Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Tribunal Judges Consider Duch Verdict

(Photo: Reuters)

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
02 February 2010

Trial judges for the Khmer Rouge tribunal are now considering their verdict for prison chief Kaing Kek Iev, whose trial wrapped up late last year, court officials said Tuesday.

Tribunal judges and other officials began a week of plenary sessions Tuesday, with renewed focus on the tribunal’s efficiency, including in the verdict of Kaing Kek Iev, or Duch, officials said.

“The trial chamber currently is preparing the verdict,” said Kong Srim, president of the tribunal’s Supreme Court Chamber and head of the plenary session. No date for the verdict has been set.

Kong Srim said the court was facing “many challenges” in meeting its timeframe, but officials had “a new determination” to provide justice “on time and with efficiency.”

“These trials will continue to be fair and transparent, not only for the accused, but also for the thousands of victims,” said judge Silvia Cartwright, vice president of the plenary session, in opening remarks.

Tribunal officials meet for plenary sessions twice a year, and this session they are also expected to address the level of participation allowed for civil party lawyers, who represent victims of the regime in a bid for greater reconciliation from the trials.

Officials will consider whether the rules should restrict access to hearings for all civil party lawyers, who could then choose limited representatives, a move the civil parties oppose.

In their opening statement Kong Srim and Cartwright said a representative model would “strengthen the participation of the victims.”

Lars Olsen, a spokesman for the tribunal, said judges would make their decision at the end of a weeklong discussion.

On Tuesday, US prosecutor Andrew Cayley and French reserve prosecutor Nicholas Koumjian were sworn in as tribunal jurists. Cayley replaces Canadian prosecutor Robert Petit, who left the court in September after advocating for more arrests and indictments.


Anonymous said...

god can forgive, however, god can't reconcile! shame on stupid KR policy to kill its own people during the 1975s! shame on them all!

Anonymous said...

"Yes! he said"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My Boss is Son Sen

Anonymous said...

Youn ordered duch=Sihaknuk failed leader(Viet used) Vietnam=Death sentence

Anonymous said...

This Chinese-Khmer dude look scary!

Samrach said...

Fuck Duch

Anonymous said...

Given the magtitude of the crimes against ennocents Duch committed, any verdict must reflect the crimes. First, the crime he committed. Second, the wait victims had to endure. Duch must be condemed to life in prison without the possibility of parole plus he is not to benefit from writing books or any other work..It is very unfortunate that we do not have the death penalty..Duch could have been a good example to face hanging or shot in public displayed...

This trial is a small step of victory for all Khmer Rouge victims...Power to the people.

Anonymous said...

Duch must be released, he was imposed to kill.
Most of Duch victims were Vietminh alias CPP members who also killed Khmers.

Anonymous said...

I heard people want to organize an organization represent the Khmerrouge Victimes!

One small purpose that sound so loud is about getting compansation as a group or and small token to organize a religion ceremony!

That sound so sad and scary to me!

Today Cambodia people kind of thinking that money can solve anything from get away from raping to muder, to accid attack!

Do we want to send a maasage that what Khmerrouge Victimes want is not justice and thruth but money? Money is more iportant than justice and life?

Mr. Chom Mey the Self called KhmerRouge Victime Who Only Dared to Loook At Duch in Eyes to Eyes, preferes some money and 50% justice!

What is 50% justice ?

Justice for the Camodian now (Since we all victimes) is the thruth of what happening! Since real thruth could never be found or not only just one thruth! we want to hear the lawyers crose exame of who saw or involve with the crime!Specially the higher

We want this process of justice to teach the next generation of how not to let the crime to be happening against from the point of view of the King down to a poor hadicape citizen!

We want notthing more thant gathering as many thruth as posible. NO money nor imprison any body! But what was wrong who did wrong, and how was wrong!

So the whole country or may be the whole world can create a system that prevent the crime of genocide to happen again any time any where else!

No MONEY for the wrong reason please! our country is corrupted to the core! They are selling justice for money and thing that for peace and forgiveness!

My relative lives can not be replaced by any money! But the thruths that help prevent the evil to strike again any where on earth!!

2:15 AM