Friday, January 22, 2010

If Tuol Sleng Documents are fake

Friday, January 22, 2010
Op-Ed By Baphuon

If Tuol Sleng Documents are fake, manipulated, falsified, doctored, and fabricated by Hanoi, it would be an earthquake of tremendous Richter scale which hits Cambodia recent History.

It would change forever the History of Cambodia as we usually knew until these days. Because Cambodia History as we knew until now was written generally by scholars and academic researches that were based on these documents which were provided by Hanoi, and supposed to be Khmer Rouge documents which were collected at Tuol Sleng Prison by the Vietnamese invasion army as the Khmer Rouge fled to save their skin under the hot pursuit of Vietnamese forces.

If the quoted premise is true, that is if Tuol Sleng Documents are fake, manipulated, falsified, doctored, and fabricated by Hanoi, then all the books and scholar researches would be wrong because based on wrong and manipulated facts. In Cambodia History as we usually knew, white would be in reality black, and black would be white, day would be night and vice versa. Vietnamese invasion forces instead of saving Cambodian people, they were coming in reality to destroy Cambodia; Cambodia attacked Vietnam turned out in reality, Vietnam attacked Cambodia in 1978 to swallow Cambodia. And Vietnam became responsible of Cambodia genocide.

Vietnam cannot hide anymore behind a smiling face telling the world that they invaded Cambodia to save Cambodian people from the extermination by Pol Pot armed forces.

If Vietnam invaded Cambodia in order to really save Cambodia people why did Vietnam manipulate, falsify, fabricate, and doctorate Tuol Sleng documents?

Tuol Sleng Documents were deposited at Document Center of Cambodia (DCCam) and Yale University.

The ECCC (Khmer Rouge Tribunal) cannot make verdict of Khmer Rouge leaders without assuring first the authenticity of any document she used for the verdict. So the ECCC must prove the authenticity/falsity of all Khmer Rouge documents provided by Hanoi.

The ECCC cannot trust on expert opinion either because if the expert opinion was based on Khmer Rouge documents provided by Hanoi inevitably, irrefutably the expert conclusion would be wrong because the staple documents provided by Hanoi were manipulated.

A dozen of Cambodian who worked for the Vietnamese invasion Army in 1979 still alive, living around the world, in the USA, Europe and Cambodia, had worked for the Vietnamese invasion Army at that time and under Vietnamese officer order had fabricated, manipulated, falsify Tuol Sleng documents which were later became Khmer Rouge document at Tuol Sleng left by the Khmer Rouge leaders who fled for their life as the Vietnamese invasion army chased them.

These Cambodian witnesses are ready to testify before any international commission, US commission, European commission or any organization set up by any big power commission if some security measures were met because Cambodia is ran by a fascist regime which eliminated all witnesses, judges and investigators and their families members who testified against them.

But if a commission is created to prove the authenticity/falsity of Tuol Sleng documents, finally at the end, it will be “You said, I said”.

Our Witnesses will say this Vietnamese/Cambodian officer was the responsible of the manipulation of Tuol Sleng Documents. The defendant Vietnamese/Cambodian officer would say: No, it was not me. I knew nothing etc...

But still we think there have a way to find the truth. We thought the FBI lab can certainly help to prove the authenticity/falsity of Tuol Sleng Documents.

We urge the world to help Cambodia to render justice to families of million victims of genocide.

We urge the UN, the US and the EU to set up a committee to prove the authenticity/falsity of Tuol Sleng documents. That is the very important key point to discover the truth of Cambodia genocide.



Anonymous said...

If this is true, May God save all the cambodian souls and may they live forever and ever, and may the wicked be terminated as such as it is said in the bible that the righteous live forever and the wicked will be terminated, "proverbs". The will come and happy are those who are doing the right things, Amen. Right now majority of the viets are christain and hopefully they too are doing the right things, but those who are wicked may they be eleminated, Amen.

Anonymous said...

