Saturday, November 07, 2009

Hun Xen blinks first?

Hun Sen calls for peace


Bangkok Post
But if the war really breaks out, Thailand will be the winner” - Boasting (or warning?) by Thai Army Region 2 Commander Lt Gen Veevarit Chornsamrit
Cambodian wants to maintain military ties with Thailand even if the two countries have already downgraded diplomatic relations due to conflict over the appointment of Thaksin as an economic advisor.

Army Region 2 Commander Lt Gen Veevarit Chornsamrit disclosed on Saturday that Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen had sent his deputy supreme commander Jai Chea Dara to hold talks with him this morning.

Hun Sen also wants the relations between local people living along the Thai-Cambodia border remains unchanged”, Lt Gen Veevarit said.

Cambodia did not want the border crossings to be closed as it would severely affect border trade of the two countries.

Lt Gen Veevarit said he told the Cambodian general that Cambodia should refrain from using strong words against Thailand as it could worsen the situation.

He insisted that the border crossings will not be shut down as Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had clearly stated that he would use only diplomatic means to show Thailand’s disagreement with Thaksin’s appointment.

The premier had said the government would not impose any retaliation measures that could cause difficulties to Thais and Cambodians.

But if the war really breaks out, Thailand will be the winner”.


Anonymous said...

This Thai general is bluffing. Thailand has so much political problems at home and the war in the south. Can Thailand win a protracted guerilla war against Cambodia. Come on General stop bluffing. If war breaks out Thai troop will get lost and defeated in the Khmer jungle.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. I think this general want to try stronger cigar.

Anonymous said...

Haha...they bark at each other but scare of dying.

Y delay taking place the war? I wish to see that.

Anonymous said...

Go a head to close the border, you will see the result...

The winner is...neither Thai nor Cambodia, but Vietnam...

Anonymous said...

Scambodians are only good at barking.

Anonymous said...

It will be a real war for Thailand and not a war with the Yala-Muslim in Southern Part. Kingdom of Cambodia have nothing to lose, and Cambodia will win.

Anonymous said...

If the war breaks out between Thailand and Cambodia the Viet and Thai will benefit the most and Khmer will lose the most. Assuming that each country lost about 10 Millions men, Cambodia will have about 4 Millions people left (mostly Viets) while Thailand while have about 60 Million people left. When that's happened Khmer territory will be divided by the Viet and Thai.

Anonymous said...

To 1:18

Shut your mouth jack ass. you know shit about war. have you ever watch the news at all?. did you know how many american life lost in the middle east?. American troops cant even defeat the taliban. you fucking thai army dont even thought about facing with cambodia army.

Anonymous said...

SRP will be happy if the war really break out between Cambodia and Thailand. SRP do wish Thai's Army kicks Hun Sen's government out and hand over power to SRP. When Sam Rainsy runs the government, SRP will give Preach Vihear to Thailand, then both countries will have good relationship.

SRP (Candle Light)

Anonymous said...


Keep dreaming you low life khmer slave.

Anonymous said...

If the war really breaks out between Cambodia and Thailand, SRP and supporters will act as spy for Thailand. SRP is confident that Thai's Airforce will use F-16 to bring down Cambodian government, then SRP will run the country.

SRP supporter in USA

Anonymous said...

1:28 PM,

During the war with Iraq, Saddam's 1/2 Million Army was crumbling in two weeks while the war with Taliban took three weeks. Had the American once winning the war just withdrew their troop and let those two countries people killed each others the american will not be stucked in the war as of now. What American should have done is drop and Atomic bomb just like it did to Japan in WWI and the two countries will be finished.

Anonymous said...

Thailand's government should appoint Sam Rainsy as a shadow Prime Minister of Cambodia rather than economic adviser. If the war breaks out between the two countries and Thailand wins the war, then Sam Rainsy will become Cambodia's Prime Minister.

From now on, Mr. Sam Rainsy should pray that when the war is coming?? He could be PM without win the election likes current Thai's PM.

