Monday, December 21, 2009

US: Cambodia's deportation of Uighurs violates obligations

Dec 20, 2009

Washington - The United States Sunday denounced Cambodia's deportation to China of 20 Uighur asylum seekers, saying it appeared to violate Cambodia's international obligations and would have long- term consequences for bilateral ties.

The United States was 'deeply concerned' about the welfare of the individuals who had been deported, said Gordon Duguid, acting spokesman of the US State Department in a statement.

'We are also deeply disturbed that the Cambodian government decided to forcibly remove the group without the benefit of a credible process for determining refugee status and without appropriate participation by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees,' Duguid said.

The State Department said the incident would affect Cambodia's relationship with the US and its international standing.

The US urged the government of China to ensure proper treatment of the asylum seekers and uphold standards of human rights. The 20 Chinese Muslims had arrived in Cambodia last month from the far western Xinjiang region.

Cambodia deported the Uighurs on the eve of the Chinese vice president's arrival in the country Sunday on a state visit, drawing immediate criticism from the United Nations.

'We are a greatly disappointed with this because Cambodia has signed the International Refugee Convention so they are supposed to protect refugees under this law,' Christophe Pescoux, Cambodia representative of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), said.


Anonymous said...

I called on the US to cut all ties with Cambodia as of today. We should not hold hands with this primative unethical creature who does not valued human life.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from Hun Sen CPP Khmer Rouge government? Under Hun Sen, Cambodia doesn't want to repect any law even his own law, any right, anly life.....etc

Cambodia is a country of killing field, a country that runs by a Khmer Rouge regime. Do you think this leader cares about human lives, human right, international law that protect asylum seekers?

I urge all countries around the world to cut tie with Cambodia now, unless Hun Sen is removed from power and installed a truely democratic leader, such as Sam Rainsy for instant, or some body like that, some body that respect human lives, right and law internationally.

Look at land eviction in Cambodia. Every day people are being forced out their land, burn their houses and push them out just like animals, I am sure you see those pictures on your own eyes.

Do they care any body's live?

Cut tie with Cambodian and leave this country abandon now is the ony way to bring Hun Sen CPP to its knee and to make them aware of the international law for freedom seekers, and to make them pay for what they were done.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are talking about the current government of Cambodia and not the Khmer people who are forced to live under the dictatorship of Hun Sen. For over 20 years, he has implemented a fake democracy as a cover to be eligible for foreign aide. One party Ruling system plagued with terror and threat, a political system that is riddled with corruption. The value of human life is non-existance in this social/political network. The only things that matter are power, money, and greed! Foreign aid never makes it to the people, always pocketed by Hun Sen and his thugs!

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM, Yes I am talking about the current Hun Sen CPP government. You're right, the govenment that sees only money, fake democracy to get aid, evict his own people for Vietcong companies, help his own people NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

In a way it may help the U.S as well because we don't want those people to end up coming to America.We have too many people already.Furthermore those people are Muslim and Muslims are trouble makers. said...

Cambodia is merrely one of the Chinese clients. China has funded Cambodia billions, while the US restrains its financial tie to a certain limit, way behind other donors.

The US must protest against the main culprit rather than complaining against a country that is merely at the mercy of China, Vietnam and other dictatorship nations. How about go to the main source of oppression--China? Can the US do anything about that?

The answers lie behind the real strength of the USA. There is nothing much that the US can do except some lip servicing statements to help placate the Human Rights Activists.

China owns most parts of the world now and the US (private companies and the US Government) owes trillions of dollars to the Chinese. That is the value of Hawaii, maybe? :-)

If we understand the politics of the world, we will not be too upset over why things always go wrong with the weaker countries--financially and militarily.

Anonymous said...

If the US give more than 1 billion dollars to Cambodia, Hun Sen will send the Uighurs directly to the US. But the US want to exploit Cambodia for free, they never have yet compensate Cambodia for the devastating bombing in the 70. Hun Sen is a smart man, he offer the Uighurs to the best offer.

Anonymous said...

....Hun Sen and his gangs will receive bad Kamma on his actions as President Nicolas Ceausecu of Romania, execution immediately after sentenced to deaths @

Anonymous said...

9:06 AM
Explain why would Cambodia be sending the Uighurs to America? It's non-transferrable. International laws required that if a refugee(s) reach it's safe harbor; that country shall taking into all accounts to provide for their safety.
Also, you label Muslims as "trouble maker" is a childish remarks with lacks of merit.
Last, you just earned yourself a name........a Racist!

Anonymous said...

If those people were to ask for political asylum in the WEST,they may end up in the U.S or Europe.And it's not necessary that they have to reach U.S shore like the cubans or the Haiti.

As for labeling as troublemaker,you get to be blind or retard or both not to know about the Muslim.From the Southern part of Thailand to the island in the Phillipine,from England to France to Denmark ,the troublemakers are all Muslim.Well, not all Muslim are bad or terrorist but every terrorist so far are Muslim.They all are restless.

Well,considering all of these ,you earned yourself as one of dumbest ever.

Anonymous said...

I am a US citizen, I live in the US, but I disagree with the US government on this point. These people enter Cambodia illegally, and thus it is lawfully to return them back to the country of origin. Even the US return thousands of Mexican who illegally enter the US.

Another question is, why are these people came all the way from China and stay in Cambodia. Why don't they stop in Vietnam, Lao, Thailand or even go to Muslim country like Malaysia or Indonesia, why stop in Cambodia!
So now Cambodia is to blame for this. This is unfair.

Why don't the US protest with China, why blame Cambodia. May be the US dare not challenge China because they are borrowing billions from China!!

As for refugee treaty, what treaty!?

When Thai dump Cambodian refugee into mine field at Phnom Dangrek, where are the International, where the UN, and the Human right group?!

Thousands of Cambodian refugees were massacred, machine gun by Thai soliders, thousands more died in mine field, and thousand more die of starvation in Phnom Dangrek. So one come to help us, none.

Later UN estimate 30,000 Cambodian refugee died at Phnom Dangrek alone, and that not counting Thai Shelling Cambodian refugee camps a long the border, Thai rape and murder thousands more who try to enter Khao I Dang camp.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM
Total agree with you comment.
Said to hear from some Khmers, who blamed our own country about this case.
Easy to say, when we don't have a responsible.

Anonymous said...

it's pointless to argued with a monkey like you who don't understand international law. Muchless, respecting it.

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkuot 6:20AM,
International law my ass.You are nothing but a Muslim trouble maker or a suicide bomber supporter.Go and burn yourself in hell ah pleu.