Wednesday, November 11, 2009

PM Abhisit calls an urgent meeting

Bangkok Post

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has called for an urgent meeting with his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban and three other ministers after Cambodia rejected the Thai government’s request for extradition of fugitive ex-leader Thaksin Shinawatra.

Other ministers at the meeting were Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, Energy Minister Wannarat Channukul and PM’s Office Minister Sathit Wongnongtoey.

Reporters were given no indication what they would discuss as the men went in to the meeting.


Anonymous said...

Dear All Thai and Khmer people,

Why all your leaders so narrow your mind? Which county is more happy and benefits from your brother and sisters figthing. We almost have the same culture.

Kon Khmer

Anonymous said...

Ahbi-shit, please look at the cause of the problems. Don't be as shallow as your newspapers' reporters. You are an Oxford educated and I think you should at thiong wolelistically. Whay Why Cambodia has chosen to take some courses of actions recently. Failing to do so would embarras the Britist education system, noty just for Oxford!

Anonymous said...

I cann't believe that this Ahbishit is an Oxfrd educated. He has acted as if he is a kid!

Anonymous said...

Thai do not have the same culture, you dumbfuck! if they do, why they hated khmer? and look down on khmer..? why they kept stealing and robbing khmer? shot khmer, burned khmer alive...?? people with the same culture should lived together in peace right? but fucken Thai is not.....??

Anonymous said...

2:36 PM
Kon Khmer misinterpreted, Thai and Khmer did not have the same culture and character.
Thai treated Khmer like third class people and always looks down on the Khmer as uncivilized people.

Anonymous said...

What are you going to do now Ahbishit? Scrap another MOU, close border? Even a kid in Cambodia knows better what to do and what not to do? Really stupid childish prime minister, pupit of the thug PAD!

Anonymous said...

Thailand called themself, the civilized country? Thailand is lawless country and cowards country, that what Thailand should be calling....instead!!

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM,
The way I see it Thai don't kill Khmers as much as Khmers Killed Khmers and if you don't see it look at Hun Sen as an example. Throwing grenade at protesters, killed 100's if not 1000's of Ranaridh during 1997 coup and who know how many khmers he killed when he was Khmer Rouge. If you still don't see it, remembered Pol Pot who ruled Cambodia from 1975-1978.

Anonymous said...

Khmer killed Khmer can't beat the Siam killing Khmer at Angkor almost losing Khmer identity. But still the Siam killing can't beat the Mongol killing Thai losing Tai identity in Nanchao.

Anonymous said...
