Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thai politics, Thaksin and role of monarchy

According to the Thai Constitution, the King is above politics and does not take sides

Thai ambassador's letter:

Sir, Richard Lloyd Parry’s article (“Exiled leader breaks taboo to woo the royal heir”, Nov 9) contains points concerning the role of the Thai monarchy and status of Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, which I wish to clarify. First, according to the Thai Constitution, the King is above politics and does not take sides. Over the years, His Majesty has kept to his constitutional role, even while some groups have claimed royal support for their political ends.

The King learnt of the coup of September 19, 2006, only after the armed forces had already taken control. An audience was granted at the request of the armed forces to report on the situation and on action taken. The granting of the royal audience was consistent with his apolitical role and did not amount to giving his “acceptance” to such action.

Second, in accordance with Thai law, clear procedures should be followed before the King is to consider a petition for a royal pardon. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that until now there has not been a formal petition for a royal pardon filed by Dr Shinawatra himself as the person convicted, or by such concerned persons as his relatives or designated lawyer, a legal prerequisite of the royal pardon process to begin.

Last, Dr Shinawatra is neither Thailand’s current opposition leader nor a leader in exile, but a person who is choosing to stay abroad to avoid a two-year jail term resulting from a finalised corruption case.

Kitti Wasinondh
Ambassador of Thailand
Royal Thai Embassy, London SW7
Thaksin's letter:

Sir, Suggestions that I am not faithfully loyal to the King of Thailand are simply not true. I was extremely disappointed by the damaging way in which my interview with The Times was reported, and in particular by the Times Online headline, “Ousted Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra calls for ‘shining’ new age after King’s death”.

As I made clear, it is the King who holds the key to Thailand’s happiness. In the interview I asked the King, who is above politics, to lead a reconciliation process to heal Thailand’s divisions. This would ensure a smooth transition to a new age of prosperity.

Since being ousted in a coup three years ago I have remained committed to peaceful reconciliation rather than confrontation. My democratic legitimacy means I do not need to resort to low level political meddling.

Accusations that I am against the monarchy have been used by my political enemies in Thailand many times in attempts to discredit me. They will not succeed for I am and always will be a faithful and loyal servant to the King and the royal family.

Thaksin Shinawatra
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check the following video clip:


CPP Traitor

Interview: Thai-Cambodia tensions - 11Nov 09

Anonymous said...

Please disregard my comment 10:52 PM(above).

KI, you guys are fast!

CPP Traitor

Anonymous said...

Yeas right.....
But the King doesn't mind to take the popularity side such as pardon to make the King feel like God!!!

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen got all his modern weapons from China no wonder he is stuck up to Thailand and gave them the middle finger!!

Anonymous said...

He may have , but King doesn'like him enough to trust him. Some reasons: Mr. Thaksin seems to be too close for comfort with other leaders that are considering to be at the wrong side of the track or from the red regime . Thaksin scares the day light of the royal family. Abhisit may have very little thing to do with King's family, but because his party favors the west or the free world or better and more educate people, he is a better choise for them. Therefore he looks more like their favorite and a trustworthy person. Even he ( Abhisit ) had destroyed billions of dollars a day of Thai's economy during his party's protesting, it's still o.k. Abhisit seems more like he can also walk on water in their eyes. Mr. Thaksin will never have the chance that Abhisit has. Especially now that he is having an open friendship with people of whom Elite's Thailand condider coming from a lower class, dumbs and ignorant such as PM Hun Sen. It's a big big Class and not Skin Color prejudice here . That is Asian, but can this also mean prejudise against their own poor people in Thailand? It's warning. It looks that way and there more than 60% Thailand are poor. Please becareful out there!

Anonymous said...

Thaksin will come back control Thailand once the monkey king dies.

Anonymous said...

""Most westerner analysts also think, not only is it a huge mistake for Thailand to be pushing the issue with Cambodia, they also believe it will further damage Thailand's economy and investment opportunities. With the Thai government constantly giving Thaksin more and more air time and making themselves look increasingly weak and ineffective, Thaksin is winning and they are losing. A better strategy would have been to just keep their mouths shut and pretend Thaksin doesn't even exist. All this chest beating though is playing right into Thaksin's hands, and he's loving every minute of it.""


1:26 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abulshit is the trouble maker since he wasn't a PM. He had convinced the ASEAN for not letting Cambodia to join ASEAN but he lost then too.

