Sunday, March 14, 2010

Princess Vacheara: Our king cannot wear the republican acamedician uniform, but it is OK for him to be an academician in that @#$%?!& republic

Unlike his peers, King Sihamoni did not wear the special attire reserved for French Academicians (Photo: AP)

13 March 2010

By Chheang Bopha
Excerpt from Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Komping Puoy
Click here to read the entire article in Khmer

Yesterday, [during the induction ceremony of King Sihamony to the French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Academy of Humanity)], the Cambodian king did not wear the special attire reserved for academicians, instead, he was wearing royal clothes to attend major ceremonies. On this point, Princess Vacheara [Sihanouk’s half sister] explained that the king is an individual with high ranking who is still reigning, therefore, he cannot wear a uniform reserved for academicians who live under a republican regime.


Anonymous said...

It's understandable, but it's also kind of put him at odd.

Anonymous said...

What Academy of Humanity is going to do Cambodia? and poorest people?

Anonymous said...

It is understandable if it is acceptable by the rule of the Academy. In this case, the Academy didn't say anything, so it looks like it is OK for the king to wear Cambodian royal attire.

Anonymous said...

L'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres est essentiellement une société de savants réunis dans un même idéal de recherche consacré aux sciences humaines. Fondée en 1663 sous l'impulsion de Colbert, installée depuis 1805 quai de Conti, dans le cadre majestueux de l'ancien collège des Quatre-Nations, autrefois édifié par Mazarin, elle est l'une des cinq Académies constitutives de l'Institut de France.
Dépositaire d'une très longue tradition d'érudition, qui a suscité en sa faveur des appuis et des aides précieuses, institution au vaste rayonnement international, elle joue un rôle fondamental en faveur de la promotion et de l'avancement des études historiques, archéologiques et philologiques ; selon ses statuts, l'Académie "s'attache principalement à l'étude scientifique des monuments, des documents, des langues et des cultures des civilisations de l'Antiquité, du Moyen Âge et de l'âge classique ainsi que des civilisations non européennes". Contribuant activement par son action ainsi que les travaux personnels de ses membres au progrès des sciences, s'attachant à étudier tout ce qui atteste de l'activité humaine et des créations de l'esprit, l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres occupe une place privilégiée au sein de la communauté scientifique actuelle.
Appelée statutairement à assurer un rôle d'incitation à la recherche au moyen des prix qu'elle décerne, l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres contribue tout particulièrement, par les communications et notes d'information présentées lors de ses séances, à la résonance nationale et internationale des études et des découvertes récentes en matière de science et d'érudition ; elle se distingue également par son inlassable activité d'édition qui en fait l'un des grands centres de publication scientifique français. Instance nationale, elle joue enfin un rôle de tutelle ou d'évaluation auprès de certains grands établissements scientifiques français et éventuellement d'expertise auprès des autorités gouvernementales sur les questions de sa compétence.
Ainsi, peut-on considérer à juste titre l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres tout à la fois comme un "conservatoire" (c'est-à-dire un lieu où l'on "sauve" et où l'on maintient vivante la mémoire humaine) mais aussi un "laboratoire" (c'est-à-dire un lieu vivant et foisonnant où s'élabore la recherche sur l'homme, ses sociétés et ses cultures).

Anonymous said...

The King shall be addressed now as "Maitre" since he becomes a "French Immortal" even he chooses to forego his $10 K academician uniform and $5 K academician sword. "Immortal" is recognized by the academic world in Europe at least. I sincerely hope that he will leave a true legacy of Cambodian development in terms of economy, law, and society for this 21st century without playing politics.

Mes sinceres felicitations a sa majeste pour la reconnaisance du Cambodge a travers son Roi!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Note: For KI. The Princess name's Norodom Vicheara, is Prince Norodom Sereyvuth sister.

New Phally

KI Media said...

Dear New Phally,

Thank you for providing the "correct" Khmer-sounding name of the princess, however, her official name is Norodom Vacheara in Roman script, unless she decides to change that spelling recently.

Your truly,


Anonymous said...

Quelles études a-t-il fait pour se faire élire a l'academie des arts et lettres?
En quoi le Cambodge est il honore par cette élection visiblement politique?

Anonymous said...

អាស្តេចខ្ទើយៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ ធ្វើគូថប្រុសគ្នាវា

Anonymous said...

I saw someone said bad to my king before!So rigth now where are they?
I told you already our Cambodian people will have name in the world from now on!

Anonymous said...

You fucking bad one! Why you motherfucker talking a bout my king again? you migth go the hell motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

For those who don't know what King Sihamonid did and does for Cambodia, he was Cambodian Ambassador to UNESCO for about 10 years and played an important role in mobilizing support for the conservation and restoration of Angkor.

When Cambodia made preparation for seeking support for Cambodia's membership in the World Heritage Committee, it was easier as many Ambassadors know King Sihamoni and King Father well. With our efforts, Cambodia got one vote more than Thailand, a country that have much more resources and network that Cambodia.

