Saturday, March 13, 2010

Solyanna, Miss Cambodia in France, aims to honor her Dad's Khmer origin

Interview with Solyanna Poeung, Miss Cambodia in France

Solyanna, who will hold on to her title for two years, said: "I want to honor my Dad's origin"

Monday 04 January 2010

La Voix Au Féminin (The Women Voice)
Translated from French By Tout Louse Laut Rek
Click here to read the article in French

Solyanna, a young student living near Tourcoing (North of France, near Belgium), was elected “Miss Cambodia in France.”

Solyanna is 21-year-old, she lives in Mouvaux, near Tourcoing. The young university student in English language was just elected “Miss Cambodia in France” through a contest organized by the Cambodian TV station Apsara. Eighteen young women competed for this title on 26 December 2009 near Paris. There was no swimsuit competition for Miss Cambodia, as modesty requires it, nevertheless, the competition did resemble somewhat to the one for Miss France. At the end, Solyanna even had a hard time holding the crown on her head.

“For supporting the children at home”

It was because her uncle and aunt pushed her that Solyanna applied for the competition for the title of “Miss Cambodia.” “Not to show off myself, but to honor my Dad’s origin, so that he can be proud of it,” Solyanna said. Born in France, while growing up, she only had one dream: “to go to work in Cambodia, her father’s birth country where he left since 1973, as a translator or a stewardess,” she is not sure about it yet. “I want to help the children who did not have the chance to go to school and who have to work in the garbage dump. It is impossible for them to live like that.” Solyanna will take the opportunity of her newfound fame to write letters to associations that have a presence in Cambodia to organize a charity evening in Mouvaux, her city. Solyanna is indeed leading a fledgling “Miss” life.


Anonymous said...

So she half Khmer, half Italian?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stop to say half ????
Under the Cambodian constitution, she is a Khmer descent.

Anonymous said...

Elle est ma copine,elle est belle comme princesse Diana,it is proud to be khmer girl!
Ilove you aun Srey khmer!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Cambodian are notorious about mixing with European and American. So Ms. Solyanna should not come as a surprise and Congratulation!!! King Sihamoni, Prince Narindrapong, Virak Dara are all famous European born in Cambodia and you're talking about King, Prince and Great Movie Star that were here some fifty years ago and beyond. Many of us are anxious to see, if our Queen is, yet to be having mixing descents from Europe or America and she too should be fully accepted. After all, French ruled Cambodia for 90 years and there are plenty of Cambodian that look like European. Unless they were all killed by the Khmer Rouge. As you know many of those people had extraordinary white skin and an urban like attitude which considered as intelligent. They were not welcoming by the Khmer Rouge. You know....

Ms. Angelina Jolie missed her chance by just an inch. We'll see...

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

It is an honor to know that you still hold on to your father's origin. And congrats for being selected as Miss Cambodia!

Like you, my goal has always been helping the poor and underprevileged in Cambodia. Together you and I can join as a team to create community charitable projects to help khmer children who live in impoverished conditions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Felicitations, Solyanna! Une belle jeune cambodgienne!

Anonymous said...

I am so propud of My Khmer sister Solyanna. She is always saying she is so proud of her self as a Khmer daughter no matter where we live or we were born. One blood of Khmer we are all Khmers. I love to hear sh esings Khmer. :))) She is so beautiful.
Congratulation Solyanna!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ooppps I mispelled in my post 11;40pm. I love to hear she sings Khmer :)))

Anonymous said...

Her heart is in the right place and her virtues is going to follow her there.

It's the father that determines your ethnic background, not your mother. Simply put, the seed determine the fruit of the tree. The father is the seed for the woman.

Anonymous said...

Since Miss Solyanna has light-skinned complexion, she must be mixed with European descendant.

This is contrary to dominant gene theory, which states that a child will carry the dark-skinned attribute as the dominant gene if she comes from mixed parents, such as a khmer father and a French mother.

Well, the biological difference between Solyanna and other khmer girls is her biological makeup.

Anonymous said...

We only hope, Mr Hun Sen the PM of Cambodia accepts and will send her to present our country Cambodia for the next miss world contest.

Anonymous said...

Yes by the last name a person born and carried on, but depends on the person's mentality. I met beautiful children whose mothers are Khmers and Father are White, but they too claimed they are Khmers regardlss their surnoms they have carried, and those children are so full of compassion and love toward Cambodia and their Khmer people.
I listened to Sulyanna interviewed she replied "pour mon pays... means for my country..the poor kids in my country.." and when asked how things down there in Cambodia, Sulyanna was almost cried but she hold on and tried to sing Khmer as the interviewer requested. Replay this video again you will see Sulyanna was about to cry when asking what have she seen downthere in Cambodia where poor kids live. She visited her country 4 times and she will visit and help her again. That's what she said.

