Thursday, December 17, 2009
Op-Ed posted by anonymous reader MP
Every time the border encroachment issue arises, the CPP leadership is quick to deflect public attention and Opposition criticism from its dubious and collaborative role in this sorry saga. Instead of debating as to which map is more appropriate for demarcation purposes, or why Opposition critics have not come up with a more viable map of their own, if the latter are not happy with the work of the border committee and so forth, why not allow the whole process to be scrutinized and assessed publicly and transparently? Who would lose out from such an open, democratic vetting? Not the Khmer people or the nation, surely? At the very least, owners of the land in question themselves should be fully informed of the committee’s relevant plans and procedures, their express consent should be sought prior to any joint decision being taken to carry out the committee’s work.
What if the border committee itself is being led by technically incompetent individuals or its chairperson? One hears VN has even offered to train Khmers on border mapping. No prize for guessing what manner of knowledge would be disseminated to the students here.
On the other hand, the technical nature and complexities of border mapping has frequently been used to bar and rebuff critics from gaining inroads into the committee's work. However, even this would not matter too much were it not for the fact that national integrity is at stake, and rice farmers' lands are being threatened.
Up to now, no villagers have lost their land? Really? Khmer farmers along the border with VN have been reported to have been forcibly removed from their ancestral land since the early 1990s and beyond. It is a slight blessing that this latest incursion into Khmer land comes in the form of wooden stakes (which are illegal objects planted on private property), and by themselves these poles may not seem a great deal, until, that is, one recalls the incremental and insidious practices of Vietnamese expansion of past and present:
As usual, it is not so much what has been agreed on the map as such that matters, but rather it is these moving realities on the grounds that really count.
What if the border committee itself is being led by technically incompetent individuals or its chairperson? One hears VN has even offered to train Khmers on border mapping. No prize for guessing what manner of knowledge would be disseminated to the students here.
On the other hand, the technical nature and complexities of border mapping has frequently been used to bar and rebuff critics from gaining inroads into the committee's work. However, even this would not matter too much were it not for the fact that national integrity is at stake, and rice farmers' lands are being threatened.
Up to now, no villagers have lost their land? Really? Khmer farmers along the border with VN have been reported to have been forcibly removed from their ancestral land since the early 1990s and beyond. It is a slight blessing that this latest incursion into Khmer land comes in the form of wooden stakes (which are illegal objects planted on private property), and by themselves these poles may not seem a great deal, until, that is, one recalls the incremental and insidious practices of Vietnamese expansion of past and present:
- First, establish legal-physical presence in the given territory tentatively, either by means of leasing or temporary holding.
- Second, populate the land with labourers and provide them with the necessary economic incentives to work it and derive long-term self-sufficiency from their occupation.
- Third, provide the occupiers with arms and security protection in event of their lease being revoked. These stages would then be repeated elsewhere until new territory is fully acquired and entrenched under state protection.
As usual, it is not so much what has been agreed on the map as such that matters, but rather it is these moving realities on the grounds that really count.
shzzz Hun Sen got nothing to do with this and he isn't say anything.
Will Xam RainXy become an economic advisor to Abhisit's government?
According to PM Hun Sen's speech yesterday, Xam RainXy's political career is on the line now. If the Court found him guilty and PM Hun Sen refused to write a pardon letter to King Sihamoni, Xam RainXy has no way come back to Cambodia. Will Xam RainXy dare to serve jail time in Cambodia? I don't think so.
The more Xam RainXy dares to jump too high, when he falling back it will hit him very painful.
I will put my house and bet that when Xam Rainxy has run out of option and no where to go, he will bow his head to the ground and writes the letter to "Apology" to the Cambodian government, please let him comes back home in Cambodia. What ashamed?
Khmer in Sydney
Samraisy, you should follow what Vietnam Master said, give up your strugle, close your eyes and then you will become the next Cambodian PM easily.
Ohh my god !! such fucken SRP member!!
Why they are always and repeatedly murmuring same same things everyday like mal function robot...I wonder those bullshit guy just have only one such word in their brain, maybe!!!
As we know, Cambodia is 181 035 Km2, is not it?, if they are clear, why dunt they bring the exact map and their evidence or justification to assembly and discuss with gov't members .....See!! they just alway talk and talk crazily liked mad-dog but never show the fact map: please show us you map that indicate we are losing our land to VN, show us Coordination Point, UTM.....Ohh maybe those guy dunt know how to use GPS phorng meul tov...
Meeting in Hun Xen Assembly means nothing!
How can you say we don't loose our land to Viet! The villager been living and farming their for generations before Hun Xen was born. And now Viet post the border post? If you agree those post are accurate then Khmer people was living and farming in Viet land for centuries? I DON'T THINK SO!
Clearly you don't speak on behalf of our victims. I hope CPP pay you enough for all your nonsense comments. Just like all CPP including your master Hun Xen! NONSENSE! TRAITOR!
You really think Viet allow this Khmer with Viet head survive after they accomplish their job? Think again buddy. Viet will clean all Khmer off. Including Hun Xen or not Hun Xen. This is all Viet conspiracy all along....
Wake up all your traitor! Turn back and protect your own people and nation. Money and Power means nothing if you dead and your family suffered....
The problem is that many Cambodians know to talk, but don't know to do. You must have a degree in international law. You must know border delimitation. If you verify and it is not correct then complain.
