Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thaksin drags Hun Sen into a new treacherous game

December 22, 2009
By Sopon Onkgara
The Nation

This is more than just a simple patriot game. For the first time in Thailand's history, we are witnessing anti-government elements declaring publicly that they intend to topple the state and revered institutions. They do not even wince when branded as traitors.

What's more, Cambodia has become more than a thorn in the side of Thailand. The country's leader, Hun Sen, provides shelter for Thaksin Shinawatra, ignoring Thailand's call for extradition and a request through Interpol for his capture.

The elements comprise the Pheu Thai Party, its remnants of ex-MPs from two party dissolutions, the red shirts and their cohorts, including retired army officers engaged in political activities in exchange for income from the wealthy fugitive.

They plan an all-out battle to oust the Abhisit government next month, abolish the present Constitution, do away with the monarchy, and bring Thaksin back under full amnesty together with a return of his assets currently frozen by the state.

Violence cannot be ruled out. The red shirts are dreaded for their unruly behaviour and are spoiling for blood. They staged a riot in April this year in a bid to pave the way for Thaksin's homecoming. The non-lethal crackdown by troops under an emergency decree restored peace.

Those culprits responsible for the violence in the city have yet to face charges and trial. The leniency and complacency of the government have emboldened the red shirts and Thaksin to continue destabilising the state through media, threats and treacherous acts - with full cooperation from Hun Sen.

Traitors under Thaksin's tutelage no longer have the shame to hide their acts or themselves. In all sorts of campaigns, the Thaksin loyalists play a hypocritical game, with total disregard for national security.

Thaksin has regained confidence after taking refuge in Phnom Penh to plot against his home country. Hun Sen has become a tyrant oblivious to the echelons of power in his country. The despot is arrogant enough that he needs no consultation with the lower rungs of the political and military leadership since heading on the collision course with Thailand.

Hun Sen's belligerent and despicable behaviour has caused serious harm to Cambodian interests. The country loses income from tourism, border casinos, trade, and the chance to register the Preah Vihear temple ruins with the World Heritage Organisation, and the exploitation of offshore petroleum deposits. This must have caused some degree of resentment from Cambodian people, businesses and interest groups. But they cannot move against Hun Sen.

Hun Sen has blatantly interfered in the internal affairs of Thailand, given safe haven to Thaksin, and engaged in activities considered as serious threats that have yet to be responded to fully by the Abhisit government. So far, there has been periodic verbal provocation by Hun Sen, with some lukewarm reaction from the Thai government.

The Cambodian tyrant has uttered aloud that he will not be happy as long as Thailand has Abhisit as prime minister and Kasit Piromya as foreign minister. This open, hostile act must be viewed by fellow Asean countries with unease, if not deep concern.

As the conflict edges close to possible confrontation, it can be seen that the problem exists between Hun Sen, Thaksin and the people of Thailand, while the Cambodian people have no part in the crisis, as it only undermines their livelihood. Yet, those living in the hinterland with no broad access to news and information believe that what Hun Sen has been doing is in the national interest.

Hun Sen's stake lies with Thaksin's success in regaining political power through his continuing instigation of the red shirts to go all out in their protest rallies expected next month. It's also Thaksin's last-ditch attempt and, mostly likely, his last hurrah before his force is eventually subdued. He is under the illusion that rural support remains extensive.

Not anymore. His hideous plan to join hands with ex-communist guerrillas to end the monarchy has not fooled the rural people, while many red shirts have also abandoned the anti-monarchy campaign now that the Thaksin elements have shown their true colours and treacherous activities.

Abhisit still takes things in stride. Instead of launching campaigns to educate the public, especially the rural grassroots, those responsible for national security and the state-owned media remain complacent, putting their faith only in sheer luck, ignoring prepared responsive measures.

The nation is in dire straits due mainly to the ignorance and incompetence of those in charge of security affairs, and lack of cooperation from the police, while military leaders have been passive in countering the anti-monarchy campaign.

Maybe they believe that luck will be on their side if Thaksin and his miscreants create new havoc. The people don't like what is happening because too much damage has been done to the country with nobody showing full accountability.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, PAD, Thai political elitists should not sleep well at night.

Thaksin and Hun Sen, the two master strategist will plot and plan to over throw Abhisit's government. They will not rest until they succeed. And oh, don't depend on your old king to come and rescue you, he is very old, very sick and waiting to go to the next world soon.

Once your old king die, all hell will break loose in Thailand.

If you eyes still open, just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

"the chance to register the Preah Vihear temple ruins with the World Heritage Organisation". Is Sopon Onkgara crazy???? We Cambodia already registered our temple.

Anonymous said...

Don't care too much you will fial down by politic provlem. We care about our family,work, health, or relation with relative it batter. we can leave comment here but we cannot say ahead what we want in front of Hen Sen.

Hen Sen can do what he wants but he cannot keep forever.I wish one time he will fail by political and people lost confident on him.

He is a bithch, Dog, Cheap man,

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the PAD government feel uneasy with Hun Sen. Perhaps Abhisit's gov'ment should send troops to Cambodia and take out him out. Don't wait too long...time is your enemy. The Cambodian armie will not fight for him, plus they're not well trained. They want him out just as much as you do. Once that happened, Cambodian freedom fighters will sweep the Viet Cong out of Cambodia. More war will cost the Viet Cong gov'ment financially in the long run. So therefore they have no choice but ceased-fire and to withdraw its troops just like in the late 80's. Look at Russia in Afghanistan? They can invade Afghanistan but they can't occupy the country. Its just to costly for Russia and lost of soldiers life. I wonder what Hun Sen will do with his money and power when he's dead. What does he get out of this for being Viet Slave? He ceded Cambodian land illegally to Hanoi and ignored his own people crying for help. Why is he so blind with power and greed? You know at the end you will achieve nothing but hatred from the Khmer people. Look at Saddam? He died with humiliation
No one comes to rescue him because they hated his tyrant.

Anonymous said...

Would be interesting to hear what the ASEAN view regarding the "no intervention" act and mind their own buniness?

As Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand had all done the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Whoever Sopon Onkgara should know better about journalism. They've just made a FOOL of themselve.

Banksy said...

I feel very saddened to read how many Cambodians are celebrating and seemingly rubbing their hands in glee over the troubles in Thailand and those possibly to come. This situtation saddens me because it is obvious that these celebrators have no real concept of the world they live in and, like many uninformed people in Cambodia, seem to have believed Mr. Hun Sen's nationalist propaganda.

Ultimately, turmoil in Thailand will negatively affect Cambodia. For example, 90% of Cambodian imports come from Thailand (hence the roads are so bad - an obvious priority neglected for decades ;-), Cambodia is dependent on tourism - if the tourists stop coming to Thailand then they'll also stop coming to Cambodia (by the way, regardless of how wonderful Cambodia's Ankor Wat is and how 'great' the beaches are, tourists generally don't come to SEAsia for that, they come for the Thai beaches. Who wants to go to Kompong Som and risk being robbed or fined by police for driving a rented motorbike when you can avoid that hassle in Thailand?).

Ultimately, the greatest sadness is that what was an example to others of a SEAsian country that seemed to be able to shake of the influence of military dictatorships and begin down a path to a representative democracy, will be destroyed by forces bent on ensuring limited representation for all. This will make life difficult for all who wish to follow their dreams and fulfil their potential while remaining in their home country.

To be happy over this situation when it could so easily make things substantially worse for Cambodians, is unfortunately typical of the shortsightedness that Cambodians approach many problems. You need to wake up and stop taking pleasure in others troubles.