Thursday, October 01, 2009

"Mé Toap Banh Tea" a Poem by a Group of Poets


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Puor vea baan chumnuoy yothea mork,
mean kamlaing chih choan reas teat.


Anonymous said...

2:37 AM

Here is converting from Khmer version to KhmerLatin.

Pouk ah sarsé kamnap tieng oss niss
vea baan tae sraek cham kaong pi cham ngay té. Ah pourk niss vea min
tov sraek nov srok khmer té vea bann cham kaong nov ie bortess
ponnung eing.
Ah pork oss niss vea chea kjom kanjass oss thleiy roboss ah pak bro chhang tae ponnuss.

Anonymous said...

The Royal Goverment of Cambodia will be filed lawsuit against Hin Sithan's book " Nor Na Cheatakor Reas Khmer" sold in Pnom Penh and series number of poems wrote by his group, wich was defamation government and the Leaders of Cambodia.
Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong is looking for someone who could provide information about former khmer rouge Hin Sithan and his group (Hin Sithan, KC, Sam Vichea, Ung Thary, Yin Guechsè and Champa Diep) are currently residing.
For more Infomation please contact the office of Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong in Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Every word from those above comments are intimidation, intimidation, intimidation etc...

Statesmen in incumbent Cambodian government are barbarian according to the above comments.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen regime is like that!

Anonymous said...

I will send this to the khmer government to put you in jail and close your website ok.

Anonymous said...

8:52 AM,

Do Ma Mei, Aing Ca Long Ver your motherf***er.

Un chien vietnamien a continue pour proteger son maitre, le traitor du pays, le Cambodge.

Fermez votre gueule pourrie, seulement pour proteger les os.

Anonymous said...

We all recognised there are more problems in our country. but as you are one of a Khmer as well, do you have any idea to solve this existing problem in our country? to make more issue for each other as Khmer is not a good solution for this problem. From each of us as Khmer, please listen and starting to support this mechanic to solve this problem together to save our country. Not just to creat more problem for our country.

Anonymous said...

this is the only way to solve this existing problem in our country
we all as Khmer have to solve it together, not just saying and waiting for some one to do it for us. pls visit this website and listen and support. Sure, we can solve all our problem step by step. we can not just turn the existing situation around by 360 degree te.....

Anonymous said...

USA before became this such good DEMOCRACY country like today, did you aware that how many years they spent for and did you know what kinds of problems they face.....
so please do not make more problems for our country, we all knew that. Please just use your brain to cogitate and find out the solution for this existing problem, do not make a new one. here is a good way i could find it will be able to solve our problem

Anonymous said...

But USA did not have too many buffalo brain government like Cambodia do now a day,I prefer to die in others countries than let ah Hun Sen Pol Pot finish me got it?

Anonymous said...

understand your feeling. if you want to help our country, please support this idea though you are now in oversea.... please just listen and cogitate...

Anonymous said...

Hin Sithan, don't just saying and writing for some one to read it, but go to Cambodia and do it for us. Don't just sleep with your Siam wife in Washington.
come on huh...?

Anonymous said...

We are all Khmer, now is the time to unify our community, to against Stupid Thailand, not conflict our khmer People. Don't feel to much about Vietnam not the time to fight against VN, Solve problem Step by Step. before 1970 also a lot of Vietnamese in cambodia.

The time is coming for us to against Thailand not VN this moment.

We should feel more suffered from thailand than VN, Look our history in

Remember we're khmer we need to build a strong team not to be enemy each other.

Anonymous said...

it's agreeable, but to build a stronge team is not an easy thing as u say..... from now on, here is the way you can build our stronge team to save our country and develope it to be better then nowaday..... we knew this is problem of all of us here as Khmer we can not avoid it, we have to solve this existing problem.....

Anonymous said...

when you guy can identify the problem in our country already so to solve this problem is not to point finger to each other as a Khmer this is not ganna solve it. only way to build a correct team here to lead our country to be better in the right system of DEMOCRACY and stronge economy so that we can solve all this existing problem.... pls join and support our team here for future brightness of our country, we still can do it if we unify it faster

Anonymous said...

I have support so far. in future i hope this group can lead our country better than now

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Meng Pich Chenda's sister is Tea Banh's mistress. She had love affair with young male Karaoke.

Anonymous said...

2:55 PM,

He's Ah Hok, a Bang Thom,Yun Cong Bat Ph'sa Sangker, Battambang, Cambodia.

He's working as a Hanoi and Hun Sen spy to collect all info from Khmers in U.S.A, and send them to their masters, Hun Sen and Hanoi to counter us back on what we are saying, writing or composing.

He entered U.S.A via a SHAM MARRIAGE arranged by a khmer lady name Reach, Bun Ho (= Bun Ho Him, her young new husband the same age
of her kids, name Him, Savorn, address: 206 E. 68th Street, Tacoma, WA. 98404). The khmer widow who involved with Ah Hok, or Song Kunthea, is Mr. Samai's daughter, living near old khmer temple in Mckinlee Avenue, Tacoma, Wa.

Bun Ho Him'son named, Hap Narong(Mr. Hap Hoy's son,High school teacher in Battambang, from her first marriage)went to Cambodia in 1993, and married Nuon Chea's niece named Nuon Keth.Both of them are now living in Booney Lake, WA.

Because of her stinky mouth, under the Khmer Rouge regime, she dared to boast to her colleague that her husband, Hap Hoy, was a commander in Lon nol's army. Hearing that, Pol Pot guards arrested Mr. Hap Hoy, and killed him.

She tried so many times to put a blame on somebody else to cover up her true relationship as an IN-LAW to Nuon Chea, a criminal against Humanity at ECCC.

រួមគិត រួមសម្រេច រួមធ្វើ said...