In 2007, there was captain Bo, Khmer who served in the Mixed Border Commission between France and Siam. The 2004 border treaty says that the border in the area of Preah Vihear is based on watershed. We went to the area and came back that it was not possible to draw border based on watershed. The commission gave instruction to mark the border as it is. As the result of the competence of captain Bo, Preah Vihear belongs to Cambodia. If based on watershed it would go to Thailand.
You you guy, go and learn from captain Bo in 1907 or go to University of Law to study. There is only a handful of international law experts in Cambodia. Only then you can be call a patriot.
I mean in 1907. And the Treaty was in 1904.
If Thais go back to the past, why Khmers do not continue to the past where all of Thailand east-provinces was provinces of Cambodia. The proof is Thais who are living in those provinces speek Khmer again and called themself Khmers.
10:51 PM,eh ajoymaray what are you swear tool there is no 10:32 Pm on this block. well, white people fuck my women better then pouk ah kwack hun familly and party fuck all khmer women in srok khmer they fuck and treat their own women as a slave white fuck probably genltely the pouk ah khmer no brain like pouk ah ang. do not no how to respect women and protect familly. pouk ah ang know how to fuck like and animall only. fuck you and you familly. next time if you want to swear just swear between you fucking dump head with the person who wrote in this block. you brain was stink like and poop. do not how to deal with the broblems. that is why 10:30pm say is true all ah srok khmer people kiss ass and money. do not know how to stand up and fight back just to kiss ass and ah kwack hun took all land and let youn encroaching land like ah ang.
correction: don not know, how to swear too. gentely then pouk ah ang.
if pouk ah hun is honess why don't they let srp get in to the rice field freely.
it's an insult for khmer and for the victims of yuon crimes each time yuons put its curse foots on khmer land
sounds like Cambodia is invaded by these horrible little green men, you don’t know where it is from but they can emerge from nowhere.
"លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុន សែនបានហៅសកម្មភាពរបស់ប្រធានគណបក្សសម រង្ស៊ីថាជាការជួយរដ្ឋាភិបាលថៃរបស់លោកអាប់ភីស៊ីត"។
អាជ្ញាធរខេត្ត បានចោទប្រកាន់ សម រង្ស៊ី និងគូកនថា បានបំផ្លាញទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិសាធារណៈ និងញុះញង់អោយមានការប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៍ ដោយសារ សម រង្ស៊ីបានថ្លែងថា រដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជាគិតតែខាងលិច ភ្លេចខាងកើត។ ដើម្បីអាចប្រើចំណាត់ការតុលាការ រដ្ឋសភាត្រូវបានស្នើដោយតុលាការខេត្តស្វាយរៀងអោយលើកអភ័យឯកសិទ្ធសភារបស់ សម រង្ស៊ីកាលពីថ្ងៃទី ១៦ខែវិច្ឆិកា។
សកម្មភាពរបស់ សម រង្ស៊ីបានធ្វើអោយលោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុន សែនអត្ថាធិប្បាយរិះគន់ផងដែរ។ កាលពីថ្ងៃពុធម្សិលមិញនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុន សែនរិះគន់ថា សម រង្ស៊ីកំពុងជួយបំរើផលប្រយោជន៍អោយរដ្ឋាភិបាលថៃរបស់អាប់ភីស៊ីត។ លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីបន្តថា សម រង្ស៊ីមិនដែលថ្កោលទោសប្រទេសថៃទេ ចាប់តាំងពីមានជម្លោះព្រំដែនប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ។
ក្នុងករណីដែល សម រង្ស៊ីមិនចូលខ្លួនតាមកាលកំណត់ ចៅក្រមស៊ើបសួរនឹងចេញដីការបង្គាប់បញ្ហាអោយតាម
ចាប់ខ្លួន សម រង្ស៊ី ។
some individuals on this forum seem to like to blame the gov't for such incident when i indeed people should make protest and demand and be proactive in helping to protect cambodia lands, territories, etc. blaming the gov't probably has tradition going back for ages when people were too ignorant and only depend on head chief, gov't, etc,for hands-out, etc,. i think nowadays, when people see something is not right, they should demand justice, demand for change, etc, instead of playing this blame game or whining or complaining or just bitching around. take action and do something to make a real difference, please! this is not the dark ages, really! wake up, people, get educated, ok!
So the MP who wrote this must be very coward by not put it name on the comments.
He is Son Chhay.
Look at the border committee and survey team. Only Youn do the survey and come up with the post. Where are Ah Khmer or Ah Svar Kim Hong and his team? Sleep and fuck Youn girls in Saigon. Let Youn do the measure and then declare here is your new encroached border.
This is how it works with Ah Hun Sen and CPP.
I don't see any Khmer team in the photo, only Youn Vietcong in the military uniform. See how sick it is.
Dont say that to Mr Var Kimhong, he might die young from an early heart attack soon to be seen.
Unlike Hun Sen who can't see with one eye. Mr Var KimHong can see bith. But unfortunately her is seeing from Vietnam side. He still can't see where or which part are "cambodian" boarder?
So that is why only Vietnam is capable of planning border posts in Cambodia is a historic trend... If Hun Sen if fighting with Thailand about Thaksin not about P. Vihear. It is a tremendous OPPORTUNITY for Vietnam to start moving and depoying boarder posts while everyone attention is else where. It is one of Vietnam specialty.
This is how Hun Sen regime
IF anyone stand up for Khmers, he or she get arrested, but if anyone sell Cambodian Land to Youn or learn to shut-up, he or she got promoted.
Shall we elect this regime again in 2013?
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