Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RFA Khmer Service is a mess ... CPP mole like Mayarith could be undermining this US-funded radio station

Dear Readers,

The following letter was posted today by Mr. Serey Ratha Sourn on the Camdisc bulletin board. The letter was allegedly sent by Mayarith, a former RFA reporter who resigned to work for Soy Sopheap's pro-CPP newspaper Deum Ampil News (Tamarind tree News). In his letter, Mayarith was complaining about the nomination of Sam Poly as the deputy-director for RFA Khmer Service. Mayarith is concerned that this nomination will lead to more critical reports by RFA against the Hun Sen's regime. If this letter is proved to be authentic, it appears that Mayarith has been working as a CPP mole from within RFA and thus could be undermining the integrity of this US-funded radio station designed "to provide accurate and timely news and information to Asian countries whose governments prohibit access to a free press."

KI-Media team

Click on the letter in Khmer to zoom in

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

To: Highly respected Samdach Dek Cho Hun Sen, Prime minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

I, Mayarith, ask for your highest authorization to report the work at Radio Free Asia (RFA).

The main points related to the RFA work are as follows:

On Friday 26 June 2009, an announcement was made by Mrs. Libby Liu, the administrator for the entire RFA [RFA President], nominating an employee without expertise by the name of Sam Poly (Pseudonym used on radio is Pov Ponlok) as the deputy director for the broadcasting of Radio Free Asia [Khmer Service]. This position was previously occupied by Mr. Sam Borin. Currently, Mr. Sam Borin is only occupying the position of executive director for information, in charge of political affairs and responsible for the RFA’s listeners forum program. This major change allows the opposition group to have more opportunity to use RFA to oppose the government because Mr. Kem Sos, the director of RFA Khmer Service, is not a good leader.

The new nomination brought a surprise to all RFA employees, and some of them are even looking to find ways to leave RFA. Based on my phone conversations with RFA employees both inside and outside the country, I learned that they want to find new positions if work is available. I plan to …. [unreadable sentence]… I am asking Samdach’s advice if there are employees who want to quit. [Unreadable hand written notes, they could be from Hun Sen].

I will return back to the US on Wednesday 01 July 2009, and when I will arrive there, I will turn in my resignation letter from RFA. I plan to return back to Cambodia at the beginning of August. Between July and August, I will prepare a new life for my wife and my two sons (my eldest son is currently studying architecture at university, and the other one is currently studying general education). At this time, I could be facing with some difficulties because I no longer receive my salary from RFA anymore. Nevertheless, I and my wife will seek all available means to organize a comfortable living before my return back to Cambodia by myself. I apologize to Samdach PM because I should not tell you all these issues.

In conclusion, I promise to serve to the nation and I am banking my future on the ideal and virtuous leadership of Samdach and the Chumteav [Bun Rany Hun Xen], [to work] in the information framework with Younger Brother Soy Sopheap until the end and this is my grateful payback to Samdach and the CPP leaders who liberated the country from the Pol Pot regime and who are currently developing the country.

Phnom Penh, 28 June 2009

(Signed) Mayarith

(Countersigned) Soy Sopheap
(Countersigned) [Unreadable, it could be Hun Xen]


Anonymous said...

I told you!

Hey Hey...
Ha Ha...
Ho Ho... Ho Chi Minh.

Anonymous said...

not surprise.....

Anonymous said...

Mayarith's letter indicates that there is no ground of Ethics and framework, but Moha samdach Hun Sen holds the key for everything.
it also proves that for what ever happened to national matters, there is always sucking attitude towards for better private life.
That is making leadership cheap when concience and personal sacrifice do not exist.
cambodia will tangle with many obstacles to come, with complications already have to be faced unless management changed crucially.

Neang Sa

Anonymous said...

i wish that US should deport all his familly back to combodia let him kiss ass ah kwack and see how his life are like, us give him every things but he back to kiss ah hun kwack ass. us should deport ah mayarith familly back to combodia let him kiss ah kwack ass to support his familly

Anonymous said...

I see Serey Ratha is more CPP than Mayarith. He created problem; so far to cause all khmer destroy khmer. How Serey Ratha has this letter from; unless Soy Sopheap gave him. Why?

Anonymous said...

