For Immediate Release
February 2, 2010
Source: Eye-R-I (aka, IRI)
IRI Releases Latest Survey of Cambodian Public Opinion
Phnom Penh, Cambodia – The International Republican Institute (IRI) released a survey of Cambodian public opinion. The poll, conducted July 31-August 26 2009, covers general attitudes toward the direction of the country, the economy, communication from political parties, government services and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Opinions of Muslims, particularly regarding integration with Cambodian society, were also solicited separately. The randomly selected general sample consists of 1,600 adult men and women, representative of the Cambodian population 18 or older by gender. The general sample was drawn from all 24 provinces and municipalities with a margin of error for the national sample of ± 2.5 percent and an 86 percent response rate. The randomly selected Muslim sample consists of 400 adult men and women 18 or older. The Muslim sample had a margin of error of ± five percent and an 85 percent response rate. The poll was funded by the United States Agency for International Development and conducted by The Center for Advanced Studies.
6:38 am
We do not need to google...based on facts, we know that a majority of you Thai Lady-boiz are GAY with small dicks and like suck on White men's "Farang" or "ฝรั่ง" dicks and swallow their sweet cum. Cambodian men are very handsome and muscular and shapely unlike your ugly ass ancestors from Nanchao, China. You are certainly not successful in stirring problems on KI bloggs. I suggest you do it on your stupid "BANG-COCK POST" OR "NATION" newspapers!
--Khmer Surin
6:38 am,
I see, to write such things, your hands are faster than your head. For normal people, it's hard to be like that. For you it's easy, because.....
IRI is bullshit! IRI fear of Ah Kwak Kbot Cheat Hun Xen. IRI is bias!
7:21 AM
Everything that has different view of the world is wrong to you. You're obviously so deep up your own ass like many of the cynical idiots on here to accept reality for what it is. I was just in Cambodia last week and the progress is so stark. I remember time when small streets in the capital were dirt roads but now they are almost all concrete. What the fuck have you done to help bring that huh? Your kind talks shit but never done a damn thing to put Cambodia at progress. Giving your money to a party doesn't mean helping the country. It's helping your clans and for what I can tell, your clan is Sam Rainsy and please name some of the buildings or anything tangible Sam Rainsy Party has erected for Cambodian people from all the donation money his party has received.
This is very poor reported.
Why I said very poor reported becuase what are the numbers of those percents, and what are the resources?
All people in Cambodia or just in Phnom Penh.
Base on those questions asked I don't think this survey reflect true fact/event in Cambodia. The way the questions constructed lead to favor answer already. Whoever runs IRI in Cambodia, perhaps, had slept with yourn'g girl sent by Hun Sen so that he do Hun Sen a favor with this survey. Is John McCain still the boss of IRI? Anyone know it?
Uhhh, take it... here it comes...
I thought it was dead in that public toilet?
This shitty toilet viet is a skinny pale blob of slimy toilet germ. It can take all the shit anyone can shit on it. Take it shitty viet. Take it. Come back and get much more, it's all yours, stinky.
How come SRP never accept the truth? Is it because of SRP born with lie?
Anonymous said...
IRI survey shows 79% of Cambodia Governement is moving in the right direction. Only a simple thought, I can see that this survey is a fault. 79% is correct counting - they know how to count. However, if we look at what those 79% people consider as a right direction, we can understand that "right direction" for them means building roads and schools (as gifts from Hun sen to Cambodians).
What a good government should do? only build road/school? should they:
- allow army force/ military to grap land from Cambodian people
- Kill/or imprision journalists
- oppress freedom of expression
- overlook teacher suffering unsurvival salary
- allow illegal viet to live freely in Cambodia
- allow their relatives,son,daughter to cut the forest and become millionair (refer to Khmer Riche: http://www.asiafinest.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=220012)
- ect.
Just this simple listing, we can see that building school/road alone will not allow Cambodia to get rid of poverty. The government is just buidling school to hide their "wrong direction behind". They only can hide it from some people, not all. Who can wake those some people? or I doubt if the government is also trying to giv them sleeping pills...to put them to sleep forever....Buddha/God bless Cambodia.
