KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Hun Sen shooting in the air on Friday following his order to pull troops out of Preah Vihear temple (Photo: AFP) Iraq's then-President Saddam Hussein fires a rifle in Baghdad on Nov. 20, 2000. Saddam fired two rifle shots to kick off festivities celebrating Iraq's commitment to liberating the holy city from Israeli rule. When U.S. leaders decided it was time to depose Saddam Hussein, he made the perfect foil. He was cocky and cunning. He looked dangerous and deranged standing at rallies firing a rifle into the air - conduct unbecoming a head of government. (AP file photo by Jassim Mohammed)
Ah bard psar..mother fucker ah Hun kwack...chkeang chkarng jenh yeak leu reas Khmer slothe strorng....teanh kom pleung kley pei me korng barnh tom rorng...tove arkars sar. Ah neis vea mean nei chorng komream dol each udom Sam Rainsy...doark pro kol prom dein sey ma....beu hean tweu teath vea neng pro ha...barnh Khemara neak snea ha cheath....Ah kwack chlarth kos kboun....oub ponge KDOR YOUN...heuy teub kdith...ta som larb Khmer pro marn tarm tea cheth...heuy tweu yarng mech kom doark bun sark vea. Ah kwack jeah a pouch jou mar SHIT...dark sompeath leu Khmer knea eang...barnh chea ouy ah Cheam Poe Pe Nhei doark loke Sam Rainsy jenh pei tweu chhbarb...deum bei ouy ah Youn vea pro nharb...sar bary cheth neng louch dei khmer teach...! Pouk ah jou prey rode joul srok...min deung chhbarb tom lorb...keu ah kwark Hun Sen.
Hun Sen is trying to shoot the Angle who is trying to save the poor Khmers. Khmer leaders have been drugs by the Viet Cong that is why the Viet Cong can take anythings they wanted.
Different history: Mr. Hun Sen still have supports almost from the western countries like USA, France, UK, Germany, Australia, Korea, Japan, China and others. Sadam Hussein was supported only from NGOs and some Communist Countries. He was alone again the Western world. The opposition parties in Cambodia did not have direct support from other governments. They are powerless.
obviously,ah hun sen &his thug has sold his country to Youn sice he came to power.One day ihope his fate will be similar To Ah Sadamn hunsen or god damn hunsen.
Samdech The Chhor, he is always very strong man, no Hun Sen => no Cambodia.But the reality is no Viet behind him => No Hun Sen. But the Khmer poverb describes that "the high tree was beaten by the wind of change".
Thai army you can see, he is ready to lay you down when you are coming. In the reality, he search the place hidden if Thai army comming. That is the fact.
Voyons l'agressivité de HUN Sen envers le peuple Khmer! C'est une intimidation et on verra bien, il va perdre un autre oeil. Et le Cambodge va être liberer de la dictature, de la bande de mafia qui tyranise son peuple.
This question is being asked to everyone who are reading this message.
- Sam Rainsy Party and members are Cambodians - CPP party and members are Cambodians
So it makes sense that these two parties have to bear Cambodian heart. But the CPP's parliamentarians who raised hand to show their vote of lifting Sam Rainsy's immunity because of his concern with border demarcation with Vietnam showed us strange and super strange thing in Cambodia politics.
SRP party and CPP party have been working to bring benefits and interests for Cambodia. But when Sam Rainsy dare to check with eyes the border point demarcation and the farm owners pulled out those simple wood-sticks, CPP has taken this issue seriously to the parliament to bully Sam Rainsy. (Note: Sam Rainsy didn't pull out those sticks but as a leader he has to protect those weak farmers by accepting his act in pulling those sticks). But the craziest thing is that parliament members didn't firstly investigate the case properly by using its most ability to respect the voice of voters (people) and minor party.
For Chheam Yeab, he is over-stated the act of Sam Rainsy as "Security Concern" of the nation. Nguyen Tan Dong accused Sam Rainsy only vandalizing public property and undermine friend relations, but CPP's court of Svay Rieng accused Sam Rainsy more than that as racism. But all those accusation is even worse, the worst is Chheam Yeap who accused Sam Rainsy of "undermining national security". This accusation is really unrealistic and not different from Pol Pot.
