Thursday, November 05, 2009

A criminal in Thailand to serve as personal advisor to Hun Xen of Cambodia: Cambodia a haven for international criminals?

Royal decree nominating Thaksin as Hun Xen's personal advisor and the country's economic advisor

Thaksin Appointed ‘Adviser’ to Hun Sen

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
04 November 2009

Ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra has been appointed as an economic adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen, a move that is likely to rankle Bangkok, officials said Wednesday.

Thaksin lives in exile and faces a two-year jail term for corruption if he returns to Thailand, but Hun Sen has said he would welcome him in Cambodia despite an extradition treaty with Bangkok.

King Norodom Sihamoni had approved Thaksin as an “adviser” to Hun Sen, said Phay Siphan a spokesman for the Council of Ministers.

As a developing country, Cambodia needs knowledgeable advisers, and Thaksin knows many overseas investors, which could help, Phay Siphan said.

Thai officials have said they will begin an extradition process if Thaksin is found in Cambodia, and Thaksin himself has declined Hun Sen’s overtures that he stay in the country.

Still, the question of Thaksin’s legitimacy as a leader has riled Thai politics for more than three years and led to the unseating of several administrations, including his own; he was pushed out of power in a bloodless coup in 2006.


Anonymous said...

Hun sen keeping on messing with the thai while serving youn. What happen if youn said they have enough of hun sen, kills him, and blame it on the thai?
Or vise versa.

I tihnk hun sen is in a sensitive time. His time might be running out anytime now. Hun sen can only continue to be PM next cycle only if youn want him to.

Anonymous said...

No individual can free us from the Fucking Evil Vietnamese!

The only way to do it is to reforme the infected Army, Police, and Justice!

Those three elements the Fucking Viet use to kill,imprison, and suppress us!

With no justice, freedome of speach, and laws! We will alway fuck up by the Motherfucker Evil Vietnamese! Under Shihanouk, Pol Pot, Hun Sen, or even Sam Raisy!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is nothing but a slap in the face to abhisith.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Xen is suck, stupid, very stupid, dump,and very very very dump!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

About Thaksin Sinawatra may not cost any trouble in Cambodia side but may in Siem because this time Abhisit's anermy is near by home...

Anonymous said...

He was overthrow by the junta so he is not a criminal.
But do not trust any Thai even he is not a criminal.

Anonymous said...

watch for the Trojan Horse ah Kwack!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Kmer economic never hurt by International Financial crises!

Who said that ? Ah Kwack stupid ass!

Anonymous said...

If he appointed Thanksin, and the next step he should appointe osama bin laden, because this guy had more money.

Anonymous said...

bullshit, cambodia is not a sanctuary for criminal!thaksin and hun sen were friends even before the siem pad thugs administration took over. it isn't new that cambodia had been favoring thaksin going before he was ousted from power. that was the siem law to criminalized him, however, he did nothing wrong in cambodia! so, stop your bias view with cambodia for a change, alright! we all can see bin laden as criminal all over the world, but thaksin was different in cambodia's view; thaksin is not a terrorist, you know! there's a huge difference between thaksin and bin laden, really! get educated for a change, would you!

Anonymous said...

To 4:47

What do you expect from a Khmer Rouge (AH Hun Sen)?

Anonymous said...

This is getting more rediculous. "Jungle politics". ASEAN will have a lot of headaches in the coming years as thugish leaders the like of Hun Sen wreak havoc within its fold. Welcome to the real "animal politicking."

Anonymous said...

And of course 6:19 AM is a lunetics!!!

Anonymous said...

I do not know how to say ,because this is a stupid game and the robot king approved to get the siam to step in khmer land to invade khmer land because that excused?
Khmer problems getting worse and worse

,and instead you catch the lice leave on khmer heads.
Smart leaders ? Fuck ah dumb fuck third grade leader and Robot king.

Anonymous said...

Well, well it seem whatever the Premier Minister Hun Sen is doing some Khmer (usually this kind of Run-Away-Rabbit) hanging around Long Beach, Short Beach or other Beaches outside Cambodia know it better.

You cannot divide Business and Politics!

Hun Sen is going with the Winner and thats Thaksin. The King of Thailand is in critical health condition.

