Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sihamoni inducted to the "Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de l'Institut de France" (Academy of Humanity of the French Institute)

Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni sits among academics, as he becomes member of the Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l'institut de France (Academy of Humanities) of the institut de France (French institute) in Paris, Friday, March 12, 2010. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni speaks to the academics during the ceremony as he becomes member of the Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l'institut de France(Academy of Humanities) of the institut de France (French institute)in Paris, Friday, March 12, 2010. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)


Anonymous said...

So... what's that good for Cambodge?

Anonymous said...

2:13 AM

Instead of asking that question, why don't you ask yourself what you have for the good of Cambodia. People like you love to ask what is good for Cambodia but never done jack shit.

Anonymous said...

2:28 AM,

I totally agree with you on your comment back to 2:13 AM

Congratulations to His Majesty, Norodom Sihamoni, the King of Cambodia.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Yep,Sihamoni is an innocent king .It is his father who is evil.

Anonymous said...

The duties of a king are:

. To defend the poor and fatherless
. To defend the widows and the
. To rid off corruptions in the land
. To execute judgment fairly
. To bring the wheel over the wicked
. To protect the people from foreign
. To love truth and righteousness
. To show no partiality to the
nor to the poor

How many of these duties has the king fulfill since he became king?
Can't have a king without a kingdom to rule over.

Anonymous said...

These people commit their time for the growth of people and humanity.
I hope cambodia's king would try to do the same.
priority is is to put poverty and oppression out of cambodian society.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation to his majesties the king of Cambodia, King Norodom Sihamoni. This means a lot for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

If you would like to learn more what's good for Cambodia, please go to this link to listen to the news -->

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It is quite astonishing to see various comments here attacking the King and providing no moral support for Him and yet expecting Him, alone to stand up to a powerful PM and his entourage with the majority of the corrupted army generals and their forces on his side.

Even the governor of Pailin, Ee Chhean and his deputy, Ieng Vuthy who is Ieng Sary's son are also on the same side of the prime minister.

The King can only have power when the people are willing to give it to him. Are Cambodians inside and outside the country ready to support the King and risk their lives by rising up in rebellion to the current Phnom Penh regime if He (the King) calls them to do so?

I leave this question for everyone to ponder on.

Anonymous said...

It is quite astonishing to see various comments here attacking the King and providing no moral support for Him and yet expecting Him, alone to stand up to a powerful PM and his entourage with the majority of the corrupted army generals and their forces on his side.

Even the governor of Pailin, Ee Chhean and his deputy, Ieng Vuthy who is Ieng Sary's son are also on the same side of the prime minister.

The King can only have power when the people are willing to give it to him. Are Cambodians inside and outside the country ready to support the King and risk their lives by rising up in rebellion to the current Phnom Penh regime if He (the King) calls them to do so?

I leave this question for everyone to ponder on.

Anonymous said...

King like him never sees, knows or taste poverty and oppression or suppression such as an ordinary people have recieve.
Since he become king in 2005 he had signed additional treaty to have yuon grabs more land and make people even poorer everyday of year.
To me, it is worth of it to have rubber or robber king like Cambodia now and the future!

Anonymous said...

Before 1970 khmer people dare not to curse the king, not even a single word, if so, they will chop your head off.
But after the Khmer Rouge Revolution, khmer rouge called king et el (Puok ah Sak kadephum nung Boriva) since then, khmer people dare to curse or say anything to the king with full mouth of word.
Thanks to the Revolution!

Anonymous said...

Nothing to be done for the benefits of Cambodian people by the OLD king and the NEW king. HUN SEN just keep abusing his power and create more corruption in the government and his gangster. Wake up Cambodian people. Fight for your basic rights and democracy if you want to have a good future for your self and your children. Millions of Cambodian can stand up and remove HUN SEN from power. The people power.

Anonymous said...

to,4:49am and 4:58am,you must go to ah vietcong country and beg their ass to make a rubber king toy to put on your fucking bed and praise or worship for the rest of your worse lives and the next thousand lives of your evil mind.leave his majesty norodom sihamoni alone or i will hunt you both down to sound like ah khmer rouge who slaves for ah youn communist!

.shut the fuck off!!! ah (prett) the evil,the devil or satin who lives down in the hell.

Anonymous said...

Today FRANCE Installation de Norodom Sihamoni, roi du Cambodge, associé étranger de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres!

Past France also Installation, Norodom Sihanouk, Kieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, Hou Nim, Hou Youn, Pol Pot.

Current Yuon Installation Hun Sen , Chea Sim, Heng Samrin...

To do this France will have the conflect with Yuon to the near future power in Cambodia.

Cambodia can not be by themselves, but Installed or Installation by foriegn country as aways be.

Anonymous said...

