Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pawn in a political game - Many believe Hun Sen engineered Sivarak's arrest just to help his pal Thaksin

Kamol Hengkietisak
Bangkok Post

It was good news the Cambodian king granted a royal pardon to jailed Thai engineer Sivarak Chutipong. But it was regrettable the Puea Thai Party and certain other people used the occasion to attack Thailand's Foreign Ministry by accusing its staff of causing the arrest of Sivarak, said Nongnuch Singhadecha, a writer for Matichon.

Puea Thai's swift strike against the Foreign Ministry after Sivarak's release only affirmed the belief among some observers that his arrest had been engineered by Hun Sen and ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to discredit the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration - making it look ineffectual in freeing Sivarak from jail.

It also seemed to be aimed at Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, who Puea Thai and Thaksin consider their arch enemy.

Nongnuch believed the drama would be used by Puea Thai in its no-confidence debate early next year in the House of Representatives against Mr Abhisit and Mr Kasit.

Nongnuch asked if Sivarak was really a security threat to Cambodia, then why was Hun Sen in such a hurry to go ahead with a royal pardon as requested by Sivarak's mother and Puea Thai chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh. If Sivarak was really guilty as charged, he should have served time in jail and Hun Sen should not have helped secure his release so soon.

So in Nongnuch's opinion, Sivarak's arrest was really engineered by Hun Sen so he could help his pal Thaksin and Puea Thai.

Hun Sen might have been so quick to ask for a royal pardon because Thaksin's flight schedule that Sivarak passed on to Kamrob Palawatwichai, Thailand's first secretary at its embassy in Phnom Penh, was not a state secret, something even the Cambodian prosecutors admitted. Sivarak's action could not have caused any harm to Thaksin in any case as the information was relayed to Mr Kamrob after Thaksin had landed in Cambodia and the Cambodian media were on hand to greet him at the airport. So Thaksin's arrival was not really a secret at all.

Another reason Hun Sen was ready to free Sivarak, Nongnuch wrote, was that if he was jailed for a lengthy period, it would harm the investment climate in the country as it would look to the global community as if the Cambodian leader could arbitrarily jail anyone doing business in Cambodia as long as it served his political purposes.

Nongnuch did not believe the incident generated any goodwill for Hun Sen in the eyes of international observers as it was obvious he had staged the whole drama to help Thaksin.

Nongnuch also called on Puea Thai to refrain from attacking the Foreign Ministry and demanding the name of those who ordered Mr Kamrob to seek Thaksin's flight information because Mr Kamrob only did his duty as Thaksin is a fugitive from justice in Thailand.

The Cambodian court also jailed Sivarak citing the reason that Thaksin had been accorded special status by the Cambodian government and his safety was its concern. However, Hun Sen conveniently ignored the fact that Thailand has a duty to bring a criminal back to serve his prison term. Why did not Cambodia send Thaksin back to Thailand if it really wanted good relations with Thailand?

Nongnuch also wanted Cambodia to clarify why Puea Thai MP and leader of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) Jatuporn Prompan claimed Cambodia possessed a taped conversation of Mr Kasit ordering Mr Kamrob to seek Thaksin's flight information. If that were the case, it would mean Cambodian authorities tapped the telephone conversation at the Thai embassy, which would have broken international law as the Thai embassy compound is under Thai sovereign jurisdiction.

No wonder a Cambodian minister immediately refuted Mr Jatuporn's allegation fearing it would have caused an international incident.

Nongnuch also chided Mr Jatuporn for being naive in not knowing that if a secret is to be conveyed, the Foreign Ministry would use a coded telegram which needed to be deciphered, not a telephone conversation which could easily be listened into.

Nongnuch concluded her article by reminding Puea Thai not to ask who ordered Mr Kamrob to seek Thaksin's flight details. Rather, the Thai people wanted to know who influenced Hun Sen to stage the drama in the first place by arresting Sivarak.


Anonymous said...

haahahhahahhahah Once you ignorant your polisick look like crap.
Hun Sen you are bullshitter.

Anonymous said...

Looklike ah kwack make the shit and eat it too!

Anonymous said...

Or ah Kwack is just plaine stupid!

Anonymous said...

The despicable siems put a good whip and spin on a bowl of shit and turn it into some whirly matter that looks like yogurt. And some moron ^ could not wait, jump on it and took a bite. The worst thing that an individual can do to his/her country and people is believing the enemy's craps, spins, and lies.

Anonymous said...

look 6:22 how about ah Hun Sen put Cambodia on golden plate to ah youn and done everything for ah youn.
So you probably koun mee whore and viet bokdoy.

Anonymous said...

You are damn right Kamol Hengkietisak. Even a cow tending boy would understand this drama that Hun Sen, Thaksin, and Peu Thai party are playing to win Thai people heart.

Hun Sen boasts to Khmer people that he can use Thaksin and Peuthai to take some Thailand back fro Cambodian. It's baloney..

Anonymous said...

Thais knew it was created by Hanoi, but they pretend to put the blame on Hun Sen. Thais don't want to make enemy with Hanoi after knowing Hanoi just bought Submarines, Helicopters from Russia.

These submarines and helicopters and who paid for? It could be China using Hanoi to threat Thailand, for Thaksin returns.

Recently OB Communist in the US visited China, and who knows what they talk about. Could it be the way to remove Abhisit out from the Office? We know by now that the US's foreign policies are flipflopping and it could be a deal between the US and China how to prepare for Thaksin to return.
Hun Sen has no such intelligence to create this mountain strategy to remove Abhisit but he is their mouthpiece.

I dislike Hun Sen, but the man is doing what he was instructed.

Anonymous said...

Hun sen needs to just do the world a favor, especially Cambodia and just do away with himself! He is a traitor to the Cambodian People, he sold his soul to the devil a long time ago, oh wait....actually he was born without a soul, a heart, a brain and then he lost his sight. That explains why he makes such poor judgements!

Anonymous said...

Thais kill Khmers who go in Thailand. Hun Sen releases Thai spy who operated his activity in Cambodia.

Hun Sen want to jail Khmer who denounces that Vietnameses steal Khmer lands.

Who this man is ?

Anonymous said...

Hun sen is nothing more than a viet dog barking for his boss. the viets keep him well fed so he can keep barking.