Saturday, November 07, 2009

"Bankoal Prom Daen Chea Roeung Antarak-Cheat" by Hin-Sithan, Sam Vichea and Yim Guechsè


Anonymous said...

Even now you continue to blame Sihanouk for all the evils that plague Cambodia. You have to remember that he is also human with desire and dream just like all of you and are prone to fall as a human being.

You may not find any purely patriotic Khmer leader in your lifetime and you should realize that by now.

What you need to do is to find the one with the least intention to work for himself, family and friends.

If you don't like Hun Sen, you need to unite those who want him out and that include Sihanouk and others you are blaming right now. Your strategy is pushing a lot of people right into the Hun Sen's camp for their survival and benefits.

Keep writing the poem that way won't do anything good. Learn to focus on one target at the time. You will never be able to fight both Hun Sen and Sihanouk at the same time.

As for you, Hin Sithan, the KR and Pol Pot are much worse than PM Hun Sen and you worked for them. What do you say to that? Your KR group is the one that brought us to lowest point in our history and make it possible for the Vietnamese to do whatever they are doing now.

Anonymous said...

Damned you,

You're a big liar, and barking for khmer people killers, N. Sihanouk and Hun Sen. Both of them were and are Khmer Rouge Leaders.