When Pol Pot wanted to kill someone, they would create a case and accused them as "undermining national security" or "being traitor" etc. Now, under Chheam Yeab, it has become worse than that because to try the case of Sam Rainsy and accused him in that felony verdict it means to threaten Cambodian people in the whole country. Pol Pot killed people they suspected but took firm stance to protect border land in both Vietnam and Thailand. But current government, may be under Chheam Yeab's policy, Cambodia will be easily integrated into Vietnam; or at least in the name of Cambodia but every main policies and leadership must be guided by Vietnam as same as in Lao.
Who is Chheam Yeab?
1. Since the Cambodia-Vietnam supplemental border treaty, to Khmer Monk Tim Sakhorn, to 22 Khmer military PhDs, to allying with Thaksin to slap Abhisit's cheek, and to current bullying of Sam Rainsy etc illustrates the "hell policy of CPP" which has undeniably lost its integrity, independence and self-determination. CPP can use 99% ownership of mass media to manipulate the whole Cambodian people inside this country, but CPP cannot hide themselves from frustration of its self-destruction policy and final demise.
2. The answer must come out directly from CPP's members themselves. Do they want to live longer and pursue self-reliance or not? Many CPP's members and parliament representatives are actually patriotic but how can they untie themselves from this rapid fastening of neo-imperialism approach of Vietnam? Many CPP's members are wanting to defuse the Vietnamese power from inside should start to "walk the talk". However, I don't see they are doing that plan because from day to day, they are firmly becoming strongly tied in trap.
If CPP's members think that your leaders are doing the right thing and current mechanism to handle with Sam Rainsy is correct, I think you are lost in the abyss of ignorance.
You all got confuse I think around the world have no prime minister that clever the same as Hun Sen is. Hun Sen very clever to beggar because he is very clever in economic
Stop behaving like a child because it only humiliates yourself and the opposition. If you really want to help the country, here what you and the opposition, especially Mr. Rainsy should have done.
Mr. Rainsy must remain in the country and ORDER his party members to boycott all parliamentary sessions until the CPP restore his immunity. Instead of writing the letter to the King asking his intervention, Mr. Rainsy must himself become more vocal about the Viet encroachment and incite the mass population to stand up, not against the CPP or PM Hun Sen, but against Hanoi.
You and I know that Hanoi pressures Hun Sen to remove Mr. Rainsy’s immunity. The right thing for Mr. Rainsy and people like you to do is NOT to hit back at PM Hun Sen, but to revolve against Hanoi by publicly inciting riots against yuon interests and community on Cambodia soil. Many CPP people will support you. Also, when you incite people against Hanoi, PM Hun Sen can go back and tell Hanoi that Khmer people will start a new revolution or that CPP will lose its legitimacy in parliament if Hanoi forces CPP to suppress Khmer Nationalists.
Instead of condemning PM Hun Sen, you and the opposition should lend him a helping hand to refuse Hanoi order.
Hun Sen is a coward, but Thais are even more cowardice. The Thais are probably abusing our khmer people in Thailand secretly. They always gang up on on one person.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Tortures Brutality Executions Massacres Mass Murder Genocide Atrocities Crimes Against Humanity Starvations Slavery Force Labour Overwork to Death Human Abuses Persecution Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea Attempted Assassinations Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy Assassinations Assassinated Journalists Assassinated Political Opponents Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union Executions Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party Murders Murdered Chea Vichea Murdered Ros Sovannareth Murdered Hy Vuthy Murdered Khim Sambo Murdered Khim Sambo's son Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party. Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party Murdered Innocent Men Murdered Innocent Women Murdered Innocent Children Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples. Extrajudicial Execution Grenade Attack Terrorism Drive by Shooting Brutalities Police Brutality Against Monks Police Brutality Against Evictees Tortures Intimidations Death Threats Threatening Human Abductions Human Abuses Human Rights Abuses Human Trafficking Drugs Trafficking Under Age Child Sex Corruptions Bribery Illegal Arrest Illegal Mass Evictions Illegal Land Grabbing Illegal Firearms Illegal Logging Illegal Deforestation Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board. Illegally Sold State Properties Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members Plunder National Resources Acid Attacks Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country. Oppression Injustice Steal Votes Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party. Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party. Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail. Abuse of Power Abuse the Laws Abuse the National Election Committee Abuse the National Assembly Violate the Laws Violate the Constitution Violate the Paris Accords Impunity Persecution Unlawful Detention Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
in your dream, fuckers. Saddam was ousted because the US wants to secure the oil access in the region. Cambodia has no major thing that the US wants. Thus there is no reason for the US doing any shit like they did with Saddam here. You wish to see that happen so your now immunity-less Sam Rainsy could be on top right? Wrong, Sam Rainsy is gone in a bit if he keeps up his retarded acts.
