Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cambodian king visits Czech Republic

Tuesday 16th March, 2010

King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia has begun an official visit to the Czech Republic.

Sihamoni spent 13 years in the former Czechoslovakia as a youngster after he was sent there by his father King Norodom Sihanouk to study ballet. Aged eleven, the then-prince performed in Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker at the Prague National Ballet.

On his arrival in Prague, Sihamoni said: "I am overjoyed to be back in a country which was and always will be my second homeland."

The king’s visit will last for a week and aims to improve relations between Cambodia and the Czech Republic.

Sihamoni is fluent in the language of the European country, a feat described as "truly exceptional" by Czech president Vaclav Klaus.

Prague has long been a hotspot for tourists and millions of people stay at Prague hotels each year. Both the city’s turbulent history and its bustling nightlife attract visitors from across the globe.

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