Saturday, January 02, 2010

Khmer support Khmer products!

"Made in Cambodia" products are attracting the attention of Cambodian consumers (Photo: Vannara, RFI)

01 Jan 2010
By Ky Soklim
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy

Both vendors and consumers indicated that “Made in Cambodia” products are attracting customers’ attention as each day goes by. This situation was never seen before in the past decade.

In the past, the majority of Cambodian consumers tend to be attracted by foreign products.


Anonymous said...

khmer merchandises like a fuel on the fire. they usually lie, fake and dirty.look around phnom penh they put the bread on bucket along the dusty road and do not cover them. they are good to brag.

Anonymous said...

Bravo " Made in Cambodia"

Anonymous said...

That is a good beginning, but there is still a long way to go.

Go Khmer, go

Anonymous said...

that's right. khmer people like me are very proud to see sign and labels that show "made in cambodia" or "product of cambodia", etc. when i go in the store anywhere, i try to look for khmer beer, khmer label, etc... not only it's a good sign of cambodia is participating in the international stage, it is also a sign that cambodia is opening up to the world market as well. i think everyone should encourage more and more cambodia made products. don't be shy, now! it's about time the world know more about cambodia. only isolation and ignorance are the enemies of cambodia, really! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

as far as quality and cleanliness, cambodia can do this, just educate and enforce the rule more so people will adapt to this noble concept. of course, one has to realize and understand that cambodians eat to survive mentality, and of course, that mentality will eventually change for the better as we exposed to the world and become educated. so, the best anyone can do now is to encourage and educate khmer business people and schools to slowly integrated quality of product and the concept of cleanliness in food display and food preparation in order to attract more and more customers to buy and sample khmer products, food, cuisine, etc... yes, believe it or not, in the western society, people are attracted to quality, cleanliness, friendliness, hospitality, catering, etc as they do give tips for services in the west, really. so cambodia should educate and reform or adopt some worldly concept like this in order to attract more and more world business and attention. yes, although we are well-known for the khmer ballet dances, etc, we must work harder to gain world's attention at our food, cuisine, products, hospitality, etc, etc..., ok! wake up, please!

Anonymous said...

Take care that products from Vietnam are very dangerous.
Radioactive molecules need 100 years to disappear.
These molicules are in vegetables, animals, fishes.
Source of CANCER.

Anonymous said...

you mean using chemical fertilizer is not good for your health, here! of course, you should go organic, instead!

Anonymous said...

did you know organic food spoiled faster than chemically treated food? by the time organic produts gets to the other side of the world, they go bad already. is that why some business used chemical to preserve their export or import products? maybe, i think! it's about shelf life, really! in cambodia, most local food are organic anyway because people go shopping in the local khmer markets for the freshest produce, meats, food, etc... that's why i love khmer food like this, really! they prepare them fresh daily in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It a god way to help support our economy. It will give job to our people etc.

We Khmer must buy Khmer product. We and stop buy other country good that send our money to other country. We must be independence.

But we must also make sure that it's made in Cambodia and it's not shipping from other country and fake label.

Anonymous said...

I would encourage all Cambodian in Cambodia and abroad to keep supporting Cambodian made locally produce and services run by Cambodian owners.

These will create jobs for our Cambodian people and profits remain in Cambodia.

We should refrain from buying items from Neighbouring country like Thailand, Vietnam. Keep checking those label and as the sale assistant which country the products are made from...