Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Mu Sochua vows to confront the CPP

SRP MP Mu Sochua (Photo: Cambodge Soir Hebdo)

02 March 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

SRP MP Mu Sochua, who was recently transferred from Kampot to Battambang province to replace Mr. Eng Chhay Eang, vowed to lead a political fight against the CPP in order to push for democracy in Cambodia. On Monday, Mrs. Mu Sochua said: “We only have one competitor: the CPP. The SRP knows about this already, therefore, we must strengthen ourselves from the grass root level all the way to the national level. I am very moved that the party is transferring me to the Battambang province, I am determined to dedicate my life to democracy.” Even though Mr. Sam Rainsy, the SRP party leader, is absent from the country due to government lawsuits against him, Mrs. Mu Sochua claimed that the SRP is not weakening, quite to the contrary, the SRP’s popularity is stronger than ever, therefore, the SRP is not afraid of the CPP’s competition in the future.

The CPP troubled?

In response to Mu Sochua’s determination to lead the political fight against the CPP, Chheang Vun, the CPP MP for Battambang province, mocked Mrs. Mu Sochua, saying that she is not stronger than anybody else. Chheang Vun told the Phnom Penh Post that: “Chumteav Mu Sochua is not stronger than others, how many people in Battambang know her? If Mu Sochua is strong, she could attract more votes in Kampot province, and there is no need for her to come to Battambang.” Chheang Vun added: “There is nothing to fear or to be concerned about the replacement of H.E. Eng Chhay Eang by Chumteav Mu Sochua in Battambang.” He added that from one mandate to another, the CPP keeps on increasing its number of seats because it is helping the people (sic!).


Anonymous said...

Chheang Vun, said "that from one mandate to another, the CPP keeps on increasing its number of seats because it is helping the people". It's unbelievable how CPP members can lie through their teeth, how shameful!
Who are you kidding, CPP/Hun Sen, you are only ruling because you rule by by force, intimidation and murder! Your party is only good at Land-grabbing and being tea boys to Yuon!

Anonymous said...

chuyen vun, i think ur wife no strong than you for sure b/c you get alot of young yuon girls virgin to fuck hehehehehehehehehehh idiot yuon's pussy sucker.

Anonymous said...

OMG, she is damned ugly. Her vagina is bigger than the black hole because she lets all the tourists bang it all day all night.

Anonymous said...

Dispice all the threat from Hun Sen and his CPP, the tyrant government. And critics from others there are millions people see SRP is doing the right cause for the people and nation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Mu and SRP for standing for our people and nation. Thank you for choosing to stand brave over fear.

Anonymous said...

chey yo ! chey yo ! chey yo !Miss Mu you khmer women hero ! dare to fight with monster hun sen communist regime. hunsen is pol pot ,pol pot is yuon viet cong slave.

Anonymous said...

Chheang Vun looked down on woman, in fact this predator is not better than an idiot man. For sure, he worries that Ms. Mu Sochua kick his ass in Battambang, reveal his hypocrite,and be more popular than him.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Mu Suchua spoke louder, while weak in action. She was MP without immunity, her speech were useless. Thus, SRP was failed to doom, Sam Rainsy himself was running like chicken soup looking for save heaven, there is no match to compete with CPP.

New Phally
CPP Representative in Long Beach, Ca

Anonymous said...

We are behind you SRP, you are on the way to win, Khmers konow now the real bad will of CPP, Cambodia must stay in the democracy way, we must not allow Hun Sen etablish dictatorship in our country.

Anonymous said...

3:14 PM
You wife is even uglier than Mu Sochua .. that's the truth .

Anonymous said...

New Phally , what drug have you been taking to make you confused like that ?
Chuyen Vun , between you and Mu Suchua , Mu Sochua has been well known all over the country . How many times have people heard of your name ?

Anonymous said...

3:14 PM, I will not sleep with your wife even you pay me.

Anonymous said...

