Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sam Rainsy’s condition: Release the jailed Cambodian farmers and return back their rice fields in exchange for his showing up in court

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy (Photo: Sovannara, RFI)

31 December 2009

By K. Nearadey
Free Press Magazine Online

Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy

Click here to read the article in Khmer

“I, Sam Rainsy, is not important. I dare exchange my life, but [those Khmer farmers] must be released from jail, and their rice fields must be returned back to them…”. That was what Cambodia’s opposition leader Sam Rainsy indicated to the Cambodian people in his telephone interview from Paris with the Candle Light Radio on Thursday afternoon.

Sam Rainsy indicated that the border delimitation between Cambodia and Vietnam was conducted without transparency. In particular, the planting of border posts under the aegis if the 1985 treaty that was conducted by the Hanoi puppet regime is simply illegal because the 23 October 1991 Paris Peace Accords already stipulated that all these treaties are null and void.

According to Sam Rainsy, the planting of border posts by the Cambodian and Yuon governments led to the loss of several hundreds of square kilometers of Khmer lands into Yuon hands. Furthermore, not only the Cambodian government did not protect Cambodian lands that were lost, it also inflicted sufferings on any Cambodian citizens who dare protest the loss of their land, and it even sent them to jail.

Sam Rainsy was summoned by the Svay Rieng provincial court after two Cambodian villagers, Mrs. Meas Srey and Mr. Prum Chea, were ordered arrested on 24 December for their involvement in the uprooting of wooden stakes marking a border post.

Following a vindictive questioning from a caller asking his why he does not have the courage to come and clarify the court, Sam Rainsy replied: “I am not scared. I can go any time, however, I ask for the release of the villagers arrested and that their rice fields be returned back to them. As for me, Sam Rainsy, it is not important.”

Nevertheless, under this condition, Sam Rainsy chose to lead his political fight from overseas for now. He said that he does not want to entertain the lackey court. Sam Rainsy indicated that “if the CPP leadership under Hun Xen, Heng Xamrin, Chea Xim … was capable, why didn’t they confront the Khmer Rouge regime [on their own]? Why did they ask for help from the Yuons?”. Sam Rainsy indicated that it was through an external political fight that former king Norodom Sihanouk succeeded with the conclusion of the Paris Peace Accords on 23 October 1991.


Anonymous said...

I fully support Mr Sam Rainsy for his Nationalism and his struggle to remove all monkys from Cambodian capitals into their old forests.
Cambodia belongs to Cambodians and should stay in that way for ever. Those who have stolen Cambodian right and Cambodian pride must return them back to Cambodian people unconditionally.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a big political looser in Cambodia. He is not above the law, like it or not there is a Monkey's law there. The only way to change that law is for his party to win the 2013 election. He is not the judge, he cannot just tell the court to release those two Cambodian victims who ended up in jail because of his stupid actions.

Khmer people said...

The Criminal People Party (CPP)is trying every thing to destroy Sam Raingsy Party to please the Vietnamese needs. While left millions of Khmer people suffering and dying every day from the forced evictions and land-grabs. The border markers planting by the Vietnamese are not official without the United Nations inspection, monitor, and protect by the UN peace keepers.

Sacrava said...

Bravo lauk Rainsy !
Bravo lauk Rainsy !
Bravo lauk Rainsy !

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy, I did support your courage, but this time, i don't support you at all, because you forget that you are not above the law, if the law does not justice, you must go to jail for the injustice law!! If you judgue ask you to jail, you should stay in jail, not running away!!!

You are wrong, you are absoluately wrong by running and fighgting from oversea for what you believe.