He is piss because he kept loosing to HUN SEN one after another.

He didn't support Cambodia to join ASEAN in 1997..

This guy needs to think!

1:28 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abulshit is the trouble maker since he wasn't a PM. He had convinced the ASEAN for not letting Cambodia to join ASEAN but he lost then too.

He is piss because he kept loosing to HUN SEN one after another.

He didn't support Cambodia to join ASEAN in 1997..

This guy needs to think!

Anonymous said...

some elite thai got bitch-slapped by a khmer peasant... priceless!

Anonymous said...

Thailand prize itself as a true democracy but,why are they afraid to call for a new election to settle this mess once and for all?.

Anonymous said...

What kind of bullshit is that...the man was in Dubai for 3 years and they didn't go after him there! And now they want Thaksin in Phnom Penh after 3 days! Hun Sen dares you to send your Lady boy commandos anytime!...

Anonymous said...

Abhishit is a coward "pussilanimous" that his popularity is so high...he should call for a new election in Thailand!

Anonymous said...

Stop white wash your king. It is Thai bullshit as usual. Oh by the way, make sure your country correct your country history books too...

Anonymous said...

you know realistically,if war break out in some way. thailand will win the war. that is why hun sen saying again and again he doesnt want a war. kampuchea dont have much to defend themself against the real enemy force.
hus sen has about 2ooooo solidiers to protect the country from his enemy and now i heard that he wanted to reduce his solidiers to only 80000. just enough to protect his home and his family. in some country when having problem with the neighbor they increase their manpower not reducing it. my guess is that hun sen dont want to pay those solidiers especially at the border with thailand. where does he going to hide all the money that he borrow from china,and korea recently. hun sen is drowning himself with money.

Anonymous said...

It is to bad that Thai have Abullshit to drawn Thai/Cambodia into these messes.

I'd suggest to PM HUN SEN just close border with them for good.

Khmer Border..

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen didn't cause this.

Hun Sen has been a PM of Cambodia longer that Abullshit and never invade Thailand...

Anonymous said...

In name of Cambodian he lent a lot of money from oversea but this Money was accumulated in his for owner. who must payback? ==>>>All khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Abullshit will be forced out of office soon because all Thai elites and business person (tycoon) lost so much money in many fields and projects inside Cambodia. The total $$$ is $8 billion of all fields..

Anonymous said...

Samransy and Mu should ask Thai asylum to retaliate with Hun Sen the Thai and USA will like this idea and come back create the civil war to take the power from Hun Sen.
On way under Hun Sen youn slave khmer will vanishing like Champa.
Under the Thai help may be we close relation with USA ,like Israel that is possible.
Ransy should try out ,Hun Sen not play fair so do you? Let spark the war by helping Thai to get rid this mother fucker sdach kon shith ah kmeng Wat.

Anonymous said...

am agree that khmer need to get rid of yuons and yuon slaves but how thailand can win over yuons with its bullshit lost lost politics?

Siamese politics is damn ass inferior to yuons, most of all because its immature and ill behaviors elites

Anonymous said...

Cursing, criticizing your enemy is not a smart move and achieve nothing. Convincing third party that Cambodians are peace loving people and evidencing that Cambodia is a victim of land encroachment by our neighbors is the best move. I urge the government to take the matters to U.N. and let the law take its course while Khmers people should refrain from taking matters into their hands to avoid harming the country. War will benefit no one's interest.

Anonymous said...

All comments are good, but the facts are that:

1) China vs. China and each wants to influence in South East Asia.

2) King of Thailand is a symbol of peace in his country only, so don't blame him. He does what it takes to protect his 65 million Thai people. From the record he knew the dangerous of Vietnamese expansionist policies since in mid 16th century while Viet-Siam joined controlled Cambodia. His brother King Mahidol was shot and he knew who killed his brother because he was in the same room. He sided with the US who support PAD to protect Thailand from almost fallen to Communist. Thaksin was a friend of China, that worried US and the wealthy Thais, so he was kicked out.

3) King Sihanouk is a politician, he knew from the record that Vietnamese expansionist policies in his country took back into the past history 16th century; his games is to free his country from Vietnam; so he sided with China who is the enemy of Vietnam. He knew the US didn't care for a small Cambodia. Look at K-5 as an example. The US supported and financed the Khmer resistance, then when after meeting Vietnamese leaders, the US abandonned them just like they did to Hmong leaders in Laos.