New Phally , what drug have you been taking to make you confused like that ? Once you were an adviser to a President of National Assemly , now you are a CPP representative . Tell me , if you are a CPP representative, how many CPP members are there in the US ?
When Hor 5 Hong came to open a Cambodian Counsil in Lowell , there were less than 40 people coming to join him (even he is one of the big shots from Cambodia).. that is less than my Birthday Party .Anyway, how many CPP supporters you represent New Phally ?

Anonymous said...

Chheang Vun is an opportunistic. Jobless in France he came to Cambodia and Kneel before Hun Sen, asking a " Fat "job as Director of Taxes.
During the last electoral compaign at daytime he asked the Hotel employee to bring big piece of ice to put in his roomm, because the Aircon was net enough cool for him.

Chheang Vun is a French Excrement!

Anonymous said...

There is no need to put our own citizen down, especially Ms Mu Sochua. She is like our mother who is trying to protect our nation. She could have left the country and live a very comfortable life, but no, she chooses to be with our people in our homeland. This is because of her courage and great love for our people. Therefore, I would like to solute and pay respect to what she has done for our khmer people. I believe that it better that our soul be saved than our body and I am very sure that she will live forever! for God has chosen she to do the job for our people and that material things have no meaning than rights and justice for all. In my mind, I hope our gov't will be kinder to Mu Sochua and try to help her to achieve outcome whatever she wants to achieve. In this world, no one is perfect, however least we can do is learn from our past mistake and move on. At the end of the day, if khmer don't love khmer, no one in the world will love them. We must learn to love one another regardless of who we are or where we come from and try our best to treat each other as "equally important". There is a need to create a common law to protect all for one and one for all as it said that " you do yourself a favour when you are kind but if you are cruel, you only hurt yourself" Chp11:17. In addition we need to increase in skilled migrant because they are the foundation of re-building the country. "a nation will fall if it has no guidance...many advisers mean security (ibid. chp 11:17). Aust

Anonymous said...

I would like very much to see Ms. Mu Sochua becoming the governor of Battambang and you're going to make a real different, Mam.

Former Steng Sangker

Anonymous said...

COUNTING PEOPLE POLL for strong hold!

Anonymous said...

Those who support the CPP or members of the CPP are no better than crooks or just aH yong-youn.

And they dares speak without shame.

Anonymous said...

Those who looks down on women. Look down also on his wife and his mother.

If not, he wouldn't look down at any women.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please bring back the old magic and beauty of Battambang. This includes good paying job and education, new hospital and housing, new road and better traffic control / public transportation, lively garden and park, secure farm land for our people and improve the living condition of our farmers, improve wild life sunctuary and foresty. Please take a good look at our ancient temples. They may need repair to preserve its hundred of years' fine architecture. What happens to the normal flow of Sangkor River? Please open the damp that stops it. The water condition just didn't look natural and clear as it used to be. Also seek fund to rebuild the Iron Bridge, if not repairing it. It's ours beautiful memory and it has to stay for along time or many more generations to come. Those are what we like to see in new Cambodia. The airport as well is not at its best shape at all. The governor's mansion looks somewhat strange and prison like. Thirty years past and it's about time that someone can come over and turn it around. We truely hope that it's going to be someone like Madame Mu Sochua and many others that are like her and can help her rebuilding it to the fullest extend. Cambodia is a future tourist attraction. Please show to any government that you can do it to match the international standard by starting it here at Battambang. Best wishes and Good luck!!!

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

A competent government is a better government. See Haiti and Chile. The different magnitude of The Earth Quake is 500 times stronger in Chile than in Haiti, but which country has small death toll and much less destruction? The answer is Chile. For years Chile had been prepared for this while Haiti is not. So choose carefully and choose only the one you think is best to be your leader.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are! They are helping the people who vote for them to get voting rights and identification while they ignore the Khmer people who now are minority and won't be able to hold ground in the polls!

