Friday, November 06, 2009

Thailand wish to protect Thai justice system : PM [-Is Thai judicial system that vulnerable?]

Fri, November 6, 2009
The Nation

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva insisted on Friday that Thailand has downgraded its diplomatic ties with Cambodia to protect the Thai judicial system and the benefits of the Thai people.

He was speaking attending the first Mekong-Japan Summit in the Japanese capital of Tokyo, where Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia was also present.

"I think that the Thai government and Thai people have (remained) patient over the matter for a while. This problem needs to be solved by the two countries, but the problem is not caused by the Thai government."

"It depends on the Cambodian government to consider what to do after this. We will give them time to reconsider, as the incident has just happened."

The Thai premier added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has steps in the mechanism on downgrading diplomatic relations and had prepared the next appropriate diplomatic move towards Cambodia and that his government will consider in what aspect should be accelerated or delayed.

The Thai premier said that the Thai government will not do anything to cause violence and that the action of the Thai government will not affect the interest of Thai people.


Anonymous said...

We (Khmers) have been patient with you, Mr. Abhisit over a year on the Preah Vihear issue, but you and your government (which do not represent Thai majority) have done nothing but provocation. Now it's our time to show you our feeling.

Anonymous said...

Of course it is cause by the Thai government. How do you think Preah Vihear issue started?

Before you Abhishit became a PM of Thailand you were in the Yellow shirt protesting over the Preah Vihear temple.

Cambodian is the one being patient over the matter.

Don't try to use a reverse psychology over us.

You are the one started the mess bro!!

Anonymous said...

Bull sh.t! Closing the border, pulling out the ambassador won't cause any effect on Thai's interest? There are plenty of Thai businesses in Cambodia. Were they running by a bunch of cats and dogs? Sure those businesses are going to stop at a dead end and those Thais will just have to eat ashes for the time being.

Anonymous said...

yeper, cambodian's patient is running out. Enough is enough. If the war break out. Tacksin people in your country will just have to kill you.

Anonymous said...

Thai judicial system is the most corrupted in the world. Too much bias to elite group in Bangcock and the stupid king family. Thaksin should do what ever in his power to remove the monarchy and its descendant. Democracy will be the only option to stop military coup and restore fair judicial sytem!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should close border with Thailand and kick out all their associated business. Promote business in our own country to create job for young generation. This is what Thaksin would advise to Hun Sen!!!

Anonymous said...

All you guys are 50% right and 50%wrong. Why ?

- 1/ The Thai government is wrong because they wrongfully claim that Preah Vihear is belong to them. 100% on this issue.
- 2/ Thai government is right because the stupid Hun Sen invited Thaksin to stay in Cambodia and also Hun Sen has forced the King to sign the Royal Decree to appoint Thaksin as the Advisor. This is completely wrong.
We want to ask the stupid Hun Sen if Thai government invite the opposition parties and other movements that oppose Hun Sen/CPP to heaven in Thailand, what that stupid Hun Sen say ???.

Remember our compatriotes that Thaksin (when he was the PM)was the one that sent all our nationalists along Thai-cambodian border to Hun Sen to kill so far ( based on the treaty between Thai-Cambodia). Why at this time Hun Sen dont respect that treaty ?

Think about that our compatriotes. Do not fall into Hun Sen game.
When he wanted to kill our nationalists, Hun Sen said he respect that treaty. But when he wants to help his criminal friend, Hun Sen said that he can reject the treaty.

Anonymous said...

We do not support neither government, should it be Hun Sen or Abisit...They get power by corruption and force. No fair election!

But i support Hun Sen for defending Cambodia from Thai government trying to invade Khmer land. Thailand must respect Cambodian in very aspect, either politic and social-economic. We are an independant country, we can choos anyone, who which, to be our economic adviser....And Thai government must learn to shut-up!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no prudent judicial system in Siam since the 60's.
What happened to Thaksin in 2006 is fuelled by personal interest involved the King and Thaksin businesses.

King owns Thailand one way or the other.He tries to scrap off democratic parliamentarian system all together before he died.So his half mentally ill son can ascend the throne.

Thaksin was accused of insulting King but in reality was the King to protect his own wealth.

Here goes Abhisit believes King is too innocent in this cat-dog fight.

Anonymous said...

