Wednesday, March 17, 2010
General Lon Nol's Photo Album
KI-Media thanks Lok Ly Diep of Angkor Borey News for sharing these photos.
Young Lon Nol (2nd from left)
Young Lon Nol (2nd from left)
Lon Nol ordained as a Buddhist monk
Officer Lon Nol (3rd from left) standing next to officer Saukam Khoy(?) (2nd from left)
Officer Lon Nol

Lon Nol with his second family following the death of hist first wife
General Lon Nol visiting troops during the Khmer Republic regime
Lon Nol walking next to General Sosthene Fernandez on his left
Lon Nol in his Marshall uniform standing next to his children
Lon Nol and his children
Lon Nol visiting troops
18 March 1970,
Khmer Republic,
Lon Nol
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I am sorry but Lon Nol looked like one of them gangsters in his younger years. Richard Nixon was once asked if he knew anything about Lon Nol. He simply said: Some said that Lon Nol was an incompetent general with no strategic warfare skills whatsoever since he liked to believe in fortunetellers. As for himself, Nixon said: I have no clues as to what Lon Nol really is but his name is spelled backward and forward and it still comes out as Lon Nol. Lol.
He was the most loyal and utmost respect to his boss but his boss with the name NORODUMB SIHANOUK who had betrayed him.
May your soul rest in peace khmer HERO! Death to the youn slave Sihaknuk,Sihakmoney Hun Sen and it clans!
he is one of the worst leaders Cambodia has ever had... a leader who believed too much in black magic.
Of course they did mistakes, but all Khmer leaders love our country and sacrificed for our beloved Cambodia. Bad things were always the people around.
My great respect to of all Khmer leaders.
He was a true Khmer patriot!
Mr. Lon Nol could of said the same about Richard Nixon (Dick Nixon)!
Richard Nixon was an ignorant and incompetent leader, he just had bigger guns to play with!
Lon Nol is the one the fucking dumb-ass that brought destruction to Cambodia and the Cambodian people. Let his him and his family's lives be cursed forever for all the pain and stuffing that he helped to cause.
he looks a chinese khmer,
poor him
3:11 PM,2:38 PM while people lost hope for oneself and one destiny, they temps to believe in any shit. Cambodia was at throat threatened by vietcon. Khmer people were atrociously tortured and killed by vietcong every day. While bombe fall on your head everywhere, it is hard not to be superstitious, you can even pray shit. But of course, as military chef, it is ill to believe thing rather his skill and intelligence. Lon nol was sihanouk servant and so incompetent. All he can do is obey to sihanouk or other people orders but he has good heart and love his country.
If Lon nol is a patriot, a robber arrested last week is also a patriot..He loves his country so much, but "shooting the people and take their belonging" is the only way he can make money...
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. "Our Lord Buddha.
write a book and send it to ECCC in Phnom Penh!
All what you knew.
UDH, CHAKRAPONG,AND sisowat family
all hun sen's dog..
Lon Nol is one of the dumbest Khmer leaders Cambodia has ever had. He is a superstitious person and always consulted the fortune-tellers first before ordering his troops to fight the battles. During the dying days of the Khmer republic in 1975, he ordered military planes to fly over Phnom Penh to spray holy waters and cast magic spell over Phnom Penh to protect the city from Khmer Rouge attack. Even after he was badly paralyzed with a stroke, he refused to step down from power. He only agreed to leave Cambodia to go to exile in Hawai in early 1975 when the Cambodian administration agreed to pay him $1.5 million US dollars and agreed to put his pictures in the postage stamp to honor him. He, his brothers Lon Non and Lon Nil were very corrupt and they were all army officers. Lon Nil was killed and his stomach cut open in 1974 in Kampong Cham by peasants who are upset with Lon Nol's coup against Sihanouk. Lon Non was executed by Khmer Rouge in 1975. Lon Nol was the one who do businesses with the Vietcong, selling rice, weapons and medicines to Vietcong. He ordered military trucks to transport Chinese military aid like weapons, medicines and food to the Vietcong from Kampong Som Port all the way to Rattanakiri and Mondulkiri up until 1973, long after Sihanouk was deposed. Sosthene Fernandez, a Philippino-born Commander-in-Chief of the Cambodian Armed Forces, was another very corrupt military leaders during Lon Nol's Khmer Republic.
Lon Nol is a Khmer Krom, born in Kampuchea Krom, who had some Vietnamese blood. Some sources said that he is related to Ieng Sary, the Khmer Rouge number 3 man who also had some Vietnamese blood.