Anonymous said...

Battambang has big land for farming and it doesn't have to be all rice farming. It can be for orange, mango, jack fruits, banana, coconut and Cambodian apple ( Phlae Tek Dos Ko ). Think about producing massive of them in five to 10 years and selling them to other provinces in the country, if not able to export those fresh products to foreign countries. Sell them cheap to our people. So they can eat better and live better. It makes you wonder where is our people brain? The rich one took all the land to sit around or sell it to foreigners. There is land and there is water and yet all our little people can do is sitting and looking at it. They tend to take up jobs that has little or no meaning for them. It's such a great despair. Worse, the amount of land that most people keep selling them to foreign investors will leave people to live in water and worse homeless. Does it really need a rocket to put under your behind to get this changing rich people and poor people alike? Speechless.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wish the SRP would take actions first prior to opening their mouths. Why rattle the cage and wake up the snakes? Just go in quietly and cut off their heads, damn it!

Anonymous said...

That isn't way to do it. No body is going cut anybody's head off. The way to do is to get people interest and be competent about what is going on. There is no thief or hyjacker here. Just plan people who wants better life for everyone in Cambodia. Aren't you Cambodian 9:55pm?

If Khmer doesn't everything else, at least Khmer has food to eat and all Khmer must wake up. Ms. Mu Sochua cannot do it alone or SRP can do it alone. It takes the interest of the damm whole country to change thing around, because one or two people just cann't do it.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! if people don't know what they want and they don't know who Ms. Mu So Chua is? or 9:55pm is?, they won't know who to vote for, duh.

Chor lop or Thief comes in secret and chor enters from the back door. Good people would send you notice in advance, asking your permission and show your their good intention first. They don't surprice you or shock ta hell out of your system when they come in to your house. It's same about politician. That's another thing, All khmer need to put in back their head. Common sense and common sense and know who you are dealing with. Keep bad people out of your life and never make friend with bad people either. Never. Now go get your Khmer Pride back!

Anonymous said...

This is 955 pm and yes, I am Khmer. Not just a Cambodian, but real Khmer. You're missing my point. My point is to thread gently and get some support behind you first prior to calling all the enemies to the battle. SRP is an underdog, the minority, you need to first recognize the reality prior to re-creating a new reality.

Anonymous said...

CPP, Chheang Vun, you bastard!

If CPP allows the opposition to have the media, newspaper, TVs ad like the CPP have. I'll bet you CPP will lose and SRP will gain seat without any problem

CPP cheats to their guts!!!

Anonymous said...

CPP, Chheang Vun, You bastard!!

If CPP won't cheat they won't win!!

If CPP allows or let SRP to have all propaganda machine like CPP have such as:
All Media, Radio, Newspaper and TVs I'll bet you, you will lose so easy!
Phnom Penh alone didn't even vote for CPP.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen doesn't trust men from Battambang, Ke KimYan and many generals in army..

Anonymous said...

I am from the outside looking in, I also want a new party to lead Cambodia but any political party who is running against current Gov. need to have a better candidate.
In the past, most of the political party leader was chosen from the outside the country, this kind of the process is not working. People from the out side did not have credential to show the people in Cambodia that they will fight and suffer with people, not the one who is running from the country whenever they get in trouble with the laws because they have dual citizenship.Who is going to trust leader like that ????
They have to treat people with respect by not thinking that Cambodian are uneducated and stupid so they can manipulate them whenever they wanted to.
They need to pick the candidate in side the country who Cambodian can trust.
Political party have to be belong to people but not individual. The people in side the party can vote and change the leader whenever it is neccessary. That is the way to win the election. Foreing Gov. will not continue supporting the party that keep lossing in the past 20+ years. It will not happened in the bussiness world.

Anonymous said...

There's already 'democracy" in Cambodia, and CPP won big time.

Anonymous said...

there's already hun sen former thmill rouge prepare for new revolution to keep khmers homeless ,landless ,countryless.

down communist hun sen thmill khmer rouge yuon sperms................