I don't who is Baphuon but through this article we can know that you are mental patient. You get every thing mix-up which make the audiences confuse.

Please don't glorify the west to much, you are not the slave of the west.

Anonymous said...

well well i like to call a spade a spade and cow excrement just that, "achh ko".

Anonymous said...

Baphuon spewed forth in his/her inimitable style: "But still we think there have a way to find the truth. We thought the FBI lab can certainly help to prove the authenticity/falsity of Tuol Sleng Documents."
This is soooo naive that i don't know whether to laugh or cry.. you have more trust on YOUR FBI (you know those guys who couldn't stop the most spectacular terror attack in modern times right in their own backyard) than on the testimony of fellow khmer survivors at the ECCC? i don't mean to be unkind but let's call a spade a spade - how firm is your grasp on "saccha thoar"??

Anonymous said...

Eh, Baphuon..
How long have you been? I am looking for you for long time since you were disappearing from Cambodia? How is your health? you got serious hit on your head with axes ( 10 times with axe-hit) while you were in Toul Sleng.. You got a heavily torturing by prison guard in 1978.....from that time, the way you talk like mental-damage person.... but now I am so happy to see you again, but what I am so disappointed is you are still crazy and mental-damaged person same as before....please may god help you my dude.. to help you recover soon.


Anonymous said...

i wonder how dare you claime that
"We thought the FBI lab can certainly help to prove the authenticity/falsity of Tuol Sleng Documents."

don't forget that american have khmer blood in their hand too.

Anonymous said...

Yuon secret agents cooked up all KR documents at Tuol Sleng for sure.

Pl visit this:

We all know the truths soon when the Three Ghosts give all concrete evidences to ECCC.

Anonymous said...

I've told before that all this chaos in Cambodia was caused by YOUN.

On this earth not the same kind of nationality kills their own!!

No one believe the YOUN that Khmer killed Khmer. Only those fake Khmer (YOUN) killed millions of Khmer..

Anonymous said...

I knew this since the beginning when YOUN and a bunch of faction leaders bet in Paris and encountered by one comment that YOUN made that they told French or the media during that time that KR killed 2 millions of Cambodian and Khieve Samphan aked YOUN like this "How do you know KR killed that much Camboidan"?

Then YOUN can't even answer...

Anonymous said...

Baphuon is born from pourk ah khmer krohom in France who many students and intellectuels's khmers were killed when they returned to Cambodia from France after April 1975.Remember this group they criticized their parents also,we can see the confession of Thium Prasith at the DCCAM center in Phnom penh.

Anonymous said...

Sound like this guy Baphuon is a Khmer Rouge or a son of a Khmer Rouge leader. May be this guy never live under the KR regime. The Viet no need to fake any document to prove what the KR did to Cambodian people. We have millions of first hand witness to the KR crime against Cambodian people.

For me, I live under the KR regime, I can give witness of oppression, and killing, sometimes they took the whole family.
Sometimes they kill you just because you have light skin, or wear glasses.

In around 1978, I was kid in Korng Kuma, and we were mobilized to build road for the KR troop to send tanks and military equipments to make war with the Viet. My sahakar (commune) even receive some water melon that the KR troop pick from Viet farms and send back to Cambodia. Some KR soldiers even bragged that they cooked the Vietnamese flesh and ate the livers.

Anonymous said...

In Tuolsleng,
Khmer rouges killed Vietminhs.
Vietminhs alias CPP killed 1000000 Khmers from Phnom Penh and provincial capitals.
Khmer rouges paid the price, CPP not yet but in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Some of these comment posters don't seem to know Khmer Rouge at all. Learn to understand their mentality and the the wherefore cometh the Khmer Rouge. Most of the Khmer Rouge leaders were well-educated, unlike these three monkeys today. From the beginning of the fight, of course the KR needed Yuons' help in defeating Lon Nol, but by late 1972 when KR saw that the Lon Nol army grew weaker, the KR broke relationship with Yuons. After they took power in April 1975, the killing game was all orchestrated by KR alone-no Yuons got involved in it. Perhaps, soon after Yuon toppled the KR, some real documents have been changed.

