Friday, October 02, 2009

King-Father and Queen-Mother were the only foreign guests of China

Friday, October 02, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The AFP reported that King-Father Norodom Sihanouk and Queen-Mother Monineath Sihanouk were the only foreign guests invited by the Chinese leaders to join the reception held on Wednesday 30 September. It was determined that the ex-monarch and his wife were the only foreign guests because on the Chinese TV station, they were the only one seen sitting at a round dinner table with other high-ranking Chinese leaders, including President Hu Jintao, Former President Jiang Zemin, PM Wen Jiabao, National Assembly President Wu Bangguo, Vice-President Xi Jin Ping, as well as other members of the Chinese communist Politburo. China celebrates the 60th anniversary of the PRC on 01 October. Ex-King Sihanouk was a long-time friend of the PRC, starting since the 50s. China is currently providing medical care for the ex-Khmer monarch, and it also cured him from his three cancers.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why old people then over respect this idiot!

Ah se-ah-nouk, is the first at fault why our people and country is destroyed.

1. Se-ah-nouk got fool by ah Youn. The reason why our country got bombs by US.

2. Se-ah-nouk again got fool by ah Chin and ah Youn. Agree to allow Pol Pot to killed almost 2,000,000 Khmer and suffered the rest.

3. Se-ah-nouk again and again got fool by ah Youn. Allow ah Hun Xen to took over power and continues to kills and sufferes our people and destroying our country upto date.

Yet, until now-one his last breath, he haven't realize he is the biggest idiot of all. He's the first to blame for killing our people and destroying our country.

Now, his gay son-the current king. Is another idiot. What a waiste! King have less power then a rotten dead pawn.

Anonymous said...

សំដីសជាតិ​ មាយាទសពូជ

Anonymous said...

I told you that only 1 khmer refugee in China,because Mao love only one Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

Khmer song

Anonymous said...

There are 4 546 478 Vietcong in Cambodia today ,this is the real question,what will ECCC and China do for people Khmer?

Anonymous said...

The Sustainability of Human Populations:
How many People can Live on Earth
Martin Desvaux PhD MInstP CPhys

Anonymous said...

2:47, Old people like Sihanouk because they had good back then. If you even had a taste of how life was back then compare to the stupid mess that ensued after the revolution and the mess that Cambodia is in today, wouldn't you revel about the good old days when people had farmlands, farmers have good market, and universities and schools were not full of sycophantic and money exhorting teachers?

How about for the fact that they had great cinema experiences, that count for something doesn't it!

Young minds like to jump overboard on blame games and it is in their immature nature to point fingers.

Sihanouk is no perfect king and he isn't a perfect man either. To laid blame on the whole of Cambodia's disaster on Sihanouk is to acquit the real history and culprits behind Cambodia's disaster. This works in all too convenient for those who have to benefit from ignorant people point the blame away from to Sihanouk.

Believe me, Sihanouk's alliance to China is the best political, or personal friendship Cambodia nation can ever have.

Say what you want, at the end of the day, it is China that is above your head, not U.S. To put it into kid terms, you make friend with the biggest toughest dude in the neighborhood, no other tough dude precedes this dude. I don't mean to belittle you, but you do need to seriously weigh in all the facts and see that nothing is black or white.

Anonymous said...

Becuae,you always forgot your family.You never thougth your life got from your parent,but you forgot everything.

Anonymous said...

នយោបាយ​!​បើអត់ទុយោ​ ក៏អត់បាយដែរ :)) ហាហាកូនខ្មែរជាទីស្រលាញ់!

Anonymous said...

Dose anyone know if Sihanouk speaks Chinese?

Anonymous said...

3:52 AM,

There is a saying here for somebody like you - "A sucker is born every minute"...Got that you cock sucker? If Sihanouk had been anything at all, it would not have been the bloody Khmer Rouge!!!
[ស្ដេចឆ្មួត - un roi foutu]!

Anonymous said...

2:47 PM, What will you if you were him?

Anonymous said...

China has been the best Khmer Kings since the King Kaudinya of Nokor Phnom (Funan) Kaing Tai and Fu Su were the first Chinese ambassadors visiting the
Khmer King and the Khmer Monks were invited to China to teach Buddhism dharma the Chinese Monks. After that it was Zou Daguan, the second Chinese ambassador visiting the Khmer King Soryavarman III and the Khmer history was written by Zou Dagan and has been translated into Khmer, French, English and German. The Chinese armies helped the Khmer King Jayavarman VII as seen them carved on the wall of the Bayon temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

3:52PM - that is the real problem with Khmer people, they take no responsibility and blame everything on someone else. They did that to Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Pol Pot and now Hun Sen.