Anonymous said...

Dude 2:16AM,

You're totally confuse!
Cambodian are not stupid like you said. They are up to date with the news and media. All they were fooling by this bunches of CPP with the bribe and intimidation when the voting or election time arrives.

If you outside, you got to stay out! Don't bother come inside and looking down on my people like you said.

Fool, we don't need your advise!!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu Sochua, you will earn yourself in the Cambodian history if your dream become true. Further more, the world will embrace your actions, and you will become the respectful role model of other dictatorial nation.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

If samrainsy still the own party if won't get any more vote.If samrainsy party change the new guy i hope should get more the vote.If you dn't believe let see on the next term,because no bidies believe hime no more,He always talking cheatting people.

Anonymous said...

Without siding with any political party, we can just look at the current situation in Cambodia; will young generation of Cambodian see a bright future? Please just look at the below criteria:
- Poor education system: poor salary for teacher leads teacher finds other ways to make extra income i.e, create private courses, selling stuffs. If student does not take the private course (or called additional hours) or buy stuffs from his/her teacher, they will be penalized and not have a good mark. All of this means the corruption has introduced since this early stage. So when the student grows up, he/she will be familiar with the situation and will not see the corruption as an issue.
- Medical care: From time to time, we have seen many mistakes of the professional health care provider (doctor, nurse) leads to the death the patients. There are two main reasons. First, due to corruption, the government cannot afford to improve the medical technology. Second, there are not many quality doctors, because of the corrupted system. These doctors lack of morality (no money no treatment). Of cause, they had to pay alot money to become a doctor. When putting the two reasons together, it makes sense that the government does not need to invest in more advance medical equipments because those doctors are incapable to use them anyway. Moreover, who cares those medical facilities are just for the poor people. For those high ranking officials, they will go to the foreign country in stead.
- Natural resources: controlled by the small group (Hun Sen’s family and friends).
- Justice system: who has a stronger connection and more money, who will guaranty to win the case.
- Not to mention about millions of illegal Vietnamese and the Hun Sen government is being controlled by the Vietnam Communist.
- Many others countless issues…

All of these mentioned above, if Khmer people inside Cambodia are still thinking Hun Sen is doing the right thing and still want to support him, I just like to say GOOD LUCK TO THEM!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude 3:20
I am not the one who think like that (Cambodian are uneducated or stupid). I am trying to tell those people who are living outside Cambodia. I left the country by choice and I has no regret with my decision.I also believe that people who stay behind and fight for the country deserved to be in power.
I just want the reader to differentiate between being educated and good honest people, they are not related. You can be educated and bad people as you can see so far in the country (all former KR leaders are all educated). Some of Cambodian who are not educaded not because they are dumb but because they did not have a chance to be educated.
The bottom line is, all party members (any political party)need to pick a good person over educated person as a party leader. If you check all political party you can see what I am talking about.
I hope that Dude 3:20 understand what I tried to say here.

Anonymous said...

starting from ground zero, Khmer people have made great strides. Cambodia is a peace and things have improved 1000%- no, it's not perfect but progress has been made and continues to be made. Support the progress not destroy it.

Anonymous said...

CPP = Fags
Vietnamese = rất đồng tính

Anonymous said...

Cambodia under the current government is well developed but still under the Vietnamese yoke. We must get rid of this yoke. Bravo MS. Sok Huor!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must be apart from YUON if he can.

YUON only gain all the natural resources from Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

In response to 5:03 comment

I totally support what you wrote. WE have come a loooooooooong way, and we still a road a head of us. Let's not take side and try to work together.
Khmer rules!!!!!

Anonymous said...

3:14 PM
How dare you share your mother's hole to the public?
Ah kaun ot pouch...

Anonymous said...

ah 3:14pm's mouth needs to be bleached with clorox. Ah narok. Ah short life.