4) Communist Vietnam leaders follow the record and continue to fight to survive to save Vietnam from China and from Cambodia, a former expansionist (Khmer empire).
Losing land twice to China: 1st was 10,000 KM-Sq and 2nd 900KM-Sq to China, Vietnamese Communist leaders' doubled games as always, eliminated the Khmer nationalists Democratic Kampuchea by supporting the peasants to kill them. As long as Khmer Nationalists are still around, Vietnam will be in danger.

Those prompted Vietnam to purchase Submarines from Russia, inspite of China warned Russia to cease helping Vietnam to occupy Cambodia. Russia too wants to spread its sphere in SEA through Vietnam invasion in Cambodia.

Hun Sen governmnet is a mouthpiece of Hanoi, whatever Hun Sen says or acts are not without Hanoi decisions. He made those remarks were planned by Hanoi. Hanoi has to change Hun Sen's ugly image to be a hero in this Preah Vihear story, but he is sure not.

From Under quietly invasion in Vietnam, Vietnamese leaders see Thai rich soil as in their expansionist policies. Vietnam plays double game policies to take Thailand just as they did in Cambodia not by force but by demographic establishment, then by military in disguised. Their games are dangerous, but what elese can they do to survive besides trying through the demographic establishment? All leaders are in games including the thugs in Bangkok, the wealthy business power grabbers, Sondhi Limthongkul and Abhisit.

I wrote based on what I read from many sources.

I pormised to find the article I read by accident wrote by Kong Marie Maya, a Doctorat candidate in Canada, but I need to send e-mail to Dr. Giles Ungpakorn, he may have Kong's article. It is a great source and accurate.

Anonymous said...

comparing yuon politic and thailand politic is like comparing pine apple to orange. there is only one way for yuon politic is communist politic. you know that yuon have death penalty. people get scare.

Anonymous said...

My typo Sorry.

All comments are good, but the facts are that:

1) US vs. China and each wants to influence in South East Asia.

2) King of Thailand is a symbol of peace in his country only, so don't blame him. He does what it takes to protect his 65 million Thai people. From the record he knew the dangerous of Vietnamese expansionist policies since in mid 16th century while Viet-Siam joined controlled Cambodia. His brother King Mahidol was shot and he knew who killed his brother because he was in the same room. He sided with the US who support PAD to protect Thailand from almost fallen to Communist. Thaksin was a friend of China, that worried US and the wealthy Thais, so he was kicked out.

3) King Sihanouk is a politician, he knew from the record that Vietnamese expansionist policies in his country took back into the past history 16th century; his games is to free his country from Vietnam; so he sided with China who is the enemy of Vietnam. He knew the US didn't care for a small Cambodia. Look at K-5 as an example. The US supported and financed the Khmer resistance, then when after meeting Vietnamese leaders, the US abandonned them just like they did to Hmong leaders in Laos.

4) Communist Vietnam leaders follow the record and continue to fight to survive to save Vietnam from China and from Cambodia, a former expansionist (Khmer empire).
Losing land twice to China: 1st was 10,000 KM-Sq and 2nd 900KM-Sq to China, Vietnamese Communist leaders' doubled games as always, eliminated the Khmer nationalists Democratic Kampuchea by supporting the peasants to kill them. As long as Khmer Nationalists are still around, Vietnam will be in danger.

Those prompted Vietnam to purchase Submarines from Russia, inspite of China warned Russia to cease helping Vietnam to occupy Cambodia. Russia too wants to spread its sphere in SEA through Vietnam invasion in Cambodia.

Hun Sen governmnet is a mouthpiece of Hanoi, whatever Hun Sen says or acts are not without Hanoi decisions. He made those remarks were planned by Hanoi. Hanoi has to change Hun Sen's ugly image to be a hero in this Preah Vihear story, but he is sure not.

From Under quietly invasion in Vietnam, Vietnamese leaders see Thai rich soil as in their expansionist policies. Vietnam plays double game policies to take Thailand just as they did in Cambodia not by force but by demographic establishment, then by military in disguised. Their games are dangerous, but what elese can they do to survive besides trying through the demographic establishment? All leaders are in games including the thugs in Bangkok, the wealthy business power grabbers, Sondhi Limthongkul and Abhisit.