If you want to change the country, you must accept the unjust system and stay and work for that change!!!!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy is simply awesome! I actually learned something from listening to Mr. Sam Rainsy's answer on that radio. What I learned is that the concept of "political struggle". Even Hun Sen knows this concept well: Hun Sen avoid physical confrontation with Pol Pot by going to Vietnam. King Sihanouk avoid physical confrontation with the invading Vietnamese army by residing in China. So it is only natural that Mr. Sam Rainsy avoids any physical confrontation or "traps" with Hun Sen government's game. Do you know that Mr. Sam Rainsy had suffered the grenade attack in Cambodia before? Do you know that many of Ranaridth's top military commanders were killed during the physical confrontation with Hun Sen's forces? Do you know that if you read history, the YOUNs and the Siems always imprisoned the Khmer kings in order to control Cambodia? So it is the same game. Mr. Sam Rainsy knows his political crafts really well. Good for him.

Thes Meas said...

Sam Rainsy you are a fugitive, you have no rights to demand anything, except to come to Cambodia to face your crimes. The more you talk the more troubles you will have.

Anonymous said...

Can you dare to say the words "Hun Sen/CPP are not above the law" ? I hope you dare to use that words if you are a real khmer who love khmer country.

Hak Numan

Anonymous said...

Khmers as always are destroying one another with passion in the name of politics to silence any and all political challenge. What is this people all about? They continue to live in shame and blindly serve the true enemies. Khmer is one shameful race that lacks solidarity. Their evolving fate is not getting brighter as they might think.

Anonymous said...

Ah MeasThes you are CRIMINAL against the people of Cambodia. Give back the rice fields that you stole from the Cambodian farmers immediately. A Thief as you do not have the right to make any excuses except to rectify your wrong doing. I bet ah MeasThes is the same guy called ah Somnarng from Phnom penh. You sound like a crazy biatch saying thing like: "You Sam Rainsy return now to Cambodia to face the court charges if you are so brave". Hahah. It does not work, ah taghern euy. Even ah Hun Sen ran away from Pol Pot to seek support from ah YOUNs as Mr. Sam Rainsy has pointed out. Political Struggle is obviously a new concept for your stupid brain. Even King Ang Duong sought support from the outsider the French to help Cambodia back in the day, ah pler. However, King Ang Duong was trapped in the hands of ah Siems and ah YOUNs. Sam Rainsy is simply too smart and many steps ahead of you, fool. You jerk!

Anonymous said...

John F. Kennedy once said,"forgive your enemies but don't forget their names." Sam Rainsy knows who the enemy of khmer people is. It took Nelson Mandela over 30 years to free his people from the grip of apatheid in south africa, which was an unfathomable sacrifice for anyone on the face of the earth. In the end, Mandela became president of south african nation. Sam Rainsy is the quinessential hero who will break the claw of viets from encroaching into cambodia territory.

Anonymous said...

Oh now you are playing hero. What the heck is that, release the farmer and you will return. Are you begging or making threat.

If you don't return to fight, who are going to release those poor farmer that get in trouble because of you in the first place.

If you are not afraid, why you run to France so quick.

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM or Hak Numan (Sdach Svar)

Of course Ah Hun Sen is above the law. That is the reason why he is in power for so long, but believe me, his turn will come soon.

How can you give your name as a Monkey?

Anonymous said...


Hak Numan is a powerful money capable of evading all kind of threats. The name is far better than Mr.A, B, C.

Hak Numan

Anonymous said...

6:57AM and 7:08AM,
What law? Hun Xen's Law!
True law don't convicted its people for defending their naton.

How come those law never convicted the ruling party officials. You know as well as everyone in the planet that the government violated all counts of Human Rights violation in Cambodia.

It's has been countless cases that the investe company alied with the corrupted government to abuse, suffered and kill our peoople nationwide. There have been over a quarter million population has lost their land, home and livihood to your tyrant government.


When your family became a victim of this scheme then you would realize.


This is the problem with Cambodian population throughout history. They don't help others, but when is their turn they expect people to help them.

To CPP people: It doesn't matter if you are in firstclass or coach flight section. When the plane crash, even you, firstclass will not be safe. Something for you to think about. After your grandmaster "YOUN" confiscate all others land they will gets yours too. You think you safe? Maybe if you are old fart but your children and grandchildren will not. IT IS NOT RIGHT FOR THEM TO SUFFERS LATER FOR YOUR ACTION NOW!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam Rainsy,

You should not got to the Svay Rieng court. This court is a court that set up by Hanoi, the court that serves Ah Yuons, court that waiting to punish his own Khmers who try to fight for Khmer country and people.