Anonymous said...

Were Baphoun in Cambodia when KR was in power? Why until today, people still doubt and debate about the fucking toulsleng and fucking genocide?..

IT is time for our people to think about their to survive the economic to improve their to make money, so their children to go to school and so on..

I think people of baphoun type, should not have such fortune to live in peace while the other khmers were living in the hell of KR..

A KR survivor of Battambang Province

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer and Youns out there:

Genocide did indeed happen to Cambodia and her people, but who is really behind the scene, no one knew for sure.

However I do know that Youn has for centuries tried to swallow srok khmer, and their 1978 invasion was NOT an incident. They had planned for an occupation all along.

so for that reason and that reason alone, I concluded that the genocide was initiated by Youns conspired by the pol pot regime to weaken Khmers that so their occupation would face minimal resistance and that is the Cambodia today.

Anonymous said...

It is my hope that we, the Cambodians people especially the Khmer Nationalist and intellectual could be united and come up with plan(s) to expose the Viets and prevent the Viets from swallowing our country. Here are some ideas that might help but you guys are free to add.

• Bringing together Khmers Nationalist and Khmers Intellectual such as former premier Pen Sovann, Sam Raingsy, Naranhkiri Tith, Ly Diep, Mu Soc Hua, A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Yim Sovann, Baphuon, our nationalist monks, our Khmer Kampuchea Krom, the folks that post on this board, CPP that want to defect, etc... who has knowledged about Vietnam dirty plans to brainstorm and put together a document to write a book to expose the truth to the international community.

• Come up with a book that have chronology or brief summary of Vietnam plan and involvement in Cambodia until today. Including the history of Khmer Kampuchea Krom lands that were given to Vietnam by the French against our will.

• Reveal the truth and the details of Vietnam behind the Khmer Rouge regime

• Details of Viet atrocities in Cambodia up until today including the latest documents fabrication and falsification at Tuol Sleng Prison.

• Reveal Human Rights Violations of the current government along with Vietnam up until today.

• Publish a book that come from Khmers Nationalists rather than rely on foreigners.

• Publish book on line

• Contact Hollywood or the maker of “The Killing Fields” to see if they are interested in making a movie out of it.

• We, Khmers have to inform and refer our foreign friends and foreign government to this documentary book, links, and movie for any questions regarding Cambodia and emphasize that this book/film/document is what really happen in Cambodia rather than relying on foreigners to write our story.

• This way, we will speak the same language and it shows that we are united and hopefully the international community are well informed so that it prevents the Viets from executing their dirty plans to swallow our country

Anonymous said...

12:20AM Wow!!!! Why don't you go back to school to leurn of how to write a book?

And come back in 4 to 5years, OK???

Anonymous said...

No one on this planet earth can hide the truth, no matter how the Viet try to fabricated the stories, the world already knew.
When the Viet was trying to saved the Chams (Muslims) people, they had killed them off. Champa had become central Viet Nam.
Khmer Krom people. Who did the Viet are trying to saved them from?
The Viet have been killing more than a haft of the Khmer Krom population and ROBBED every inches of their lands.
How the Viet explains to the World, what they have done to these people?
Are Viet still good?
The Viet had written a fake Khmer Krom history books and trying to put an insulted to the world's histories. What a shame on you Viet!

Anonymous said...

"Beuh Men Chuoy Chok, Chuoy Chev, Kom Yok Cheung Riev Teuk" Khmers need more people like 1:09 a.m. and it's that kind of mentality that is why we never unite or do anything that is really fruitful.

Anonymous said...

don't deny it, toul sleng it's not faked, i've been in phnom penh during the viet occupied cambodia. that time phnom penh was still gost town, and i was looking for food and gold, that 's time nobody not awared about the tuol sleng yet. i saw in my eyes all horror scenes left from khmer rouge erea. i even witness the book with collection of prisoner pictures. so please don't turn the dark history to a myth, we can forgive to the past, but we must remember our dark side history, so we can correct our mistake in the future.