តាមមើល៎ មានមនុស្សឆ្កួត ៗ បានសរសេរ​សំបុត្រក្លែងក្លាយ​ដើម្បី ប្រឌិតរឿង ក្នុងគោល
បំណងនិយាយបង្ខូច លោកម៉ាយ៉ារិត ។
អាម្សៀមួយក្បាលនេះ​ វាឧស្សាហ៍ ធ្វើព្យុះ
ធ្វើភ្លៀងណាស់ ។ អ្វីដែល បងប្អូនខ្មែរ
ត្រូវប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ននោះ ​គឺថាអាគាត់ហ្នឹង ប្រហែលជាផ្ទៃក្នុងរបស់ហ៊ុនសែនផង ។
ព្រោះថា ហ៊ុនសែនគាត់ឆ្លាតណាស់ ដោយ
បាន រើសអាម្នាក់នេះ អោយមកឆាឆៅ ខ្មែរ
យើងនៅឯនាសមុទ្រ ។ជារឿយៗ អាម្សៀនេះ
ធ្វើរឹកហាក់ដូចជាស្អប់ ហ៊ុនសែនខ្លាំងណាស់
តែជាញយដង ​វាតែងតែប្រើល្បិច រុញទូក
បណ្ដោយទឹក ក្នុងគោលបំណង កំចាតើសម្លេងប្រឆាំង៕

Anonymous said...

Neang Sar , you say Hun Sen holds the key for everything , are you talking about RFA ? if you are , you must be out of your mind ... Hun Sen has no authority to do anything with RFA .
Mayarith sent Hun Sen a letter because Mayarith was a CIA for CPP .. just read what he said about RFA and opposition party .

Anonymous said...

Cambodian nature,"if I did not get it no one will get either."
Do not raise Mayarith as a spy for CPP,in reality, he is more likely a suck up and opportunist like father(Khieu X.O Kannharith) like son.

Mayarith on a real soft ground now.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading Neang Sar's comment again and again but I have no idea what the hell he his talking about . I don't see any implication between his comment and Mayarith's letter .

Anonymous said...

Hanoi and Yuon pupper Hun Sen sold Cambodia to get billions dollars, and used these dollars to buy RFA, and khmer heads to serve the Vietnamese interests of Vietnamisation of Cambodia.

From all levels of Hun Sen's administration, Buddhist state religion, economy... were controlled by Hanoi.

All Khmers, you will be Viet slaves very soon on your ancestors' Lands.

Anonymous said...

This is not the dark ages anymore.
They can run or cover up, but can't be hidden.

Anonymous said...

Reader, "holds the key for everything", I do not think she imply, He, Hun Sen, control RFA station.

"Bravo" to RFA. But, time to do not over look your back yard. Weed will infest beatifull landscapr, if one let it.


Anonymous said...

the dog still barking the human still working. It's not important for Mayarith as a reporter. He need to put his head under Hun Sen's sole of the foot, he love monies different from before. I remember he look like ah Thach Keth (Srarlanh Khmer newspaper)

Anonymous said...

According to Mayarith's letter to Hun Sen, I didn't see any wrong doing by Lok Om Kem Sos as those former employess who were elleged fired by him as he is working for CPP. Mrs Libby Liu, a Chinese-American is a President of RFA, and Yamarith may had gotton a job through just be a member of the CPP to raise his family and himself. To have jobs, Khmers have to bow to Hun Sen and his wife (Khmer say rornep rornop). So what? Those people will have to fight to live.

How we can help those who need is a big question. Blaming them without providing food and shelters for them, what is the point?

Some irrational people even went far to racism issue, like using derogative term calling Lok Om Kem Sos "Cham" is so disgusting. These kind of people are the radical extremists who intend only to destroy a unity of Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

See I told you, Hun Sen is playing with RFA.


Because of money people will sells their brain to Hun Sen.

I can't imagine how my country is going to be in the future under this guy rule.

We need to sent more msg to Khmer people to wake up and change the leadership.

Anonymous said...

You knew that people will sell everything for money to buy food, medicine, ...through freedom.
If you were them who live in the society that have one meal or nothing per day what would you do while your family are starving?
Let see your strategies besides blaming those needy.

Anonymous said...

I thought RFA is funded by Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

RFA pushed Mayarith to the dead-end and turned him from being outspoken against Hun Sen to supporting Hun Sen. If you flesh back to how Mayarith came to RFA, you would know that he was one of the founder of this anti-Cambodian government radio and dedicated to serving Cambodian listeners. What a waste! The whole management is to blame.

Anonymous said...