A lot of Cambodian rich and the one that was closed to him were fooled to believe the stupid sothene craps. He said everything will be o.k. Nothing is going to touch Phnom Pehn. So many that could have left Cambodia, stayed put and lost their lives while he and his family were all safe and sound after April 17th of 1975 in France? It made you feel sick to last a century and longer thinking about that funny name man.
Before his second wife, President Lon Nol married a woman named Ms. Keng. Everyone in the country addressed her as Lok Chum Tev Keng at the time. Please go to visit Phnom Sam Pov in Battambang, if you can. There is stupa up there with their names ingraved on it along with a lady names Khun Arun cheuy Aka Khun Ping. Hopefully the Khmer Rouge did not destroy it. Good or bad, these three famous names have rich Cambodian history and you will know more about Khun Arun Cheuy by studying Khmer-Thai's history relating to Chhum Aphaiwong, a former Battambang Governor who left Cambodia in 1907 and his grand daughter Queen Suvadhana of Thailand or Preah Nang Tiv in Khmer. Also his son Khuang Aphaiwong, the first few founders of The democratic party and PM Abhisit of Thailand today. K.A was also Thailand's former PM. Enjoy!
Ordinary Khmer
AT least he had a real Khmer heart not YOUN heart.
If Mr. Lon Nol is to be stepping down then, it would mean devastating to the American. The whole organization would fall a part. It's the same way with Mr. Hun Sen to Vietnam. There we see the same man and same regime continued on for 30 years and more. It looks like, he won't go anywhere any time soon either. Not until the UN's court unveils the many faces of the killers who committed the most unimaginable crime in Asia which destroyed nearly 2 millions lives of Cambodian people. Then perhaps, Cambodia will have a new brighter and better leader, because all in all Vietnam and China were the two famous countries who caused great conflict in Khmer Rouge regime between 1975 - 1979 and why in the world should they only be punishing the China's team? Why not the Vietnam's team also? It will take more than $85 millions to get to the buttom of it, but it certainly will pay to give the jobs to the most powerful prosecutors in the world to find what really happened in Cambodia and justice will prevail.
king Sihanouk making alliance with China was the right move, history proven it, but he was too weak to keep the Vietcong out of Cambodia. General Lon Nol coupe created the worst situation. He get rid off the Sihanouk and try to fight Vietcong and Khmer Rouge, they failed on both. I think March 18 is the worst day for Cambodia, because it plunged the country into full scale civil war, leading to the KR victory and killing field to follow.
Lon Nol is not better than king Sihanouk. He even a worst leader. A weak and corrupted leader.
If once can say HS government is corrupted, at least he is a strong leader.
HS is a stronger leader among the weakest-poorest and least educated population. More than half are very young and know nothing about the past. Tone of illigal drugs are pouring into the country everyday. What did they do? Nothing. They all are just looking so lame.Many parents are more terrifying about losing their young to those big gang brothers and sisters than they are worry and terrifying about Hun Sen and his incompetent staff.
I know his second wife Chumteav Rong and her family. They are from Tani, Kampot where my family is from. Tani is known for the beauty of their women. Chumteav was very beautiful, her skin flawless pink and white, many government officers court women in Tani. Of course Chumteav's back then were very beautiful unlike today's Chumteavs of Hun Sen's government. People had class and beauty. It's sad that Chumteav Rong is not all there anymore, she is mentally sick and none of her children care for her. Lon Nol was admirable man more better than Sihanouk who's a coward though.
Ask the Khmer Rouge why did they put the royal family in the house arrest during their reign? and why did they kill Hu Nim and Hu Yon? Hopefully, they will say, oh we were messing up and got druged by Vietnam..
Here is one memorable moment from the circle of his close friends Khun Arun Cheuy's family.
After Chun Tev Keng passed away, Pres. Lon Nol was quit depressed and spent his time looking at the garden behind their home where his first wife used to sit in the swing. There they spent so much time together before and during her long time illness of cancer. Mrs Lon Nol the second wife had decided that it wasn't a good idea. She had bulldozer came in and tore it down. She put a swiming pool for their children instead. Isn't that sad? and not too long after that LN had a stroke. Few people knew who Mrs. Rong Lon Nol was until now.