There will be soon a way of the Tiger Thaksin to come back to power.

This will be good news for Cambodian as it mean good Business.

Good Business mean that also the poor will get a little bit from this money. Of course the poor had done nothing for this Business so they only can get a very small part of the cake, just to keep them quiet!

Thats Politics and Business everywhere in the World.

You may not like it but this is Reality.

Reality is also that if you are weak you should have some good Partners like Chinese and Vietnamese.

Deal with all, let them all make profit and everybody is happy.

If the Cambodian Government would be controlled by the Vietnamese then there would be not so much influence of the Chinese in Cambodia.

Of course the Influence of Vietnam is very strong but only because the Cambodian People are very weak!!!

Anonymous said...

I told you all this Gay King is a Robot! if Mr. Sen said Eat Shit he will eat Shit! This Ting Mong is a waste of national budget! Too sad for all khmers who paid the price for this bald head to be a rubber stamp!

Anonymous said...

I never like Hun Sen, but it is nothing wrong to use Thais against Thais just like Thailand allowed Rannarith to stay in their land while fighting against Hun Sen in 1997. After all Korean president was his economic advisor. Who know Taksin might be back in power in the future. Abhisit is not so popular. The king health is going down hill. First time in the history that a Khmer leader has a gut to hire former Thai PM to be his advisor. Only Hun Sen can make it happened.

Anonymous said...

Everyone thinks Thaksin is criminal. I think Thai government, Thai king and Thai army are criminal. They don't apply democratic system as they should. They overthrow the elected government lead by Thaksin. The same as Ah Hun Zen made a coup to Ranarith. So both Thai and Hun Zen are criminal. Thaksin is the victim of Thai king who is the dictatorship. That king is the thief of Khmer nation. The king who never smile and only smile when he sleeps with his female subordinates.

Anonymous said...

I am very happy that Thaksin is being partner with Hun sen. Aust

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen makes the King?The King makes Shinowatra.....

Anonymous said...

Dear Sirs,

We may welcome H.E.Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra as a guest of honour and as Adviser to Samdech Decho Hun Sen and His Government.

We remember that during Thaksin as Prime Minister(2000-2006)relations between Cambodia and Thailand were so happily good. Our two peoples were coming and going whatever they wanted.

After the 2006 Coup d'Etat made up by extremists who are jealous with Mr. Thaksin for His good deed and assistance to His own subjects in the rural areas. He is not a criminal but He is a victim of that unjust and unfair Coup when He was attended the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2006.

Puea Thai Party is widely supported by many Thai People and Mr. Chavalit Yongchaiyudh is the new leader. He also has good relations with Cambodia. This Party will lead the country in the future after the actual Government.

A friend in deed is a friend in need. So why we cannot welcome Mr. Thaksin? He is a good leader seen by a majority of Thai people according to the poll made by many thousand thais of all walk of life.

We do hope that when Puea Thai Party will take power our two peoples will enjoy a heyday again like before 2006.

Thank you for your kind attention and new assurances.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen will sell every inches of khmer land to foreigners until there is no more Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The old said ,We can't clean our ass,why would we bother to clean the others,khmer business is khmer business the others nation is theirs,why should we we bring the wild fire to burn our houses/
the example already existed while youn fought with American Sihaknuk sided with Vietcong and become to be the leader of khmer Democratic leader,and at the end the communist youn sihaknuk friend and Communist sihaknuk empty the country to be killing field. Mind the Cambodian business.

Anonymous said...

This is a taste of their own medicine for the damn siems. In the late 1950's and throughout the 1960's, these contemptible siems meddled in our internal affairs just like their own sand box. They attempted to create chaos in Cambodia to benefit their own and we back then were too passive to a greater degree except with the Preah Vihear case in 1962. Now you stupid siems, take that!

Anonymous said...

នែ៏​សាដាត់​តាង៉ោល​ ឯនត្រូវសាដាប់​
ទូយ​​ បើមិនសាដាប់តេ​ ចេតរ៉ូយ ហា ហា
​ ស្ដេចកន ខ្វាង

Anonymous said...

To 9:32

I am 100% agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Cambodia is haven for domestic and international criminals.

Hun Sen is a domestic criminal.

Thaksin Shinawatra is an international criminal.