Abhishit, each time you open your mouth to speak over khmer thai issue, I believe to hear a little spoiled child who always point finger to other for his own faults. You thais must know, you cant abuse or freely use animosities against Khmer as your ancestors did. You even down yourself lower than little khmer rouge and yuon slave like hun sen who you always look down. You’r pretty gorgeous and well cultivated but you’re an ill psycho period. You make all Thais look psycho period like a band of barbaric like yourself. I think Thailand can win over hun sen and can stop yuon expansionism but not this way.

Doesn’t Thailand has someone better to run its country ?

Anonymous said...

It getting me off guard a little bit here. If HUn Sen really need economic adviser he should invite Sam Rainsy cause Mr. Sam Rainsy was a former economy minister during the Funcinpec in charge.

When Mr. Sam Rainsy found out about the corruption with Mr. Hun Sen and Ranariddh, Hun Sen made Ranariddh remove Mr. Sam Rainsy from the department of economy.

HUN SEN is also very putting Cambodia in a dangerous path. He should take Mr. Sam Rainsy as the adviser.


Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy may be a good economist in Europe or United States, but he can not be a good adviser in Cambodia/Thailand. He plays by the economic rules which are not applicable in Cambodia.

He wanted land taxation to poor khmer who can barely afford to eat. How can they pay taxes on dried land....

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen does not need an economic adviser, but he needs someone that can cause Abhisit a lot of headache for all the wrong claims he (Abhisit) made on Preah Vihear. Thaksin is the best man for that Job.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Abhullshit can do anything to HUN SEN.

He is done deal. If he has the urge to close the border. Hun Sen will not going to kiss his butt.

Watch it Abhullshit will come and kneel down on HUN SEN.

HUN SEN is the longest ruler in this region (Southeast Asia).

Anonymous said...

Yes...Thaksin was known to be a good economist in developping country. He is loved by poor farmer. This is a smart move for Hun Sen if Thaksin is really sincere to his position!!! But i don't think Thaksin will do any change to Cambodia...!!!Wait and see...

Anonymous said...

HunSenomic is great already,why need an adviser? Each year, Hun SEn brings $600 million free from donors plus loans from China.

The ways he leads his government and Poor King, Cambodia will be a reborn Angkor empire in no time.

Anonymous said...

Abhisit did nothing good for Cambodia. Sam Rainsey may run to his grab his knees when he stole PM job in Thailand away from Tacksin, but what did he help Rainsey in return? if so what is it? Abhisit actually hurt Sam Rainsey by stumbling their feet on Preah Vihear's issue causing most Cambodian voters to move toward Hun Sen instead. Even Cambodian oversea are gradually losing confident over Sam Rainsey. Why? Helping Sam Rainsey meaning helping Abhisit to cut Preah Vihear away from Khmer, because Sam Rainsey is a friend for nothing to Abhisit. At least for now and along as Abhisit is making a move over Preah Vihear. Will dump you both just for that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen doesn't need economic adviser nor does he care about Thaksin. What he is doing is proving to Siem that he can play the same game that Siem have been playng regarding the border issues. For not being Hun Sen supporter, I am applausing his courage to standing up against Siem's government (Abhisit). Siem have always been very tricky by trying to shows the international stage to be a "good guy."

Regarding the border issues, they are trying continuesly to draging this bilateral talk without any resolution again and a gain. If they have nothing to hide, why fear of letting the third party getting involve? Seim needs to stop faking and pretending to be the victim because their action is too obvious to the international world. If they have an internal problem, they need to work it out themself and don't us Preah Vihear or Thaksin as an excuse. Being a "pawn", Hun Sen making a good move to bringing Thaksin in as a friend. Thaksin still have a lot of supporters in Thailand and Hun Sen is smart enough to know that eventually Thaksin will able to get his power back and when that time come he is hoping that Thaksin still remember his good deed.

Anonymous said...

This headline says it all::

Thailand-Cambodia Tensions Rise over Appointment of Fugitive

I think Cambodian people should question Hun Sen and ask themselves why they appointed the Thai fugitive to be their advisor?

Just for fun or retaliation?

Is this the way Cambodian people want to show the World that they are doing this out of sanity?

C'mon, can hate Thais, PAD or Abhisit, but first ask yourselves fairly whether the action of your leader is sounded and sane?

Anonymous said...

This is all Thai BS for public stunt. There is no substance in their Thai sweet talk to fool the world of their hypocrite morale values. Hun Sen did nothing to lessen their justice system other than they seem not to catch Thaksin.

