Thursday, March 18, 2010

Government in tourist hub of Siem Reap to quit town in land swap

Thu, 18 Mar 2010

Phnom Penh - The local government in Cambodia's tourist hub of Siem Reap is to relocate outside the city next month in an opaque property swap that is to see a private company take over government buildings, many on prime riverfront land, national media reported Thursday. The news followed a number of similar reports about swaps of government land in central Phnom Penh, which has rocketed in value in recent years, for cheaper land outside the capital. Details of the deals are seldom made public.

Siem Reap Deputy Governor Bun Tharith told the Cambodia Daily newspaper that every provincial government department would move to the new site except one, the meteorology office, whose specialized equipment means it has to stay in the city.

"It is a special plan, and it is good for providing efficient services," he said. "The old buildings will be handed over to the company for investment. This happens in every developed country."

However, neither he nor the Ministry of Interior, which has authority over the deal, would be drawn on the details of the land swap or the cost of the new 42-hectare site, which is located 16 kilometres from the city centre.

Siem Reap is home to the Angkor Wat temple complex, which draws millions of local and foreign tourists each year.


Anonymous said...

This tactic is so lame and obvious. Hun Sen and his government sold everything to foreigners and giving land awau to Youn. While Cambodians living under poverty, less then a dollar a day......

battambangnative said...

I like the way these guys always try to ease their own guilty conscience by adding "this happens in every developed country".

They never seem to see the good things that also happen in those developed countries- like respect for life (not just humans, but animals as well), respect for the law, for the institution of parliament, and especially for one's own self. If Cambodia is corrupt to the core, well it happens everywhere too. If Cambodians are hungry, well there is poverty in developed countries too. They always use the bad examples to justify their own actions, but never ever see the exellent examples set everywhere else.

Is it any wonder that neighbours, near adn far, are looking down on Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

i think this is good idea for local gov't because they can move to a more developed, modernized area for gov't buildings, etc... plus the land and locate in the old area in should become the downtown siem reap in future plan for lands price in skyrocketed and gov't can lease it to get money to develop other areas. i think it will be good for siem reap future. i believe cambodia, including siem reap, is changing for better and better every year. also, they should modernize siem reap provincial hospital as well. the land it sits is very pricey, indeed.

Anonymous said...

that is a real good idea to move 16KM away from the center of down where the high concentration of populations live.
I would love to see a few examples of these so called developed countries that has their government offices outside of their downtown.
I would also recomend to the CPP to relocated Angkor Wat and all the complex outside of Siem Reap to a less expensive province.

Anonymous said...

Ah kwack ah pleu1 see other country even China and Vietname see how they preserve their historic area!

Soon Siem reap will be not thing but a hotel srips!

Anonymous said...

don't forget that siem reap city is growing bigger every year. soon, it will be a cosmopolatin, metropolis city like all over the world, ok. it is naive to think siem reap will stay the same in size, etc... of course, they should preserve the historic downtown area while continue to develop the city. there ought to be a modern port to the city at the shore of the tonle sap lake. and a railway track connecting this city to phnom penh and the rest of cambodia, really!

Anonymous said...

i think a railway conglomerate is good business in cambodia. millions of people will use the railway system once it is put into operation. traveling by rail is one of the easiest forms of transportation, especially in the region like local and withing cambodia. it's cheap and convenient and people will use it daily, i'm sure! gov't or private company should look into revamp and build more railway tracks in cambodia like they have in europe or something,really! don't wait too long, ok!

Anonymous said...

more railways is worth the investment in cambodia, if you think about it. there is a huge potential in railway system in cambodia, less noise, less pollution, easier form of transportation and fun wah to travel too, you know.