Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sam Borin fired from RFA

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sam Borin, a reporter for RFA Khmer Service, was fired, DAP-news reported today. With the previous firing of 6 RFA reporters and employees, Sam Borin is the seventh RFA employee who has been fired recently. Sam Borin is well known for his series of interviews with Professor Keng Vannsak, including the one in which Prof. Keng Vannsak was questioning the origin of King Jayavarman VII. The Cambodia Daily reported on 09 October that Soy Sopheap, the owner of DAP-news sent a letter to US Ambassador Carol Rodley, asking her to intervene on behalf of four RFA employees fired at the end of September. John Estrella, RFA Director for External Relations and Communications, sent an e-mail attachment to The Cambodia Daily’s inquiry on these firings stating: “In a continuing effort to produce valuable, high-quality broadcasting, Radio Free Asia will on occasion making staffing changed to further this goal. All decisions are made to preserve the integrity of our programming and to improve the service to our audience, while respecting and honoring our contractual agreements.”

DAP-news reported also that RFA did not send its representative to discuss with the Cambodian ministry of Labor regarding potential illegal firing of former employees. RFA informed the ministry of Labor that it did not gathered sufficient documents to provide clarification to the ministry. DAP indicated that a source claimed that San Suwidh, the 6th RFA employee fired, and Sam Borin were fired because they criticized the new RFA Khmer service direction led by Kem Sos and Sam Poly, his deputy.


Anonymous said...

មិនដឹងថា ​តាកញ្ចាស់គឹមសុសរូបនេះ
កើតជម្ងឺស្អី បានជាគាត់ក្រពុលមុខ ដោយដេញ
អ្នកធ្វើការចោលមិនរើសមុខឡើយ ។គិតទៅ!
អស់៧នាក់ហើយ ។ រងចាំមើលទៀតមើល
ឬក៏មកពីបញ្ហាថវិកា ដែលប្រទេសអាមេរិក
កំពុងតែប្រឈមមុខ កង្វះលុយ៕

Anonymous said...

ជយោលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ! ផ្សាយពីគេ​បាន​តែគ្នាអែង ហាមបញេ្ចញមតិ!...បើហ៊ាន​មានជាគំរូស្រាប់៕

Anonymous said...

Mr:Kem Sos did everything only for the dictator Hun Xen regime!!!Kem Sos has relationship with CPP Sar Kheng,Chea Xim,and more!!!

Anonymous said...

Kem Sos is a fraud; I worked with him for along time in the 1980s and 1990s. he was/is NOT a competent person. The Americans at the Embassy/Phnom Penh used him to translate stuff something he was qualified for. His Khme ris pretty too. RFA hired to proives comments on various things. He also read scripts for answers. RFS was forced to hire him becaue his pro-american. He is not a thinker. A dump kind of man.

Anonymous said...

មែន 12:10PM និយាយត្រូវ ចាប់តាំងពី
មានបញ្ហាវិវាទផ្ទៃក្នុងនេះមក រាល់សារព៌តមាន របស់វិទ្យុអាស៊ីសេរី យើងមិនដែល ឃើញមាន
ការចាក់ផ្សាយ​ អំពីរឿងនេះទាល់តែសោះ ៊
បើរឿង របស់គេអ្នក ដទៃវិញ វិទ្យុអាស៊ីសេរី
ផ្សាយហើយ ផ្សាយទៀត មិនចេះធុញឡើយ!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kem Sos is next to get fired .

Anonymous said...

Kem Sos,Samborin and Mayarith are the CPP Ass' Kisser.

Mr. Mao said...

Don't worry later on Mr. Soy Sopheap CTN will be the king of Cambodi.

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងនាមកូនខ្មែរ និងអ្នកតាមដានស្តាប់វិទ្យុអាស៊ី តាំងពីកកើតរហូតមកទល់ពេលនេះ ដោយយល់ឃើញថា ស្ថាប័នវិទ្យុអាស៊ី គឺជាសំឡេងប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ និងអព្យាក្រឹត ដែលបានផ្តល់នូវចំណេះដឹងទូទៅ និងពាំនាំដំណឹងថ្មីក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ ជាពិសេសស្ថានភាពរស់នៅរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ រួមទាំងភាពអយុត្តិធម៌ក្នុងសង្គម ផ្សាយអោយប្រិយមិត្តបានជ្រាបអំពីបញ្ហានោះ តែពេលនេះមេដិកនាំវិទ្យុអាស៊ី បានបណ្តេញបុគ្កលិកចេញដោយគ្មានមូលហេតុ និងអ្នករាយការណ៍ល្អៗនិងសកម្ម ចេញពីស្ថានប័នរបស់ខ្លួន នោះប្រហែលជាអ្នកដឹកនាំស្ថាប័នវិទ្យុអាស៊ីសេរីគិតតែបក្សពួក និងងៀកទៅកុម្មុយនីស្តឬយ៉ាងណា?????????

Anonymous said...

Please check this out as I found Vuthy from Google.

Subject: Fwd: FTUB... and now, RFA, what do
From: ShweZthar
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 18:32:00

-----------------------------------Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 10:04:02 -0700
Reply-To: Moe Long Sender: Burmese Scholars and Students Around The World
Subject: FTUB... and now, RFA, what do we do about this??