If anything, the US would actually help Hun Sen more now. Look at the increase of military and economic cooperation between the two. Too bad you fuckers ain't invited to the parties. Fucking losers. lol
7:56, ........and if Sam Rainsy or any citizens pull this stunt.....they'll get hauled to prison.
Will you look at our Prime Minister! Acting like a jackass! I'm pretty sure our neighbours is laughing their ass off right about now. Congratulations to all of the CEE PEE PEE supporters! Lol Did you all know that Hun Sen closed his good eyes when he shoot one off?
..when we finally assassinate dictator Hun Xen or some of his daughters or sons. There is no way Hun Xen can protect his sons or daughters as strong as his bodyguards protect him. Khmer people have no choice but to get rid of a brutal dictator Xen. Dictator Hun Xen has done too much harm to Khmer Nation and our Khmer ancestors are crying from the foundation of Angkor Wat to rid of evil Hun Xen.
God Buddha teach us all peace, but dictator Hun Xen only speaks of blood and evil. Khmer must make dictator Hun Xen joins dictator Saddam Hussein.
When the thais come to hunt him down
Hun Xen is an idiot! The bullet should fall back and hit his other eye. Hopefully not the poor Khmer people.
ah hun sen is good in threatening to his own ppls.ah hun sen is scared of Youn. but not Youn'pussy.
i wish the bullet will fall back to his head.
It will end when the khmer people hang him!
I hope his fate will be similar for the sake of Khmers.
Ah bard psar..mother fucker ah Hun kwack...chkeang chkarng jenh yeak leu reas Khmer slothe strorng....teanh kom pleung kley pei me korng barnh tom rorng...tove arkars sar. Ah neis vea mean nei chorng komream dol each udom Sam Rainsy...doark pro kol prom dein sey ma....beu hean tweu teath vea neng pro ha...barnh Khemara neak snea ha cheath....Ah kwack chlarth kos kboun....oub ponge KDOR YOUN...heuy teub kdith...ta som larb Khmer pro marn tarm tea cheth...heuy tweu yarng mech kom doark bun sark vea. Ah kwack jeah a pouch jou mar SHIT...dark sompeath leu Khmer knea eang...barnh chea ouy ah Cheam Poe Pe Nhei doark loke Sam Rainsy jenh pei tweu chhbarb...deum bei ouy ah Youn vea pro nharb...sar bary cheth neng louch dei khmer teach...! Pouk ah jou prey rode joul srok...min deung chhbarb tom lorb...keu ah kwark Hun Sen.
Hun Sen is trying to shoot the Angle who is trying to save the poor Khmers.
Khmer leaders have been drugs by the Viet Cong that is why the Viet Cong can take anythings they wanted.
Different history:
Mr. Hun Sen still have supports almost from the western countries like USA, France, UK, Germany, Australia, Korea, Japan, China and others.
Sadam Hussein was supported only from NGOs and some Communist Countries. He was alone again the Western world.
The opposition parties in Cambodia did not have direct support from other governments. They are powerless.
More, CPP Memebrs and Millions of Vietnames peoples also support Samdach Hun Sen.