I wrote based on what I read from many sources.

I pormised to find the article I read by accident wrote by Kong Marie Maya, a Doctorat candidate in Canada, but I need to send e-mail to Dr. Giles Ungpakorn, he may have Kong's article. It is a great source and accurate.

Anonymous said...

To survive king, of the kingdom, has to change its structure.
No one is God, king is also human.
The differences is king, in many aspects,still is a leader.

Courage and sacrifice and understanding are highly upheld.
Human kind , many are so selfish and destructive. Courage and wisdom made king different to us.
Being imparial, passive and ignored to daily needs of people of the kingdom may be seen rather selfish.
Provided the management of kingdom is fair and thoughtful by its government, country and the nation will be flourished, otherwise it is simply not necessary when kingdom is only symbolic.

King sihanouk saw an opportunity to lead and keep the kingdom alive, however his model did not survive throgh the greed and corruption of surroundings, and once again he failed to manage KR, due to uncontrollable surge of invasion.

We, as cambodians ,can't no longer
sit over the fence of ignorance and enslave our children to the misery.

King DOES have an active social roles which are clearly prescribed in our constitution.
Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Hi Neang Sa,

In this world Thailand is the only nation keeps an absolute monarchy and the world richest Thai monarchy. The rest of the world the monarchy is just a symbol of the nation , tradition and culture.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has to protect Thaksin very well, before the CIA may shoot Thaskin.
The US will not lost Thailand to China.

Anonymous said...

No to Vietnam, because the Hun is viet.

Anonymous said...

He might be o.k, because Vietnam and Japan are in good term and Japan is the US's friend. The only problem is either China or Vietnam a free world, but now a day, the whole world is doing business and business people don't care much about regime. The same as the US is accepting China today. Beside America is too busy with Iraq and Afghanistan. They don't have time to worry about Thailand. King of Thailand and his people just have to find their way out on their own. Killing Thaksin won't do much good. Save him is better. Thaksin is a good business guy who can bring trade far beyond the boder. Why would America want to take out people like that? and what is so good about Abhisit anyway? He is ignorant about the poor. President Obama isn't like that at all. In Thailand half of the women in the country are prostitutes. Did the royal family or Abhisit ever care about? Why are they so worry about Preah Vihear when half of their most precious resource is at the brink of dying from aids and other deceases? What did they do about it anyway? There it is Mr. Thaksin. All yours.

Anonymous said...

No to Vietnam is good, but who knows if Limthongkul the PAD's leader is also Viet spy?

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Thaksin will win back his power, America will just have to accept him as that. He works better with others. Therefore, thing will go a lot smoother and less headache for everybody. Mr.Thaksin had never wanted to harm the royal family. It's just their own negative perception.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Hun Sen very clever. Sam Rainxy not good. Samdach Hun Sen bring peace & developerment to the Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

How about you sam raisy with new goverment in Japan???

Anonymous said...

7:17 AM,
Coup in Thailand that ousted Thaksin supported by the US.
Why Thaksin was kicked out? Because he was too closed to China.
China and US want to enfluence SEA.
Right, all about money, though US and China maintain good talk still each one of them want to rule the world economy.
True Japan is a friend of US, but it is also true the US stretching its arms to be friend with Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy and Ki-media say not true. So don't believe them. The Cambodia in the future is very good.

Anonymous said...

Samdach Hun Sen will be met US leader in Singapour. You know????

Anonymous said...

A lot of seller in Olimpec market and any market in P.Penh and all Province well come Samdach Hun Sen not SR. Election 2008 in P.Penh CPP 7 seat, SRP down 6 to 4 seat. Do you konw???

Anonymous said...

Was SR tool new goverment in Japan???????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Think it again Richard Lloyd Parry...Thai'king is greedy...he is supporting the coup and yellow shirt

KE said...

Thai's monarchy is too reaped now. Thai people must think to change. See Nepal. The monarchy has been paralyzed the development of the nation and even the King itself played in politics. Thai's monarchy is moving on the same path. Phumibol has plenty of businesses in Thailand; inclding banking, stock exchange etc.. This represents that he is not neutral at all as long as he owns the businesses and it will, of course, always interfere/bias in the politics and government administration who will oppose and/or loyal to him.

Anonymous said...

7:38am = a bag of Bicheng