Monday, December 21, 2009

Thousands of Chinese Vietnam war veterans join Wa [in Burma]

UWSA leader Bao-you Xiang in Panghsang.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Written by KNG

In a development, which does not bode well for the Burmese ruling junta, thousands of Chinese Vietnam war veterans have joined the ethnic Wa rebels in Burma in the wake of the contentious Border Guard Force issue, said border sources.

About 15,000 military personnel from China entered Wa or United Wa State Army territory east of Shan State in Burma by crossing the border recently, said sources close to the rebels.

The military reinforcement comprises mainly Chinese Vietnam veterans who fought against US soldiers on the North Vietnam side during the war between 1965 and 1970, and Wa students who did higher military training in China and other foreign countries, added the sources.

The Wa is also recruiting and mobilizing retired soldiers from the former Communist Party of Burma (CBP) in Shan State and bordering China’s southwest Yunnan province. All this is in preparation for a war looming on the horizon with the Burmese Army, said sources close to retired CBP soldiers.

In November 14, UWSA, Burma’s largest ethnic armed group submitted the nine-fact proposal to military leaders in capital Naypyitaw through Lt-Gen Ye Myint, chief of Military Affairs Security (MAS) but it was rejected by the junta.

Wa’s proposal said it would accept transformation to the junta-controlled Border Guard Force in principle. It proposed a change of the armed-wing’s name without changing its current military status and recognition of the current Wa’s territory as well as return of former Wa territories, occupied by the junta.

After the junta promptly rejected the Wa’s proposal, the latter went in for high military alert in its territories. However it will not start hostilities first, said rebel sources.

UWSA was formed soon after the CBP broke away in 1989. The CPB was supported militarily and politically by the Chinese communist government.


Anonymous said...

The Wa are indigenous to Burma. They are part of the Mon-Khmer tribe.

Anonymous said...

Can someone break it down for me: I don't get the message at all. Why do the Chinese join the Wa in Burma for? What will happen as a result?

Anonymous said...

Wa, was one of the Burmese ethnic in Burma they have some autonomy territory.

The old Burmese regime was trained and support by the British and swallowed some of Wa territory.

Global Politic now, Chinese government seem to have influence the Burmese government, but they can't not placed their own men with the Burmese government. That is why the Chinese Veteran join the Wa, hoping one day they can share control of the Burmese or at least to reclaimed back their lost territory.

Comparing to our Cambodia, CHINA is Zero achievments, every time Chinese start to move their men to influence Cambodia, the Vietcong/NVA punch in the Chinese nose first all the times.

I want to see China armed the ex- Khmer Rouge again but control and lead by ex-anti Vietnamese guerrilars similar to Major Sergeant SARUN SAR of the American Special Force and more of that types are waiting around the world and inside Cambodia. But CHINA does not now how to do it, Vietnamese government through their puppet HUN SEN had cheated the whole Khmer Rouge organisation to lay the arm down and even the CHINESE GOVERNMENT GOT CHEATED BY VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT TOO. Now a day what CHINA hoping is to buy out HUN SEN and the whole CPP government with their money.

Vietnames will not let HUN SEN go off their hooks, if HUN SEN do, he will receive the same fate of HOK LUNDY.

Vietnam only use Hun Sen as a bait to attrack investment funds from China,so Vietnam can spare their own fund to buy Sub-Marine and Russian Airplane to defend itself from future China attack, also Vietnam at this moment will never let Chinese put a hand on Cambodia cake again,inside Cambodia they had 100,000 NVA plus 5 million of Vietnames illegal immigrants, who now how many Vietnamese malicia in disguise among those 5 million Vietnamese in Cambodia?

Therefore,the USA and the CHINA were manipulated by Vietnamese government again and again until they took all the South East Asian market from CHINA and from the USA. And CHINA never dare or incapble to defeat Vietnamese hypocracy.


Anonymous said...

very interesting. I want the Yuons out of cambodia.

Anonymous said...

You have a good point but the last battle China will take all the ASEAN after Vietnam cleaned up for her, and will share some to Russia and the US to shut 'em up.

Anonymous said...

So 5:36 since you are so enlightened now can you fix Cambodia please.Lol. The Viets are people, the Cambos are people, the Chinese are people, and you are a person, so when are you going to fix Cambodia? Lol.

Anonymous said...


You seem to be well informed of the real situation on the ground. Your comment is highly valued, please keep posting and sharing your insight knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Yes, like poster 12:25 PM said that these WA are the descendant from Khmer-Mon in Burma, that's true. Because I did a quick search in google, the Wa are one among 56 ethnic groups in China and they still speak Khhmer-Morn in their community.

I think after Hillary declaration warning China recently, the US's new strategies are soften toward Myanmar governmnet, may be the US want to defeat China in SEA s the US help Myanmar to fight against China, because China encraoching into Myanmar and took their land.

The WA (Khmer-Morn) may be formed by China to fight against Myanmar backed by the US, I think, I am not 100% sure, but my wild guess can be right after seeing the US's new policies toward Myanmar.

What I am sad about is that China and the US are indirectly fighting for ASEAN but the people who die will be these WA)Khmer-Morn) and Burmese not Americans not Chinese.

Anonymous said...

These Khmer-Morn origins (WA) recruited by China to fight against Junta supported by the US.
I think Khmer-Morn species will be extincted from the planet.