Again, Sourn Serey Ratha is very attractive person...yes, very good comment about "om touk bondoy tirk" by Sourn Serey Ratha.

I hope Sourn Serey Ratha can achieve his mission before the dawn.

Now, Cambodian people are not dump any more to be tricked by Vietnamese strategies...

Anonymous said...

The Man Made Poverty throughout Cambodia is Hanoi and Hun Sen's strategies by plundered all khmer resources, human Rigths violations, land grabbings,depleting fishstock in Tonle Sap by 3 millions Viet Illegal Immigrants, deforestations for Hanoi's Rbuuer Trees Plantation of over 100, 000 hectars
not to mention about the Viet cores hiding inside Hun Sen's administrative ministries, are intended to make the whole khmer people living conditions terrible, poorer.

So without food, people abandoned every thing, and occupying to fed their mouth only.

This is the Basic physical needs for Human Being to Survive. Hanoi had knew that very well. And why all Khmers, outside and inside, did not, do not, and will not see that.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith is an ass kisser at best.

Anonymous said...


I do not to sell my brain to corrupted government and I do not to work under one man rule.

Being a man, I and me had many things to do in life to make a living. You can go to teach and you still make a living if you have to. You can open your own newspaper like his case to make your own living. You can open a night club bar in town to make a living because he knew too many people in town, and toursm from out side.

I do not needs to go further details how to make a living by not selling your brain to make a living, if you had a good brain, except if you just wanted to kiss ass to make a living or sell your skills to work as a slave dog.

You need to be financial independent, and work environment dependent for you sake of life, you do not need to fake your though to make a living. You go to school to have a different ideas on your own, not to follows.


Anonymous said...

Fire Ah Kem Sos from RFA and others who work for Hun Sen. This is American tax payer money, not Hun Sen money.


Go back where you come from. I'm not going to pay your salary anymore. I pay my tax to US government and I have a right to accuse you. You're just a cheap idiot who betrays Khmer people and her country. Who is caring you go back with your family to live in lawless country?

If the person wants to be a good citizen and love her country, they don't need to join Ah Hun Sen to survive and kiss his ass. They can find the way to support them self and their family. Don't tell me they need to survive to work for Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith and Vuthy Khin Houth are cousins. They are both vicious CPP tools except that Vuthy seems to be a much more powerful tool of the regime since he got a very good command of English from his US graduate degree on top of his Vietcong psychological warfare education.

Poly Sam is a flip-flop boy without principle according to his mentor in Lowell. He may have already 100% sold his brain to the regime since he decided to recruit back the CPP (ex-RFA) Vuty Khin Houth who got fired.

Enough talk and no time to waste! Let's send at least one email each to the oversight agency to make the RFA Khmer service live up to the mission that Congress set out to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Are these real Khmers who keep insulting and cursing poor Khmers like Mayarith?

Can the bashers find jobs for them so they can help to reform Cambodia instead of going to beg from Hun Sen?

Bravo 9:14 AM,
You are the champion who has everything, money, and freedom while Mayarith and other poor Khmers don't have. Good for you.
Can you reach out to them and help them to get a better life instead of going back to Cambodia to face poverty?

A lot of bashers in here, let see the actions of good deeds for the sake of Khmers and the nation.

Anonymous said...

I thougth RFA fund by noth KOREA or TALABANN

Anonymous said...

I think RFA Khmer Service should do random or routine lie detector test for all employee including it director as so other secuity staff.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith was a spy for CPP in RFA.
He goes back to serves his Vietnamese bosses.
Shame on you Mayarith!

Anonymous said...

If you find Mayarith a job so he can feed his family with a decent life, he will be yours. Or you can try to be Mayaright one day to see how you can survive in Cambodia under Hun Sen when your family members are being threated to be killed.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith's letter is nothing but an ass kisser. Go to hell!

Anonymous said...

All is basedless comments.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To be a man you have to beat a man. Brother Mangarith is a great man that fight for liberty and freedom.

He has full right to chose any potitical arena and you can do that too.

Anonymous said...

How about the other real CPP's spies in RFA like Um Sarin (air name Keo Nimol) and Pun Bunsong (air name Mondul Keo)?

They hold posiltion at the ministry of information and assistant to Hun Sen's advisor Om Yin Tieng.

There have evidences to proof!

However, we have to acknowledge that RFA's management is in paranoid-- the situation will lead to destruction!