One woman in Africa (Liberia) stood up to her president, Charles Taylor the merciless tyrant, and told him in public in front of the Press that she would not run away any more but she would fight for justice. She said that when her kids grew up they would ask her: “Mama, what had you done for the country during dictatorship?” and she would then be able to tell them that she fought for the better future of their generation.

Now ask all the whiners in this blog what they have done for Cambodia. Nothing except their childish whining and bitching

Anonymous said...

2:47 PM You're SUPERKHMER!


NO HUN SEN (today)
NO AH YUON (nowadays)

NO CPP (spying)
NO KHMER (crying)


Anonymous said...

Whoever support Sihanouk and not to blame him for khmer astrocity, ask yourself the question. If you're the father or head of the household, your children commit crime. Do people blame the kid or you? Of course you're the one who is responsible for your act that you do not supervise your children's behavior.

The same thing is the country. Who is the head of household for Cambodia? The answer is Sihanouk. So he is responsible for Khmer killings.

If Sihanouk didn't help Hanoi to fight with American, Cambodia won't get bomb from American.

If Sihanouk didn't call up Khmer people to join him, Cambodia won't be killed during Pol Pot.

If Sihanouk didn't lean on China as his boss, Cambodia will be democracy like Thailand.

Therefore, Sihanouk is the blame for all these acts.

Sihanouk doesn't care about Khmer people; he cares for himself and his power. He let Hun Zen do whatever he wants.

Why does Sihanouk ask his brother, Chinese, to help kick Hun Zen out?

So China is not his real friend.

May be China helps Hun Zen because they're all communist including Sihanouk.

Kick Sihanouk and his gay son out of Cambodia. They're all waste Cambodia tax money.

Place Sam Rainsy as Cambodia Prime Minister.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:18PM, wow! you smart to figure the real problem...

now that you have figured it out the whole nation and the future khmer generation is depending on you....

or you just the person that just talks no action like everyone else.

don't try to be smart! what have you done to help?

are you sam rainsy?
are you mu sochua?
are you one of the opposition MP?
are you one of the human rights group?
are you.. are you..?


Anonymous said...

9:05PM, for those who still respect se-ah-nouk is also an idio! He cut their grandparets throat then, and now this idiots bend on their knee to thanking ah se-ah-nouk.

Without se-ah-nouk our people probably wouldn't have uffered for almost half a centur.

Anonymous said...




everyone scroll up and read 3:52 wrote. i wonder if everyone also think it's nonsense. this idiot support se-ah-nouk and thinking he made the best decision by being with china.


Anonymous said...

9:05PM – I agree with you that Sihanouk was largely responsible for happened and is still happening in Cambodia. No doubt about it! But what people should understand is that we are also to be blamed because we have not done what we suppose to do.

The success or failure of a nation is not the product of a single individual, but a collective effort and contribution of all the people in that country.

You said “Cambodia will be democracy like Thailand.”. Are you sure Thailand has democracy? Any Thai dares to criticize the monarchy would be jailed for 15 to 20 years.

“Place Sam Rainsy as Cambodia Prime Minister”, and then what? Politician is very good at lying to the people to get the power. Once they get it, they mistreat the people. Has the history taught you any thing?

Anonymous said...

Long live Cambodia-China friendship. Big thanks to China for protecting and continue to protect Cambodia from being annexed by the Yuons.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is just a simple human being as all of us are. If the title "King/samdech" is cast aside, he's just like you and me, an ordinary person. But Sihanouk is perhaps a more coward person than most decent Khmer are. He is a coward for the fact that he has denied of having done nothing wrong against Khmer people. A person who is irresponsible for his reckless acts is NOT respectable. Respect morally earned is much better than respect given through fear.

Without him Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge would have a very slim chance to win the war and kill almost two millions of the innocent Khmer people. This old singing crow has no remorse after having done a great destructio to his nation.

After Yuons had invaded and installed Hun Sen as a second Pol Pot of Cambodia, Sihanouk appeared to have only one strong desire:to restore monarchy so that his son can be a new king. Now he will die smilingly with his eyes tightly close because his wish is fulfilled up to the brim, meanwhile Khmer people continue to miserably suffer from the result of his evil deeds.

Anonymous said...

