February 19, 2010
Beijing, China (CNN) -- China summoned the U.S. ambassador on Friday to express its "strong dissatisfaction" over the Dalai Lama's meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama a day earlier.
China didn't disclose what was discussed during the session with Ambassador Jon Huntsman at the Foreign Ministry. But Beijing had warned that a meeting between the president and the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader would damage its ties with Washington.
"The Chinese side expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this meeting," a spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement after Thursday's meeting at the White House.
"China demands the U.S. seriously consider China's stance, immediately adopt measures to wipe out the adverse impact, [and] stop conniving and supporting anti-China separatist forces."
The U.S. Embassy didn't characterize Friday's meeting, but it provided the message Huntsman delivered to Deputy Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai.
"Now is the time to move forward and cooperate in ways that benefit our two counties, the region and the world," Huntsman said, according to the U.S. Embassy.
The meeting has the potential to further complicate Sino-U.S. tensions, which have been rising in recent months.
The Dalai Lama has said he favors genuine autonomy for Tibetans, not independence for Tibet. Beijing regards the Nobel Peace Prize laureate as a separatist who wishes to sever Tibet from China.
Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama "runs against the repeated commitments by the U.S. government that the U.S. recognizes Tibet as part of China and gives no support to 'Tibet independence'," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said.
During the meeting, Obama stressed his "strong support for the preservation of Tibet's unique religious, cultural and linguistic identity, and the protection of human rights for Tibetans," according to a White House statement.
The president praised the Dalai Lama's "commitment to nonviolence and his pursuit of dialogue with the Chinese government," the statement added. He also stressed the importance of having both sides "engage in direct dialogue to resolve differences, and was pleased to hear about the recent resumption of talks," it noted.
The Dalai Lama, while acknowledging that he raised concerns about Tibet during the meeting, did not provide further specifics about his home region's political situation while addressing reporters.
He said he admired America as a "champion of democracy and ... freedom," and cited the need to promote "religious harmony" and "human value."
He also met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The meeting between the Dalai Lama and Obama could "seriously undermine the Sino-U.S. political relations," Zhu Weiqun, a senior Communist Party leader in charge of ethnic and religious affairs, warned recently.
"We will take corresponding action to make relevant countries see their mistakes."
On Thursday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman said the meeting "grossly violated the norms governing ... international relations."
Obama did not meet with the Dalai Lama when the spiritual leader visited Washington last fall, making it the first time since 1991 that such a meeting did not occur. Ahead of a summit with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Obama persuaded Tibetan representatives back then to postpone the meeting with the Dalai Lama.
Thursday's encounter took place against the backdrop of several contentious issues already threatening to sour the relationship between America and China, including trade disputes, a recent U.S. arm sales deal for Taiwan -- which China considers an illegitimate breakaway province -- and a censorship row over Internet search engine Google Inc.
The meeting is "another event in the recent, one has to say, downward spiral in U.S.-China relations," said China scholar David Shambaugh.
It's also troublesome for the Chinese for one other important reason, Shambaugh said.
"He could have met him as a spiritual leader in a neutral place like a church," he said. But receiving him in the White House "is a political act. And that is going to irritate China very much."
The meeting did not take place in the formal, official setting of the Oval Office. It was instead held in the White House Map Room, which is considered part of the presidential residence. The choice of settings was considered by many observers to be a sign of Washington's acknowledgment of Beijing's political sensitivities.
Some analysts said the Chinese government could retaliate by cutting off political exchanges as they did after the Dalai Lama met with the heads of state of France and Germany. And Hu could turn down an invitation to visit Washington in April.
Neither China nor the United States can afford strained relations, said Douglas Paal, a diplomat and investment banker who has served as a presidential adviser on China.
"We both need each other," he said. "We need each other for a number of international security issues -- to deal with the global climate crisis, to deal with the global financial crisis."
China is the largest growing export market for U.S. companies, Paal said, expanding by 65 percent last year alone.
Nearly three-quarters of all Americans think that Tibet should be an independent country, according to a new national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll.
But the survey, released Thursday, also indicates that most Americans think it is more important to maintain good relations with China than to take a stand on Tibet.
China didn't disclose what was discussed during the session with Ambassador Jon Huntsman at the Foreign Ministry. But Beijing had warned that a meeting between the president and the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader would damage its ties with Washington.