While lon nol come to power prior to sihanouk scenario, the situation in Cambodia was in convulsion of violence and war caused by Vietcong because of o sihanouk smartness. The situation was so confusing, chaotic and irreversible that lon nol cant do much to change the course of history. Lon nol totul thmor bak pi sihanoukn, that’s all about it. He just do that to rend service to his master sihanouk to fled to join with vietcong. Otherwise Sihanouk would have the same destiny as lon nol or Sirimatak etc, would be killed by Vietcong . But sihanouk was smart jumping to join with Vietcong and lead the killing against Khmer with vietcong/khmer rouge instead being killed by Vietcong. That’s sihanouk smartness. Quasi totality of Khmer republican elites were sihanouk cronies and were faithful to sihanouk, lot have no conviction nor belief but just lowest scums opportunists. These people never want to change from monarchy to republic that why these people welcome sihanouk at 17 april 1975 and being killed under sihanouk orders from peking.
He is the killer. He kills more than three millions Khmer People, after he escapes to USA. If he hats King Father, Norodom Sihanouk, Why he destroy Khmer Monarchy institution? It is the long ways strategy of YOUN. It needs to destroy Khmer Monarchy. Off course, after destroying Khmer Monarchy, Khmer people and the world nothing to say about Khmer Empire and Khmer Kampuchea Krom land and all social system in disorder.
Who is Ly Diep? Why he attack his parent as they like Monarchy system and the King. I think he is the YOUN spy. He blames all Khmer King, Khmer politicians, all his family member, but not only himself.
Some of blogers seem to know alots about the past, it is true or not, it is interesting. But, here are some of the questions that I always have in my mind :
1. Sihanouk ordered from Peking to kill Republic soldiers in 1975, so the KR take order from the king ??
2. Who lead the king army in Cambodia ???
3. What was Pol Pot position during that time ??
Please, help me to unswer these questions so I can understand history.
Lon Nol was either a coward or beared the lowest form of intelligent. If not, why didn't he cleared this up when he had a chance.
Khmer had divided into category:
1- the khmer who cursed Sihanouk is khmer Lon Nol.
2- the khmer who cursed Lon Nol is khmer kraham pol pot.
3- the khmer who cursed Pol Pot is khmer yuon hun sen.
4- the khmer who cursed Hun Sen is khmer tieng bei krom.
Most of survived Khmers Lon Nol who live in Cambodia work for Hun Sen. Some are minister..
to 9:54pm,
King Sihanouk had his radio station in Khmer from Peking starting March 18. 1970 all the way until Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia. There is no doubt about it that many orders were from King. Majority of Cambodian people lost confident in Lon Nol's Regime when he had a stroke and The American was increasingly getting weaker by day. They wanted Sihanouk back in hope of peace like we had before 1970 and many were helping KR to win. The absense of King after April 17th of 1975 as head of state was a major mystery along with the disapearance of 2 millions of our own people. Only Noun Chea, Ing Sary , Kiev Samphon and King Himself or Hor Nam Hong and Keat Chon can answer to your question. That is why we all should praise the UN for bringing the Khmer Rouge's Trail to Cambodia. Many of us who were victims to their regime and Sihanouk at the beginning cannot wait to hear the verdict or the truth. Keep reading the progress from KR's trail.
Lon Nol ere was hell.
With USA help, Khmers doesn't have enough rice to eat, less hard than Pol Pot reign but not good at all, government officials salary were extremely low.
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. "Our Lord Buddha.
write a book and send it to ECCC in Phnom Penh!
All what you knew.
5:00 PM
'Khmer had divided into category:
1- the khmer who cursed Sihanouk is khmer Lon Nol.
2- the khmer who cursed Lon Nol is khmer kraham pol pot.
3- the khmer who cursed Pol Pot is khmer yuon hun sen.
4- the khmer who cursed Hun Sen is khmer tieng bei krom.
11:48 PM"
The salary of government official during Lon Nol regime was so good than right now.
"Of course they did mistakes, but all Khmer leaders love our country and sacrificed for our beloved Cambodia. Bad things were always the people around.
My great respect to of all Khmer leaders.
3:31 PM"
"he is one of the worst leaders Cambodia has ever had... a leader who believed too much in black magic.
3:23 PM"
11:48 there is mistake not only khmer Hun Sen that curse POL POT I think all khmer and the whole world do ,
Lon Nol didn't make the mistake all his parts but AH SIHAKNUK SOLE that stupid fuck up with youn let youn use sleep with youn wife Monique ,I can't believe up to now there are too many khmer that still not knowing the root of the problems came from Sihaknuk, no wonder while we have under grade people who work as the political or leaders so we all must fucked up like right now Sihanuk and Hun Sen are khmer killer but in the manipulated way for their power greed they look like GOD to some under-grade khmer people,sad sad when the time they are waking up Cambodia be CHAMPA ready.