Does anyone among the crows want to get the chance to be a hero of the Cambodian people?
cuz he's liar that traitor AH Sam Rainsy. he's best at defaming people and make his country look like shit
obviously,ah hun sen &his thug has sold his country to Youn sice he came to power.One day ihope his fate will be similar To Ah Sadamn hunsen or god damn hunsen.
This PM is always love the war, without he can't sleep well.
why would he shoot?? what if its landed on somebody head? then what? use the act of law? i don't thing so!!
Samdech The Chhor, he is always very strong man, no Hun Sen => no Cambodia.But the reality is no Viet behind him => No Hun Sen. But the Khmer poverb describes that "the high tree was beaten by the wind of change".
Thai army you can see, he is ready to lay you down when you are coming. In the reality, he search the place hidden if Thai army comming. That is the fact.
Voyons l'agressivité de HUN Sen envers le peuple Khmer!
C'est une intimidation et on verra bien, il va perdre un autre oeil. Et le Cambodge va être liberer de la dictature, de la bande de mafia qui tyranise son peuple.
Khmer Sralanh Cheat
Who are Cambodians?
This question is being asked to everyone who are reading this message.
- Sam Rainsy Party and members are Cambodians
- CPP party and members are Cambodians
So it makes sense that these two parties have to bear Cambodian heart. But the CPP's parliamentarians who raised hand to show their vote of lifting Sam Rainsy's immunity because of his concern with border demarcation with Vietnam showed us strange and super strange thing in Cambodia politics.
SRP party and CPP party have been working to bring benefits and interests for Cambodia. But when Sam Rainsy dare to check with eyes the border point demarcation and the farm owners pulled out those simple wood-sticks, CPP has taken this issue seriously to the parliament to bully Sam Rainsy. (Note: Sam Rainsy didn't pull out those sticks but as a leader he has to protect those weak farmers by accepting his act in pulling those sticks). But the craziest thing is that parliament members didn't firstly investigate the case properly by using its most ability to respect the voice of voters (people) and minor party.
For Chheam Yeab, he is over-stated the act of Sam Rainsy as "Security Concern" of the nation. Nguyen Tan Dong accused Sam Rainsy only vandalizing public property and undermine friend relations, but CPP's court of Svay Rieng accused Sam Rainsy more than that as racism. But all those accusation is even worse, the worst is Chheam Yeap who accused Sam Rainsy of "undermining national security". This accusation is really unrealistic and not different from Pol Pot.
When Pol Pot wanted to kill someone, they would create a case and accused them as "undermining national security" or "being traitor" etc. Now, under Chheam Yeab, it has become worse than that because to try the case of Sam Rainsy and accused him in that felony verdict it means to threaten Cambodian people in the whole country. Pol Pot killed people they suspected but took firm stance to protect border land in both Vietnam and Thailand. But current government, may be under Chheam Yeab's policy, Cambodia will be easily integrated into Vietnam; or at least in the name of Cambodia but every main policies and leadership must be guided by Vietnam as same as in Lao.
Who is Chheam Yeab?
1. Since the Cambodia-Vietnam supplemental border treaty, to Khmer Monk Tim Sakhorn, to 22 Khmer military PhDs, to allying with Thaksin to slap Abhisit's cheek, and to current bullying of Sam Rainsy etc illustrates the "hell policy of CPP" which has undeniably lost its integrity, independence and self-determination. CPP can use 99% ownership of mass media to manipulate the whole Cambodian people inside this country, but CPP cannot hide themselves from frustration of its self-destruction policy and final demise.
2. The answer must come out directly from CPP's members themselves. Do they want to live longer and pursue self-reliance or not? Many CPP's members and parliament representatives are actually patriotic but how can they untie themselves from this rapid fastening of neo-imperialism approach of Vietnam? Many CPP's members are wanting to defuse the Vietnamese power from inside should start to "walk the talk". However, I don't see they are doing that plan because from day to day, they are firmly becoming strongly tied in trap.
If CPP's members think that your leaders are doing the right thing and current mechanism to handle with Sam Rainsy is correct, I think you are lost in the abyss of ignorance.