I feel sooo sorry that his father did the evil acts and now his son has to pay the price for it and it is away of saying "what goes around will come around" or "what you put in is what you get out of it". His father slept with hundreds of virgin girls and now his son could not find a decent one to marry and have kids with. Well, I hope he is different from his father's attitude. E.g. concerns for the well being for his people before himself.

Anonymous said...


Please do not take these criticisms in wrong way, we all only wish take the king takes his roles seriously for the kingdom and cambodian people.

I can emphasise his difficulties, but any challenge in achieving tasks/goals will be subjected to risks. And he is in a role to lead,for the prosperity and safety of cambodians.
Just plain simple, for weak king there will be weak kingdom/country.
Please dare to do the right things, for our country and the people.

PM Hun Sen dares to achieve his goals,for himself,his family,his crony and his boss.

What's about our king???
Can he read cambodian constitution and implements his vital roles, for cambodian peace and safety?

It was NOT easy for king Jayavoramann VII to consult his ministry twice a day,quoted by Jiv ta quan,obersver from China(handbook Angkor).

We have to change our concept that rewards should be offered to any bravery dedicated to humanity, and NOT to any nonesense.

Kaun khmer

Anonymous said...

Some of the people who wrote some bad comments in here doesn’t make any senses, doesn't know about the history or has knowledge at all about their country. These people are ignorance like the KR said, “To keep you no gain, to destroy you no lose.”
Nobody is perfect. Any leader in the world has done good thing and bad thing for their country. Like our past and present leader, you need to look at the good thing and bad thing that they accomplish before start saying something out of your mouth.
It is sick to see or hear these people!
They really need to educate themselves.

Anonymous said...

What has the French done for Cambodia ?
1. The French gave half of Cambodia to Vietnam
2. The French looted Cambodia's national treasures
what da hell do the French know about humanity, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Dear 9:19 AM,

You don't know Cambodian history. Without French intervention, Cambodia could have been erased from the world map.

The King's election as a member of the Acedemy is an honor for Cambodia. The Academy is an association of reknown scholars.

L'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres est essentiellement une société de savants réunis dans un même idéal de recherche consacré aux sciences humaines. Fondée en 1663 sous l'impulsion de Colbert, installée depuis 1805 quai de Conti, dans le cadre majestueux de l'ancien collège des Quatre-Nations, autrefois édifié par Mazarin, elle est l'une des cinq Académies constitutives de l'Institut de France.
Dépositaire d'une très longue tradition d'érudition, qui a suscité en sa faveur des appuis et des aides précieuses, institution au vaste rayonnement international, elle joue un rôle fondamental en faveur de la promotion et de l'avancement des études historiques, archéologiques et philologiques ; selon ses statuts, l'Académie "s'attache principalement à l'étude scientifique des monuments, des documents, des langues et des cultures des civilisations de l'Antiquité, du Moyen Âge et de l'âge classique ainsi que des civilisations non européennes". Contribuant activement par son action ainsi que les travaux personnels de ses membres au progrès des sciences, s'attachant à étudier tout ce qui atteste de l'activité humaine et des créations de l'esprit, l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres occupe une place privilégiée au sein de la communauté scientifique actuelle.
Appelée statutairement à assurer un rôle d'incitation à la recherche au moyen des prix qu'elle décerne, l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres contribue tout particulièrement, par les communications et notes d'information présentées lors de ses séances, à la résonance nationale et internationale des études et des découvertes récentes en matière de science et d'érudition ; elle se distingue également par son inlassable activité d'édition qui en fait l'un des grands centres de publication scientifique français. Instance nationale, elle joue enfin un rôle de tutelle ou d'évaluation auprès de certains grands établissements scientifiques français et éventuellement d'expertise auprès des autorités gouvernementales sur les questions de sa compétence.
Ainsi, peut-on considérer à juste titre l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres tout à la fois comme un "conservatoire" (c'est-à-dire un lieu où l'on "sauve" et où l'on maintient vivante la mémoire humaine) mais aussi un "laboratoire" (c'est-à-dire un lieu vivant et foisonnant où s'élabore la recherche sur l'homme, ses sociétés et ses cultures).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Americans learn about democracy from France.

Most of scientific books about Cambodian arts and culture were written by French scholars.

Many Cambodian works of arts and sculptures are in France, and displayed at the Musée Guimet. Otherwise it would have been lost to arts collectors during the war.

The New York Metropolitan Museum also displays some Cambodian sculptures and the whole Egyptian temple.

Anonymous said...

Well, American are shiping back those prescious sculptures to Cambodia. What do you think? It should be Khmer arts and Sculptures display more than one place. Don't you think? and the different between French and American is the French allowing their fellow men to run around with the Communist freely and American not. You run around with the Communist, you disqualify to be American and may be punished by law, yet. It's day and night buddy. Liberty has its limit to protect the liberty itsself, because there is no liberty in the Communist doctrine and why in the world the French are acting this way? only God knows.