Wednesday, October 28, 2009

When will Thailand ever stop its charade claim on Preah Vihear?

Thai on new world heritage committee

Bangkok Post
At the next meeting of the World Heritage Committee in Brazil next July, Thailand would again raise the Preah Vihear issue for consideration, mainly to protect its sovereignty over the disputed area
The election of a Thai representative to the new Unesco World Heritage Committee would make it easier for Thailand to explain its position in the dispute with Cambodia over Preah Vihear temple, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday.

Mr Abhisit was commenting on the election of Somsuda Leyavanija, deputy permanent secretary for culture, to the World Heritage Committee. His term ends in 2013.

"I think this will give us more opportunities to explain the dispute," the prime minister said.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti agreed.

Mrs Somsuda would be able to express Thailand's opinions and intentions over the registration of world heritage sites and, more importantly, would have access to important information which could be used to solve the Thai-Cambodian border conflict through peaceful means. he said.

At the next meeting of the World Heritage Committee in Brazil next July, Thailand would again raise the Preah Vihear issue for consideration, mainly to protect its sovereignty over the disputed area, Mr Suwit said.

The ownership of a 4.6 square kilometre area surrounding the ancient Hindu temple is a long-standing point of dispute between Thailand and Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

After all these years, the bias and manipulative Thai media still not knowing who built the Preah Vihear temple they have been claiming. Preah Vichear is the Khmer built temple and she should be called Khmer temple.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you loser. Better yet, you might have more chances if you let yellow shirt thugs go and take the UNESCO building hostage. And, I hope they don't slam the door in your face again.

Anonymous said...

Thai couldn't effort to call Preah Vihear as Khmer temple because it would undermine Thai's claim on the surrounding land. It's a joke if Thai told UNESCO that Khmer built an invaluable temple on Thai's land.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They can talk or oppose however they wanted to. But the world is not that stupid like Thailand.

About 180 countries already knew that Preah Vihear Temple belong to Cambodia include the 4.6km2.

They can scream, cry, whine and it doesn't matter. If they can do that Khmer also have the rights to reclaim the rest of Khmer's provinces in Thailand ALSO!

Good luck Thailand!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No where in Thai medias were they would call Preah Vihear a Khmer Temple! They always call it "Hindu Temple"---hoping that this would still give them a chance to claim Preah Vihear Temple back.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian authority must put pressure on Thai authority to catch those criminals who beaten khmer worker to death, i don't know why Thailand called themself civilized country and a protections human rights? Thailand should be called lawless country and cowards country instead, i urged cambodian authority to keep put pressure on Thai Govt, this is very serious issues here, our people just got beaten, kicking the women with young child, khmer people just looking for some works...? why PM Hun Sen is said nothing about this matter...????

Anonymous said...

The reported said, the cambodian women with the young child were collection snails in the brooks"small stream" when two Thais soldier approaching and call her to come up, and they started to beaten her, kicking her, broken her bone on the arms, the young child escape unharms, i wish khmer soldier shoot these mother fucker or something? this is making me very angry....

Anonymous said...

corretion = khmer woman was collecting Snails in the small stream, and two Thais soldier came and starting to beaten her and kicking her, and broke her bones, she's a woman with young child? she was not armed with anything...? just collecting Snails in the river, that's all??

Anonymous said...

Thais people are fucken cruelty people, i used to hated these fucken Thais soldier who spoke broken khmer languages, in 1979 khmer people were abused and killed by Thais black soldier, this is not the First....

Anonymous said...

This incident must be condemned!!!!!!!!!Hun Sen must stop relationship with Thai now.

One incident after another. This is too much.

Anonymous said...

It is no matter how many of candidates from Thailand got elected, they must abide by the rules and regulation. You can’t just claim what is not belonging to you, but you can explain as much as you want. The main thing is international court already delivered the verdict once for all. It’s too late for Thailand to argue about the nonsense at this time. May be try another dirty tactic and trick of yours to build a new case?

Anonymous said...

You all probably knew when people or country is GREED they will be failed.

Experiment done in France and German.
These two countries has been so GREED back in the 1800's-1900's. When French wanted to control Europe and advance to take over Russia she failed. And later when German (Hitler) also done the same and repeat after Naopleon they failed also.

This is when one country or individual country got too GREED.

They will fail and defeat in big shame. Cambodia will overcome Thai with many fronts in the future.

Khmer Empire!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thein Sein of Burma will attack Thailand from the West and Hun Sen will do it from the East, just like we did it in 1767. We will capture those thai criminal soldiers and burn them alive.

Anonymous said...

Thief Sieam always keep stealing khmer land and monuments. Souls of Preah Vihear Temple will destroy their country and make that country and the Chao worse than khmers had during the KR regime. Roleay Tov A Chao Sieam.

Anonymous said...

Damn dude Thai government sound like one bitter old hag loll. Abhisit Vejjajiva government is so fake and disgusting. The whole world stop buying and believing all that crap that Abhisit try to fool his nation. The only people that take this jerk serious are pathetic idiots. Moreover, Thais are full of envy and jealousy because Cambodia has a lot of marvelous ancient temples that Thailand can never be. Thais, one thing that you have to remember; almost half of your Siam Lands country was belonging to Khmer empire. So do not bark anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ask the thick skull head and shameless of the Thais delegates at UNESCO this question: Who in their right mind would build such a monument on somebody else's land? Because the land was and is Khmer land. You shameless Abhisit Thais…….all the years that you've been studied at Cambridge have come to nothing but accepted twisted Thais history……you Thais people are very shameless and professional thief.

Anonymous said...

it seems hypocritical of some thai politicians and people to claim that they want to protect their sovereignty, country, etc., when in fact, they're the one that violated cambodia's sovereignty and more. it is cambodia that lost lands and territories and temples to thailand, not the other way around, really! go figure! they are so hypocritical to say the least! why not just be honest about it and say thailand wants to steal from cambodia, instead of trying to elaborate something for what it is already, really! cambodia and the world is not stupid, you know! plus, this is not some kind of a dark ages era when siem can just invade and stake claim and steal from cambodia again, you know! because in today's world, we live by international law and have properly marked boundaries, etc... so, what planet is siem race coming from, really!

Anonymous said...

Only the junta stops ruling Thailand.

Anonymous said...

If Thais soldiers crossing again, just open Fire and shoot ta hell out of them bitch ladyboy Fags! would ya..? Khmer army commander, do not play soft with these mother fucker no more...!! our soldiers must remain at the border-line, not couple kilometer from border-line...ok! as soon as they step inside our lands, Booooooooooooooomm!Booooooooomm!12.7mm/BM21 are using...