Most the time the Khmer mothers are responsible to bring up the hcildren too not only Khmer Fathers. Some Khmer Fathers with foreign wives are fucking idiot then the children are below idiot.

I speak to my children Khmer and my wife learns Khmer and she dressed up Khmer to Pjum Ben with me and the children every year.

Anonymous said...

The Constitution of the United States of America says, "All men are created equal." Where did they get that truth from?... The Bible.

It's the corruption in men's hearts that says, "Not all men are equal."
God's ways is equal - but man's ways that is not equal. There is no superiority in any race, only a corrupt thinking.

Anonymous said...

12:24 AM,
You are fucking jealous with Khmers. What make you to believe that Khmers must have dark skin like Indian and Sri Langka?
Everyone is mixed because humans existed for million of years ago.
Some scientists said in the beginning the earth was one piece at Africa continent, don't you think we were African origin?

Khmers are the aborigines in South East Asia, some light and some dark, depends on where they live close or far from equitorial. In South Vietnam most people are Khmer decend just they don't know it. The dark skin are the people migrated from North India or Sri Langka.

Anonymous said...

12:32am, your children must be grateful to have parents like you. in my opinions, Solyanna is idealistic and passionate about the country her father came from--maybe she believes she can make a difference in someones' life. So far she represents Cambodia well. =:)

Anonymous said...

10:42 AM,

What is wrong with you? Bringing up dark and light skin.

Skin doesn't determine what kind of language you speak.

Anonymous said...

Will Solyanna be acting as a role model for khmer girls in the future generations?

I see plenty of girls who fit the description of Solyanna showing their type of passion for Cambodia yet it never materializes.

Anonymous said...

Sulyanna is among many Khmer girls at oversea who have compassion and help Cambodia. But we want to see Sulyanna represent Cambodia for Miss Universe. Hope Hun Sen agrees and if he worries about money we outside Cambodia around the world will raise money to help her to Miss Universe competition as long as Hun Sen lets Sulyanna represents Cambodia, because she is Khmer.
Do you know Miss Universe from Thailand born in California? Yes she was. Hun Sen should let Sulyanna compete Mss Universe. Since Thais looking down on us Khmers so much it is time for Hun Sen to do something about it. If Thais say oh Sulyanna born in France, but so what, Miss Thai universe was too born in California and so was Abhishit himself.

Anonymous said...

I love you Solyanna~

Anonymous said...

I do too, Solyanna. So proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Solyanna is more a chinese italian, short and white. As Scambodian women or society advance yuon skin as its model of beauty, Solyanna feeds Scambodian men needs or figure of beauty. Although she really tries to show that she is first of all cambodian by heart and that the most important over all.

Anonymous said...

What language will she be speaking, if Solyanna is to compete for Ms. Universe's title? It would be dead embarrasing, if she can only speak French.

Anonymous said...

she is an English major student. so, she can speak French, English, et peut-etre un petit peu Khmer?

Anonymous said...

That's good enough for her to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant. LOL.

Anonymous said...

You are speaking Jibberish! YOu make no sense at all!
Khmer beauty all the way!

Anonymous said...

Dear Solyanna Poeung, Miss Cambodia in France,

When I seen your pictur and listening to your voice you are very beautiful girl, I believing that if I am young I may go to France to ask mary with you, but bad luck I am so old and I am still like you as my own niece, any way good luck to all your family & safety in France and long life, from Cambodian Victim in Melbourne Australia

Anonymous said...

My mother is Cambodian and my father is white. He is a jewish. I look more white thank Khmer. I never consider myself as mixed! I am proud to say that I'm Cambodian. Thanks to Solyanna! Who knows? we will meet in Cambodia someday. I'm so excited cause this year my family and I will visit Cambodia.
mixed children, rule!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop bragging 9;23am.
Every damn creature been mixed with each other for million or billion years already and why are you claiming just you today?
Solyanna Peung is Khmer regardless where she was born, because she loves her Khmer root, and because her Khmer Father Mr. Peung is a dear good man. Unlike him there are bastard Khmers who claim themselves Chinese, and blamed on their own Khmers for everything. Don't those bastards know Pol Pot was also Khmer of Chinese or Mongolian descend?

Anonymous said...

Solyanna is very beautiful Khmer girl and very humble down to earth.
I almost cry to watch her speak and sing Khmer. We all love and proud of you Solyanna.

Anonymous said...

OH! very touchy! How do you know she's down to earth? Don't get me wrong, she's a beautiful girl, for sure. My question is, why do you want to work in Cambodia? to honor her root! she can do that in France. Sounds fishy!
9:23am, I support your comment! It's ok to be mixed and proud! I don't think this person is bragging at all!

Anonymous said...

You sounds so jealous with Miss Poeung, eh?
What is wrong if she wants to help her people in Cambodia?