Must be one of those politically motivated scumbags who seeks attention.

Anonymous said...

He's a Hanoi and Hun Sen's crook.

Anonymous said...

KI, keep up the good work!!! You got their attention now. Agent33, you can suck my nut sacks, you fool! Vietcong bitch! Like I give a sh!t if they find out who I am...

Anonymous said...

We no longer care or worry if some agent are keeping tracks of ip addresses. We are no longer living under khmer rouge. Even if so, like the currupted cpp/khmer rouge regime. We still don't care or worries. Its time to stand up against such evil and currupted and backward mindset government. Time will tell, they will fall. For they do no serves the people.

only government that serves the people will last and not other wise!

Anonymous said...

Great! KI staff read our comments. Please be civil to others views.

Anonymous said...

fuck ki!

Anonymous said...

no need to worry about Mi Sompoeung Agent32.

keep up with the good work, ki!

Anonymous said...

KI thanks, you are so sensitive towards your readers. You have show really empathy with your audience. This why you're such a good source of news outlet. You care about the news and the people who gets your news.

Anonymous said...

What if I tell you guys that I have this so-called agent32's IP address? Will I get paid for it?

Anonymous said...

Dear ki-media leaders,

Please make a kind of printable version look like the one using by which enable users to have a real printing papers of materials which are useful to them. Even the good opinions from comments are also in the same printing version. It is useful and save a lot papers and time. It must be fit in the a4 papers which are in general readings.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

KI-Media, They use the same method of getting numbers as your reporters. Eg. 50,000 sex workers, 35% are children. It is about time papers and media published facts, not numbers they pluck from thin air.

Anonymous said...

if the numbers were plucked out from thin air like you stated, then the 4 million youns in cambodia was also plucked out from thin air.

folks, don't be fooled! No youns in Cambodia. It was disinformed and it wasn't on paper.

Anonymous said...

Until you see what ah HUN SEN agreed to with ah Srokey Daung YUON/Viet on paper, right 1:33 PM? - Then your hair will stand ends up...ass hole!!!

Anonymous said...

just curious, which hair (one hair) are you referring to will stand up?

Anonymous said...

I think the one over the head...

Anonymous said...


32 is an unlucky number. You will be shot in between your eyes soon. You mother fucker. What authority...ah Kvack Hun Sen. Get what hands on who IP? I have an hemorrhoids, do you want to get your hands on my ass right now. Mother Fucker!