Selfish will not always agree about the politic of the former King. I was one of them, who thought, that the former King did very wrong politic to our country Cambodia.
Today I still say and feel very sorry to, my parent, relatives and friends, because all all of them have had a real primitive good live in Cambodia before 1970. Afterwards their life changed, missed slowly peace and freedom.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 10:06PM. In lame words, ex-king Sehanouk is an idiot! He don't care about Khmer. Til today, he didn't admit that he was at fault! Where he live after the major destructon in our country? Peacefully in China. Where is he at now during todays "Hun Xen" regimes? Still in China. When he die! People should left his dead corps in China. It will be disgraceful to bring it to Cambodia.

He's on top of Pol Pot and Hun Xen.

Anonymous said...

king pet of china that used objest to take over southearth asian.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:21PM & 9:37PM – I support the view expressed by 3:52PM. If you remove your cynic just for one second from your head, you can probably understand things behind the close door.

3:52PM – At the present time, I believe you when you said “Sihanouk's alliance to China is the best political, or personal friendship Cambodia nation can ever have”. Too bad, some unwise Khmers don’t see it that way. We can leverage that friendship and put Cambodia in a very good position at world stage.

Cambodia paid a very heavy price to build that friendship. Now it is the time to reap the benefit, let’s not be stupid.

Anonymous said...

I'm agreed with 11:02 PM, for political purpose they really kept it at higher profile.

These fool above needs to take some political science classes. They can't just think political just easy as a saleperson.

Anonymous said...

what will you reap from China?

Anonymous said...

11:02PM, You really think China will save Cabodia... Dream on!

Yes indeed Cambodian paid heavry price that's because ah-ha-nouk was fooled.

Everyone, should we got fooled again?

Everyone, do you believe China will truelly help?

We all know how Chinese are.... whatever they put out, they expect way way a lot more in returned.

Look at our country since ah sdach ha-nouk believe China and Youn.! And here you go think is best and want to fallow the idiot sdach.

Everyone what do you all think? Should we agree with 11:02PM & 3:52PM???? Has our people and nation suffered enough...? Perhaps, must still not enough for 11:02 and 3:52!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you the smart ass know how many PhDs joined the destrutive revolution of Pol Pot and Sihanouk? Do you think they were not smart as you are now? How may PhDs were killed by Pol Pot and Sihanouk?

Anonymous said...

11:13PM, since you sound so smart, how higher profile should they keep?

Million people dead and a lot more continues to suffered and die. Our country is destroyed. This is also not enough for you too?

Everyone beside 11:02PM, 3:52PM and 11:13PM, isn't obvious that sdach ahnouk is the first at fault for all this mess?

Anonymous said...

Long live friendship between China and Cambodia.

The first comment against this frienship is idiotic. China is a balance against Vietnam expansionism, you idiots.

Anonymous said...

Long live freiendhip beween China and Cambodia... More death and suffering Cambodia..........

If China is so balance, how come our people and nation continues being destroyed! IDIOTS!

11:35PM, can you see-are you blind! Can you hear-are you deaf! If that's what you call balance? You also another fool continues from ah sdach Si-ah-nouk! What a waiste!

Maybe Cambodian need not so intellence people to save what is left! Obviously high intellence people like you and ah sdach pleur continues to be fools by China. That's sad!

Anonymous said...

To Mr. political science classes,
Political science does not surpass common sense and cleverness. Most of the Khmer leaders were and are the well-educated people. Why did they play their political game to destroy the country and to kill Khmers?

Here in Long Beach, Prak Sereyvuth is a Khmer graduate in political science. We hope that, being educated in America, he would be a freedom-loving person, but in contrast he strongly advocates the Khmer Rouge. The truth of his advocacy of the Khmer Rouge exists, though there is no physical evidence, that's why Serey Pheap lost the case.

If they were to take an oath, and If an oath in front of god is powerful enough to punish him instantly, people like Prak Sereyvuth and his friends, would dare to take it.

Anonymous said...

correction: wouldn't adre to

Anonymous said...

12:03AM, I agree! Being highly educated does not surpass common sense.

Anonymous said...

correction again: most of the Khmer Rouge leaders

Anonymous said...

What will I do? I am not that intellence! If ah si-ah-nouk is all tha intellence he should not break it from the begining. This also shows that he has no common sense!

Sometime something is broken can not be fix. Like an egg.

He destroy it, knowing that he can't fix, he walk away and ignor it. Leave it to the new generation to suffers trying clean it up.

What a mess he have done! Can you see it?

Anonymous said...

