Monday, April 12, 2010

FINAL WISH: A Central Iowa woman battling cancer is reunited with her Cambodian sisters


Anonymous said...

Dear all,

May somebody contact this cancer stricken lady.

She can try TURMERIC ( in Khmer Moeum Romeat) of her Cancer, and prolong her life.

Anonymous said...

I live by her I went to visit her couple of time she is very sick I feel helpless I'm very sorry to her family thank you KI Media for posting this new

Anonymous said...

Good luck with her and her family

Anonymous said...

I live in Iowa as well. I don't know her family, though. I'm really glad her sisters were able to come visit her. Thanks for posting, KI!

Sarah Kim Son said...

Hi everybody, I am Sarah Son, the daughter of Darlene Son and I just want to say that my momma is a strong women and a fighter. She's been battling this cancer for ten years now and I truly feel in my heart that she still has a lot of fight and determination in her. I just want everyone to know that we've been blessed by so many great people in our lives and that we're truly greatful and blessed to have them share memories with us. Everyone at Hospice of Central Iowa is wonderful and I'm so thankful for everyone of them. My momma is a wonderful mother, wife, friend and person. I just hope and pray that there will be one day be a cure for this disease and not have anyone suffer through these difficult times. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words. My family and I will channel your positive thoughts and prayers onto our momma <3 Thank you so much :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah

My heart is with you and understand your circumstances. Our Mother was not that lucky to survive for 10yrs. She fought for 2yrs. I believe somehow the determination alone is not enough to fight back this disease, a breakthrough in medical science is a must to cure it to save precious lives around the world.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Ki Media you are the heart and soul of the khmer people
thank and godbless