Yes SIHAKNUK HAD ORDERED TO KILL KHMER PEOPLE in 1970 to 75 and before he return to Phnom Penh from Peking 1975 Check out the French News papers or Ankor Borei news that translated from French to English and Khmer.
If Sihaknuk is good he should report all the youn problems to UN already why he is waiting for ? He afraid the youn will take his son out of the throne,and youn stop give him the title and salary.
Sihaknuk not khmer king but YOUN.
WHY, MARCH 18, 1970?
Gén. Lon Nol was the Leader of March 18, 1970.
The two legislative bodies assembled to consider the problem of Sihanouk’s conducted and affiliated with vietcong.
They were the same two bodies which had ten year earlier, in 1960, designated Sihanouk as Chief of State.
On March 18, 1970, after a long and historic debate, the two bodies by unanimously vote to withdrew their confidence in Sihanouk and removed him from office.
The members accused him, among other things, of having authoried "Yuon" North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops to illegally occupy Khmer territory and establish bases (sanctuaries) and haul weapons & supplies from Kompong Som to Yuon Vietcong whose stationed along the eastern border during the latter half of the 1960’s, an occupation in flagrant violation of Khmer neutrality as provided by the Geneva Accords of 1954.
The Yuon occupation was characterized as well, as an attack on the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country.
March 18, 1970
Sihaknuk is the youn ,he is not love khmer and work for khmer
these kinds of photos are rare in cambodia. most khmer families lost important family album like these, including my own family. photos capture the moment of life of everyone, once lost, it's like lost a piece of family tree or history. please keep all family photos, by all means. god bless.
Lon Nol leadership was damaged by his brother, Sosten Fernandes and many other generals.
But at least in civilian offcials were good.
He was very good but has lacked of good leadership to control corruption.
Areak Prey
I respect Lon Nol, Sarik Matack
But I hate his son Sisowath sereirath he is a kiss ass to the
Sihanouk whom he kill his father.
Viva Khmer Republic
Down to the ground preah Moha kbat
cheat khmer Norodam Sihanouk'.
Down to the ground the VC and their puppet.
Khmer Long Beach
how about Ah Trou Krorp hun kwack kbot Cheat Yuon shit ?? how he look like?
how about Ah Trou Krorp hun kwack kbot Cheat Yuon shit ?? how he look like?
Here is my simple point for all to consider: Lon Nol was the root cause of the great destruction of Cambodia.
During Lon Nol era, Cambodians were considered dummies and listeners who always asked "why".
During Lon Nol era, both the South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese troops waged war on Camobodian soil.
During Lon Nol era, the Americans started bombing Cambodia.
During Lon Nol era, the Khmer Rouge gained strength and number.
During Lon Nol era, high poverty rate and standard of living of ordinary Cambodian plummetted to ground zero.
During Lon Nol era, there was no monarchy.
During Lon Nol era, it was not strange to see Cambodians selling their children mostly girls at the market.
During Lon Nol era, the Vietnam War was ushered into Cambodia.
During Lon Nol era, Cambodians were simply known as clueless monkeys.
During Lon Nol era, Cambodians learned the meaning of "betrayal" for trusting foreigners, especially the Americans that much.
Lon Nol era did not teach Cambodians anything except to be lackeys.
As a result of Lon Nol era, the foreigners now forbid the Cambodians to stop using the word YUONs. Lol.
Lon Nol was a loser then and he was a loser in death as well. Observe all of his children. They are all losers with nothing to go on. They are the ones who still have craving for animal penises, just like their dad who was a cocker sucker of the Americans. In addition, Lon Nol's widow is the number gambling addict alive.
To Sihanouk lovers,
កុំនាំក្មេងជំនាន់ក្រោយ អោយឆ្កួតតាមយើងនោះ ។
បើខ្លួនឯងឈ្លក់នឹងស្តេចនោះ ក៍ឈ្លក់តែឯងទៅ ។
ព្រោះស្តេចនេះ គ្មានន័យអ្វីទៀតឡើយ ចំពោះស្រុកខ្មែរ ។
I agree with Post 4:11PM! Lon Nol fuck everything up in Cambodia...
Lon Nol was a reluctant republican. So incompetent, and not well educated. He would not listen to radio or read papers update of the latest events around him but relied on bullshit stories, magic to protect the country. He even commissioned a book on magic.
If he had waited a bit longer, avoiding the coup, Cambodia might have averted that huge disater we had known. It is only my assumption, it is hard to pin all the blame on anyone entirely. Looking back at the overall situation, one may say the Khmer rouge takeover was inevitable. Americvan had left, the Republic had no more money to run the country, the KR had encircled the city, people had lost hope in Lon Nol, expecting the KR to come in and rule in peace.....
