Monday, October 12, 2009

Some 500 Cambodian garment workers sent to hospitals for health problems

(Photos: DAP news)

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Some 500 garment workers were sent to hospitals and clinics Monday for their bad health conditions, local officials said.

Police and other local officials told Xinhua that since 12:30 p.m. local time, some 500 workers have been sent to hospitals and clinics after they felt dizzy, pale, weak and even fainted at a Korean-owned factory.

It remains unclear about the cause of the incident, but many suggested it may be caused by the chemical exposure from clothes, water or foods.

The officials, however, said no one died from the incident and many have been recovered.

The factory is located about 10 kilometers in the outskirts of Phnom Penh.

The garment sector is one of Cambodia's main exporting products and it contributes a lot to the country's revenue.


Anonymous said...

What is happening never bother thos Phnom Penh government leaders. It's so shameful for the Khmer nation. The government don't care about rule and regulation in those garment factories, about people's health. What they care is about money, power and how the strategy of how to make those people vote for them.And no wonder, they will get the votes from them again!

Anonymous said...

Have anyone heard anything from the Union Representatives. If the government is without heart, it becomes the union job.

Anonymous said...

Under AH HUN SEN regime, dirt poor Cambodian people can work until they die and still remain poor! Is this what you called the working poor? By the way, this is not the working poor in Cambodia because who the fuck would work until they die? This is what you called slave worker!

In the 21th century, Cambodia under AH HUN SEN still practice slave labor! Is this the price that dirt poor Cambodian people pay for progress?

Cambodia needs a new leader!!!!!!!