Friday, November 27, 2009

Mum to visit '[Thai] spy' in P.Penh today

Bangkok Post

The mother and brother the Thai engineer arrested in Cambodia on spying charges, Sivarak Chutipong, flew to Cambodia on Friday morning to visit him in jail.

Simarak Na Nakhon Phanom said before she left she was so excited at the prospect of seeing her son that she had not been able to sleep the last few nights. She would tell him to be patient because he would be soon be freed.

Mr Sivarak is being detained at Prey Sar prison in Phnom Penh. Mr Sivarak's younger brother, Phongsuree, accompanied his mother on the visit.

Mr Sivarak, an employee of Cambodia Air Traffic Service, was arrested on charges of supplying state secrets - details of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra's flight schedule - to the Thai embassy when Thaksin visited Phnom Penh earlier this month.

Deputy director-general of the Consul Department Mathurapojjana Ittharong said the family would be allowed to visit Mr Sivarak at 2pm for about 30 minutes.

A press conference would be held at 6pm at the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh.

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