Anonymous said...

Do Khmers have judicial system? I think Khmers have been sit over too long under Hun Sen's buttocks that they can't really say they have judicial system in their country.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's ok with you then.. if Hun Sen killed your dad and mom and after he fled to Vietnam, the Vietnamese appointed him as economic advisor.

If killing is too offensive, let's say he just rob your parents or be it your country. Feel free to choose the act...

Will you still say that your country didn't lessen the justice system of your neighboring country?

Anonymous said...

2:46 AM,

Is that sound to you that Thai's government claiming the surrounding Preah Vihear is their? Why are you still wanting to play by the rule with Siem? Unless you are Thai, you need to question the Thai of their claim not the Cambodian people, please. How in the HELL someone building the house not the that make sense to you?

Anonymous said...

You're mixing 2 separate issues up. PVH vs appointing a Thai fugitive.

As I said, you can hate Thais but don't forget to question yourselves if it's automatically right that Cambodians can do thing like appointing Thaksin, a Thai fugitive, as an economic advisor just to retaliate Thais over the PVH issue.

Isn't this called childish?

Anonymous said...

3:11 am

This is not childish my friend, rather it is a beautiful politic. Hun Sen knows that the Preah Vihear or border issue will not be resolved if Abhisit is continue to be in power. This bilateral talked had been draging for years. However, if Thaksin regains control, thing may be much easier for Hun Sen. Hun Sen also knows that Thaksin still has a lot of supporters and his chances of returning is very high. Therefore, he is making the right move for investing in Thaksin which he claims as an "internal friend."

Anonymous said...


Hun Sen did not kill or rob your people. What is that has to do with your justice system. It is your un-demonratic government robbed off Thaksin for power by using Preah Vichear as a ploy to move the Thai people's emotion. Everyone knows about it...except some of your gullible people to believe Abhisit government is clean but far from clean.

Anonymous said...

And you still said Cambodians didn't intervene Thai's judicial system?

I guess the World sees through this wicked act that you mentioned so proudly of Hun Sen's interference of Thai politics.

If you like what Hun Sen did, shame on you. What would you feel if Thais start interfering with Cambodian politics?

I guess you don't like that either, right? 3:11

Anonymous said...

3:47 AM,

To make it short, if a country is attempting to steal my land, I am willing do whatever it take to pissing them off including interfering with their internal politic.

Anonymous said...

I like to offer some thought to our Thai guest:

PM Abhisit is being held hostage by his own political ineptness, and what we are seeing is just the beginning of a much deeper social crisis in Thailand – the red-shirts versus yellow-shirts, Muslim insurgency in the South, and the uncertainty at end of King Bhumibol reign. It is Thailand best interest to make peace over the Preah Vihear issue with Cambodia as quickly as possible, so that she can focus her resources and efforts resolving the other important two issues. In the present Thai political environment, there is not much room for PM Abhisit to manoeuvre. He came to power by exploiting the Preah Vihear issue, and he can lose office for giving up his fight over the Preah Vihear. The question is will PM Abdisit place Thailand interest before his personal interest?

Khmer Academy

Anonymous said...


1.It's the OVERLAPPING AREA needed to be resolved.
2.Not only Cambodia and Thailand but other nations also have the same problem.
3.If you can't find a mutual agreement and still perceive other party as stealing your land, blame no one else but yourself as a fool(to think like that.)
4.Instead of calling other a thief, stealing your land, you already endorsed the interference of Thai internal judicial system plus politics.

I can then only see that you're just another shit-headed Khmer, whose brain didn't function in the way people around the globe normally do.

Sorry that I'm blatant.

Anonymous said...

4:09AM - loose your temper already?
We went to the ICJ in the sixty and the court ruled in Cambodia favor, didn't you know that? You guys didn't respect the ruling and some fighting broke out. History repeats itself with the Preah Vihear. You guys got upset just because we listed the site with the World heritage.

I am not sure who is the trouble maker here? Can you let your honesty ovecome your frustration?

Khmer Academy

Anonymous said...

Khmer Academy
4:03 AM

I think you should leave that to the decision of Thai people.

For Khmers like you, can't you just learn how to sit aside and see if what you preached would really turn into reality at all.

Abhisit may seem to be liked by Thais because of the dispute over Preah Vihear issue <-- That's what Khmers think!!!