"The Chinese side expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this meeting," a spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement after Thursday's meeting at the White House.
"China demands the U.S. seriously consider China's stance, immediately adopt measures to wipe out the adverse impact, [and] stop conniving and supporting anti-China separatist forces."
The U.S. Embassy didn't characterize Friday's meeting, but it provided the message Huntsman delivered to Deputy Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai.
"Now is the time to move forward and cooperate in ways that benefit our two counties, the region and the world," Huntsman said, according to the U.S. Embassy.
The meeting has the potential to further complicate Sino-U.S. tensions, which have been rising in recent months.
The Dalai Lama has said he favors genuine autonomy for Tibetans, not independence for Tibet. Beijing regards the Nobel Peace Prize laureate as a separatist who wishes to sever Tibet from China.
Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama "runs against the repeated commitments by the U.S. government that the U.S. recognizes Tibet as part of China and gives no support to 'Tibet independence'," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said.
During the meeting, Obama stressed his "strong support for the preservation of Tibet's unique religious, cultural and linguistic identity, and the protection of human rights for Tibetans," according to a White House statement.
The president praised the Dalai Lama's "commitment to nonviolence and his pursuit of dialogue with the Chinese government," the statement added. He also stressed the importance of having both sides "engage in direct dialogue to resolve differences, and was pleased to hear about the recent resumption of talks," it noted.
The Dalai Lama, while acknowledging that he raised concerns about Tibet during the meeting, did not provide further specifics about his home region's political situation while addressing reporters.
He said he admired America as a "champion of democracy and ... freedom," and cited the need to promote "religious harmony" and "human value."
He also met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The meeting between the Dalai Lama and Obama could "seriously undermine the Sino-U.S. political relations," Zhu Weiqun, a senior Communist Party leader in charge of ethnic and religious affairs, warned recently.
"We will take corresponding action to make relevant countries see their mistakes."
On Thursday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman said the meeting "grossly violated the norms governing ... international relations."
Obama did not meet with the Dalai Lama when the spiritual leader visited Washington last fall, making it the first time since 1991 that such a meeting did not occur. Ahead of a summit with Chinese President Hu Jintao, Obama persuaded Tibetan representatives back then to postpone the meeting with the Dalai Lama.
Thursday's encounter took place against the backdrop of several contentious issues already threatening to sour the relationship between America and China, including trade disputes, a recent U.S. arm sales deal for Taiwan -- which China considers an illegitimate breakaway province -- and a censorship row over Internet search engine Google Inc.
The meeting is "another event in the recent, one has to say, downward spiral in U.S.-China relations," said China scholar David Shambaugh.
It's also troublesome for the Chinese for one other important reason, Shambaugh said.
"He could have met him as a spiritual leader in a neutral place like a church," he said. But receiving him in the White House "is a political act. And that is going to irritate China very much."
The meeting did not take place in the formal, official setting of the Oval Office. It was instead held in the White House Map Room, which is considered part of the presidential residence. The choice of settings was considered by many observers to be a sign of Washington's acknowledgment of Beijing's political sensitivities.
Some analysts said the Chinese government could retaliate by cutting off political exchanges as they did after the Dalai Lama met with the heads of state of France and Germany. And Hu could turn down an invitation to visit Washington in April.
Neither China nor the United States can afford strained relations, said Douglas Paal, a diplomat and investment banker who has served as a presidential adviser on China.
"We both need each other," he said. "We need each other for a number of international security issues -- to deal with the global climate crisis, to deal with the global financial crisis."
China is the largest growing export market for U.S. companies, Paal said, expanding by 65 percent last year alone.
Nearly three-quarters of all Americans think that Tibet should be an independent country, according to a new national CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll.
But the survey, released Thursday, also indicates that most Americans think it is more important to maintain good relations with China than to take a stand on Tibet.
Peole khmer love our Buddha,
"Sélo-yacha Êka-khanor reaténak naksamey räti-êvaing nintear-pasaing sasunak sami-chhaonti bon-ditha"
"Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind,so do the wise remaind unmoved by praise or blame."