For those cynics who don't know:

In the 70’s, yuon communist delegation led by Pham Van Dong went to China to reveal its intention to create Indochinese Federation state. Chinese PM (Chou Eng Lai) firmly opposed the idea.

In 1975 – Khmer rouge leaders including (Nuon Chea?) Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan paid a visit to PM Chou Eng Lai at the hospital. PM Chou told them not be too aggressive in the implementation of revolutionary principles to avoid the misery and hardship on the people. The KR leaders not only ignored PM Chou's advise, but also laughed at it.

In 1978-79 – Hanoi leaders had internal split and were very fearful of China reaction as they were planning to invade Cambodia.

In 1979 – Chinese Premier Deng Xiao Ping went to US to initiate international diplomatic condemnation and built support for military strike on Vietnam for invading Cambodia.

Today, China is the biggest donor and foreign investor in Cambodia. She is the only super power that shows interest in Cambodia survival (not to be annexed by Vietnam).

To all the cynics out there, if you don’t recognise these interventions as beneficial and friendly, what else would it be? And by the way, do you have any friend out there? Is US willing to do the same for you?

Anonymous said...

Due to this modern time now, YOUN can't take over Cambodia by forces or anything. But the only thing we are worry now is the newly born YOUN-Khmer from 1979 till now. They have money because of their parents is CPP high rank officials that send them to higher university or college inside and outside Cambodia and come back in take up higher positions in the Cambodian government.

These +30 years old YOUN born Khmer are the one we worry.

They kept pouring in their legal and illegal citizens inside Cambodia and soon or later Cambodian will outnumbered by them.

We must do something!! This Vietnamization is not a joke!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes 1:32 AM,

You're absolutely correct!
They have had done this in Laos very successfully.

They send out the LAOTION and replace the YOUN-LAOS now Laos is 100% YOUN.

Khmer must not let this happen!!!

Anonymous said...

. . .then it's time for Khmer to reap: tear, sorrow, greavance, misery, destitute, hunger, prostitutes, and crimes.

If you are not blind you should have seen that the US has done a lot more for Khmer refugees and those in the country than China does now. Between China and America, which country will you go to make your living if given a chance?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You’re absolutely right 1:39AM – this vietnamization is a very serious threat. But, if you talk to the people in Western countries, they don’t understand it and they would say that our fear is irrational. Only China would understand our problem because she knows Yuon evil intention very well and she understands the problems and troubles that yuons (Indochinese Federation state) can cause to her.

So let’s be best friend with China, and we can count on her and her veto power at UN.

Anonymous said...

Yes, US will be a better place to live for some immigrants, 1:43AM. But what I and many other Khmers want is a country, not just a home. Only China can help to preserve our country because her security is partially related to our. America has no interest for our survival. She only has her own interests.

Anonymous said...

Why then Taiwan, singapore, or Malaysia don't embrace China? And China too, why doesn't it help those countries? Because the leaders of those countries do not like communism and are smarter than Khmer leaders who are easily to fooled and flattered. Khmer leaders don't care much about the fate of their coutries as long as they are rich and happy.

Anonymous said...

2:00AM - did Yuon try to annex Taiwan, Singapor or Malaysia? Is Cambodia as strong as those three countries?

Anonymous said...

The reason why America has little interest for Khmer's survival is because our leaders, not because of America's. A lot more small countries in the world would look to America for help because they are the freedom-loving leaders, while Khmer leaders whose brain sockets are fully stuffed with absolutism, hate freedom and social justice. Why Khmer leaders like communism more than democracy? Because communism profits them the most.

You understand what home means just as I do. But Cambodia won't be a home for the majority Khmers. It can only be a house, and is even not a comfortable house either if it continue to be ruled by a dictator like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

It deponds on a leader to make his country strong or weak. The patriotic leader will always make his country strong. The disloyal/traitrorous one will make his country weak because he sucks in 2/3 of the national revenue to his own. It doesn't matter how much aid is given to Cambodia, Cambodia with a ruler like Hun Sen will never become a strong country.

Anonymous said...

You can said that because our leaders choose who to side with. But in reality if we don't seal our border good there will be a leak.

If Cambodian leader chooses to side with America and the border has hole in it I'm pretty sure there will be an anti-government group forming up some place some where and side with that individual countries (Vietnam or China) to at least stir us into trouble and not letting us live in peace.

I'm pretty sure these two countries jealous of Cambodia with prosperity.

This is will depend on our secure border. This border will make us strong if we have a full seal then we be on whoever sides we want.

Commie or Democracy, YOUN doesn't let us to choose. They want to let us choose them as the boss.