If you go there, they will trap you and lock you in jail forever. This Hanoi court NEVER let you win. How can they serve Yuons if you do.

We know you are a brave man, you are a hero for our poor people. But walk into this court is a stupid decision, it is like walk into a crocodile's mouth. They will never let you go.

So please don't you ever go to that stupid Hanoi court in Svay Rieng.

Anonymous said...

I support Mr.Sam Rainsy decision to stay away from the thieve laws in Cambodia subservient to thieve hanoi.
Cambodia now not like Cambodia before,thieve,robbers can catch the polices at any times because most officials in criminal pp
leaders are Khmer vietminh that got brain washed by vietccongs.

Anonymous said...

8:13 AM

Keep your Hak Numan's name and your fucking monkey's brain to save Cambodia from Hun Sen and CPP.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Goodness! It is like a drill to my head to hear people demand that Mr. Sam Rainsy return to Cambodia and defend himself in the Kangaroo court! Are these people unable to comprehend the facts and make logical inferences. I am starting to believe that some people are unable to distinguish right from wrong. It is people like you that allow Hun Sen and His thugs to rule and terrorize Srok Khmer. Wake up, when will you realize that Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and CPP is a deadly cancer to Srok Khmer and to all Khmer People. Are you blind, do you not see the injustices that has been served to Srok Khmer since the Vietnamese invasion in 1979, under the murderous Hun Sen? Let me name a few, eviction and illegal land-grabbing, which has affected thrown over 150,000 poor people from their land and home and thrown them deeper into poverty. The murders of Free Trade union leader, Chea Vichea, reporters,and opposition leaders and supporters, and how about the 1997 Grenade attack on Mr. Sam Rainsy's political rally killing 16 people and injuring over 100 people. All of these actions were all committed by Hun Sen,and there are tons of evidence to support it, why don't you guys call out Hun Sen and his thugs to go to court and face the law? Mr. Sam Rainsy is a true patriot defending Cambodian territory, not for personal gain, but for the sake for our country's existence and some of you have the audacity to call him a trouble maker, a loser, a fugitive and a coward. What would you call the traitor Hun Sen and his party, that is crippling Cambodia and all Khmer? You guys are the trouble makers, the losers, the coward and I think you are all traitors. You are completely unable to make rational reasoning!I am outraged and disgusted that you are so clueless to make those judgements and claims, but most of all I am sad because you are so ignorant about this whole ordeal. You are not upset that we are losing our land to Srok Yuon? You think that it is right for Hun Sen and the Kangaroo court to throw those farmers in jail for defending what is rightfully theirs? You think Sam Rainsy and the farmers should of just not said anything and handed over Cambodian land to srok Yuon? If so, then you are just as guilty as Hun Sen, CPP and Svay Reing court! You are simply out of touch with what is going on in Srok Khmer and blind to the cancer that is eating our country away. How could you not support Mr. Rainsy who is trying to fight the cancer that is killing our country and our people. Instead you sit there and criticize and make judgements from the sideline. You are a disgrace to all true Cambodians, who want to protect our country from the aggressive "Yuon"!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for CPP plane to crash! I am hoping that it will be soon, and then they can all join Hok Lundy in hell and then they can continue to kiss Ho Chi Minh 's ass in hell.

Anonymous said...

TO all ah cpp clans mother fuckers. All of you're the traitors to our nations and country.

Anonymous said...

Court of People Party had informed their colleagues just enjoyed New Year with your love ones. How simple "MONEY TALK" Collected People Property for sale. Hun Xen will get 50% the rest 50% split to all Clans of Phnom Penh. The rest of those officials mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

SRP, i wonder did you go to the international court or La A court about combodia vietname boder yet? i think you should take this opportunity to La A court if they do not do anything to it. at lease we have some evidence for the next generation who want to get our land back from youn.