Monday, January 11, 2010

CCHR's Public Forum Video now Available on Youtube

CCHR is pleased to announce the availability of our latest public forum's video clips now available on you. Please follow the following link. We will continue to add as clips become available.

The public forum is organized by CCHR in Chi Kreng, Siem Riep, a site of violence land eviction and arrests of villagers. Chi Kreng has been mostly off limit to NGOs and people were prevented from speaking out. CCHR was able to organize the forum where all were invited to free speak with parliamentarians and authorities.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Virak to make this vidio available. Please keep posting so that our people abroad can follow up what'g going on in Cambodia.

Hope your program will be good asset for Cambodian Democracy.
Make sure don't use this forum for your own political advantages like Mr. Kem Sokha.

From WA

Lee said...

It is a beneficial video. Teaching Cambodians what democracy is for whatever purpose is no problem as long as you teach the real democracy. The rights of voting lie in the hand of people.

Anonymous said...

The foundation of the cpp is curruptions and hanoi youns. This kind of foundation is not like steal metals or cement rock, it will not last.

Anonymous said...

CPP members,
you create laws to steal lands,
you create court to jail Khmers,
you use word economy to serve Yuon.
You cannot continue anymore.