Anonymous said...

VOA and RFA have this letter long time ago why Soun Serey Rotha just post this letter? If you look at his professional peformance, he just take crazy personnal. Rotha, you have to go to school BO"!

Anonymous said...

Sam Poly called Pov Ponlok is a former gang in Lowell, USA. He is not a professional journalist. He knows well how to create problem. How come American pay tax for stupid boy for ganger like him?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know Kim Sos is CIA of America? He needs to do everything he can to manipulate American in RFA. The best interest of American is to protect him on his position although he has no much knowledge about writting a news.

Anonymous said...

Pro-Hun Sen faction consolidates its control of Radio Free Asia Cambodian section

Just as Hun Sen has been consolidating his political control of Cambodia, so
to has he been consolidating his control of the Cambodian section of Radio
Free Asia.

In December 1997 Mr Vuthy Khin Huot was offered a position as Director of the
Cambodian section of RFA. RFA did not dare make an outright appointment
however, fearing public protest. Therefore officially he was originally
appointed simply as a member of the broadcasting team. When rumours first
started surfacing on SCC of his appointment and people started lobbying RFA to
protest, RFA postponed the official appointment of Mr Huot as Director of the
section. A month later on 26th February 1998 RFA quietly announced through an
internal memo to members of the Cambodian section the appointment of Mr Huot
as Acting Director of the Cambodian section. Mr Huot soon appointed his
relatives to positions in the section to strengthen his faction, and started
harassing and intimidating other members of the team who did not support him.
Two new members have now joined the Cambodian section, in moves designed to
further consolidate Hun Sen's control of RFA broadcasts in the run-up to the
Cambodian elections.

Vuthy Khin Huot was raised from an early age by Vietnamese soldiers and has
had a strong life long affiliation to the Vietnamese/Hun Sen communists. He
was previously sent by Hun Sen to Moscow as Hun Sen's representative to

In April 1997 following the March 31st grenade attack on a peaceful public
emonstration organised by Sam Rainsy in which many civilians were killed and
injured, Vuthy Khin Huot caused outrage on SCC when he stated that he wished
Sam Rainsy had been killed in the attack.

It is an incomprehensible abuse of the authority bestowed upon RFA by the US
Congress that Radio Free Asia should appoint such a person as Director of the
Cambodian section, and such corruption must be viewed in the context of
similar serious problems in other sections of RFA such as the Lao section, the
Burmese section, the Vietnamese section, the Korean section, and the Chinese

Anonymous said...

Kem Sos: How do you know this? It's long ago, but I am no longer CIA? What do you want?

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD. How dare you admit that? It is not neccessary to identify your name here. From your BOSS

Anonymous said...

Hey Mondol Keo! how do we respond to this? You know that and I know that. The management team and our collegues knows this as well. From Sarin.

Anonymous said...

Hey Man. Keep it secret. Don't flash it here. Bunsong

Anonymous said...

:D! :D!!!!.. Very funny!

ពី: ឃើញចង់សើច

Anonymous said...

Mr. Serey Ratha,

Thanks, but no thanks. Good try, though!

Please tell us in what condition you received Mayarith's letter from your boss. Did you send your squad team to the Cambodian Council of Ministers? You may have fooled some American scholars or academicians but not average down- to-earth Cambodian Americans.

This letter did neither make Mr. Poly Sam a hero nor redeem Mr. Vuthy Khin Houth from his anti-democracy principle.

Anonymous said...

7:35PM! keep the information in your mind and respect the secret of journalist would you?

Don't be a prick!!! 7:35PM!

Anonymous said...

These bashers are Khmers' dividers. Everyday they brag about themselves scatching their itching assses then make themselves suprior.

If they were Mayarith's situations they probably one of Hun Sen's ass kisser or even clean Hun Sen toilet.

Khmer people are swimming in the river full of crocodiles but these fuckers at outside know one thing is bashing them and bragging about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Survival strategy is very understandable but the systematic infiltration of professional stooges to destroy any positive Khmer core groups through Vietcong psychological warfare is unacceptable towards the rich cultural heritage we were bestowed with from our Cambodian ancestors and the hard-earned democracy inherited from the forefathers of our adoptive country.

By the way, there is no excuse for this destructive strategy. It would be better to live in a pagoda than to live as a lifetime parasite stooge.

Anonymous said...

