Saturday, November 07, 2009

Thai embassy in P.Penh still opens

Bangkok Post

Cambodian government sent 50 policemen to provide security for Thai embassy in Phnom Penh, Chalothorn Phaowibul, charge d’affaires to Cambodia, said on Saturday morning.

“All staff at the embassy are still working as usual and we have not asked for a special protection as there was no sign of violence”, Mr Chalothorn said.

He was confident that the latest conflict between Thailand and Cambodia would not escalate to unrest as happened in 2003 when the Thai embassy was burned down.


Anonymous said...

I am sure our Khmer citizen are civilized. Please don't care that much about the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh. In our mind Thai or Thailand did not exist in this part of Southeast Asia. We are also not the yellow shirt.

Anonymous said...

The Thais are a bunch of loonie ultra-nationalists...What is the matter with them??? It's true that Cambodia does not have economic experts of that caliber. That's why Samdech Hun Sen has the insight to import foreign know-how such as Lee Myung Bak of South Korea before he became Prime Minister and now former PM Thaksin of Thailand. The Thais are ungrateful bastards who owe so much to Cambodia for the past 800 years because they borrowed so much language and culture from the Khmers. The Thais have no power or influence beyond their borders. The Cambodians are indeed clever enough to recognise the special skill and talent possessed by Thaksin. Of course they resentful even though he has been discarded by Thailand. One must not forget that all of Thailand was once Khmer land and Bangkok was a Khmer river-bank village. Instead of fostering fraternal friendship between our two peoples (Khmer-Thai) which share so much in common, they choose the wrong path to self-destruction and humiliation. In the eyes of the world, they are indeed a crazy disturbed people...The world is laughing at Thailand.

Achar Penh

Anonymous said...

Instead of focussing on Thaksin...I think Abhisit should call for a fresh election in Thailand and see who should run Thailand democratically.