In Solidarity,
I am a brave man
Hun Xen
You all got confuse I think around the world have no prime minister that clever the same as Hun Sen is. Hun Sen very clever to beggar because he is very clever in economic
A lady was charged for shooting in the city (now, she is in Prison). How's about that shooting?
Shooting the birth!
Stop behaving like a child because it only humiliates yourself and the opposition. If you really want to help the country, here what you and the opposition, especially Mr. Rainsy should have done.
Mr. Rainsy must remain in the country and ORDER his party members to boycott all parliamentary sessions until the CPP restore his immunity. Instead of writing the letter to the King asking his intervention, Mr. Rainsy must himself become more vocal about the Viet encroachment and incite the mass population to stand up, not against the CPP or PM Hun Sen, but against Hanoi.
You and I know that Hanoi pressures Hun Sen to remove Mr. Rainsy’s immunity. The right thing for Mr. Rainsy and people like you to do is NOT to hit back at PM Hun Sen, but to revolve against Hanoi by publicly inciting riots against yuon interests and community on Cambodia soil. Many CPP people will support you. Also, when you incite people against Hanoi, PM Hun Sen can go back and tell Hanoi that Khmer people will start a new revolution or that CPP will lose its legitimacy in parliament if Hanoi forces CPP to suppress Khmer Nationalists.
Instead of condemning PM Hun Sen, you and the opposition should lend him a helping hand to refuse Hanoi order.
Remember last time my comment to Cambodian people Hun Xen as same as Sedam Hussen. both of them showing charateristics are bloodies.
Hun Sen is a coward, but Thais are even more cowardice. The Thais are probably abusing our khmer people in Thailand secretly. They always gang up on on one person.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
in your dream, fuckers. Saddam was ousted because the US wants to secure the oil access in the region. Cambodia has no major thing that the US wants. Thus there is no reason for the US doing any shit like they did with Saddam here. You wish to see that happen so your now immunity-less Sam Rainsy could be on top right? Wrong, Sam Rainsy is gone in a bit if he keeps up his retarded acts.
If anything, the US would actually help Hun Sen more now. Look at the increase of military and economic cooperation between the two. Too bad you fuckers ain't invited to the parties. Fucking losers. lol
He is Cambodia/Vietminh gangsters who acts a stupid thing. He thinks he is a top of the world and his followers are so dummy as well.
The bullet should drop on his head or his followers to kill them as well. When do the CPP vanishing from Khmer land?
Ah Sen is a Vietminh agent who works for Hanoi.
Who says he is improving the life of Khmer people and did not lost an inch of land to Hanoi?
Those people are actually Viet agents.
Get rid of them all.
Khmer in the US and hate Ah Hun Sen and his followers.
DICK HEAD!!!!! Ah Kwack Hun Xen!
What have one eye?
1) Hun Xen
2) Dick
3) all above
Good one 2:27pm! he's idiot and dumbfuck..! this is how uneducated people did...!
I learnt that Saddam got hung, the next will be Hun Sen and that is why he has to have 4000 body guards.
........and if Sam Rainsy or any citizens pull this stunt.....they'll get hauled to prison.
Will you look at our Prime Minister! Acting like a jackass! I'm pretty sure our neighbours is laughing their ass off right about now. Congratulations to all of the CEE PEE PEE supporters! Lol
Did you all know that Hun Sen closed his good eyes when he shoot one off?
(3) all of the above? Lol
..when we finally assassinate dictator Hun Xen or some of his daughters or sons. There is no way Hun Xen can protect his sons or daughters as strong as his bodyguards protect him. Khmer people have no choice but to get rid of a brutal dictator Xen. Dictator Hun Xen has done too much harm to Khmer Nation and our Khmer ancestors are crying from the foundation of Angkor Wat to rid of evil Hun Xen.
God Buddha teach us all peace, but dictator Hun Xen only speaks of blood and evil. Khmer must make dictator Hun Xen joins dictator Saddam Hussein.
Hun Sen trying to shoot Thaksin in the air..! but the bullet falls back on his another eye instead...! now both eyes are really fake..
I felt very sad after I saw these pictures..
Why He..?
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