But I don't think Cambodia will let YOUN control them forever.

No way!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

...or in another word, if a leader is a puppet of another stronger country, Cambodia will never be independent.

Anonymous said...

Corpes of Pol Pot had gone half a century ago 1.7M nor 1/3 of population been wiped out and we're currently dealing with another Corpes of Phnom Penh nor Clans of Phnom Penh totaled today 2,174,520 and counting.

Anonymous said...

The King is not perfect but you can't blame everything on him. If you look from US point of view (CIA Doc.) the reason Cambodia fell to the Kmere Rouge because Lon Nol Govt. did not get their act together to defeat Pol Pot instead they rather stay in the city and enjoy US Aid. At one point during the war, 2/3 of the Kmere rouge soldiers were killed by US bombing. CIA also claimed that the people in the country side did not support the Kmere Rouge because of the killing. This fact also confirm during the KR trial. I have to assume that the people who put all the blame on the King must be the former Lon Nol regime or have some connection to that. The bottom line is all the leaders shared the blame, I have no douth that all of them wanted Cambodia to be famous and prosper.
As far as ethnic people concern, It is all right to have different ethnic people in the country as long as they follow the rules of laws in the country and paying taxes like in the US. If you have been in Long Beach (US)lately, even the street sings were written in Kmere but I don't see white American holding sign and protest that. The world has been changed so you can't have the old way of thinking anymore.

Anonymous said...

that was history, however keep in mind too that the royal elderly are private citizens, now, so, let their majesties live in peace for a change, ok! they're not in power anymore, they retired now, don't you understand? get educated, please!

Anonymous said...

It is a chinese custom to remember their good friends when at hard time they have been help.
In 1949, Sihanouk was the first Head of State to recognise THe Peole's Republic of China. Sihanouk has help China more friends during his tenure as Deputy Chairman of countries of Non alliance bloc. Therefore, China won't forgetten his activities to help China for recognition among Non Alliance Bloc countries. China has supported Sihanouk at all cost to regain his power. But it was Sihanouk who had used China aids wrongly by supporting POl Pot instead.
Sihanouk should return to Cambodia before 17 April 1975 with invitation of USA government to replace Lon Nol to stop Pol Pot to take over.
I was a student during that at Pharmacy School. One of Sihanouk'son in law, Dr Som chanvotey had indicated that after 17 April will be a New government led by his father in Law ( Sihanouk ). The negociation has failed as Sihanouk had breached the agreement to peacefully transfer of power. It was Sihanouk revenge for all Cambodian destruction. He wanted to kill all Phom Penh residents for supporting Lon Nol for 5 years.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

6:05 AM See real Khmer stand up!

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM it is ok to have more vietnamese, Chinese, Thai and other ethnic people in Cambodia.
I agreed with 5:32 AM as long as they follow the rule of law.
That's what make Cambodia strong
and prosper in the future generation.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind more pretty pussies but no dick!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Sihanouk, and his family....!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is simply a communist politician, he is no longer a King whatsoever. He does not represent Khmer people at all. Sihanouk in China because he loves the communists and that is personal to his cause.

China should offer Sihanouk and Monineath Chinese citizen and made both carry Chinese passports as any Chinese citizen. Sihanouk and Monineath must pay taxes as Chinese citizen.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk basically has been known as a playboy around the world!. He did not care about anyone but himself, not even for his own children! He even swore at his own daughter on a radio calling her a "slut"!, he even forgot where she was coming from! She was part of his gene to begin with, but regardless, as a king, you don't do that!, on the other hand when a King called his own daughter "slut", what value do people have in general?Basically, He was a bad and mad king to rule our country. No, wonder why Khmer had to go downhill. At the same time Khmer men like to copycat this mad king too, e.g. they like to abuse their women and children and they placed no value for them! It is so sad that this mad king had to run the country which is in turn affected all innocence people. However, I hope these innocence people are at peace right now. But I hope this mad king won't get away from it all in the end and I am sure he will pay the price! In fact, he probably is paying for it because his children/grandchildren are deep shit! In other words, if you don't give peace to people then you will never get peace back in return, simple as! So, go a head keep going to China and make a fool of yourself because China doesn't care about you, they only want you to kill your people and so they can get your land for their people. One question, where do guns, or other artilleries come from?

Anonymous said...