Suggested Letter to send to Congress

Congresssman or Senator

Your Honorable:

It is with the utmost urgency that we plead with you to immediately attend to the deteriorating Radio free Asia Khmer Service and to directly intervene to ease humanitarian suffering and human right violations.

Radio Free Asia Vice President/ Executive Editor Dan Sutherland, Director Kem Sos and Deputy Director Poly Sam’s appointment of Vuthy Khin Houth for Khmer Service is rock solid proof RFA has no concern for the basic human right. In fact, in April 1997 following the March 31st grenade attack on a peaceful public demonstration organized by Sam Rainsy in which many civilians were killed and injured, Vuthy Khin Huot caused outrage on Social Culture Cambodia when he stated that he wished Sam Rainsy had been killed in the attack. Therefore, RFA Khmer Service’s modus operandi has and will continue to be full-scale attack on the rights of the talented, professional, and qualified Khmer journalists/ broadcasters who are active in fighting human right abuse in Cambodia.

As you are well aware, the human right situation in Cambodia is disastrous, and several poor Cambodians are suffering untold horrors. Those who have been evicted from land grab have not had access to basic food, fuel, medicines and other essential commodities. Since August 2008, 4,000 families have been evicted from Boeung Kak lake and 900 families are on the verge of becoming homeless. All the Cambodian broadcasters who were actively involved in investigating the land grab case against the powerful Cambodian government officials have been unjustly fired by Deputy Director Poly Sam.

There is an urgent need for your oversight committee to help deter abuses, investigate rights violations that do occur, and create an environment at the headquarters and local level that would allow for broadcaster protection in the Radio Free Asia Khmer Service.

Please do not delay in fulfilling your obligations.

Sign the petition with your name

Anonymous said...

Mayarith brought down some decent people at RFA who never thought this kind of betrayal would ever happened to them. Most RFA staff were trapped and got booted by guilty of association. The guy sold out his friends for his own personal reason. He has no shame, nor guilt in doing what he did to his colleagues. You are the utmost scumbag of the society, Mayarith. If you wanted to go, why take other people with you who has no clue of your betrayal.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Mayarith goes at his own choice. If you would accused him of taking others with him, I think he would better take and lead your head.

Anonymous said...

You know that RFA breaks own own code of conducts and its secreat. How come they bring the internal issue to outsiders. Please Look at Mayarith mail to HS. This is the weakness of RFA, and it it was sent out to KI by RFA, the the question is "who is the real person who ruin RFA?". It must be the one who sent that letter. Would you agree?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hout Vuthy, could you recall the invoice at one hotel room 105 in which you cheat to RFA? Person who recruited you back are they also invlove in this cheating????

Anonymous said...

You know that RFA breaks own own code of conducts and its secreat. Yes I agreed that the RFA internal issue MUST not bring to attension of the outsiders. Yes the person who sent that letter is breaking RFA Code of Conduct and secret. In many cases,for sure, this person must be FIRE. This is misconducted.

Anonymous said...

Minute of the recent meeting between Um Sarin (air name Keo Nimol) and Pun Bunsong (air name Mondul Keo)

Um Sarin: I'd not agree to retire from Ministry of Information as you know I took almost my lifetime to be spy of Hun Sen and to stay with Government.

Pun Bunsong: I think so. I can't do that. Mr. Som Poly just wanted us to retire. How? Would you think RFA will give us food to eat and money to spend for any longer? Pls look at our collegues, they been fire, next it would be us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey BOSS Som Poly. Is that you? Sorry to bring the issue here.

Anonymous said...

DON'T mention my name. Next time I will fire you if you chat here. I'd bring this issue to Kem Sos for intervention as he always good in front of Americain.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sos on his recent mision to Cambodia is NOTHING. He spend lot of money for food, hotel and girls. If you may recall his report in the RFA, it is MESH. He has NO CLUE what to put in as news

Anonymous said...

Hey Man. Don't say negavtive about him. He is too old to do that.

Anonymous said...

.....Sorry I don't finish my sentence yet. He is too old to do those news but he is not too old to be A DOG of other nations.

Anonymous said...

He was born in Takeo province, but now he is American....

Anonymous said...

Let me explain somthing to ALL the KHMER people Mr Sam Poly counsel gang kids in Lowell Mass. If you who thinks you know him very well just tell the truth stop lying to others KHMER that don'T know him. Second off all he would not stood this low to come on to this stupid ki-media blogg to write stuffs about peers. He has more pride than sathana (sound like a freaken girl name).