7:43 AM,
...and then came along Hun Sen who fucked it up even more.
Lon Nol and Pol Pot was the fierce enemy to each other, both of them are real khmer Nationalists,but they are extrimists.
Guys, I'm not trying to preach but I can see that our hard-to-be-cured illness is caused by the following main factors:
- Reliance on foreigners;
- Lack of neutral/independent history documents;
- Finger-pointing;
- Use of heart instead of brain;
- Selfishness.
Until all of us acknowledge and overcome all of the above, we cannot hope for a brighter Cambodia.
to all his critics, competent or incompetent, Lon Nol's fate was already sealed by the manipulating and lying scoundrel nixon team...
the US fooled Lon Nol and created much of the aftermath. they coulddn't beat the vietcong but had to drag little Cambodia
Remember this guys, the stupid king is the one who created Lon Nol and then threaten by him. This stupid king has a mental illness in term of being paranoided with almost everything around him, why because he thought that he could do everything, e.g. being king, prime minister, playboy, movie star and more...the only person who could be charged for crime against the humanity is Him the stupid king Sihanouk, victim of pol pot
read all the above and we all know why after 40 years, dob bram bey minear is still the date that divides us all.
6:09am is mostly a bullsh.iter.
Lon Nol is a strong silent type of person. Even in his voice, it was about a man of seriousness and powerful.A complete opposit of Sihanouk, a fire -lively and fun loving type of behavior. Sihanouk is friendly,talkative,warm ,caring for the poor and see nothing bad in Communist. He also loves good life! See the smile in his face? You don't have that kind of smile unless you're King and have everything and he is. Lon Nol came along and not necessary silent or weak, but powerfully say thru his behavior, please move over. I'm Lon Nol the new King. This drove Sihanouk up t h e wall.
that existed when there was no justice or weak justice system or/and enforcement, you know!
Yes I agree that Lon Nol made some mistake but I can tell you from my own experience he loved Cambodia and his people. I was beside him when Cambodia fell in 1975. He was in tears. As far as him leaving the country, it was my understanding that the US government tricked him to leave in order to take care of his health. He left many family members in Cambodia and my Mom was one of them. One of his brother, one I considered most loyal to him, had already escape to Thai with his family. He went back to help my Mom and too also died. I'm not going to mention his name but it is not Lon Non or Lon Nil. This one went up in ranks on his own. May have had some help by his brother but did not want it. This is also the one that tried repeatedly to warn his brother of the corruption. Can you believe it, they wouldn't let him in the circle to even see his own brother. Yes, after Lon Nol's stroke, he depended a lot on his generals and advisors and they failed him.
I know that everyone has their differentiating opinions about what they think they know or what they believe in. But to wish death and pain to someone for putting themselves out there and attempting to make a change in their own way is an ignorant means of voice. Prove your point with facts, not with threats.
I absolutely agree with the last poster. Prove your point with facts not with threats. Were you with Lon Nol during his rise and his failure. How was he a weak leader or a strong leader? Do you even know what to do in his position? Did he even really have a choice to over throw the King? Let me give you some facts. When I was in France many years ago, I visited his brother who is now deceased. He gave me a tape to listen. It was a secret conference meeting by Lon Nol and his high officials. Lon Nol was in France to attend to his health. Delegates from Cambodia wanted to meet with him in private. To make the story short, he was very upset but in the end there was a mandate from the group either he will support them or don't even bother to come back to Cambodia. You know now the outcome of his decision. I believe this civil war was imminent with or without him and he thought representing the head of state would best minimize this conflict. In the end, I believe the King over reacted and created the Khmer Rouge. The sad thing about it was that a lot of educated people: Students and Teachers of University supported him and also followed the Khmer Rouge. Most never came back from day one. I know of a lot of family that had uncles,sons,and nephews, who was upset by the coup and went hiding in the forest and never came back. One more point, have you ever been a leader of a Nation? Have you been in the Military? Do you even know martial arts? In his last days in Cambodia, people of the world criticize him of being too mystic. What would you do when you know that it could be the end? The spirit and will of the human is very hard to measure. Many battles are won through faith alone. There was no more help by the US. He was fighting an enemy that was hard to find and they had full support of China.
The French has given a correct name to Cambodia aka Kempuchea (as KempMinChea), which has produced a bunch of Scumbags who are incompetent, in leadership and governance. When Hun Sen agreed to protect the Khmer Rouge on trial and elsewhere with YUON backings, he governs Cambodia to hell: KempMinChea
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