People make friend to other people. King Sihanouk and China is no exception. Too bad that China and Vietnam collided with each other. The result of this power play, 2 millions of Cambodian people died senselessly. Get those who committed crime of killing, they will all point their fingers to the top as we know all along. Punish Noun Chea? or Kiev Samphon? Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

all we have to do is look at america; america is made of immigrants and people of all national origin, but they are learning english and most jobs in the USA required some kind of high school and college degree, etc. america is a country that uses the rule of law totally; thus, educated american people are open-minded and understand and not afraid of america becoming a foreign nation. why? because everyone in america live by the rule of law. i think cambodia ought to adopt some of the philosophy and ingenuity from america and apply it to cambodia. this way, khmer people shouldn't have to worry about youn and siem or whoever stealing from cambodia like they did during the dark ages era because nowadays if we have the rule of law and people are educated enough, we should have to worry about cambodia disappearing from the planet. maybe in the dark ages era maybe, but nowadays? there are many many countries all over the world and cambodia is one of them, so, don't worry too much about cambodia disappearing from the planet by siem and youn stealing from us, instead, get educated and use the rule of law to prevent illegal siem and youn from taking advantage of cambodia, really! wake up and think about it, ok!

Anonymous said...

To a few idiot rascals who know one thing is insulting. Let starts from the rascal on the top 2:47pm.
Tell us what else besides insulting you can do better?

Today this planet earth is being ruled by 2 powerful nations: China and US. Every nation can be vanished and can be created, and no country is exceptional including the most powerful US and China.
If King Sihanouk can still keep Cambodia on the world map, he is one of the best leaders on the planet regardless of troubles or weak or small country.

Last time Ho Chi Minh was great for Vietnam, but now he is not anymore while China is silently invading Vietnam, and the new Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Tan Dung is of Chinese decent.

Thailand was great for more than 200 years under general Chakri and his offsprings, now all power are in the hands of elite Sino-Thais while the majority of the real Thais (ethnic Khmers or Morn) are poor and King Pumipon (Bhumibol) is dying in his deathbed. King Pumipon spoke to his people a few years ago "the nation can be disappeared if we failed to unite and strong.."
Some of these rascals who cursed Sihanouk are the dumbest people; and they are the extreme group who keep Hun Sen in power and stronger without knowing it.

If we ask these dumbest to tell us how would they do the difference, they'd say side with the US, but they would not say how about Soviet and China attack?
Gen Lon Nol was given a chance but his regime was the most corrupted regime every lived, and who was the top mafia? Lon Non, Gen Lon Nol's young brother forgetting that within Lon Nol's army there're too many Viet spies in it.

Om Areak Prey may know something but his opinions saying King Sihanouk misused China's aid is also stupid.

Anonymous said...

2:00 AM.
Have you done search enough to know about Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan?
90% Singaporean are Chinese. 50/50%Malaysians are Chinese, and Taiwanese are Chinese.

About Thailand and Vietnam, most elite and powerful are Chinese decent.

Anonymous said...

8:18 PM,
Not all Khmer people but a few extremists less than 50 who are regular customers of KI love to fuck cursing. We are so glad that Cambodia is still on the map by our King. Cambodian polisticians are smart now, we are friends with China and with US.

Anonymous said...

You are right "Every nation can be vanished and can be created including the US and China".
The mighty nation, America with all mighty weapons now is run by the crazy lib socialists. The radical muslims Osama Bin L. terrorize the US to bankrupt situation after they already dominated European nations by their muslim population, then the muslim-socialism took over.
When the government wants to run health care, run auto makers, run media outlets, America is a appraoching to Socialism or Communism.
The United Socialist or Communist State of America (USSA) or the UCSA.

Anonymous said...

Not all American like Obama. Actually there are a lot of people out there that are determined to reject his cool aid drink. American work their rear ends off to their suvs, their luxury homes and everything else. There is no way, they are going to settle for less than that or pay for everybody else who are lazy and a sucker, except those who are truely disable. It would be just like The Khmer Rouge telling rich Cambodian who used to drive Mercedes or American's brand new sport car before April of 1975 that is o.k and it's best doing farming from scrath to get where they had already been achieved and less. Those Cambodian were no dummy. They weren't believing them. They just couldn't do anything at the time, because were hyjacking of their right and were holding hostage. In fact those rich Cambodian could not believe the TRUE LIE of The Khmer Rouge and it's the same thing Obama's administration was trying to tell those super rich and powerful American. HEAR THIS, They all thought Obama is Jack's ass and can you say that they were wrong? There is no American wants their arms and legs tied up. No one. America born under her rule and principle of Capitalism and not the F socilaist or Communist.