Tuesday, December 22, 2009

EU Presidency Statement on the forced return by Cambodia of asylum seekers

21 December 2009
Source: Swedish Presidency of the EU

The Presidency of European Union is deeply concerned about the decision by the Cambodian Government to forcibly return a group of ethnic Uighur asylum seekers to China on December 19, 2009, prior to an examination of their status under international refugee law. The Government's action shows a worrying disregard for Cambodia's obligations under international law, as well as for specific undertakings given to UNHCR in this case. The Presidency urges the Cambodian Government to review its procedures for dealing with applications for asylum, in order to ensure that the procedures comply with Cambodia's obligations under international law.

The Presidency urges China to ensure that the human rights of the returned persons are respected, and to guarantee transparency and due process.


timothy chhim's blog said...

International Refugee Law:

Anonymous said...

So what you Westerners are going to do about this, Huh? what you are gonna do about this Huh? Keep screeming and making statements.

You all, westerners, are very good at express disturb and concern and that's all you gonna do, Huh?

Well this issue it gonna pass and you will smile at Cambodia again.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese refugee entered Cambodia illegally, and thus it is lawfully to return them back to the country of origin. Even the US return thousands of Mexican who illegally enter the US. I never see any UNHCR office at the US border to screen Mexican illegal immigrants. The US border agents would only take photograph, finger print them and return them back to Mexico within hours.

Another question is, why are these people came all the way from China and stay in Cambodia. Why don't they stop in Vietnam, Lao, Thailand or even go to Muslim country like Malaysia or Indonesia, why stop in Cambodia!
So now Cambodia is to blame for this. This is unfair.

Why don't the US and the UN protest with China, why blame Cambodia. May be the US dare not challenge China because they are borrowing billions from China!!

As for refugee treaty, what treaty!?

When Thai dump Cambodian refugee into mine field at Phnom Dangrek, where are the International, where the UN, and the Human right group?!

Thousands of Cambodian refugees were massacred, machine gun by Thai soliders, thousands more died in mine field, and thousand more die of starvation in Phnom Dangrek. No one come to help us, none.

Later UN estimate 30,000 Cambodian refugee died at Phnom Dangrek alone, and that not counting Thai Shelling Cambodian refugee camps a long the border, Thai rape and murder thousands more who try to enter Khao I Dang camp.

Sure, it is good human nature that we want to help our fellow man, however, it is also human nature that we want to help ourselves first. In this case, Cambodia is in a very tight spot.

Even if the Cambodian government want to help these people, they are not in the position to do so. They cannot risk anger China, They cannot risk losing millions in financial assistance, loan, and investment from China. Not even the US dare to offend China, let alone a small poor country like Cambodia.

So be realistic. It is easy to be an idealist when you don't have responsibility. It is easy to point finger and lay blame, but if you are in position of Cambodia, sending those people back is the best thing for Cambodia.

Yes we have pity for those Chinese refugee, but in this case, nothing much we can do for them. Cambodia is also under the mercy of China.

Anonymous said...

Keep give the fucking money and support Hun Xen, dude EUs!

Anonymous said...

2:32 AM,

Mexican illegal immigrants entered U.S.A beacuse of ECONOMIC REFUGEEs, not a POLITICAL REFUGEES whos would be executed by the LAWS of Forest or Communit Laws.

Read more books about the cases of Refugees in the world.