SRP (Candle Light)

Anonymous said...

how do siam knew they would win the war when the war not even stated yet? siam attitube verry arrogant and show to much muscle just like pouring gasoline on fire.

Anonymous said...

1:28 PM
It's you who had better shut your mouth up. How could you compare this to Iraq vs American war.

By the numbers, Cambodia will loose the war. By the weapons, Cambodia still looses the war. By international help, Cambodia will surely loose the war.

How many foreign countries do you think will take side with Cambodia? They will not but rather support Thailand in the war and later, the Viet, the American, Chinese or even France will enjoy the cake over the Cambodia.

Open your eyes, seeing the World as it is, dude! By the time the UN interferes, I think Cambodia already burned in fire.

Don't be so naive so stupid with Hun Sen's barking on this matter. I think Thailand really takes it serious this time.

And when the war begins where you are? In Cambodia or staying happily in somewhere else. Ask yourself dude!

Anonymous said...

1:28 PM,
It's you who know nothing about the war. Khmer Army has nothing to fight and the reason Hun Sen dares to challenge the Thai because, as stooge of the Viets, for the interest the Viets, he know Viets' army will backup him up when the war break out. Khmer Army is good at oppressing, land grabbing the poor, powerless Cambodian people only and when time to defend the country they are nothing. Furthermore, Thai are afraid of the Viets and not the Khmer. If Khmer Army is as strong as some khmer people alledged to Thai would not dare look down on us.

Anonymous said...

What would you expect a commander to say in the war time??? No one would say his troops are going to lose. So, it is understandable that he said that, but the fact is the fact. CHEA DARA should not have wasted time to respond to him.

Anonymous said...

Chea Dara and Sarai (Srey) Duk are good at Karaoke.
They prefer to be surrounded by young women !

Hun Sen Army is not Jayavarman VII's Army !!!

Just stop Hun Sen to act fucking crazy.
Thaksin make 1 billion of dollars when
he was prime minister of Thailand.
Khmer lifes are more important than his fucking mouth of war !!!

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

Sdach Korn Hun Sen wants Thaksin to topple Thai monarchy and become King Taksin himself. Hun Sen sacrifices Khmer interests in favour of his own interests and that of King Taksin. Sdach Korn Hun Xen is got caught in the middle of Thai internal politics now. Thaksin cannot win and become King Taksin, so Khmer people is embarass because Hun Sen support Thaksin. About 480,000 Khmer workers in Thailand and their families at home are now got cold feet. Around a million Khmer people along the borders are fear of losing their jobs and bussinesses. If war break out, people will be forced to be soldiers and/or give financial support for soldiers. Hun Sen doesn't care about the suffering of Khmer people; he only listens to his boss VN. Yuon benifits from this tension:1. Sells weapon to Cambodia; 2. Khmers have no choice but to buy Yuon's products and go to VN to use their services; 3. Cambodia can't explore oil, so that VN and Thai can continue to get more oil from the sea. Hun Sen's games are only serving the Yuon's interests. Bravo Hun Sen!!! Poor people vote for him again and again and again!!! Long live Cambodia!!!

Anonymous said...

yellow shirt and red shirt are fighting to be in power. As a leader of a country, Hun Xen should be smart to stay nuatral and get as much benifits as possible for Cambodia. Yuon is very smart to use Hun Sen to lit the Thai's house that is already on fire, so that Thai people hate Cambodia and consider Cambodia their enemy. Yuon is staying on top of the mountain to see Thais and Cambodians fighting. Both countries are suffering economically, mentally and probably militarily. Yuon and Yuon alone is profiting economically and politically. Bravo Hun Sen!!! Long live Hun Sen and his children to lead Cambodia forever!!! Long live Hun Sen's blind subordinates!!! Long live Cambodia!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Hun Sen for his intelligence and wish his successors continue ruling Cambodia 100 years from now on. Salute to Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

You missed by one number.It's WW2 that Japan was nuked not ww1.BTW i agree with your analysis.