Saturday, November 07, 2009

Hun Sen tells troops to remain calm at border

Bangkok Post
"The [Thai] air force will deploy C-130 aircraft which would be escorted by fighter jets to pick up the Thais in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap from secret meeting points"
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered his troops to maintain peaceful relations with Thai soldiers on the other side of the border.

As a result, military leaders of the two countries have agreed not to reinforce their troops along the border, says Second Army commander Lt Gen Weewalit Chornsamrit.

Hun Sen's message was conveyed to him by Cambodia's deputy supreme commander Gen Chea Dara and 3rd supportive division commander Lt Gen Sarai Duek.

They met at the Khao Phra Viharn National Park tourist centre in Si Sa Ket province about 4pm yesterday.

After the meeting, Lt Gen Weewalit said the Cambodian delegation was ordered by Hun Sen to hold talks with the Second Army and to ask the Thai army to stay calm and continue to maintain good relations.

Hun Sen's message was that soldiers should sidestep any politically sensitive issues. Such matters could only be solved through diplomatic channels and not by the border authorities.

Cambodian leaders have made it clear they do not plan to send any reinforcements and have left it in the hands of Gen Chea Dara and Lt Gen Sarai Duek to decide what should be done to enhance security at the border, said the Second Army chief.

Neither is there any sign of 4,000 troops being rushed to the Preah Vihear temple as some media outlets have reported, he said.

He advised people along the border not to be too concerned by the current dispute as the local situation remained normal. He was reassured by the fact that the Cambodian officers who visited him were all high-ranking officers.

Meanwhile, joint chief of staff Gen Ratchakrit Kanchanawat said even after the recalling of their ambassadors, relations between the respective defence ministries remained sound and there would soon be negotiations to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

He said the government and the National Security Council would direct further actions and Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva would discuss the issue with the council soon.

He does not expect Thai authorities to call for the evacuation of Thais from Cambodia as happened during events that led up to the burning of the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh in 2003.

"Such incidents are unlikely to be repeated because that lesson should have taught Cambodia to have preventive measures in place. I don't believe the situation would deteriorate into a war," Gen Ratchakrit said.

However, a senior government source said the Thai military was ready to evacuate Thai nationals if needed.

"The air force will deploy C-130 aircraft which would be escorted by fighter jets to pick up the Thais in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap from secret meeting points," said the source.

The navy has raised the number of vessels patrolling disputed waters from three to five and increased the frequency of patrols.

Cambodia has two vessels patrolling the disputed areas.


Anonymous said...

Remain calm at west but bess dey oy yourn on east side. What a game plan???

Anonymous said...

OH mneal Hun Sen do not pretend that you mr.good guy,the rice husks that you were spreading reverse a process windy now they start to get in Cambodian eyes ,so may be getting worse and worse.
Taste your own medicine

Anonymous said...

The only way for Cambodia to be liberated from the Viets and Hun Sen and his cronies is for Cambodia to have war with Thailand, otherwise Cambodia is under Viet's dominance for good.

Anonymous said...

I already said that Hun Sen is playing with fire. Khmer ordinary people will be heavily impacted because of his stupid act. There are several venues he can take to solve Cambodian-Thai border issue. Why he not seek legal help from international? Does he afraid that it will expose his personal related interest?

Anonymous said...

escorted by a fighter jet?????????? are you kidding me noooooooooooo way!!!!!!!!!!!! unaccepted.

Anonymous said...

Thailand's government should appoint Sam Rainsy as a shadow Prime Minister of Cambodia rather than economic adviser. If the war break out between the two countries and Thailand wins the war, then Sam Rainsy will become Cambodia's Prime Minister.

From now on, Mr. Sam Rainsy should pray that when the war is coming?? He could be PM without win the election likes current Thai's PM.

SRP (Candle Light)

Anonymous said...

While you are intense over here, the Viet already took the land of Cambodia. Great job Hun Sen, you knew how to manipulate the attention of Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

Sdach Korn Hun Sen wants Thaksin to topple Thai monarchy and become King Taksin himself. Hun Sen sacrifice Khmer interests in favour of his own interests and that of King Taksin. Sdach Korn Hun Xen is got caught in the middle of Thai internal politics now. Thaksin cannot win to become King Taksin and Khmer people is imbarass because Hun Sen support Thaksin. About 480,000 Khmer workers in Thailand and their family at home are now got cold feet. Around a million Khmer people along border are fear of lost their jobs and bussiness. If war break down, people will be forced to be soldiers and/or give financial support for soldiers. Hun Sen doesn't care about the suffering of Khmer people; he only listens to his boss VN. Yuon benifits from this tension:1. Sells weapon to Cambodia; 2. Khmers have no choice but buy their products and go to VN to use their services; 3. Cambodia can't explore oil, so that VN and Thai can continue to get more oil from the sea. Hun Sen's games are serving the Yuon's interests. Bravo Hun Sen!!! Poor people vote for him again and again and again!!! Long live Cambodia!!!

Anonymous said...

Fighter jets should now be allowed in our airspace or on the ground at the airports. Very important that the government must understand.

If the government allow the fighter jets allowed to fly over and land at our airports, they're kotowing to your enemy.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly,if the fighter jets land at our Airport,we will send the pilots to PREY SOR and keep the planes.