Dear May-Kha readers,

There have emerged unjust and inappropriate things and personalities such the
case of FTUB.
Some students have been trying to rectify this.

So what about the RFA (Burmese Section).
Please read the following message posted by a Laotian/Cambodian activist.
The message is exactly accurate.
I found that on Soc.culture.burma and soc.culture.cambodian.

Pro-Hun Sen faction consolidates its control of Radio Free Asia Cambodian

Just as Hun Sen has been consolidating his political control of Cambodia, so
to has he been consolidating his control of the Cambodian section of Radio
Free Asia.

In December 1997 Mr Vuthy Khin Huot was offered a position as Director of the
Cambodian section of RFA. RFA did not dare make an outright appointment
however, fearing public protest. Therefore officially he was originally
appointed simply as a member of the broadcasting team. When rumours first
started surfacing on SCC of his appointment and people started lobbying RFA to
protest, RFA postponed the official appointment of Mr Huot as Director of the
section. A month later on 26th February 1998 RFA quietly announced through an
internal memo to members of the Cambodian section the appointment of Mr Huot
as Acting Director of the Cambodian section. Mr Huot soon appointed his
relatives to positions in the section to strengthen his faction, and started
harassing and intimidating other members of the team who did not support him.
Two new members have now joined the Cambodian section, in moves designed to
further consolidate Hun Sen's control of RFA broadcasts in the run-up to the
Cambodian elections.

Vuthy Khin Huot was raised from an early age by Vietnamese soldiers and has
had a strong life long affiliation to the Vietnamese/Hun Sen communists. He
was previously sent by Hun Sen to Moscow as Hun Sen's representative to

In April 1997 following the March 31st grenade attack on a peaceful public
emonstration organised by Sam Rainsy in which many civilians were killed and
injured, Vuthy Khin Huot caused outrage on SCC when he stated that he wished
Sam Rainsy had been killed in the attack.

It is an incomprehensible abuse of the authority bestowed upon RFA by the US
Congress that Radio Free Asia should appoint such a person as Director of the
Cambodian section, and such corruption must be viewed in the context of
similar serious problems in other sections of RFA such as the Lao section, the
Burmese section, the Vietnamese section, the Korean section, and the Chinese

Anonymous said...

Please address any complaint or testimony related to RFA to:

Chairman Towns, Congressman
The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Congressman Jim Moran
House Appropriate Committee

Anonymous said...

When incompetent people manage any institution, there is only one predictable result achieved: failure and bancrupcy. I wouldn't be surprise if the US Government decided to stop having the Khmer Service at RFA operated. Afterall, it already had Khmer Service at VOA (another competently shaky service, why waste more tax revenues on such messy operation.

Anonymous said...

Dear RFA Khmer listeners:

It is abnormal regarding to the recent termination of RFA Khmer staffs. We all know that those staffs are the best reporters and why they were fired or laid-off.

Something is fishy under the relationship of the current RFA directory and deputy director. If you listen to RFA after those staffs are fired or laid-off, you would not hear any meaning reports.

As RFA Khmer listeners, I would like to urge everyone who care about this to write your concern to your congressman, especially the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). This fishy issue of RFA needs to be investigated. Below is the information of BBG that you can write your letter to:

Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)

330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20237
Tel: (202) 203-4400
Fax: (202) 203-4585

Anonymous said...

Dear Brothers and RFA Khmer Listeners:

It is an alarming coincidence regarding to the recent hiring of Vuthy Khin Houth (please refer to his outrageous statement on Sam Rainsy and his criminal report in DC) and the mass termination of RFA Khmer staff.

As RFA Khmer listeners, I would like to urge everyone who care about this to write your concern to your congressman, especially the Broadcasting Board of Governors(BBG).

Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20237
Tel: (202) 203-4400
Fax: (202) 203-4585

Anonymous said...

Cambodian governments need to be more open to our society by allowing all individuals to have the freedom of speech. Governments need to learn to step into a world of having a sense of humour. Like Aust, people can joke around about their political leaders without getting into trouble. The freedom of speech does not always mean that serious and political leaders no need to make a big deal out of it, like sacking workers, a resting workers or editors and imprisonment them, in doing so to shut them up and so on. This is wrong, good governments don't need to use and abuse their power. Prime Minister Hun Sen on the other hand needs to allow all political leaders the right to debate to reach a common goal and common interest to improve the quality of lives of its citizen e.g. create a welfare system like all for one and one for all; increasing new infrastructures such as roads, housing, hospital and schools, migrating more people etc ( the more people we have the better to keep the country alive, as well it will improve in the management of our country) and at the same time, all political leaders need to learn to move away from personal conflicts but more focusing on what else needs to done, like maybe the improvement between one country to the next like, Asian nations come together as one, Asian nation money e.g. would be called “Asiano or Asian Mono” which is similar to European nation money called “Euro”. We need to think about what is more productive? E.g. everyone is equally important (one death is too many), also try to create an international safety net and allowing the free trade to happen for prosperities of all our Asian nations. Aust

Anonymous said...

Wow..Being a Cambodian news reporter in the current polical climate and our culture in general is not easy. I though he is by far Cambodian most intelligence and balance news reporter. I hope to see him back soon.