Truth is Abhisit is liked by most Thais because Thaksin is simply a crook, just like HUN SEN.

So, in this case, Thais will surely support Abhisit to go all the way against Cambodia over the interference of Thai judicial system (by appointing a Thai crook as your nation advisor)

Who will go against Abhisit?
I guess only Thaksin, red-shirts and you Khmers, on a false estimation of Thais as you assumed falsely.

Because in fact it's the PAD who raised the PVH issue over as a dispute. And Abhisit just got a windfall (for which he didn't really claim as his effort anyway)over this, without any real involvement.

Believe me or not, HUN SEN had played Thaksin a wrong move this time and you'll see!

Anonymous said...


Thailand is just a young nation than Cambodia. Right now Thai is acting like a child. Being childish won't do you any good. All for the consequences is to put you in the corner. If you don't behave you will end up grounded. Please be aware that Cambodia just got out of war and already acting more professional and good manner. We have been patience for the Thai to resolve the border issue peacefully. And at the end Thai being flip-flop and blame Cambodian this and that. Not just insulting and looking down on Cambodia they also looked down at ICJ, UNESCO and World body. Recently we told them if you seen or captured our illegal border crossing please arrest them or send them back to Cambodia so we can persecute them accordingly. But instead of being a good neighbor with Cambodia Thailand chose not to respect human rights and lately they burnt Khmer kid alive.

If you talking who is insulting who, you've got to look back and think first before you're talking.

For Thaksin, he will be Hun Sen eternal friend if Abhishit continue to be the ignorant leader of Thailand.

From my prediction Thailand will be doomed soon. After the monkey king dies there will be chaos, turmoil and political unrest happens in Thailand.

Mark my words!!

Anonymous said...

You know, we could be worry now. Cause who knows if Thaksin just one of Thai spy and got a job in Cambodia politic.

He could reveal to Thai a lot of secret information that could lead to Thai to attack us because Thaksin might reveal to Thai that we got nothing.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Academy
4:15 AM

If ICJ pointed out so clearly, I just wonder why Cambodia and Thailand had to have an MOU over the OVERLAPPING AREA.

The point is if your eyes are not too blinded, you would surely know that the overlapping area does exist.

PVH? I for one never give a damn over this rotten piece of rocks.

So, if you are so sure that ICJ did pointed out everything and there's no such thing as overlapping area, be my guest to present all the evidence to any international organizations you feel like..

But get your dirty hands out of my country's judicial system.

It's lame: Khmer Academy

Anonymous said...

4:09 am,
I am 3:56, it is you who have a full of shit in your head. If the ICJ already ruled that Preah Vihear favor Cambodian in the 60's, Siem needs to stop being a sore looser. You are making yourself looking very bad my friend for calling it an "overlapping area". If you have any common sense, you would not have calling it an "overlapping area." How the fuck is someone is building a temple, not building a stair ass hole? I understand that Thai academic regarding history is very primitive and they need to stop lying to their poor children about their history. Having said that, I am very greatful the they were Khmer slave helping building Angkor Wat.

Anonymous said...

Mark my words!!

Your country, your grandson, your grand grand son will only live in Cambodia the same way, if not worsen, if you still enjoy the way Hun Sen and his families rules your country this way.

I can't really see how Cambodians would rise as a country faster than Vietnamese, Laos, not to mention Thais....

If you love Hun Sen, I couldn't agree more. What he did to Thailand is just so little compared to what he is doing to your country and your families.

Anonymous said...

4:50 AM,

Thank you for your concern 4:50 AM, Cambodia will be fine as long as no thief neighboring couuntry like Thailand trying to steal our land we will be alright. For centuries, these thieve from the east and the west had been taking advantage of us that is why we had been suffering. But don't worry, times have changed and we have learned a lot from our past mistake. I am just glad that we Cambodian don't have to deal with internal political issue like current Thai's government and pitty them very much.

Anonymous said...



If there's NO overlapping area, you should go back and ask Hun Sen why there's an MOU over the overlapping area, not me!!

Over the stupidity of ancient Khmers who you claimed built the PVH. Had you really visited to the PVH, where's the stairs? Is it on Thai or Khmer soil, you see it for yourself.

Not that I claimed the PVH belongs to Thais, I just wonder how you got to the PVH?

Fixed ladder, I guess...

Anonymous said...