"Even a young monk who devotes himself to the teaching of the Buddha,illumines this world as does the moon freed from a cloud"
"yo-hak vétak hak-ror ,phikhu yugn chhati puthsané sor-imaing lokaing ,paphear séti akphea mutorvak munti mear"
That because the chinese are dumb and ignorance. Daili Lama is a figure of Saint and Godly on this earth. How could the chinese continue to ignore him day after month after month and year after year? Their eyes must be good as bat's eyes and their ears must be like a door's ears or door's hings. They are sick.
Tibet become very politicized by the world. Everyone feel concerned not because they care for the misfortune of Tibetans but because they hate Chinese. You know there are worse injustice, massacre in the world but these people never care but often stand on criminals side to oppress the victims instead. They help Dalai Lama because they have common enemies the Chinese’s. Dalai Lama has a chance on this fight because everyone will be with him. Hihihih sorry for saying the truth.
Tibet become very politicized by the world. Everyone feel concerned not because they care for the misfortune of Tibetans but because they hate Chinese. You know there are worse injustice, worse massacre in the world but these people never care but often stand on criminals side to oppress the victims instead. They help Dalai Lama because they have common enemies the Chineses. Dalai Lama has a chance on this fight because everyone will be with him. Hihihih sorry for saying the truth.
The next delai lama will be a woman according to the talk in the white house recently about the leadership of the women in the world and that will be delight.
I still say Dalai Lama is Godly and the chinese is the opposit. Everything that came out of their mouths are freedom hater and restricting people's right of every corner. All the chinese governemnt does, is shuting people out and kill them, if they refuse. Their ears are brick wall 1000 times worse than their 4000 miles great wall. 7:42pm & 7:43pm, you can go to hell with the devil chinese government, but I'm not. I'm with the Dalai Lama. To tell you the truth i'm also descending from the chinese anscestor, but I don't give a damm.
The chinese is bad and to get Cambodia to do the same as them is worse. Unspeakable.
Remember that ignorant people will fight you to dead. The chinese gov. is no exception. They are as ignorant as ever about human misery and what do they do about it? Nothing. That's why their arses are being kicked everyday by the west and they know. They just being really stuburn pretending to be deaf and dump about it. Hearing enough?
Dalai Lama is the noble man who tries to fight the invader, Imperialist China. China swallowed Tibet during cultural revolution and the UN and the world should condemn this act of evil. China doesn't stop there, but continue their policy to kill and imprison Tibet people everyday.
The same thing Youn does to Khmer people. They swallowed Kampuchea Krom in World War II. It's not long time ago.
So If Tibet freed from invader, China, Khmer Krom shall be freed from Youn.
Keep dreaming freedom fighter,the US will find the way to get you to justice like the CFF group when they realise that all your people are not tibetain.Delight Lama.
Pray for the peace of TIBET. The lord shall preserve you from all evil and Blessed is every one who fears the lord, who walks in his ways."I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the father except through me."
May God bless and protect all the righteousness!..."Surely I am coming quickly." Amen.
I think USA will make Tibet independent too. They want to weaken the Chinese.
Why? USA had already made East Timore independent.
USA had made independent for Kosovo.
Soon USA will be splitting Vietnam as to making Khmer Krom an independent nation as well because Vietnam will be a dangerous in Southeast Asia.
Cause China and Vietnam will be a headache of human rights violation in that region amongst the rest of Southeast Asia and this will hurt US's influences in Southeast Asia.
US will weaken Vietnam and China in near future.
Thanks God someone else is also seeing it coming and thank you America!
See what had happened to Soviet Union?
USA is really happy to see Soviet collapse.
USA like the idea of divided and conquer.
They hope to see China collapse as well.
The Eastern province where those 20 Uygher arrested will be seeking indepedent like Tibet as well.
I can see why so for the American. American want to be independence happy and free. It can be together and already united with people that are wanting the same way. There is no doubt about it. America conquers and devides, because people are not happy with own country ruler. America is happy to unit and share their dream and realization with almost of the people around the world that are free spirit and happy like them. America also want to help those sad and depress people to get the same thing. That's why American believe that if you 're not happy, you should split up and find your own happiness. If you want to share it with the American people, you're welcome! What more do you want from the American?
Why all the dictator don't want to do that? because they are afraid of losing power. So they try so very hard to hold on to people that are not happy and also hold them hostaged for their own good. Again noone hear or know that better than the American and Amen to though who are able to be freed, and do whattever they want for their lives. A person can only able to live 100 years the most. Why not make the most of it? Slaving for the dictator or communist for what?
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