Anonymous said...


Complaining is one thing and offering solution is another thing. You are on the right track in suggesting how to help save our motherland. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

2:21 AM,

I don't think you were in PP at the end of 1978. Stop your lying. All docs were distributed by YOUN agents in PP right after the occupied PP.

They collected all the skulls from Vietnam to display them in Cheoung Ek with Cambodian's skulls.

Anonymous said...

It's quite comforting to know that there are many Khmer patriots out there, local and abroad, spending their time to write comments and express their concern over the fate of our motherland Cambodia. Although the actions are very positive start we all need to take further action to leave aside our status quo and get together as mature responsible human beings and compatriots to seat in a forum that open and focus only with productive discussion to save our country. If we can do this, not only we will be able to boost our morale amongst Khmer but to show our solidarity to others and prove them wrong in underestimating our strength. Anywhere is possible except in Cambodia because HS would not approve of this as we all know.
Please consider and think of many who had sacrificed their lives in the name of peace and freedom... including the monks who alighted to kill themselves in protesting the abuses have been committed by Vietnam.
JFK said: "Ask what you can do for your country, ask not what your country can do for you"

Anonymous said...

Actually you are the one who need to go school to learn English, not to write a book but to write comment more better.

Anonymous said...

S-21 was purely the work of Khmer Rouge leaders: Son Sen, Nuon Chea, Pol Pot, Ta Mok, and Duch. It had existed before they took over Phnom Penh on 17/4/1975. Its predecessor was M3 (?) in Amleang, Kampong Leang, run by Duch, under Ta Mok. These people were purely Khmer, not Vietnamese. A high ranking KR, Vorn Vet, was personally kicked by pol Pot before being sent to Tuol Sleng to be executed.

The Vietnamese were influential during the formation of Khmer communism but they had no role in killing the Khmer people when Pol Pot was in power, although they were clearly aware of it. The Vietnamese were kicked out by the KR in 1973, thanks to Sihanouk who lent his hand to them.

We must learn how to attribute fault and responsibility properly, or we will never reconcile among ourselves. Killing during KR period was largely based on paranoi, lack of trust, revenge of perceived past social ills ( class oppression). Do you remember people were chosen to die by the local village chiefs, me-korng,me-chhlorp, own freinds and families who dobbed ones in for having been a doctor, a lawyer or a Lol Nol soldier in the old regime ? This was not done without the top echelon's direction, for example, there was a direction to kill Lon Nol soldiers, followered by public servants.

If we keep getting confused our society will never find reconciliation and peace. The Vietnamese accidentally saved us through their invasion, and immediately perpetuated stage 2 of killing through their K5 plan and systematically eliminated any Khmer nationalist who rose up to oppose their occupation/colonisation.

Anonymous said...

ABC broadcast documentary "Behind Pol Pot life" last week. Noun Chea said the killing happen because the "internal purge".
internal purge?
I think CCP regime who is purge against KR. yes these guy is khmer but serve da viet fuck.

Anonymous said...

it's a fact that a few millions khmers had our lives spared from certain death at Ah Pot's hands, when out of their own geopolitical & strategic interests Vietnam invaded Democrazy Kampuchea..
it is a fact that yuons are willing to fight the Khmer Krahom to the last khmer..
it is a fact that many Khmer Krahom cadres escaped to third countries (Canada,US, France, and also to New Zealand) unbeknownst to western governments..

It is these same Khmer Krahom escapees that are now trying to make the crazy claims that Ah Pot's genocide is something of yuon's plot (why not Siem's? because Siem helped them fight yuon to the last khmer!)..

it's these unrepentant khmer krahom who have the blood of our people on their hands, and they try to accuse yuons for the 1975-78 massacres so that they can claim they are innocent!!