Saturday, October 17, 2009

Submission of the KMS Report for Universal Periodic Review 6th Session - Cambodia

Dear Readers,

On 01 October 2009, the Khmer M'Chas Srok (KMS) movement distributed the following letter and report to 192 members of the UN and NGOs defending Human Rigths in Cambodia, for the upcoming UN Human Rights Universal Period Review which will take place in Geneva between 30 November and 11 December 2009.

October 01, 2009


Please find in the attachment file the:

Submission of the KMS Report for Universal Periodic Review 6th Session - Cambodia

As members of the Khmer M’Chas Srok (KMS) movement, we write to urge all Missions to the United Nations to participate actively in the Human Rights Council's review of Cambodia during the 6th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

The Khmer M’Chas Srok (KMS) is a movement formed based on ideas and actions to bring all Khmer volunteers to serve the common interests of the Khmer people and the Khmer Nation. Our mission is to steer the Khmer society toward peace, prosperity, independence and national sovereignty and to defend the territorial integrity of Cambodia, as well as the rights and freedom of the Khmer people.

The UPR process offers a unique opportunity to assess publicly the human rights records of UN Member States. Cambodia will submit itself to the examination by the Human Rights Council during the 6th session in December 2009. As you know, any Member State can pose questions to the Government of Cambodia during the review and we hope you fully participate to assist in reviewing our human rights record in the spirit of positive cooperation to ensure the realization of human rights.

We believe that it is imperative for the UPR to include a full accounting of human rights conditions in Cambodia, including the multitude of abuses detailed by other NGOs, Stakeholders, as well as OHCHR Report on Human Rights Practices in Cambodia. Toward that end, the KMS has worked with the advice from the OHCHR to develop the enclosed 5 pages report under title “The Perpetual Violation Of The Khmer People’s Rights: An Extension Of The Khmer People Genocide?

This report focuses on the selection of five major rights violations in Cambodia, each of them accompanied by suggested questions and recommendations for the review of Cambodia in December 2009. These questions cover a wide range of critical issues and abuses, including the Cambodian government's continuing crackdown on democracy activists, journalists, human rights defenders, its restrictions on freedom of expression, and widespread arbitrary detention and deprivation of due process. However, the last section brought by KMS, the “Warning Signs Of Perpetual Cultural Genocide – A Continuation Of Cruelty” will be essential, for the Human Rights Council to properly understands Cambodia.

The Cambodian people still require assistance from the outside world to confront the fact that former Khmer Rouge leaders are still in control of power in the current Cambodian government. In fact, it is this same group of former Khmer Rouge leaders who deny their participation in the genocide and have threatened Khmer people in order to prevent the prosecution and trial of additional Khmer Rouge leaders.


Dr. Sakhonn CHAK
President of Khmer M'Chas Srok
Cell : +33-6-12 87 27 93 +33-6-12 87 27 93


Anonymous said...

Good works! Dr. Chak

Anonymous said...

I hope this is not just a political rhetoric we hear and see everyday. Cambodia needs to change its course especially with regard to basic human rights and dignity.

Until every Khmer citizen can express freely, Cambodia will never be free from tyrany and draconian society.

Anonymous said...

Hanoi official must be subpoenaed by the ECCC for genocide against Cambodian people.

October 8, 2009, the Honorable Marcel Lemonde, Co-prosecutor (France) released to the public his subpoena that he has signed on September 25, 2009, to summon six government officials – Senate President Chea Sim, National Assembly President Heng Samrin, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong, Finance Minister Keat Chhon and two CPP senators Ouk Bunchhœun and Sim Ka – appear at the tribunal to provide testimony “in the framework of the investigation under way against Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and other leaders”.

Two hours after the public announcement of that Lemonde’s subpoena, Marcel Lemonde’s car parked at the ECCC parking lot under the surveillance of Hun Sen’s police have been sabotaged: all the two Lemonde’s car back tires were slashed. It is worth to remember that the same kind of car accidents was happened to Ratha Sourn, Chairman of CACJE and Pengsè Sean, the President of Cambodian Border Committee, the two famous opponents of Hun Sen regime. In Paris, indeed, all the four Péngsè Sean’s car tires were slashed several times; the wind shield was broken, and two times the car was burned down or stolen. In the US, Ratha’s car’s sabotaged. Robert Petit wife and daughter life was threatened.

Anonymous said...

Dr Sokhonn of Khmer Machas srok is a big liar. She went to Long Beach in California and said that she goes around the world to gather all khmers in the world to unite but she is not going to involve in any election in Cambodia at all due to her personal safety. What kind of a political leader is it ? When I asked her some questions, she said I have to be a member of her party first by donating the yearly contribution. Otherwise she is unable to answer the questions. She said that she call me back in the evening that same day. But it never happened....

What kind of errogant is that women ?
What kind of liar she is ???
Shen was looking of money and membership only.

I think she is the same like Dr Tith Naranhkiri. When they are holding the title Dotorat in....
they do not want to talk to the simple khmers. They walk on the cloud in the sky and when they come down to the earth, they need monies..monies... (She is a real BS). Fermer ta gueul Madame doctor kvess.

Kaun Neak Chamkar.

Anonymous said...

I heard Khmer people told me that Khmer peasant or Khmer neak Chamkar are very jealous with educated Khmers, and you proved it correctly.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Khim Tith Naranhkiri and Dr.Chak Sakhon appeared good persons but their idealism and pragmatism are flawed and filled with personal cult hints.

If you go to their workshops please leave your wallet with kids at home. If you liked to help Cambodia now or later, first try keeping kids in school until graduation day.Buy them new shoes or clothes when they made good or improved grades.Then buy yourself a book about Cambodia to read on days off,so you can hang with kids at home.

Haven't heard yet? Usually teachers/orators are those can't learn.Bet your donuts on it...

No jealousy or hatred here but it's just a plain speaking truth on these self-annointed leader caricatures.