Professor Bessaouch a scholar on Roman antiquity and Khmer culture is also a member of the Academy. Professor was assistant to UNESCO DG when Angkor was inscribed on the list of world heritage in 1992. He also very supportive of Preah Vihear being listed on the WH List.

Anonymous said...


Whoever loves the Kings and queen of Cambodia and whoever their followers are those who are blind sight like Hun Sen.

Don't count majority of Cambodia love your kings. We, majority of Khmer people, hate these two idiot kings. They don't deserve that academic that stupid French gave to them. The French doesn't care who helps to destroy Cambodia; they only care what can Ah Sdech Chkourt can do for them.

Ah Gay king only follow Ah Hun Sen order from Hanoi. He signed land to Hanoi because he doesn't want to lost his king title. Only your moreon his followers love him and they, those men, want to marry him too.

I won't be bowed to these stupid Khmer kings and I want to trash them as much as I could.

Sihanouk helped the Vietcong to fight American.

Now his son signed off the land to the Vietcong.

So what is good for these two dummy idiots that want to get my respect?

My hero leader and needs to name to the future Khmer king is Mr. Sam Rainsy. That's my respectful leader.

Don't give me a shit about Sihamony got the UN embassador job because he's qualified. If he doesn't have a connection of his royal, he won't get that stupid job. As Ah Hun Sen's sons got into West Point, They're not qualified to attend at all. They're dummy as their father. American accepted them to West Point to brain wash their head only. I'm not respect for his stupid sons at all. I gave respect to Khmer sons who got accepted to West Point in the USA.

Anonymous said...


Bite your tongue or shut your stinking mouth. You embarase Mr. Sam Rainsey and the majority of his supporters, because not all of them are nasty and disrespectful of other people like you. They just want fairness righteusness or the real rule of law and good jobs for Cambodia. So that it can grow steadily and independently. Right now King don't have any muscle or don't you idiot know?

Anonymous said...

my god, who is she to say this or that! this princess, is she educated or is she still living in the dark ages or stone ages era? she needs to get a worldly education for she's a princess and she could help take cambodia into a better era for isolation and ignorance are the real enemies of cambodia and khmer people. didn't she aware of that? ooh la la! wake up already, please! it is ashamed to call herself princess, a prestigious title, when she sounds so ignorant like this, really! what planet is she from, any way!

Anonymous said...

what's degree did he graduate? all i knew he can fluently speak french more than khmer, since he's been raised most of time outside cambodia. but no one mention what his degree. someone said he did home study, that's it. nowaday who cares about the khmer kingdump, hunsen should get rid of it to cut off khmer deficit, since the khmer royal family are worthless to the country.

Anonymous said...

can khmer royalty be reformed to save themselves? i think the sooner the later. reform is a way to forgive and reconcile. god help them all.

Anonymous said...

the royal person who reformed is a smart one. i think royal should be highly and worldly educated. and caronation should required that a monarch is at 35 years of age, etc, not too young. thank god everything in the past was history already. cambodia should be modernized big time. of course, we reserved the rights to maintain certain useful culture, tradition, custom and etiquette, etc..., however, we prefer improvement and reforms, and modernization in all institutes in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

to ah!7:15pm and ah!10:18pm,kom eautt pouch peak ah!,beurr aeng minn chholl chhith sdach khmer tea,go fuck yourselves two are really asshole son of the bitches,where the fuck you two come from???ahh!you scamp shit!$@%$.go screwing your own king in toilet with your dirty fucking ugly five fingers ok!!!.ah! prett,ah!prett,ah!!i like to see a real person like you two in a real live.the khmer royal families and the majesty the king don`t say or do anythings stupidity like you two,but the ordinary people like me will play areal game with you two!!!!! two are real fucking drake gays motherfuckers,go buy listerine clean your goddamn stinky,ugly fucking mouth!!!ok!you preak,and don`t forget to show a respect to your parents king you freak!.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what he wear. Why fuss about it. Does that big good chain and shoulder patch mean anything? The fact about current Cambodia is well known to the world--Sihamoni is controlled by the dictator Hun Sen who is slaved to the Yuon, the CPP and the courts are corrupted, most Cambodians can not afford enough food to eat, the natural resources are almost gone, and the nation is slowy taken by Yuon. Sihamoni is just a symbol and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

it's easy to point finger an acuse others as
being ignorant. You are no different than a
person who had a dark sun glasses on and
acuse the world for being dark and gloomy
but failed to realized the solution could be
found by simply remove one's glasses. Even
the most modest expenditure of intelligence
should be suffice to make any reader realize
how childish, immature, unworthy and partialy
your statement is. Keep in mind that the lack
of creative thinking and limited perception are
more dangerous than a complete blindedness
or complete ignorant.

Khmer K

KhmerHeartSandra said...

It is very, very shameful to be KINGs and Princesses with out any privilege to Power, it’s such a wasted beings. These so called Kings and Princesses can’t even help themselves, left alone to help others. They are controlled and Dictate by Hun Sen and his Klan. If I am in their shoes I’d rather die then to live cowardly as KINGs and Princesses.