Anonymous said...

Hate Hun sen he is a murder and killer.

Anonymous said...

I was told by reliable sources that the notorious Khmer illiterate Poly Sam /Peou Ponlok behaved worse than a gangster such as Vuthy Houth. At RFA and in Lowell, he is back-stabber to those who helped him. In addition, he has poor command of both Khmer and English let alone his journalistic language and knowledge. He would rather hide behind Kem Sos than take his responsibilty in recruiting the Crook Vietcong Vuthy Houth.

Anonymous said...

RFA's poor judgment and leadership have been setting up the RFA Khmer Service for failure from the inception in comparison with other language services. Recruitment of some non-journalists who barely read Khmer as well as the expensive induction of hard liners from the Phnom-Penh regime with the excuse to access all the information are just some examples of these flaws. This poor strategy allowed the hard liners to sabotage the Service from the start and also cause legal and unethical issues with Cambodia Daily Newspapers.

Anonymous said...

I got an ideal for Mr. Serey Rath.

You must be in danger situation now.

Mr. Mayarith please complaint this case to the court by accussing him of violating your privacy rights as he flashed your (secreat) mail without your prior authorization.

Anonymous said...

HEY MAN. You hit hard on a very excellent point.

I fully agree with you. If Mr. Mayarith is going to complaint to the court then I would suggest he also do it with RFA. I assume, as a experince lawyer, Mr. Mayarith will get double compensations from both RFA and Serey Rath.

Anonymous said...

No Sir. His name is Serey Ratha

Anonymous said...

For RFA, since Poly Sam /Peou Ponlok was the person who has signed document on behalf of RFA, I am sure he will be in the most difficult situation.

Hey Poly Sam /Peou Ponlok, have you got any respond?

Anonymous said...

........I addmitted that but I don't care as American will pay for me.

Anonymous said...

If I may recall RFA breaks its code of conduct or secret by sending Mayarith letter to Serey Ratha. What benefits would you get besides destroying/ ruining your own organization.

How people listen to RFA anymore. I am working for NGO and many of my friend recently quit listening to RFA.

RFA is not professional anymore, without the presence of Mayarith.

Anonymous said...

It keeps me so long to decide to write. Finally it is the right time to express my understanding.

I am working with UN agency and I got no idea who to support. But in general, the reputation of Mayarith is well known and everyone (majority) respects him. I don't know him face to face, but I am sure he is a nice guide.

In summary, I fully respect the professional he has and the attitude be bear. His letter to Hun Sen was not surprise me. Since he was not happy with RFA, it is his choice to do what ever he want, but make sure his involvement is legal.

If I were him, I would be so proud that Prime Minsiter care me and highly value me as a great man. Mr. Mayarith deserve this.

Look at yourself, in your lifetime have you ever get the intervention support from Prime Minister if you were in situation like or unlike him? No dream about this.

Anonymous said...

I don't WANT to talk about Mayarith as I know that he is deserving everything 100 time better than Ken Sos and Som Poly.

I want to talk about the management in RFA. I think Kem Sos and Som Poly can come to my school and I will give him scholarship. This course is about effective management of the people and the organizations.

The rest of RFA staff in Cambodia, I will give free cost of service.

Anonymous said...

I think Kem Sos and Sam Poly is doing right to be in his position without care much of other staff.

Look at them and the rest of RFA staff in Cambodia. I know for sure that the persons which was fire by RFA, have sacrifies for the rest of Cambodian Team in RFA. They don't make any mistake, but they just done what they have to do as human being.

To fight for justice, they risk themselves of lossing their jobs. It is terrible.

As Cambodian, how come the other RFA staff don't care about this?

Would you think you will not survive without your salary at RFA?

How you balance your freedome and justice and your monthly salary. If I wear your children, I will not appreciate you as my best DAD. I think you have to do something for the common benefits of Cambodian, not just for your self.

This is how staff in Washingtom DC look down at all of you and that how to fear them so much. For me, they just like you. You are all equal employees.

Anonymous said...

Could someone find out if Vuthy is still with RFA? If yes, let's inundate RFA oversight agencies with a second round of petitions.

Anonymous said...


You may want to blast RFA with two lauwsuits to claim 2 years of salary for violating your privacy and ruining your future career: one lawsuit with Cambodian coourt and another one with DC court. RFA may come up with special arrangements outside of the court for you and your family.