Monday, December 21, 2009

Chinese vice president arrives in Cambodia

Associated Press
Cambodia is nominally more democratic than Myanmar, but Hun Sen is an autocratic ruler who uses his ties with China as a balance against dependency on Western nations.
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping arrived Sunday in Cambodia on the last leg of a four-nation Asian tour.

His arrival came a day after Cambodia bowed to Beijing's wishes and sent back a group of 20 Muslim asylum-seekers sought in connection with violent anti-government protests, despite concern by human rights activists that they face persecution.

Chinese officials had described the ethnic Uighurs as "criminals," and Cambodia - which maintains warm relations with Beijing - said it was expelling them because they had illegally entered the country.

Cambodian Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said Xi Jinping's party arrived by plane in the northwestern province of Siem Reap, home to the famed Angkor Wat temple complex.

On Monday Xi will go to the capital, Phnom Penh, where he will hold talks with Prime Minister Hun Sen and preside with him over the signing of 14 agreements, mostly concerning economic assistance to Cambodia, he said.

The trip is seen as significant because Xi Jinping is widely considered the leading contender to eventually succeed President Hu Jintao.

Xi's previous stops on his tour were Japan, South Korea and Myanmar. Koy Kuong said Xi and his delegation will leaves Cambodia on Tuesday.

While economic powerhouses Japan and South Korea are rivals to China, Myanmar and Cambodia are two of Southeast Asia's poorest countries, where China uses its wealth to spread its influence.

Beijing is the closest and most powerful ally of military-ruled Myanmar, and has major investments in the country, which is shunned by the West because of its failure to restore democratic rule.

Cambodia is nominally more democratic than Myanmar, but Hun Sen is an autocratic ruler who uses his ties with China as a balance against dependency on Western nations.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a smart autocratic ruler
Poor cambodian people could never have a decent live because this ruler can play the US againts China and vice-versa. The US is not seeking the freedom for the cambodians but the freedom for the people who could destabilise China.

Anonymous said...

Please China tell ECCC what had happened between 1970-1980.We saw Sihanouk,Mao,Ieng Sary,Le Ductho,they loved each other!

Anonymous said...

If I am a stupid leader I will fight with Americans because a few years after they will say fuck you Cambodians I quit.

You remember 1970-1975 what Americans did to LON NOL Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

China next time if you want to visit Cambodia please take the same day that vietnam visit as well,by doing this I think vietnam will do less interfering in Cambodia but China have to be careful because vietnam set up its roots in Cambodia almost every where.

Anonymous said...

I heard mainly in National Assembly and Senates.