You're welcome.I hope you would really be smarter as you said. Otherwise, you're fooling yourself each passing day.

Anonymous said...

The whole region was Khmer's land.

Anonymous said...

5:12 AM,

You are really stupid aren't you? There is no point to argueing with you due to your limited education about true Thai's history. Since you have been taugh 2+2=5 all of your life, it is no point for me to change that.

Anonymous said...


I tried not to get involved in this nonsence bickery. But i cannot stand an idiot who fail to understand the truth dispite all the archaeological findings and historical facts writting in stone carvings.
Part of the reasons why PVH was accessible from Thailand was because...MOST OF PRESENT DAY THAILAND WAS KHMER EMPIRE. So when our ancestors built the temple it didn't matter what side the stairs is on...because all sides was our land. idiot!!!
Use the information system, eg. google, and get your facts straight be4 u bitch about which side the stairs are on.

Anonymous said...

Everything should simple but Thailand seem can't respect anyone even the world court. In the case of Preah Vihear, the verdict was loud and clear, 9 judges voted for Cambodia and 3 voted for Thailand that Preah Vichear is Khmers. After 46 years of silence, Cambodia Preah Vihear was an issue in Thai politics, thanks to the PAD for exploiting Cambodia's temple for their politics. For the PAD, of course this is not Thai meddling or interference in Cambodia sovereignty. They worked to oppose Cambodia's temple from being registered in the World Heritage, but the world did not believe them and again they opposed Cambodia from becoming a member of he World Heritage body and again the world did not believe them. Has Thailand ever known how Cambodia feel all along of their actions and behavior? When will these Thai politicians ever respect anyone? The world is trouble enough and we don't need these Thai distractions. Cambodia is not in a position to fight anyone, but we will fight when we have to...

Anonymous said...

i know, thailand makes it sounds like cambodia is all about them or something, really! i'm sure cambodia and khmer people think in our own national interest as well, not just siem national interest, etc., you know!

Anonymous said...

I think we must admid that if their (Thai)fighters jets in the air, and keep above 10000 feet above sea level (6000 ground level), Hun Sen and his compound will no doubt be really disappointed. The effectiveness of the AAAs are reduced when targeting their targets. Also, the Thai has all the GPS grid for the so-called Tuol Krasaig compound, and, of course, other things in between.

Since the vast majority of Khmer people are already suffered from the regime, so might as well let the Thai do the job for us.

Anonymous said...

Thailand is run by a monkey king, with support of mongkey generals.... These monkey generals appointed the court officials... Hence, these court officials are lower than the meonkey generals who apponted them.

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting to notice that AH ABISHIT illgel government and the Thai news media always brand Thaksin as criminal but does anybody take the time find out or even verify if it is true or not!

I seen some Cambodian people in here start saying the same thing as AH ABISHIT illegal government and the Thai news media without giving a second thought! And this is very dangerous to turn good into bad for a person who has the capability to make billion and to be trouble by some puny land deal worth in the million? The whole story of branding Thaksin as criminal doesn't add up!

Just think for a momnent and this is about crazy stupid Thai dirty politic support by the Thai King that can never be cured!

Anonymous said...

siem country has bad karma for stealing from cambodia, really! they still think cambodia is in the dark age or something! khmer people siem thieves give back all of our old khmer provinces back to cambodia asap! now, siem must go back to nanchoa, ok!

Anonymous said...

Thailand is a Thief land just watch this video.

Anonymous said...

The Thais are a bunch of loonie ultra-nationalists...What is the matter with them??? It's true that Cambodia does not have economic experts of that caliber. That's why Samdech Hun Sen has the insight to import foreign know-how such as Lee Myung Bak of South Korea before he became Prime Minister and now former PM Thaksin of Thailand. The Thais are ungrateful bastards who owe so much to Cambodia for the past 800 years because they borrowed so much language and culture from the Khmers. The Thais have no power or influence beyond their borders. The Cambodians are indeed clever enough to recognise the special skill and talent possessed by Thaksin. Of course they resentful even though he has been discarded by Thailand. One must not forget that all of Thailand was once Khmer land and Bangkok was a Khmer river-bank village. Instead of fostering fraternal friendship between our two peoples (Khmer-Thai) which share so much in common, they choose the wrong path to self-destruction and humiliation. In the eyes of the world, they are indeed a crazy disturbed people...The world is laughing at Thailand.

Achar Penh