PS to 7:27AM: you are just one of those people who only look at concret things : building roads and high buildings in city. You don't understand the flow of money from buidling those building. I know One 45-storey building at riverside has a share of 200 million dollars from Hun Manet, son of Hun sen. Where he got those money from? is that the bright future of Cambodia when you see that building? YOu see some foreign investors come to erect building for Cambodia, or Vietnamese plantation. You are happy? wait - we are happy too, but dont'you think about money flow? only to some rich people...look son or daughter of high ranking officers know that foreinger will need land for plantation. They try to grap the land and chase poor people away to sell to those forienger. dont'u see that 7:27AM? where is the money goes? to the normal people , government or only few previlege people? I know some of them? son of Hun sen, of Meas sophear, of Sok An..they have million of dollars by using power of their parents? Worse, they use the money they exploit from Cambodian people to oppress people. You know what those Khmer Riche (sons/daughters ) doing every day? going to night club...spend 500$ for one bottle of wine, spend thousands gambling..Is this what you want Cambodia in the future to become 7:27AM. Wake up 7:27AM. Or maybe you can't wake up coz you are one of those sons or daughters..who exploit money from Cambodia everyday....
Hi IRI, I d like to appreciate your work on the survey. With regard to your recent output, I also agree to the result showing that Cambodia is on the right direction. But the journey toward the direction is a different MATTER. Imagine two ways to reach and enjoy the real views of Lasha, Dalai Lama's Palace, you and your team of 14 people choose to go there by plane from Cambodia and you all will be able to arrive within days. Another way, you all choose to get the top of the world on foot, starting from Cambodia through VN and then China towards Tibet (Right direction. Right?); you will be able to get there too. But you will know how much time you have wasted off. And here in Cambodia, managing its economy is just quite like the second choice. The top officials have mapped out the economic direction for development, but they have plundered the public in term of the natural resources which are supposed to be benefits for all Cambodians. The public services act as channel of extorting money from people who go for the services. And these happen to almost all sectors and they are the parts in the direction the leadership has aimed at. KhOpen,
I am 7:21AM
Reply to 7:27AM:
You are one-eyed blind like Hun Sen! Yea, what you saw is less then .00000000000000000001% of what should have done. There are billions US$ aids annually flows to help rebuilt Cambodia for the last two decates. If with true government and without corruptions Cambodia can pave the whole country with solid gold if not too exagerated. Cambodia is not all that big. Only 14 million in populations.
You are the type that they took 10 from you and gave 1 back; you thanks them for it! IDIO!
What Hun Sen built is all from foreign aids and kept most in his pocket and others into his corrupted clans. How else they are billionaire and millionare in dollars currency with their $2,000 government salary? Don't even mention about private busines! The only business they really do is selling the nation. This is too obvious..... open your eyes, ears and expand your mind. I won't have to say too much more.
Cambodia would be more improve without Hun Sen corruptions!
Obvious as that!
Come on be real! You saw some paved road in the city on one eye but not see the rest throughout the country on the others.
Tell the truth! You are happy, satisfied to saw some paved roads in Phnom Penh and refuse to see:
Government corruptions
Fake judiciary systems
Human rights violations
Unethical land confiscations
80% of the populations in poverty
No proper school system
No proper health care
Oh, your critics about the opposition party, SRP. The opposition party is not the ruling government. Therefore they do not have access nor authority of the national funds to built anything. You must be total idiot not to understand just that much!
Hey idiot 7:27AM! Mr. Sam Rainsy, SRP, opposition currently just successfuly pressures YOUN to withdraw illegal border markers on Cambodia land. If you don't at least see that it must be on your other usless eye! Also you don't see Hun Sen protecting YOUN land encroachments and prosecuting Khmer for patrioticly protecting the nation.
Your eyes and ears must be not so properly functinal. And also easily to brainwashed by the CPP and it's unethcial supporters. Or you only able to see 2 inches infront of you!
The technicality of the physical data collection of the research Vs the real moral of the population in consideration of Cambodia's current political, social and economical environment WOULD be able to tell whether this result figures are BIASED or RELIABLE.
If CPP members are not coward,
make a real race the next election,
be men not coq with white ears.
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